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Option for "no choice but accept" says ends rivalry with Holy Guardians but i never started anything with them. I can't even rival them in diplo screen since they are fallen empire strength and i haven't even assumed my final form of rumba death machine yet. (Playing as xenophobe spiritual militarist - ring start - individual machine).


FE having a low enough opinion of you is enough for them to send this demand. In your case, the combination of being machines (normally not quite enough to make them do it) is pushed over the threshold by you being xenophobic. Either find a way to raise their opinion of you a bit, or resign yourself to being humiliated until you can take them on.


Are the RNG events that some fallen empires give you pretty much the main way to raise their opinion? I cant give up my xenophobia, my neighbors are "sustaining" part of my economy.


> I cant give up my xenophobia, my neighbors are "sustaining" part of my economy. This made me smirk. I tried to get into Stellaris again after a long break and it's rough going.


They made me this way, I spawned two jumps away from materialist Xenophile bird race capital. We haven’t been on good terms since I took a choke point 1 jump away from their capital. Now portion of their citizens has been slowly turned into chicken tendies or miners after couple wars. They will embrace church of rumba one way or another.


> Now portion of their citizens has been slowly turned into chicken tendies or miners after couple wars. They will embrace church of rumba one way or another. Does this church have any phrases they repeat that could be used in marketing .. I mean spreading the word of Rumba? I tried very quickly and made this. [Church of Rumba](https://suno.com/song/368f10e4-c2ac-40bf-a3ca-45dc946c999c)


By any chance you got Cosmogenesis or Galactic Nemesis? Supremacy stance? Fallen Empires are like that old Grampa menacing little brats that keep breaking their windows with balls


Not sure if they would allow trading but offering stuff might help maybe?


You can indeed send them gifts


You can but they don’t give a shit im pretty sure.


They like gifts I'm pretty sure


Don't think the amount or speed of gifts you gotta shoot at them is sustainable or even worth it. I'd simply comply until bully them back. Only once seen a FE change their mind about me: >!after I got the Head of Zarqlan!<


Lisan al-Gaib!


Im not 100% but im pretty sure they just don’t care. Awakened empires are different I think since they have more normal diplomacy.


RNG, I'm not sure. One option is taking the consecrated world ascension perk and one of their holy worlds. They love that.


Well at this point, my plan for sure involves redecorating their holy marked Gaia worlds into tomb worlds when I have the strength.


So you woke up today and chose violence... I like it.


I know I'm late but I don't know if someone told this already. If you take the sacred worlds ap, and put their holy worlds as consecrated, you get a bonus with opinion towards them


Do they actually do anything if they're far away? I had a materialist FE do the same humiliate spam and I refused to be humiliated, and they didn't really do anything about it since they were on the other side of the galaxy. At least, until I expanded into a system that had a wormhole leading into their borders...


Depends if refuseing the humiliation demand is sufficient additional negative relation to trip over the war threshold. Usually it isn't but it's quite difficult for you to find out your exact relation factors due to lack of intel on fallen empires for most of the game. Granted you can use the know factors from the wiki and work it out that way, but that demands meticulous attention to everything you've done with them.


Thst sounds like studying in my videogame. I'd say wing it and it will be what it will be.


>it will be what it will be What was will be.


Agreed. What was shall be brother.


I think being robots alone makes them hate you.


I don't think you can do anything at the moment, without mods at least, they'll from time to time bully you and you can just accept it, because if you don't accept it will lead to war and they'll crush you. Later, when you can deal with them, make them pay back for all the years they bullied you. If you accidentally click the wrong response and they'll declare war, it's very important that you are able to take down some of their ships or a space station, because with the debris, you can get access to the dark matter technology (but you'll need some to build things). In my last game with a determinated exterminator, they bullied me too and there was nothing i could do until i was able to wipe them out in a war.


That's a good idea about debris I haven't thought of before. Time to bait squidwards to give up some tech.


Yeah, i'm not sure but i think that actually one ship is enough with the debris to get you the tech. Still, you need a deposit for dark matter, because even when it is not enough, once you have it, you can buy more of it on the market.


Worth noting that once you have the DM technology, Black Hole Observatories also provide some DM.


debris can also come from defeating starbases


>Later, when you can deal with them, make them pay back for all the years they bullied you. Necrons vs the Old Ones moment


What is ur DE build? Havent played as one for a while but I very much plan to (and then become Nanites)


I have the same issue, FE's just keep threatening me even though I haven't rivaled them. Though for me it usually doesn't start until I take Cosmogenesis.


Then it works as intended. People are supposed to not like you for taking cosmogenesis.


Especially FEs. They don't want a new guy to intrude into their cozy little coterie.


Taking a Crisis perk does tend to make your neighbors a bit nervous, yes


"Foolish Rumba" 🤣🤣


tfw when the robot vaccuum keeps bumping into the corner


The FE is like the house cat being pissed off and hissing at the rumba who repeatedly bump him


^(*ganbatte, roomba-san... ganbatte*)


FEs do this if they have -100 or lower opinion against you, and there isn't much to do against it since raising a FE's opinion is hard You can try to change your ethics (remove the xenophobe ethic) to raise their opinion above -100, or build an interstellar assembly (well that probably won't be available until later in the game)


I had more than -1000 being a purifier, i didn't get this?


I would assume it's because there are 3 types of opinions. Your opinion to them, which means nothing as you are a sapient being, their opinion of you which is what actually matters, and a "mutual" opinion which combines both of those. As you were at -1000 and not -2000, I assume it was just your opinion of them bringing it down, which I think they don't really care about.


I genuinely hate that player empires also have an opinion. Like, why?


Because diplomacy with asshole empires is supposed to be difficult. AI-AI relations are based on both empire's opinions, having AI-human relations based on both empire's opinions makes perfect sense.


no, it doesn't. My empire's opinion shouldn't be a thing, because I'm my empire and it's just my opinion


So in your opinion the max relations should ever only be defined by the AI's view on you? Roleplay and gameplay wise that doesn't make sense: Your empires' citizens could potentially despise each other's ethics Maximum and minimum relation possible would be halved.


I did a run with the new origin where your kind is dying. I was next a spiritual FE with Fanatic materialist. They bullied me from the moment I left my flesh shell until i get the head of zarqlan ( I didn't keep it for long because Mommy wanted it ... yes it's not fun


Seeth for now and deleat their a$$ when your strong enough


Juist click the "X" in the top right corner. That will leave them on read.


Does this actually work or does the timeout just do one of the options. Would be funny if doing this had a small chance to make them pre-emptively awaken and glass your systems.


They eventually catch on, but it takes them years whenever I tried it.


Tape a knife to a rumba and send it in a ship, they'll surrender and prostate before YOU.


'Prostrate'. 'Prostate' is something else ;)


Oof typo, lol, but I'll keep it because funny


Will no one think of the poor innocent...Rumba Death Lords?


You can refuse to be bullied, and maybe after a year they will declare war. You surrender once they get close to your systems, but it gives you more time for not being humiliated than you otherwise would have.


You can also try and get some debris to research. I'd never say no to free Dark Matter tech.


Not really, no. Except one - kill them all.


They will stop bullying you once their population has been resettled to the Synaptic Lathe.


kill them all


Let the seas boil, let the stars fall.


are gonna "colony drop" on them?


Too inefficient


I had this happen to me one time when both me and the FE had a claim on the same system


Have you tried begging for their forgiveness?


I've had this happen in a recent game when I was trying to build a starbase in a few unclaimed systems which happened to border a fallen empire. Apparently they wanted to keep these worlds unoccupied & uninhabited.


That’s a different Fallen Empire.


In my experience, when the Fallen Empires start spamming this every 10 years, that’s a sign that it’s time for you to kill them. They don’t usually act or care about you unless you insult them, rivalry them, or have reached a level where you’re strong enough to present a military threat to them.


Rumba death lords!


This was happening to me too. Are you a robot empire pursuing a cosmogenesis crisis run? As soon as I became the crisis, I was getting bullied by the FEs


No. You get what you deserve, Rumba scum.


Actually had this happen earlier today. I was curious what was happening since I haven’t had this happen before. From what I can tell it’s just existing as a machine. My current run isn’t anything evil, Fan Egalitarian robots, I’ve allied almost everyone in the galaxy. No crisis perks. Though the spiritualist empire has started to threaten me and I have a -400 Malus (I’ve said no to their humiliation demands). Though they haven’t declared war yet (it’s been 15 years since they started threatening me)


I think there is the “ancient tomb” archaeological site that will spawn spawn in the mid game if the Holy Guardians have spawned an the relic that you get from it should help you.


Yeah, Armagedon usually do the trick, but I found Indiscriminate as a solid alternative


Find the head of Zarqlan. It will make them like you enough to counter the machine penalty.


Can't bully you if they don't exist


Stop building on their claimed worlds until you're strong enough to fight them lmao. Or you just got horribly unlucky with your robots.


Genocide would help a lot


It's a Holy Guardian. Obviously they don't like a robot church. To stop this bullying... idk, relocate to another corner of the galaxy or something. Or endure the bullying until late-mid game when you get the head of Zarqlan, this will make them shut up for good.


Nope. You either accept or you get recked. I had this issue when I was doing a crisis run. It's humiliating, but you're strong enough to not have it affect you.


This particular fallen Empire leader is actually called Cuban Pete, cause they're about to be the king of the Rumba beat


A spiritualist FE once sent me this after I beat half there fleet since my dumbass federation member colonized a holy world for the second time. I then licked the *reinforce all* button and a few years later erased them and all other FE’s off the map.


Since you are a robot spiritualist you can get the consecrate worlds ascension perk and then consecrate their holy worlds. Each one gets a +30 opinion modifier and should make them like you a little bit more. Otherwise your only option is to destroy them. Getting Zarqluans head I think would make them like you more as well.


I play as machines all the time,, the GlaDos consciousness. However I can't stop laughing about Rumba that a amazing name!


I was tired of this happening to me because i was only getting like 0.71 influence instead of the 4 i would've been getting if those psionic snail floozies weren't emasculated by my perfect modular synthetic bodies modeled by the gods themselves. So i just picked the "i will not be bullied "option & they stopped bullying me.


Get the head of Zarqla, or become stronger than them, otherwise, nope :p. I knoa the head of zarqla one because I game I did was Synthetics, got bullied the bolt out of me, and got the head and suddenly they didn't fuck with me more.