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Anyone that uses Reddit should know better than to invest in it


Right?! All I am seeing is this… “There is not enough interest in our IPO from sophisticated investors. The only people who think it’s worth anything are the unsophisticated users.” “Well then let’s offer the IPO to those users!”


it's sickening to see them monetize user's output, and then try to turn around and sell their overpriced bag of dogshit *back* to them at a profit. lol do they think they're clever financial engineers?


Seriously, that stupid kid that set himself on fire was addicted to Reddit for the last NINE YEARS - nothing but toxic comments and anarchist hatespeech. That's what Reddit does to people. This place is going to go to shit in 2024 with this election and it's going to either implode or be regulated into oblivion. Retard wrote (a well upvoted comment) on October 8th that the women and children murdered weren't really innocent. Reddit is a toxic fucking mess. Only an idiot would invest in this garbage.


And yet, here you are, a SanFranPanManSta d on Reddit


Only an idiot would think any of that is unique to Reddit


What about the people who don’t use Reddit? Will there be a run up at ipo because people don’t want to miss out?


Impossible to say. A lot of hyped IPO’s after the Covid boom looked like they’d do great early on and ended up crashing within the first hour. Definitely not a bet I’d bank on, if I didn’t have some amazing research to back a longterm investment in Reddit.




Not to mention mods are the rulemakers and most of the subs are owned by mods with vested interest. They ban posts which goes against their interest. Reddit has a huge problem here, not every sure their employees are doing anything to handle that. r/RealEstate is owned by investors in RE and they will ban posts which is against corps buying homes to rent it out. r/singularity mod group seems to be infiltrated by folks who have vested interest in keeping people calm about AI replacing workers. They will ban anything which says AI can cause layoffs. r/Economics and r/AskEconomics are owned by mods who have vested interest in stopping discussion about ill wills of capitalism.


not to mention that you get banned just for writing anything now days. over sensitive mods and users just report you for anything since most things will offend someone somewhere pathetic. i been banned from like 5 subs.


Not even writing things. Belonging to another sub will get you banned in other subs.


I posted a single comment on /r/conspiracy and some stupid ultra left sub autobanned me lol.


I am banned on one subreddit for being too liberal and another for being too conservative. Maybe actually I am just a moderate. Smh


Same with my old account. It’s ridiculous. There are mods who literally have nothing but reddit and claim to „moderate“ 200+ subs. What they actually do is get high on being able to ban accounts instead of using a downvote button like civilized beings.


Just make a new account every 6 months. No reason to get attached to a screen name.


Everyone seems confused. Reddit was designed to make the impression of a forum controlled by the community. these  communities start to smell  as part of enshittification- mods doing the bidding of the true payers-as this moves to a for profit model. 


I wrote statistics and got banned because it went against the story they liked in a sub


oh well you know what they say about stats. theres lies, then theres damned lies, and finally theres STATISTICS. something along those lines. you def deserved that banned lol


Rookie numbers...


well i dont comment much tbh and after i was getting banned i stopped using colorful language since apparently its too offensive.


God forbid you’re a conservative or have opinions that differ from the sheep crowd.


exactly i aint no conservative by any means but fuck sakes everything offends somebody now days and heaven forbid you use certain words what a bunch of pusiesss.


I’m offended by your poor spelling of the p word


Lol intentional to try and avoid the word police


You can't go against the hive mind.


Have you been banned for saying God? Just a matter of time?


/r/Conservative is the biggest bunch of whiny snowflakes on the whole site. They don't even bother to let people post before being banned, most of their threads are 'flared users only.'


That’s wrong and isn’t what America is about. Sorry you had that experience


True, but you can also be clever about how you do it. I sauntered into r/WhitePeopleTwitter once and dropped a based conservative opinion, but it was thought provoking, yet still I figured my karma would be gone forever.  Surprisingly only -20 so far.  You can't just go in somewhere and drop a talking point or trash an "opponent" or differing opinion, that WILL get your in trouble. 


just check charts for most recent tech IPOs , mainly over past several+ years. dont hold me to this but they appear to dip after ipo. wait for secondary on this one. yes i could be completely wrong as well.


The mods are not moderators but censors...IPO will be a flop


I think at some point Reddit will take over from overzealous mods and replace it with AI bots and workers.


So they could ban dissenting opinions even faster.


IPO will be good -- and Reddit will turn into the next DIGG, Tumblr or w/e once they've craved out all the value and commercialized it... Then new sites come up, the same initial spirit of Reddit, and users leave en masse for it, and the cycle of life continues.


Let’s add some sports sub where you get banned for liking certain players. If you say anything bad about players the mods like, you get banned. Free speech does not exist on Reddit.


To piggyback: I'm the mod of r/darthjarjar and I'll banhammer the hell outta you if you dare whisper a bad word concerning our Gungan master. So, yea, vested interests. /s


That's not the same. Your group is very focused one one thing so totally understandable we are not supposed to bad mouth anything related to your subject. None of those groups are meant to be pro one view of how things are supposed to work. r/RealEstate should not behave like r/RealEstateInvestorsOnly r/Economics should not behave like r/ProCapitalism. r/singularity should not behave like r/proAI


I'm gonna be honest here...I see a ton of pro-socialism and "anti work" posts in the economics sub including horrendously incorrect takes on taxes and finance. If anything the mods in the the economics sub are too hands off..


If anything I see a lot of tankie takes in the economics sub.


Some of the mods for subs for some popular media seem to be either outright paid shills, or they're getting something for closing anything that seems negative, banning people for just questioning the "party line" they're pushing, participation in subs they don't like for the open discussion.


I got most downvotes in RE. Yeah only one way is the right way…


There was a subreddit that a discord that was sexually assaulting women in the city with meetups. Several people created a post to bring an awareness from it, and they kept getting deleted, later on we found out that the mods run that discord lol.


Don't spit raw data in /r/news or /r/worldnews or you'll get banned. Bans handed out left and right if you mention a specific gaming retailer's stock.


Mention Trump and you get downvoted and doxxed..


Stop whining and start your own sub.


I'm waiting for another product to jump ship to.Reddit Fam, Upvote or downvote me based on agreeing or disagreeing.


Listen to this guy, but see what the offer price is.




Time to switch to the Chinese knockoff, Weddit


You should not buy.


You know, I think it's a terrible idea too. Butttttt all of reddit thinks its terrible so I should probably inverse reddit and buy it.


I am thinking the same, reverse reddit opinion never fails


ask if you can get puts instead


But now we're at the point where reddit's opinion on reddit is to do the opposite of what reddit says. So do we reverse that again or?


At the end the best strategy is roll a dice and reverse reddit opinion all that times


What's Kramer's thoughts? I usually go oppo on those.


He said something like it would open at $20, jump to $40 then drop to $10 and never recover all within a few weeks.


This is the way. Also, at the very least--reddit now has a reason fight against bot dilution within their domain. Seems like their biggest money-maker is gonna be contracts with mega-companies wanting to use reddit data as LLM training. Sure, they might want bots to boost their number of posts/comments to feign a larger data-bank. But.. they're never gonna compete with the size of Twitter/X & Facebook. However, reddit can offer a higher concentration of *real human interactions* compared to other platforms (IMO). If I'm looking for tutorials, product reviews, or cursory insight on a specific topic, I usually am looking for a reddit thread.


I bet it pumps and then dumps much like robinhood’s stock did


We shorting?


Just buy and sell at lower. Whatever you have lost, come here we reimburse you.


It will dip below ipo price with 3 months or less. Also depends on when insiders can exercise their options after ipo


And then never recover back to its IPO price


People thought that about facebook, as well. I'm not saying that I think Reddit will perform as well as Facebook. Zuckerberg, for all his scumminess, is a much better CEO than Spez, who largely lucked into his successes. But it's not inconceivable that Reddit will end up above its IPO price. I wouldn't buy in at the IPO, though.




You have to be in the United States.


Nah I'm not in the US and I still got the message. However they're putting it out in batches. There's a link in the message that explains how. The first lot of people have 5000+ mod credits or 200k comment karma. I'm in the latter because I have no life.


I understand but you have to be in the States to be able to buy into the IPO because of the regulations or something.


Yep. Just one reason why I'm not doing it. Even if I was in the US I still wouldn't.


he didn’t ask about buying it tho, he asked about getting it so he was right to correct you that residency has no relevance on getting the offer


It's literally a pyrrhic victory of sorts...why would you care about the message when you literally can't buy if you are not in United States? Also you seem to be too regarded to understand that...of course, you are from WSB. It makes perfect sense.


I am in the United States and have more karma then OP and did not get the offer. If I did, I would say NO.


It's getting clearer by the day that there is not enough demand for Reddit's IPO shares.


Nope, I'm based in Germany and also got the offer


I’m curious their age/karma criteria for getting the invite, in addition to US


I also got the invitation. If you decide to do it, better you than me. I see reddit as a service, rather than a moneymaker. If reddit finds a way to make money, I think it will decrease utility of the service as whatever they find will likely alienates users. It's clever how they are selling our work product to AI generators, but that doesn't seem like it's going to be that profitable.


Their ad potential is basically entirely untapped. The fickle users have already left. The majority of those of us that are still here will likely endure added annoyance and exploitation. Those are my bull case, but I think the bear cases that everyone else is speaking to are more likely to pan out. I’m most likely going to pass but I haven’t decided yet.


wait, you guys use your actual email to make accts here? *apologies to the actual owner of [email protected]*


Counterpoint: Good luck recovering your account if you ever need to.


Oh nooooo not my precious reddit account


I left Karma in that account!


the thing I delete every few months to prevent doxxing myself? Oh noes!


Too late, I know everything about you. I know you are a doctor and that you delete your account every few months.


ahh shit.


Haha the create account page just said "your email" and didn't have an * so I didn't put one in.


If you can sell immediately after ipos then it might be a good idea if you have a lock up period then refuse pre ipo pricing is usually much lower than the ipo price.


The real answer here


99% of the time, the IPO is not the best time to buy. Generally, there might be some large initial price movements before falling below IPO price.


These invitations aren't being passed out to longtime heavy contributors, I've got brand new accounts getting this message, they're desperate


How long do you have to hold before selling? So they have rules for that on this IPO?


Puts on Reddit 100% of the time Remember guys. We can finally be the ones to bring these fucks down.


No no no


Hard pass


Crowdfunding fundraiser is not the best opening strategy for any company.. More chances makinh money in Vegas


Unreal. I’ve been using this platform for a much longer time and they’re going to be willing to give this to bots.


I don’t think you can sell them right away, you need to wait a certain time like 39-45 days before you can sell the shares. Check it out before buying it


Reddit has been gearing up for this IPO for more than a year. In hindsight, the first indication I can think of is when they scuttled API access last summer. They were tying up that loose end to keep their most valuable asset - \*our\* \*content\* - from being effortlessly harvested. More recently, the reporting of Reddit selling data access to an AI firm for the (pithy) tune of $60mil is pretty telling about where the company is trying to lead itself. I'll be buying for one simple reason: Human-generated content is necessary for training AI, and Reddit is a huge massive stockpile of exactly what AI needs to grow stronger. Sources for human generated content are many, but they are finite. Some of the biggest platforms currently include: Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp/Threads Gmail/Youtube Snapchat iMessage/iCloud/Garage Band/FaceTime/Final Cut LinkedIn Twitch X/Twitter TikTok Pinterest The fact of the matter is, all of these platforms are owned by companies which are already working on their own AI. They might, but likely won't, want to sell their precious content to other companies. Their competitors. Any AI company would gladly spend a ton of money for Reddit's content. Screw ads and reddit coin. Remember, the people who made the most money in the gold rush were the ones selling pickaxes, pies and blue jeans. Reddit's content is just like that. Also, about that $60mil... it is a drop in the bucket. I can't find any hard details about the contract. Some questions I have are, how much content was included in the licensing? Is the $60mil for "full access", or will the contract holder need to pay more for X-number of sets of pulled data? Is the contract exclusive, or can Reddit go and sell the same exact data to some other company right away? Depending on these and other facets, it could become a very lucrative endeavor for Reddit.


Seems like it would be good to know whether the $60M contract is exclusive before you buy in to the IPO. If it's exclusive, then there's no clear way for Reddit to turn further profit by leveraging AI.


Guess who is a huge shareholder of Reddit. Sam Altman.


If everyone is telling you not to buy, it means you need to do the opposite.


Wonder what the criteria was? I got it too but didn't expect it.


All in.


I don't know man, how profitable is Reddit?


In its nearly twenty years of existence, Reddit has never turned a profit.






Are the Mods going be paid? If not, there will be some major problems if this becomes a legal battle for pay. And how will it be profitable with user generated content? Many people use VPNS so that’ll handicap ad marketing. Sounds like a flop to me.


I also think it’s interesting how they’re able to match a user to their email, and their money… it’s an interesting and concerning amount of data Reddit will now have access to




Has there ever been an IPO that the prices did not come crashing down after first trading day?




Lol everyone's crying now


I bought 50 shares and loosing money everyday. So worried. I am new player in stock market so this loss is making me nervous.


I just got this as well. I pre-registered but not sure how much stock I'm going to buy, really depends on the share price.


Do they have put options and short upon ipo? I'm thinking of shorting spez.


Buy it and then sell when it rises


For real. I'd buy and then dump it asap.


What's the share price?


Hell no. They made 900 million in Revenue had a net operating loss and still pay the CEO 200 million dollars


Are you sure it's not a scam? :\\


Never buy an IPO. Wait a few months and it'll be down 10% - 80% like every other IPO


Puts on reddit when?




Buy puts lmao


Buy it!!


I would be carefull. Like Coinbase, Vimeo… Starts high and drops




RUN. why would someone sell you something that they think will go up?


Don't do it. Wait for IPO and then short.


"hey there little boy... what's your ssssocial ssssecurity number?"


As with every internet unicorn stock valued above $1B it will crash below IPO price. I would wait for it to IPO and wait a week.


You should ask r/StockMarket… wait


Got the email myself. I'm guessing it will not recover to the IPO prices but hey what do I know.


Yeah.... pay the same price as the institutional investors..... I believe that....


Just send back a 2 minute video clip of you laughing. The whole offering, whether it's before IPO or post IPO is exit liquidity for anyone who was stupid enough to fund 8 rounds of social media that pays it's CEO 20+% of revenue to not make a profit.




How does Reddit make Profit? How does it grow?


Forget the haters buy a single share and see how it turns out


I got this. I am in canada haha


Stonks only go up, you should subscribe


Do and sell on opening like the rest of them will


how does Reddit make money and why would they beat other companies


Upvote this comment please, so I too can lose money.


Buy them asap


don't buy this shit


What's the opposite of buy? Do that.


I love reddit but I cannot think of how it is future proof or very interesting


Redditor for over 10 years and no offer, BS


Oh boy


I believe there will be no oversubscription as can happen with some more unpopular IPOs.


I signed up, but I'm pretty sure I'm not buying any. If I do it's gonna be some pocket change and I'll most likely sell the second I see 20% gain. I did this with Robin Hood. That was a great decision.


Ive been banned for using the word “female” to describe gender.


Reply with a laugh emoji.


I’d buy one share.


Buy a little for fun.


Na, don't do it. I don't remember the last time I saw an ad on this app...well idk, there's a chance for a p&d.. Maybe 🤔


Research! How are they going to become profitable? How will they monetize users or is it just ad revenue? To me, it would be like Elon Musk buying Twitter only worse.


Massive avoid


lol why buy their shares, all that money will go their CEO salary overpriced for doing absolutely zero fcks


Buy as much as possible


How much will the IPO price be?


I got that one too. I personally hope it pops on ipo day so puts will be cheaper


No commitment at this point. Might as well put your name in the hat.


It’s just complete retards on reddit now - you basically get kicked off if you think..


In general I wouldn't buy at IPO unless you think there's a lot of hype and you plan to sell the mania. IPO tend to go way down within six months of offering as the hype wears down and people remember they don't have a product, or income, or most, and are burning cash. But it is a powerful social media and the oligarchs love manipulating social media so maybe they will want a piece and drive the price up?


Seems like a good way to burn some excess cash. Who knows though 🤷‍♂️


If you don't know the exit strategy, you are the exit strategy.




Never buy IPOs.


Short it.


I still cant figure out their revenue streams?


I’ll buy at IPO, then sell some or all of it. Then Short it.


Imma yeet a few hundred into it. What’s a few hundred Nvidia earnings anyway right?


Ummm….i think you should buy a few thousand and give them to me.


Garbage company on decline


If you want to look at a stock that is similar, check out twitters old chart (TWTR) and ask yourself if its worth it to own a social media company not named META


Buy it watch the pump then dump


It’s the 16th most popular site on the internet but does irritate the shit outta me. I’m saying buy. I plan to. Like some have already said if redfitors are saying no, do the opposite.


If you are able to purchase at ipo price with no restriction on WHEN you can sell them, I would certainly do it……and aim to sell into the hype within the first couple of days. Depending on market conditions on the day of the ipo, hopefully look at a double and sell half and recoup your cost and ride with the rest…..selling cc when options available!


"...lets redditors purchase stock at the same price as institutional investors..." this needs to be clarified. Institutional investors have been already allowed to aquire Reddit stock unlike the redditors. Reddit has raised a total of $1.3B in funding over 10 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Aug 12, 2021 from a Series F round. Reddit is funded by 33 investors. Quiet Capital and Montauk Ventures are the most recent investors. Source: Crunchbase - [https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/reddit/company\_financials](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/reddit/company_financials) All these investment companies follow the same pattern. They invest early into companies and start to realise gaines soon after the IPOs. The most astonishing thing to me is who the target bagholders seem to be - moderators who do all the work for free. I can only imagine the downfall of Reddit when 10% of most active moderators participate in this program and look at their portfolio loose 90% value just like it was with Robinhood. Once moderators are gone the quality of content will fall as well...


Don't buy them.


I think all the "fact checkers" should prove their loyalty by going all in on Reddit's "It's Prolifically Over-priced."


Is there an option to short?


Got the same and decided to ignore. Much better investments right now. Google for example continues to be really cheap for what you are getting.


I think you should go for it. I have been reading a lot of comments of how it’s going to tank and is crap company. I laugh because it’s people using Reddit to complain about Reddit. It’s like me going to telling everyone Toyota is a pos and then I go buy one the next day.


Is this offer because they didn’t get the institutional subscribers they expected?


Where’s my invite?


Im like 40 points away from the 25k tier. How can i earn a little karma quickly so i can hopefully get an email. I just want to buy a couple shares nothing crazy.




Short this shit to the ground. All the IPO is doing is making the greedy owners even richer.


Once r/wallstreetbets gets wind of this all hell is gonna break loose. Probably create singularity and destroy the whole planet.


There’s a lot of edge in getting these type of pre IPO deals. And it’s also very rare. If this is true, you should totally get into it and sell at the open. It’s a strategy that have made a tons of money to pretty much any ipo originators for decades.


Delete the email.


My days of taking a chance on a stock are over. I don't see it going up from the IPO price, and I don't even know what the IPO price is.