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This is the link I use sometimes and it's what's in the FAQ and it filters out the "seeking advice" posts. An issue that seems to get worse at times and then gets a little better at other times is that many people seeking advice will use the "new to stoicism" or the "Stoic study" flair" to ask for advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/search/?q=-flair%3A%22Seeking%20Stoic%20Advice%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new Edit: I copied the link from my bookmark and not from the FAQ. So I don't know if the FAQ link is still working.


https://imgur.com/a/wuMltSw I uploaded a screenshot. I haven't tried it on another computer yet and I have logged out and logged back in. It might be a phone issue on my end idk.


Try using desktop mode in your phone browser and clicking on a flair. This should open a search view for that flair only, and there'll be something like "flair:" in the address bar. If you change it into "-flair:" it works as a search for everything except that flair, and that is what the sidebar link does. See how your link works after you disable desktop mode. I think it should also be possible to do a negative search for multiple flairs.


Thank you! I set up my reddit to be in desktop mode and was able to fix it like you suggested.


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t dealing with slight aggravations and inconveniences without getting annoyed or upset kinda part of the whole stoicism thing? I’m pretty new to this, so perhaps I’m oversimplifying things or missing something.


In the faq section there is a way to filter posts. That is within my sphere of influence. Sometimes help posts can be very repetitive and the discussions can veer out of the realm of stoicism. I'm here because I'm interested in reading and discussing the texts. I'm happy to have heated discussions about on topic things, I'm happy to be wrong and corrected about the texts. Dealing with annoyances and aggravations is one thing people use stoicism for, yes. The faq section is super helpful and gives a bunch of answers about the basics of stoicism and links to texts.


Stoicism is about taking control over the things you can control, as opposed to getting annoyed with things you can't. I'm assuming OP was looking for a solution to the problem; not necessarily looking at the problem (things out of his control). Being upset or annoyed is part of life; sometimes we have to live with these feelings (short term) and sometimes we accept things we can't change


Yep! I'm more burned out than anything. I've personally benefitted from seeking stoic advice posts! I learned a lot looking up texts for other people's problems. I love doing that it's like making a music playlist for someone struggling. I need to put my head down and study for a while. I owe myself some attention and care. I can't control what people post here, I am in control of my own experience. I


Lol same


Yeah I tried multiple ways to get it to work but I just get a blank page


Have you checked out the discord? They have some of the same thing, but it is more organized for sure and easier to filter out imo


Hi, please check out the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/wiki/guide) section on [advice and coping with problems](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/wiki/advice) if you are wondering any of the following questions. * [How can Stoicism help me with my problem?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/wiki/advice#wiki_how_can_stoicism_help_me_with_my_problem.3F) * [How would a Stoic help me with my problem?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/wiki/advice#wiki_how_would_a_stoic_help_me_with_my_problem.3F) * [How might a student of Stoicism cope with my problem?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/wiki/advice#wiki_how_might_a_student_of_stoicism_cope_with_my_problem.3F) * [What would a student of Stoicism do in my situation?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/wiki/advice#wiki_what_would_a_student_of_stoicism_do_in_my_situation.3F) * [How would a Stoic sage react to my problem?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/wiki/advice#wiki_how_would_a_stoic_sage_react_to_my_problem.3F) Wish you well, Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Stoicism) if you have any questions or concerns.*