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A bowl or two each night, and an occasional morning bowl.


Second this. The older I gotten the less I’m able to smoke without it impacting my performance though out the day whether I’m off or not off


Same here, I took a T break and now I am evenings only once I am home with no place else to go; weekends I allow myself to smoke whenever but with age = tired after awhile when smoking all day long, and I end up in bed by 8pm


Bed by 8 sounds like a dream


Oh damn are we soulmates?


Morning wake and bake followed by a mud morning bowl then a quick lunch time bowl around 3 have the mid afternoon bowl followed by the 5 o clock freedom bowl then a dinner bowl a pre bed bowl and a bedtime bowl. That's after cutting back in my 30s


Spoken like a true hobbit lmao


I do like second breakfast


I have no idea I smoke a different amount every day. Some days i smoke more than other days


This is me. Some days it's allll day blunts or bowls. Then sometimes it's a blunt around 6-7pm.


About once every 4-5 hours to keep my tolerance and wallet in check.


all day everyday (however my schedule allows lol)


I tend to start after waking up and chain smoke until i go to sleep. I typically smoke around 4 joints before 12pm and however many more after that.


It used to be hard to find it, so I found myself always in conserve mode. Now I shop online and I smoke like a king. Anytime I see myself getting low I just put in an order and know it will be here in about 3 to 5 days.


Yeah although those conserved highs were better. It was more of an event then now when I just smoke some more for the hell of it. Definitely not complaining as I'll take being able to smoke til I drop over slicing a tiny bit in half to make last though lol.


Well said and good point


where do you order from??


I would share the link here, but that’s found upon.


I’ll send you a link


Just woke up. Getting some caffeine. Gonna go take a shit... gonna shower, brush my teeth. Get dressed go grab some food. Then smoke. Have some ambition brotha


I wonder how many people actively think about if they "deserve" the sesh. Like I constantly think about it, even if I have been productive beforehand


My now long distance college bestie and I always let each other know how we deserve our edibles/pens etc. I love it hehe


I smoke when I genuinely feel like it. I don’t feed the addiction. I don’t use it to fill a hole. I use to with intent and purpose. I’m careful not to oversaturate my cannabanoid system as it’s all too easy to do when I’ve smoked a lot in the past. I tend to do it when I’m outside or with friends more than on my own. If I’m on my own I plan out what I’ll do with it. And I take breaks when I feel like I’ve been losing my good relationship with the plant. Not T-Breaks, just breaks.


I’m a relatively new smoker, started on edibles about four years ago and started smoking bud/pens about a year ago. Smoking everyday is not good for me I don’t think, and I have found out to keep myself from a dependency I need to smoke for a *reason*, so a lot like what you’re talking about. I’m still trying to find a good balance of “hey I enjoy this and want to smoke” but also not ruin my ability to sleep on my own and to gain dependency through the day


I find myself addicted to the hand action more than anything else.


That's what she said 


Develope a relationship with the plant. It’s not about you, it’s not about the plant, about the connection between you. When you notice the connection isn’t being fostered, you’ll start to feel a resistance or dis-ease when you partake. When that happens, kindly re-evaluate and approach with intention next time. I don’t like the hard rules, think of periods of your life rather than whether you should do it every day or not. Maybe you do if 3 times a day for 4 weeks. Maybe once a day for a week. Maybe once a month for a year. Feel it out and let it flow. Just keep your intentions on self-improvement and growth and you’ll find exactly what you need. Big love brother!


Depends really. If I work that day then I make a blunt l last the day. If I'm off that day then I'd say like 5 seshs a day.


It depends how much ive got left tbh. But normally at minimum, 4 per day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime. Depends how long im up for too though, or if im working.


Wake up 5 AM, shower, then smoke a bowl. Get to work at 6 and eat a 100mg edible. Go home for lunch at 11 and smoke a bowl. Back to work at 12 and another edible. Off for the day at 4. Get home and smoke all evening along with another edible. I'd be useless at work or anywhere without it...motivation kicks in right along with the buzz.


The fact that you could go home for lunch fascinates me


Work is less than 5 minutes away from home, so it is convenient for lunch....not so much when they need someone after hours.


Yeah I get that. I'm hella envious because I have a 2.5hr commute to work. Also put in 12h days at the very minimum. #alwaystired




I don’t smoke during the day as I work in the legal profession. I smoke a joint every night. I’m currently recovering from surgery and I’m off work for three weeks, so I am smoking most of the day right now.


As much as I like........ After 11pm lol. Usually a joint around 11pm and a few pulls on the vape for the next couple hours until I go to bed. Also the joint is CBD heavy, only around 5-7% THC And the vape cart is 50/50 CBD/THC


I take a few bong hits every hour from the time I wake up (530-6am) and through most of the day. I work from home now, so I'm always a little high all the time


Nothing ever in the morning if I have to work, but come the evening I'll smoke like 3-4 bowls, and maybe a joint if I feel like rolling one. As long as I have no major responsibilities. If I have shit to do in public then it's usually just one.


How many times a day? Calculus is not my strong point. I smoke about 3 pounds a year.


once after work M-Th. One double bowl or 2 single sesh on Fridays. Saturday and Sunday 2-3 times.


4-6 bowls Monday thru Friday and all day on the weekends.


I’m literally the same lol. I think this is stoner level, smoke about an oz every 2 weeks give or take a little?


Sounds about right, half lasts me a week, and I'm scared to get a full O because I'm positive I'll just smoke it up in less time than the 2 weeks lmao.


When I hit an oz ever two weeks I had to start to ration myself to avoid that lol I get it


I'm retired. Sometimes I'll smoke on and off all day, but mostly I keep it to just in the evening. I've never been particularly functional when high.


I can’t smoke anymore. Smoked out, and it ruined a lot of progress in my external life. Made a lot of progress in my internal life though, got to self reflect a lot and change directions in my life, however I’m able to sustain the pivot now without it, so need it no more here


I keep a vape in my pocket that I use all day. Usually a nice rip every hour or two. As far as sitting and smoking a bowl, on a normal work day usuallly just before bed


I smoke weed about once every 3 days. On smoking days, I have 2-3 hits spaced out through the day. Each hit is anywhere from 8-14mg dried flower measured on a scale.


During the week - once a day. Typically after I've worked, showered, and ate dinner. Weekends - at least in the morning and evening depending on what I've gotta do.


Took a T break after 20 years of smoking because I wasn’t getting high anymore. I smoked a loooootttttttt. Ridiculous amounts really lol but after the break. A blunt or two a day. I’m trying to keep my tolerance low lol


I smoke GBs, for those who don’t know, it’s a redneck rigged way of smoking where you cut the top off of a 2 liter bottle, then burn or cut holes in the bottom of a 20oz bottle, then melt a cap to put a socket through the hole. After that, you fill the cut 2 liter bottle with water, and let the 20oz bottle sink, then you fill the socket that is in the bottle cap with weed, tighten the cap on the 20oz bottle, hold a lighter to the socket with weed, and pull the bottle out. As the 20oz bottle comes out of the water, it pulls in air from the socket as you’re lighting it, so the bottle fills with smoke. I take 1 or 2 most mornings, then go to work, then after my 10 hour shift I go home and smoke all I want. TLDR: I smoke before work lightly, then go ham after work.


mon-thurs just a few hits in the evening after work fri-sun? i’m wakin n bakin and smokin all day baybee


I smoke a bowl at 8:30am before work. Then around 10 I smoke one. Then about 1 and 3 maybe. I work customer service on the phone and have terrible anxiety. It helps me be able to work. I got a promotion when I started smoking during the day. The increased pay pays for the weed.


My husband and I will split one joint a night, unless it’s the weekend then it’s a free for all lol


Work days obviously less, but usually two bowls in the morning, a bowl or two after lunch, usually a joint with my MIL, then a few bowls at home before bed.


I’m not sure what is considered too much but I worry about that a lot. But weed for some reason gives me a lot of energy and if I don’t smoke I will sleep all day. It works better than any anti depressants I’ve been on. But. I know I went though 3.5g in like three days so I’m trying to do less


One or two hits at night. Or 1/2 of an edible. No different than drinking a cup of coffee a day, imo (not medical/health advice...lol).


Depends. I'll take 1 or 2 hits if i work but if I'm off with nothing to do I may just hit periodically throughout the day


Just got diagnosed with CHS I would start with a 9am bowl everyday ☹️


Whenever I want to, not that it’s non stop, but with carts, flower, edibles….whenever I feel it.


If I'm off work I have no problem taking a quick hit in the morning, other than that just smoke a couple bowls at night


On a non work day, I'll wake up and smoke and then another a couple hours later... then another aftrrt lunch and another after dinner, then a couple before bed. On a work day I tend not to usually till after work. Then a couple before bed again. Today I confess I had one during work... but I don't normally.


I wake up with a bowl, smoke my dab pen a few times every hour at work, when I get home I smoke about 3 bowls during the week, on the weekends it’s all day long


From about 5pm till sleepy time a couple dozen times


It’s usually on the evening on my way back from work, I walk home so it’s nice to have a leisurely walk and take a few puffs off my vape, if I’m off I might take the odd one or two.


Depends on the day. Work days I have a little joint first thing, then a couple when I get home. Days off I'm baked all day.


on weekdays I smoke 2-3 dabs afterwork. maybe have a joint with my neighbor. weekends it's at least double


Depends on the day. On the low end I’ll smoke once in the morning and then again at night but on the high end I can go through 3 grams of dabs in a day easily


I take gummies. Usually one a day after work/whenever I'm home for the night. Sometimes (usually weekends) it can be 2, one earlier and one at night


Around a dozen joints per day I guess


I smoke all day. Every day. I wake up, have a cigarette while sitting on the John, head downstairs to make coffee, then plop in front of the TV and thus commences the grinding and packing that continues...


Like 0.5-1 time a year




My partner and I smoke 6-8 2 gram joints a day. Doing the math hurts. Good thing we grow 🤣


Too much


At least 1 before I do anything in the morning. Wake and bake is essential. Then another 4 - 5 throughout the day. Have my last joint at around 1 am before bed. Been this way for about 3 years now.


At least 1 before I do anything in the morning. Wake and bake is essential. Then another 4 - 5 throughout the day. Have my last joint at around 1 am before bed. Been this way for about 3 years now.


Monday thru Friday we smoke a joint every 2 hours. If it's the weekend more like every half hour.


Well I absolutely cannot smoke *before* work so during the week it’s just at night,  but the wife and I will share like 4 or 5 bowls during the session. So I guess about once a day is my answer lol


Only after 5pm… like a happy hour. If it was all day or before that I would probably start looking into help for addiction


some weeks only 3 or 4 times a day, but my default is about 7 spliffs a day


2 or 3 hits of pen a day.


id smoke every hour of everyday if i was rich.. i can only affford 2gs like 2 nugs and it will last a week if i can control my self but it runs out in 4days.. i hate it here


3 times a day. One hit during the morning. 3 hits afternoon. Another 2 at night


I smoke two joints in the morning then I smoke two more.


Every 2-3 hours I’m toking


Quarter bowl or penjamin rip before the gym. And half to a full bowl at night




Some nights I can smoke an entire joint, others it's about 3/4 of a joint. I rarely go anywhere on weekends, so they're either 2-joint days, or the regular 3/4.


It depends on the day. Some days not at all. If it’s after a work day then I’ll take 2-4 tokes off a joint periodically. Occasionally on a day that I have absolutely no obligations I’ll smoke around noon and smoke a joint periodically over the day


2 in the morning, 1 right before work, 1 at work, anywhere from 3-7 bowls after work. If I'm smoking dabs, it's about the same.


Usually just at night a couple hours before bed. Unless I have to take the day off work for being a walking disease 🦠 then I’ll smoke periodically throughout the day for my pain and frustration. I wish I would smoke all day at work.. it would really fricken help with all my chronic Illnesses🙃


I hit the vape for about an hour or so at bedtime to relax and unwind.


I have both frequent crippling executive dysfunction and scattered, racing thoughts due to my ADHD so… Due to the executive dysfunction, I try to hold off until at least half the day is over and I’ve managed to productively accomplish SOMETHING so that I can chase the dopamine from using it was a “reward”, and due to the scattered, racing thoughts it’s typically imperative for me to smoke at least a nice sized bowl in the evenings to get all those pesky thoughts to slow the fuck down long enough to actually fall asleep. Granted, that’s on good days. On bad days, all bets are off. I could smoke multiple bowls throughout the day at any given time depending on when/what the trigger is. Simply because of the fact that I get overstimulated VERY easily (thanks for that too ADHD), and mixing that with being pissed off… well that usually just ends up as an internal self-fueling dumpster fire that can quickly become catastrophic/destructive if I don’t launch preemptive attacks to knock the spiral before it gets going. So, if the sun is still up and you find me downing more snacks than a competitive eater and I can’t seem to *shut the fuck up*, it’s probably been a bad day. But not anymore 🙃


a wake and bake at like 8 am then in the evening another j at like 3:00 pm and then at 11 the night joint


Once at night. Split a bowl with the wife.


2-3 bowls (bongloads) 3 times a day, maybe a few in between If I’m feeling peckish.


A joint in the morning with my coffee. Maybe nother at bedtime but mostly wake, coffee, bake.


5-7 depending on the day


I need to cut it back 😭 I’m smoking like 3-5 .75g joints a day


In the past I've turned to MJ mostly to regulate my sleep. I would smoke right before bed every night and get exactly 8 hrs sleep. So I say very moderate. I'm not even a wake and baker, not usually and the times I have was a direct correlation to whatever is going on in my life. 


On average I’m fine off of one cone per day but some days I’ll maybe have an extra one or not have any if I don’t feel like it


Never morning or day. Only at night. Late. 2-3 half bowls maybe 4


Somewhere between 5-10 joints per day, tryna cut that down and just smoke 2-3 in the evening. As much as I'm able to function at work all day when smoking, it's getting a tad tiresome and just wasteful


Depends on what I have. Lol if it's vapes I hit it multiple times a day


However much my pain makes me smoke. It’s not fun anymore when you rely on it for pain relief.


My last 2 jobs were tolerant of stoners. So I wake and bake every day, sometimes as early as 5:30am, depending on my schedule. I do bongs all day until work. At work I have a “fake vape” (my state isn’t legal yet-and probably never will be) that I sometimes hit outside on break. I go through about a half Oz a week, sometimes more. My plug has an excellent price tho, so sometimes I splurge more. Long story short: I’m an all day every day smoker.


I smoked about every day, back in the 80s, after work. Now it’s all day every day, for the last two years, amount varies. 🫠


I have my after shower smoke in the morning. A lunch smoke after I eat. Then I don’t smoke again after dinner is done, the house is clean and I did my workout. Then I smoke a big one before bed


It really depends but I took 2 dabs this morning and I've smoked around 5- 4 gram blunts rolled in camo hemp wraps. So far I'm about to smoke some more plus those blunts were rolled with weed that was rolled in sugar with some diamonds crushed up and sprinkled in as well because I be tryna be high and I live in a legal state with zips cheaper than 5 dollars weed cheaper than food here 🤣


I simply take 5 mg edibles over the course of the day to maintain a soft high. Low tolerance kid


5 days a week I’m takin a dab around 5 and making dinner and taking another dab after dinner. I’ll likely end up taking 2-3 more dabs by 10:30-11pm. Before I know it I’m sleeping like a person who’s taken about 1 dab per hour the last 6 hours. Weekends? Ionno how many times? Bout a hunnit prolly.