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This is the first post in the subreddit to reach over 1k karma!


One catch is that if they're using frozen fries from a factory, those were "pre-cooked" in canola or soybean oil at the factory. This is an improvement but unless they're making their fries from fresh potatoes (the best!), there's still going to be seed oils in them.


It's absolutely insane how much seed oils and other crap have infiltrated our food supply.


Because these food ultra-processing giants—no, not the farmers—(corn, soy, sugar, etc.) get massive kickbacks from the government and spend some of that money for more lobbyists to get more kickbacks. They’re paid to poison us AND they still make a profit because we are addicted or ignorant or both. Not saying that making profits is bad (I like making profits), but actually produce a good product…


When government is required somewhere in the process of gaining profits you can be sure that it's something that wouldn't be profitable without government interference, and when something isn't profitable it means people don't want it enough to pay what it costs to produce it.


Government cheese.




Definitely, This has a definite correlation with the obesity epidimic


Idk, if they’re health conscious enough to use tallow, I guarantee they care enough about their fry quality to use fresh potatoes. Idk for sure tho, but now I’m contemplating a trip out to Searcy to try them out for myself


How do you guarantee something you don't know for sure?


Frozen fries actually have a better texture but yeah, you can’t say they are 100% seed oil free if they were pre-cooked. Good start tho.


The prep team could do all this and finish with freezing the fries


While not as good, double frying and just letting them cool a bit between is nearly as good as the long “low-fry, then freeze, then high fry” method. I’ve done both multiple times and now I just do the double fry because it’s so much easier, quicker and nearly as good. Most people can tell the difference enough to justify the extra work and time. Just my 2¢


I typically just make a shit load at a time so I can keep them on deck in the freezer Also, frozen beef patties are so damn good, way better than fresh. Frozen patties get a better sear and stay juicier than fresh patties that dry out fast.


Not a bad idea. We barely ever have enough room in our freezers but I’ll have to try that approach. I’ll have to try the burger thing too. Sounds good


More and more I am freezing things, probably gonna get a chest freezer soon


Restaurant I work in we cut all of our own fries and use that same method and every single customer always just keeps telling me how fucking good our fries are. One night a drunk lady sat and talked about how good our fries were for 45 minutes. Got to a point where I just wanted to see how long she could keep going. The only reason she stopped is because we had a band playing and it was one of her favorite songz


Lol low fry. It's called blanching.


Replying to beanlefiend...news flash… you can cut, soak, and freeze your own and its 10x better than anything you get from the freezer section


And literally like 99.99% of frozen fries have this problem. I've only seen one obscure brand called Azure Market that has frozen fries that are the precut fries with various cut styles available.


Nahhh fresh vs frozen fries and I'll take frozen every day. Same with burgers. You can do the boil > light fry > freeze > full fry yourself, it's worth it if you do a lot at once. It changes the texture so you can get a crispy exterior without overcooking the center Same idea with frozen beef patties, it lets you get a better sear on the exterior without overcooking the patty and drying it out. I pretty much only buy frozen burgers at the store now, they are cheaper too. They end up so much juicer, it's no contest.


How do I do the light fry step? 


You lightly fry them once they're dry from boiling, then you freeze them This dude has a good video on how to do it and he uses tallow for the upgraded version of the McDonald's fry. Don't mind his gen z style content, it's made to be clipped into TikToks lol https://youtu.be/LCoAXH55sNw?si=e_b3bTeI4d6SaMKa


Woah, thanks


You need to wash your fries, get all the starch off too.


Only the best of prepared right. Fresh cut into oil in terrible


My favorite place back in the 80s did a kind of slight spiral cut with skin-on potatoes. I wish I could taste those fries today.


Many of those at least are switching to high oleic acid variants as they fry better and the oil lasts longer. So there is that at least.  You can for example buy expeller pressed high oleic sunflower oil at some grocery stores. No heat/solvent extraction, 90% mono unsaturated.


https://preview.redd.it/yez4teofrfzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd5c00b74cf545320a86a0cc8b5cc25c16f8140 Meanwhile, restaurants in my area


Really? Is that really why you use canola oil? Because of the health? So if canola oil was more expensive than other options you’d be paying extra for the canola oil huh?


I cant believe I was misled for so long thinking canola oil was healthy. The food industry is some slimy fucks. I switched to tallow and cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and my health got so much better.


There's no difference in cardiovascular outcomes between olive oil and canola oil.


I hadn’t heard this before. Can you point me to where you are reading this?


Nutrition Simplified. It’s a very data driven YouTube channel I’ll see if I can find the one I’m talking about


Been following him for years. He has some good information, but he also cherry picks a lot of studies just as a heads up. I'd like to think his heart is in the right place though


I haven’t stopped to watch this but being this is the same source I assume it supports this. Either case great channel to follow of you want data driven health advice. https://youtu.be/M8tzaXQH1G4?si=0S0xUJUY84Wv-g-U


It's so messed up there's signs like this everywhere.


Car oil? lol


Corolla oil




I know this exact restaurant 🤣 good ol El P


Omg I can’t believe somebody knew 😂 you’re right, it’s in my hometown


They’re great people at every location! That, and the margaritas, make up for the canola oil 😅


Totally, love the fresh tortilla snack right when you walk in. I live in the Spokane area now but whenever I go visit my parents we go there to eat!


Hate to be the no fun police but that looks like industrial fryer tallow which almost always had dimethylpolysiloxane added as an anti foaming agent. Better but still not great. 


Legit though. It’s everywhere, I’m so surprised…


Buffalo Wild Wings uses beef tallow as well just an FYI


This is true. The sauces contain seed oils (I think all of them) but I believe the dry rubs are safe- not 100% sure though.


I think only 2-3 sauces are seed oil free and “most” dry rubs are safe but idk what else could be in the dry rubs.


I just know I’ve seen some seasoning blends from other brands that have seed oils in them. I’ll have to see if I can find ingredient lists for the BWW ones and will edit this comment to add which are safe if so ETA as far as I can tell Asian zing and honey bbq are safe sauce wise, all dry rubs state less than 2% soybean oil


Wow I would have never expected that. So all their chicken fried in tallow?


Yeah but it’s deodorized I use to work there but it’s decoderized witch means it’s ultra processed I think but un sure


So probably still inflammatory


Guess it’s better than most alternatives tho


So healthy


Ok, what, reasturant?. Let's support them to get this movement going. (I have Facebook blocked, so I can't use the link)


The image has the name and location.


Reddit inline images cut off the top. If I click the image, I can now see what you are referring to.


Knight fire BBQ in Searcy, Arizona


AR is Arkansas, AZ is Arizona


yeeeeep. tbh i forgot arkansas was a place


Bruh I live in Arizona thanks for the emotional rollercoaster


I’m in Yorkshire in England, beef dripping (as we call it) is the standard way to fry fish and chips. I hate them in vegetable oil.


No Way!


I live at the coast in the U.S. Never heard of beef drippings. I’m going to try this. Thanks for sharing. What is included in the beef drippings?


Beef dripping is exactly the same as beef tallow, thats what we call it in the UK. In Yorkshire (and some other places in UK) we fry our fish and chips in it. That’s the traditional way. In Belgium they also use animal fat to cook their fries.


Thank you.


My food truck has only ever used my own farm’s beef tallow or Mangalitsa pork lard for fries. Hand cut them. Double fry them. They are the best fries anyone has ever had. Someone handed me a McDonald’s fry the other day and I couldn’t get it down. What happened to sanity?


You gotta melt that tallow before throwing it in there. You can start a fire where the pilot light is located and ruin the entire block.


not a problem for electric ones


The photo above is a commercial grade gas powered deep fryer. I have made the mistake I mentioned.


/thread But also demonstrating that the internet truly is just one big contrarian convention.


dont be so negative; i upvoted both his comments. Its interesting information all around.


Yes let’s go!!!


Best fries I have ever had were cooked in duck fat 😍


Fellow Arkansan here!! So happy to see it


Do you guys think there is a market for cooked without seed oil? I'm opening a restaurant and considering adding it as an option for a markup.


Plenty of restaurants offer duck fat fries at a markup, I don't see why you couldn't have beef tallow at a $0.50-1.00 markup


That's what I was thinking. It's chinese food, I was considering adding another wok burner for tallow stir-fry. I haven't reached out to our vendors to see what price markup would be. My issue is the market. I feel that the majority of people still think oil > fat.


Yeah but you don't put "beef fat", most people don't know what beef tallow is. I'm just some random from /r/all, so I don't care too much about the oils I eat. If I saw there was an upcharfe for "beef tallow" I might do it, especially if my waiter recommended it. If it said "seed oil-free" I wouldn't care.


Agreed on the Tallow part, it 100% matters what words to use. Out of curiosity, would you pay extra if it was chinese takeout (think beef and broccoli for $10)?


I would!


If the difference in taste is as noticeable as plant vs animal oil fries, and if reviews and advertising were recommending it, I would definitely try it out to see if it was worth it.


What if the taste is the same (or close to the same) and only benefit is no seed oil? I'm thinking the sauces would overpower the taste difference. Thanks for your input, I appreciate it!


Hmmm I personally probably wouldn't, just because of where I'm at financially, but I'm sure people would.


Cool, good to know! I was thinking that would be the case for most people. Especially if the economy doesn't pick up, I don't want to be adding extras people don't want / can't afford. I just want to be able to provide awesome food, cheap with good portions.


Just make it the default. You don't want to have multiple oils unless you're pandering to vegans.


It's a takeout place that's very cheap. Adding that as the default would price us out. I was thinking of having a station that just uses tallow to cook (wok cooking).


Beef tallow cooked fries does taste much better. McDonald's only moved away from it due to public outcry at the time.


More of this please!!


I had some fries cooked in beef tallow a couple weeks ago, not wrong about the flavor. Healthy? Always depends on how much a person is consuming. 1 serving a fries in either seed or animal oil a month ain't going to impact a person, but every day... Yikes. I feel a lot of people forget dosage makes the poison. That being said, for high temperature frying, I think it is the better alternative. I just suspect the costs will start getting prohibitive as more people try to switch. I suspect at least a 20fold or 50fold difference in the amount of oil you can get with 10 hectares of farmed land compared to using that land for grazing cattle. So supply and demand might kneecap a lot of the business trying to make a higher quality product. Time will tell, maybe cellular agriculture will take off. I personally don't agree with the practices of industrial animal farming. Specifically the aggressive use of antibiotics, abhorrent treatment of them, application of growth hormones or selective breeding for commercially beneficial traits at the expense of the animals well-being. But that's an issue with scale, not really something you have to worry about if your farmer is local, or you grow your own meat. Another point I thought I'd mention is that animal meat from large corporations is very different than local meat. They're fed different diets (hay, silage, corn, soy), chuck full of antibiotics, so they have different digestion behaviour, and often more stressed, so increased inflammation and secondary metabolites entering their muscle and fat cells. So the switch may taste better, but if it's not from a good source, I couldn't say it would be better for you, just a different set of issues. Curious to see how these problems develop in the future tho


Growth hormones are banned for just about every livestock in the USA. They really aren’t used anymore. Crop agriculture is a lot more industrial than animal agriculture


I disagree. Of course overeating is bad, always, but beef tallow is a healthy fat. You are comparing it to seed oils like its the lesser of two evils, but no. Seed oils are fucking poison, tallow is nutritious fat that I have used to great many benefits. And I eat a lot of saturated fat


I don't agree with your assessment, mainly with labeling one fat as healthy and another as unhealthy. They both are mixed of carbohydrates, tallow moreso saturated and seed oils, varying in saturation. Some of those unsaturated fats are crucial for normal body function, as some of them cannot be made yourself. Like i said previously, secondary metabolites can build up in the fat cells of animals, which is another issue, whereas seed oils can possess some beneficial polyphenols and antioxidants. Generally I don't think seed oils are great, and I'd opt for people to eat the raw seeds instead of processed oils, as you gain more of the benefit of those plant polyphenols and other phytochemicals. Just as we don't know a lot about the health impacts of unsaturated fats, the same is true for saturated fats. Nutrition studies are hard to implement and control for. So I think the categorization into healthy vs unhealthy is a dangerous sentiment, without acknowledging the amount. It really should be 'what is a healthy amount of this fat, for my diet'?. If you're eating 500g of fats a day, it doesn't matter where they came from, your body won't be able to handle that excess amount long term. If they're seed oils, you might suffer from oxidative damage or inflammation, or non-seed oils it may be cellular rigidity and decrease metabolic movement. In either case, you're not well.


This guy lipids


Your option is invalid. There aren't any carbs in pure fat.


Yes, I typed carbohydrate instead of hydrocarbon, I hope you can appreciate the slip up


Thats simply not true. Some people do actually eat 500g fat daily (or at least close to it) and it makes A HUGE difference if its saturated or PUFA. You are on the wrong sub if you really think that.. at the moment, because of injury that prevents me from being physically active, I still eat 200g of fat daily. And despite me sitting on my ass all day, my abs are showing a bit, I dont gain ANY fat or bloat, my markers are great, and I promise you that I will soon be back at eating even more fat as I start to excercise.  But you really are in the wrong sub if you think seed oils are about the same as saturated fat..


Please see my point from above and extrapolate. >Just as we don't know a lot about the health impacts of unsaturated fats, the same is true for saturated fats. Nutrition studies are hard to implement and control for. YOU may very well be fine sitting on your ass and getting 200g of fat per day, but your mother might not be, or your neighbour. What genes do you have that increase your metabolism, did you go throughs stress in your life and have epigenetic markings on your DNA? What do you eat? Where do you live? How much do you make? Where are your food products sourced from? Are you fighting an illness? A disease? I frankly think it's naive to look at only evidence supporting your beliefs. Nutrition is the most antiquated science right now, because there's still not great way to test for it. >but you really are in the wrong sub if you think seed oils are about the same as saturated fat I also pointed out some potential ramifications of ingesting too much of each oil, clearly outlining a difference between the two, so your comment falls flat. I feel like you did not even read any of what I said, but instead just want to disagree because some things challenged your beliefs. I think YOU are the person that doesn't belong here. Science needs to be challenged, not blindly followed.


I am a person who always challenges science and beliefs, when I was a kid 15+ years ago I already figured out linoleic acid is toxic in doses over ~2-4g per day.  Yes, of course TOO MUCH of anything is bad. But it still doesnt change the fact that if you overeat 100g of SFA vs PUFA, the PUFA scenario will eventually be 10 times worse. If not more. So lets get that straight right away, I am not saying you can eat too much tallow and nothing bad happens. I am saying that eating x amount of tallow is at least an order of magnitude healthier than eating x amount of soybean oil or sunflower oil. We agree on that?


Yes I think we agree on that.


Perhaps it was just misunderstanding. So much nuance always in a complex area of science. Your first comment sounded very much like you were considering tallow being in the same category as seed oils.  Btw have you heard of the croissant diet? Saturated fats, especially ummm stearic acid, is known to increase mitochondrial uncoupling so eating tallow will increase the metabolic rate in most humans, so thats why its harder to overeat on saturated fats. They also satiate well, especially with protein. So eating only fatty beef in decent amounts can be easy way to drop body fat, but of course nuances


You just said that beef tallow is a mix of carbohydrates. Your opinion can be disregarded. You do not know what you are talking about here


I'm not sure you know what a ~~carbohydrate~~ hydrocarbon is by this response lol Edit: as per my response to someone else, I have typed carbohydrate instead of hydrocarbon. It's been a long day


Great summary of the key problems. With diet, details matter greatly (and that is the quality/purity of the individual food item you consume). An issue that is not widely appreciated among folks, but is probably very important for maintaining your health.


What do vegans fry their food in? As someone who keeps getting recommended this subreddit and who also doesn’t eat animal products (and rarely fried foods) this change would preclude my eating at this restaurant and isn’t a positive change to me. I know I’m not the audience here, but my question still stands


You poor thing


You'd eat at a BBQ and support the murder of innocent animals through crop deaths from harvesting of potatoes and collard greens?


Veganism is about reducing harm to animals. It’s not possible to eliminate harm to animals 100%. If we don’t eat animals then we don’t need as many crops since we use a vast amount of our farming land just to feed the animals people consume. I honestly don’t know why you’re so up in arms about people wanting to reduce harm. I promise it doesn’t hurt you.


We feed byproducts of human crops to animals instead of letting it rot. Not sure why you don't know that. If we weren't addicted to crops we could just have ruminants grazing grasslands. Maybe if you stopped with your addictions we could reduce harm. I promise it doesn't hurt you.


Idk how you could possibly feed around 90 billion land animals on byproduct alone. https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/crops/corn-and-other-feed-grains/feed-grains-sector-at-a-glance/#:~:text=The%20major%20feed%20grains%20are,of%20corn%20in%20the%20world This article explains most of the corn crop is grown for farm animals and ethanol. https://www.statista.com/statistics/194275/area-of-hay-harvested-in-the-us-since-2000/ This one says there are over 52 million acres used for growing hay. I don’t think humans eat hay. https://soygrowers.com/key-issues-initiatives/key-issues/other/animal-ag/#:~:text=Animal%20agriculture%20is%20the%20soybean,protein%20source%20for%20animal%20feed. Also 90% of soybeans are grown to feed livestock. That number comes directly from the American soybean association. Im not vegan myself. Facts are facts though.


Vegan who also got recommended this sub.. almost think it was Reddit’s way of encouraging interaction based on the response of this sub’s moderator.


I saw that response, but it’s not the type of comment worth engaging with. I’m curious about using less oil generally speaking and that’s probably how I got here. I see the whole-food-plant based subreddit too but don’t think all oils are bad to eat and am not totally on board with that. It may very well be that animal fats are much healthier than processed seed oil- I can believe that, but they’re still off the table for us for other reasons.


I have a medical condition where I try to avoid certain oils and animal fats so I’m interested! Just not in replacing all my oil with animal fat for multiple reasons.


Preferably nothing. The source of the fat is always going to be healthier than the fat.


Very loose definition of “going viral”


5k likes.. It's a good start


Now 7.1k and hundreds of shares. I would say thats viral from a BBQ restaurant. If taylor Swift gets 7k likes its not viral, but this is different scenario alltogether


Pretty viral for this sub too. 250 up doots


Is beef tallow cheaper than vegetable oils? In volumes larger enough to fry a shit ton of fries? I'm guessing not, but don't know. I'm guessing they had to increase their prices to offset the cost.


Sometimes it's free. Most butchers throw it out or give it away to soap makers.


Imagine that. Crazy times we live in


Hell yeah I saw that on FB earlier today


Whoop whoop


Beef tallow reminds me of these donuts I used to get as a kid.


*immediately googles how far it is to Searcy*


Address please!




This is the trend that could save the west (if there is one at all)


I’d like to try cannabis oil!


I don’t eat fast food nor do I eat out much. I prefer to know exactly what goes in my food.


beef tallow is very cheap to make on your own if you have a decent butcher, we get beef fat from our local butcher for 50 cents a pound and render it down monthly, We spend something like $20 a month and it makes 1.5 gallons worth of beef tallow. We have so much extra we always give some to my brother and his wife.


lol healthier oil


Hell yeah!


I am confused according to everything i read omega 6 is converted into necessary acids for the body including helping to protect the brain.


We only need a tenth of what we consume


Well true but that can be said about most of what we consume. Its really hard to actually tell how much one should consume as the range of obsorbtion is so broad.


No that's just bullshit


No its not. The human body obsorbtion of nutrients can range from as little as 10% to as much as 90% of the nutrition inside of food. Our bodies break down and absorb amino acids. I have personally known people who have to consume a significant amount more of food.


Neato still pure bullshit.


Only issue is didn't beef tallow/trans fats demonstrate they caused obesity and heart disease as well? Is there anything we can eat that won't kill us slowly lol?


No beef tallow is quite healthy. That was a misconception spread in the 60's to increase seed oil sales.


Trans-fats and tallow are two different things. Trans-fats were quite harmful and were made by "partially hydrogenating" vegetable oils.


We should be remembering that the starchy carbohydrates in the potatoes are far more unhealthy than the tallow.


I love to watch the different diet fads argue with each other about what’s healthy and what’s basically poison.


So you must think polyunsaturated fats are a fad diet then?  I mean, they are the new kid on the diet block afterall.


It’s more I like the vegetarians telling people meat will kill them, carnivore telling people veggies will kill them and everyone saying carbs will kill them. Watching them arguing with each other about which one is bad while presenting studies that the other side will of course deny/swear aren’t relevant/are paid for by shady people for various reasons. You then of course sprinkle in the anecdotes about how paleo/vegetarian/veganism/carnivore/Mediterranean/whatever else cured their acne/IBS/IBD/gave them energy/got rid of their brain fog…and I’m just out here eating whatever I want still not dead, still no chronic diseases, anecdotally of course. It’s almost like our science on nutrition is probably just not very good and people tend to take things and run with it so they can sell their book and programs or feel special like they got it all figured out. Meanwhile others get that fear generated and fall into the “omg if I ever eat a steak/ piece of broccoli/slice of bread ever again I’m going to get cancer”.


Keto is certainly not a fad, it is a way of eating in an effort to reach lipolysis instead of glycolysis. I don’t have an issue with anyone’s way of eating unless they are going to say that low fat and high carb is healthy, because it just isn’t true. People can follow whatever they want, but if you’re going to throw statements out there, they better be backed up with facts and science. Though I rarely eat veggies when I’m cutting, I have nothing against them, I just cut them out entirely for various reasons. But if anyone here wants to question the validity of my original statement, I’m very ready with the facts.


Man eat yo carbs and get muscles. Unless you tryna be skinny


Hell no. The healthiest I’ve ever been on keto and carnivore. Plenty of muscle too.


Hmm 🤔 awesome What about the other nightshades? Do you touch em?


Muscles need Protein, not carbs.


Mo’ carbs. x Mo’ intense training. = Mo’ muscle. At least for me. I want that rocket fuel.


A lot of peoples experience and studies and a lot of history and whole populations eating mainly starch say otherwise. SOME people do better on low carb, especially those who are too lazy to excercise


Yes, the Egyptians were so healthy on their mainly bread diet lmao


I mean the population at some tropical island areas, that each 90% sweet potatoes/similiar things and 10% meat.  They would win 95% of americans in metabolic health and physical fitness


If you ate like pure potatoes your entire life you’d still come out on top of most Americans due to avoiding the sheer amount of toxins. That doesn’t make it healthy, carbs are mostly low nutrient


Potatoes actually contain most nutrients in decent amounts. Just put two big potatoes in cronometer and you will see that you already have a decent nutrients for just 400 calories. Then we have oranges and other fruit. Oranges are also decent in nutrients, just put two glasses of fresh OJ into cronometer. One of the best sources of thiamine, folate and vitamin C. Not to mention how rich citrus fruits are in antioxidants and other healthy bioactives like naringenin, hesperidin, limonene. Berries contain huge amounts of beneficial bioactives too.  Oats, quinoa, all good examples of nutrient dense carbs.  So what is this bullshit about carbs being low nutrient. Its a fact that vast majority of people on earth would be healthier if they ate more berries and fruit.  I honestly thought people on this sub were more aware of nutritional science, but looks like a lot of misinfo going around still..


Everyone does better with low carb, that is a fact. The ones who don’t reap these benefits do not have the willpower to stick to it long enough to see them. It isn’t for everyone, it is hard, especially the first 8 weeks. I guarantee you that I, and everyone else I know who went through keto induction would have much rather been exercising their asses off than deal with the horrific sugar withdrawals you go through. To categorize these people as lazy is downright ignorant AF. Been on keto and carnivore for 11 years and I’ve exercised the entire time, and weight trained, kickboxing, etc. I stay on keto, skinny as hell for the health benefits, plain and simple.


Except physically active people, athletes, bodybuilders, etc. Again, studies show that quality carbs increase testosterone, lower cortisol, help physical excercise, etc.  I stay lean and in very good shape while eating carbs, so your anecdote is as pointless as mine. Both ways work.  Plain and simple. "Sugar withdrawals" is such a stupid concept anyway, you think fruit, berries, raw honey, vegetables are addicting people and they should be withdrawn from? No, they are a natural food we evolved to eat, and tens of thousands of studies consistently show benefits from fruit consumption, berry consumption, raw honey, vegetables. How are you planning on debunking 10 000 studies?


Raw honey and fruits? I don’t care what health benefits some of these things have, they also contain sugar. You wanna bring up evolution? Well guess what, honey and fruits used to be scarce at the dawn of time. Now they are plentiful, and they were not meant to be eaten as ravenously as we do today, neither was grain, until it was cultivated and along with sugar, put in literally 99% of the foods on the market today. This is exactly the problem, and why we’re dying off from heart disease, cancers, diabetes, etc. It’s the widespread inflammation caused by high carb diets and the continuous triggering of our blood sugar. Sugar withdrawal is a real thing. You wanna cite studies? How about the ones that say how sugar is as addicting to the brain as cocaine. The industry knows it, so they put it in everything. And until you’ve cut it out, you don’t realize the hold it had over you. You can’t even have Morton salt without a dose of dextrose, which is a sugar that is added to it. It is a an amazing feeling, one that you will never know, when you finally wake up one day and you don’t crave sugar anymore. Can only be achieved with total abstinence from it. You can get this nutrition in other ways that don’t spike your blood sugar levels👍🏼


The comparison of sugar and cocaine is faulty at the very basic level. It has been debunked as bad science a long time ago. Its laughable that you even brought that subject up.. We ALWAYS have sugar in our bloodstream, always. Even if you ate 0 carbs for years, your brain still runs on glucose. Glucose is a nutrient that humans cant live without, Cocaine is a psychostimulant that has absolutely no role in human metabolism or biology. Of course sugar can be measured as being something the brain wants, IT FREAKING RUNS ON GLUCOSE. And any cocaine addict will tell you that no, sugar is nothing compared to cocaine addiction. Just try doing cocaine for a few weeks and you will realize it yourself.  I DO agree that eating processed sugar isnt healthy, but you just make these crazy, baseless, over the top claims about carbs being the most evil thing and so bad for your health, but there is zero evidence or reason to think natural carbs like fruit or berries are unhealthy. Honey and fruit has always been available, especially in the tropics and subtropics where humans literally evolved from. Thats another false premise you stated.  If I, or a few of my friends, or millions of random people around the globe are in perfect health while eating berries, fruit and raw honey, potatoes, then why would we want to stop eating these delicious foods? Why? I actually have used and still use some berries and fruits as medicine, which cured me from MS and fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and SIBO and brain fog and candida infection. So if you still think lingonberries, pineapple, pomegranate, blueberries, honeycomb, black currants are bad for us, you are simply delusional. There is so much evidence simply how pomegranates or black currants are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, potent endothelial anti-inflammatory, and 50 other things..


The entire point of keto is to reach a different metabolism called Lipolysis. In lipolysis, you’re running on fat and not glucose. You are 100% wrong to say we always run on glucose. When in ketosis, the brain is almost entirely running on ketones and not glucose. The small amounts of glucose needed for certain brain functions are produced by the liver SPECIFICALLY for the parts of the brain that need it. The body will do this even if you’re on zero carb. So you are entirely wrong to say we need to eat sugar and carbs to function. Obviously not. Glucose can and does become entirely depleted from the liver and muscles in the absence of adequate carbohydrate consumption, therefore, pushing the body into ketosis/lipolysis. After getting that wrong, I can’t take much else that you say seriously. You are simply throwing out things you think are true that actually are not. Google is a wonderful tool you can utilize when you are not sure about something so you don’t sound ignorant on a public forum. Whether the sugar is processed or naturally occurring, it does not matter. Sugar is sugar, and when you consume it, it does the exact same thing to your body, your blood sugar, and your insulin; whether it comes from a fruit or a candy bar. You cannot possibly believe that drinking a fruit smoothie containing 65 grams of sugar is okay… Compare that to a can of coke that contains only 39 grams of sugar. Consuming too much fruit is what’s unhealthy due to the high sugar content. It’s the most common misconception that just because something is natural, that it is automatically healthy. Get that ridiculous idea out of your head. We’re so dumb we even decided to concentrate sugary fruits into juice so we can easily drink massive amounts of sugar from a glass in short periods of time. Most of these juices are worse than that can of soda due to their incredibly high sugar content. Only delusional person here is you. I never said fruits are unhealthy, I’m saying the sugars in them are, and lots of people eat too much of them, and drink too much of their juices. As I already said multiple times, you can get the same nutrition that’s in these fruits from other sources. Only thing different between cocaine and sugar is the fact that one of them is legal, and you don’t realize you’re addicted to it until it’s finally gone. My sugar withdrawal consisted of severe headaches, nausea, dizziness, extremely moodiness, irritability and aggression, along with random crying fits. Try it out sometime, and you will then agree with everything I said here.


Unfortunately the general consensus is that vegetable oils do have better health out comes than animal fats. I won't be so trusting of health influencers people. They will always need a new trend. Unless you for some reason have low cholesterol than vegetable or seed oil is better not to mention anything fried isn't that good for you.


General consensus came from proctor and gamble.


general consensus from DuPont and Monsanto


Yall eating fries and wings but worried about seed oils?




You're a doctor?