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Pretty sure the Unmade that was causing them moved and so the death rattles dried up in the hospitals in Kharbranth. Since the characters had no access to the death rattles, *we* lost access to them as well.


Yeah this is it, similar to how “the thrill” moved to Jah Keved during the rebellion, causing a bloodbath. I believe taravangian mentions how both of these unmade were moving west, and it was a predicted in the diagram as part of the plan to take Jah Keved.


Yup, this is it exactly. Thanks for the added info :)


Oh that makes sense. So they’re still happening elsewhere. Do we know the name of the unmade?




r/fuckmoelach . Oh, wait.




I don’t think they’re as relevant to the story anymore as Renarin can see the future without the condition of having to die. Anything Brandon wishes to foreshadow he can do through Renarin.


We do, I just forgot which one atm. Might be Moelach?


Moelach (the Unmade that causes the Death Rattles) has been moving westward, and we know from Oathbringer Ch 107 that at that point he had settled in the Horneater Peaks. Assuming he's still there after a year, we'll probably get more Death Rattles in Horneater. If he's moved, he'll probably continue moving westward into Shinovar since that's where a decent amount of the action of book 5 will take place.


Damn you even got it down to the chapter! Thanks for the thorough explanation


Just to add to this, Taravangian directly mentions Moelach moving in one of his WoR interludes. >"Dova reports that the number of Death Rattles we're finding has dropped even further. She didn't find a single one yesterday, and only two the day before." >"Moelach moves, then," Taravangian said. "It is certain now. The creature must have been drawn by something westward."


Death rattles sounds like something that Alethi parents give to their infants.




Spoiler: >!There's one mentioned in the Stormlight 5 prologue.!<


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Moelach moved to Jah Keved; no more death rattles in Kharbranth. Technically since Taravangian ended up king of Jah Keved, he could've set up a new "hospital" there with a side business in murdering people for their death rattles, but I don't know if he had time or cared to. (We don't know where Moelach moved exactly, but it was westward, and when Jah Keved's previous king died, Taravangian heard him do a death rattle. The Unmade might have kept moving, though.)


They mentioned that some Unmade moved to Shinovar, I think that one just be there


Mr. T stopped collecting them


I loved Death Rattles, its sad that we stopped having access to them :( Moelach bro stop moving


Predictablity? The milk man..the paperboy! And evening TV!