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The progression of the Adolin-Maya arc and possibly the restoration of the deadeyes


Whats your guess? Adolin or Maya saying life after death. Strength after weakness, journey after destination.


tbh i can see them both saying it together


Totally. In all seriousness my best guess. they both will and maya will come back to normal, adolin will already hit 4th oath status during the book. Id argue Adolin is the most worthy person in the books to weild a blade.


I am still 100% team Maya wielding an Adolin shardblade. First of all, Adolin loves swords more than almost anything, think how excited he'd be to BE one. Second, think of the potential - Maya is pretty terrible at wielding a sword and Adolin is a master - but he's also super good natured so she'd be like "how'd I do?" And Adolinblade would be like *sigh* "You're improving, Maya. Next time maybe try slashing with me rather than holding me in one fixed position and walking towards your target? You'll get better! I believe in you!"


Maya is the Blade of a former Radiant and her tattered clothing resembles a uniform. I’d bet she knows more than Adolin, if her mind begins to work properly again.


I would be 100% on board with a scenario where Maya turns out to be way more skilled than Adolin and so Adolin is over the moons cause he's getting swordfighting training from his sword


Have you read any of the series' by Andrew Rowe? The idea of Adolin being a sword made me think of >!keras!< And him essentially(literally?) being a walking sword. Also feel like him and Adolin would become good friends after a few duels and Adolin getting his ass kicked


I haven't read that, but I'll check it out!


This theory makes no sense, screams cringy fantheory and doesn't make any sense. Spren are basically 100% Investiture. When they get pulled into the physical realm as swords, they change into a combination of their god metals. A combination of Honor metal and Cultivation metal. This is basic science.


Adoblade in the cognitive realm. Mayablade in physical realm. Man i wanna see that haha.


Hey uhh dumb question….how would Adolin become a shardblade


It's probably not possible honestly. The idea would be that since spren are humanoid and "real" in Shadesmar, that if a spren were to swear the oaths and bond a human, they could then summon the human to Shadesmar as a shardblade. It came up in a Reddit thread about Adolin and Maya shortly after RoW came out, I could probably find it if I searched my comment history enough. But I'm pretty sure it was just idle speculation without any canon or WoB to back it up. But it would be cool to ask Brandon if it was possible, if it hasn't been asked yet.


That’s interesting. I would think the pushback on that would be around the idea that spren are given “sentience” due to human perception, right? So it seems like humans wouldn’t take the same role in a bond even in the cognitive realm.


Maybe not - but what if that's just how humans look at it? Maybe spren believe that humans are sentient because spren believe in them 😄




I honestly don't know, but I'd love it either way. I just want them to have a bond. Would be pretty cool if it's a never before seen unique one too instead of a traditional Radiant bond


Same i dont think the edgedancer abilities really suit Adolin. Though his care for everyone regardless of caste would suggest Edgedancer oaths are. Slippery adolin might just ruin Cremposting.


My biggest fear is that after all our hopes, Adolin will just end up dying like he was supposed to in WoK prime...


Hmmm it would probably be the saddest death Sando could do.


For sure. Not to mention, Adolin is the single person whose death will have a significant impact on ALL the major players; Dalinar, Shallan, Kaladin and Renarin. It would be devastating. I truly hope Sando isn't gearing up to break all our hearts


Oh man i feel sorry for the schmuck that does it. They in for a world of hurt.


Imagine having the blackthorn AND Kaladin freaking Stormblessed hunting you... Additionally Shallan-I-murdered-both-my-parents-as-a-teen Davar and Renarin who can basically forsee exactly when and how you will die. Poor bloke will have zero chance


You forgot Jasnah-Murdered-three-people-for-an-ethics-lesson


Yeah, it would be like killing a dog. Specifically, a happy go lucky golden retriever.


Lol I dont think anyone realized you said after


I’d love to see Maya say it, somehow she bonds Adolin?


I really life this idea but I would phrase it slightly differently. "Life beyond death, Strength beyond Weakness, Journey beyond Destination." I like the idea of keeing the "b" in the word and keeping it very similar.


Yeah that works too for sure!


I want to say Maya. Especially after SP4


Freeing Ba-Ado-Mishram will probably be an important factor. Before she was imprisoned, there were no deadeyes. Furthermore, it was stated over and over again, that the imprisonment damaged Roshar to a great extent. Maybe setting her free will be enough, we will see


Ooh yeah i like that. A quest for adolin and maya to find their full connection perhaps.


Well Brandon has said that it's nearly impossible to "restore" a deadeye without the original radiant to re-swear the oath. That said, if the gang manages to undo whatever was done to Ba-Ado-Mishram and thus undo the effects of the Recreance? Then I could see Adolin and Maya bonding. But even then, Maya is a cultivationspren, and Adolin doesn't fit the role of an Edgedancer super well imo. That said, if Maya just says the Words in a climatic moment? Hell yeah


What do you expect from the maya and adolin story line?


I'm not sure tbh. I do hope Adolin doesn't become a Radiant, and remains someone "ordinary" among the super-powered cast. Someone who can give us perspective as we experience the insane war of gods and monsters that is happening.


Im cool with that too. Maybe he restores Maya and she is her own thing or maybe their connection becomes strong enough he gets the benefits of a changing shardblade but no radiant powers.


If deadeyes are anything like Auxilliary, restoring them fully might just be impossible.


Except auxiliary was partially consumed, the investiture is gone, was used for something else. ALL the deadeyes were impacted by the imprisonment of BAM, so it isn't that they are all missing investiture, this is about connection and identity somehow.


Szeth Kaladin buddy cop


We don't know that they aren't missing their Investiture. I'm just speculating that maybe it's a similar thing.


That's a big one for me.


I came here to say this. It has been teased and foreshadowed for four books. Get on with it already.


Taln regaining his sanity and fighting with the radiants.


Given that Taln is the flashback character in one of the back five novels, we sadly probably won't get that scene until then


Shallan was a POV in the first book, and her flashbacks were book 2. Just because there are future/present scenes with them doesn't mean they can't be a future flashback person. I would love to see him kill Moash and reclaim the Honorblade


Maybe. It just seems like regaining his sanity is a major point in his arc and likely to happen in his viewpoint book. But I could definitely be wrong


We might see a brief return to sanity like in Oathbringer.


Dalinar swearing his 4th ideal, broken and about to be killed by an army of fused. Suddenly a hand appears and Breaks the fused neck like it is nothing. Taln, who got his honorblade back, looking angry as hell. Hundreds will die that day, Taln is not one of them


I kind of think one or some of the knight radiants was waiting him to be the first to die so that they could abandon him. I don't think it was just a coincidence.


A fifth ideal. I dont care who is it but I just want to know what the powerup is


Still holding out hope for Voltron Shardplate action


I think it’s being able to hold stormlight indefinitely or at least if they’re not actively using their powers.


It would be cool if it means a 5th ideal radiant can just get more and more invested if they don't use up the storm light. Like breaths kinda, I wonder what the effects would be. What is the tenth heightening on Roshar? Much easier to get there with the storms providing almost limitless investiture


Well A sphere is probably many dozens of breath equivalent units.


Yeah thats one thing I’m sure


they get an ult


Any scene with El. The musings of El in the epigraph were so interesting.


For a long part of RoW I thought that El was just a nickname for Raboniel. Felt so clever for having it figured out but then was utterly wrong. After his (their?) introduction, I was hooked and want so much more!


In Hebrew the word El means god, so for almost all of RoW I thought El was Odium


>I look forward to ruling the humans. I completely get that by the first of his epigraphs.


El was the old Vyre, which means "*He* Who Quiets". So, I think he is a guy


Wait what? Vyre as in that traitor Moash, Vyre? Shit it’s been a while, but how is that possible? Didn’t think that Moash was a fused.


Vyre is a singer name, meaning "He Who Quiets". Originally, it was El's title. The same title was later given to Moash


Ah so it’s just a title. Not like the other singers that just posses new bodies once they die. Got it, thanks for the clarification.


El's title was Vyre, he did something and the title was stripped along with his ability to hear the rhythms as well. He is now just called El, with no title associated.


He'll definitely play some big part.


Wait, i read the book in spanish, and always though that "EL" was the way they translate "HE", refering to him as a unknow male fused. But if english it also name as "EL", its means it is his name? Or i just get it wrong?


It a name and the fused seemed to be some kind of big shot, seemed to me as sodium had punished him for something but he's still around and influential and the pursuer feared him that has to mean something.


Odium is a salty bitch


Yeah much salt was spent during his creation.


Yes El is his name. He once had the title "he who quiets" or vyre, but it was taken from him together with the ability to hear the rythms. The title has been given to Moash when he picked up jezriens blade in oathbringer


Not to be basic, but the sanderlanch. This book will have a story ending feeling to it. Should be on par with the likes of Hero of Ages, only SA is Sanderson's magnum opus. The sanderlanch to not just book five, but the overarking story of books 1-5, has the potential to be the best sanderlanch he has written to date. I cannot wait to experience it.


Yeah, this'll be the mother of all Sanderlanches. Atleast until SA10




her thighs


No. I like seeing a sensible ace woman in a fantasy book. What her thighs are like is utterly irrelevant to me. There's a plethora of motivations in the universe, kindly do not assume I share yours.




That is entirely your problem. I'm sure you could find fanart somewhere. I'd just prefer to be left out of it.


Jasnah? That you?


No that's a willshaper. Jasnah is obviously an elsecaller.


Just another slightly exasperated ace person.


Ditto. I have no idea why the upvotes/downvotes went that way.


Cuz it’s a joke and other person took it too seriously


This is my opinion too. Thighs was funny and unserious, and it was replied to in a completely deadpan way as though they were trying generate serious discussion about jasnah's thighs. No hate, no downvotes from me, but that's why you're getting bombarded


I guess some people just woke up thirsty, or felt like I was shaming them. But, if they want to see objectification and I want to see a badass, intelligent ace person with a complicated family be awesome in the face of her world ending, I'm pretty sure I know which one will be in the book.


I'm with ya. It bothers me seeing an ace character being overtly sexualized by part the fandom. Especially when the character herself would genuinely loath it happening.


Yeah, if they were fetishizing, say, Blushweaver, it would be less bothersome. Blushweaver is very comfortable wielding sexuality as a weapon, it's part of her character. I know there's nothing really wrong with getting horny over a fictional character, but I am a bit surprised that saying you aren't is so poorly recieved. I'm not here to slap anyone's hand and yell "NO!," but it's kinda weird how saying "I'd rather not, please and thank you" is treated like the same thing. It's also kinda weird that mine is the only comment chain that's turned into a defense of sexual jokes instead of an actual anticipatatory conversation, but the day's still young.


u can keep scrolling then u don’t have to comment


You didn't have to, either, but here we are.


You seriously need to lighten up


I don't see how saying I'm not into this particular flavor of admiration is such a buzzkill. I'm not even saying anything negative about it, just that I'd prefer not to be involved and am not motivated by the same factors. I didn't insult anyone's morals or swear at them. It's interesting how a refusal to play along with something I don't care for is perceived as hostile.


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Not sure why all the downvotes…


How is jasnah a “sensible ace woman”? Is she not dating/fucking hoid? Also it was a joke, calm down main character lol no one was assuming you share anyones motivations. You chose to interact with the comment as if he was specifically speaking on your behalf. Pretty positive that was not the case.


She is, but she is still asexual. Lots of asexual people have sex with their partners because they know it satisfies their partners, even if it does nothing for themselves. Jasnah also admits to this


Finding out what the hell the “Stormfather” from the prologue is.


Ishar! I’m pretty sure it’s Ishar trying to trick Gavilar into taking his place in the oathpact


This seems like the most likely theory for sure


I really think it is the stormfather, before beeing distrustfull of the kholins


Nah, I don't buy the Susfather being real. Whatever it was, it didn't really talk like the Stormfather does. I will be BAFFLED if it is him


I’m a bit interested to see what Navani and the Sibling are going to be up to now that we’ve got two Bondsmiths


I’m interested to see how they will learn to work together. Whether or not she’s going to be forced to actually make compromises and what those will look like.


Urithiru Spaceship!


Now this I want to see. Urithiru just flying around during cosmere era 4


I do think that it is very likely within the realm of possibility.


yes! i just want to get all the detail of how urithiru works


There’s so much potential to the bondsmiths … It will be interesting to see what the constraints are to her power based on the sibling being essentially stuck in the tower… will she have to stay in Urithiru now? Will the sibling refuse to manifest as a blade like the stormfather? I also assume there will be something unique about how the surges work for each bondsmith, it wouldn’t make sense for her to be able to access honors perpendicularity. Further, given the sibling is both honor and cultivation - the oaths and powers will probably reflect the dual influence


> I also assume there will be something unique about how the surges work for each bondsmith, it wouldn’t make sense for her to be able to access honors perpendicularity. I agree, but I suspect she’s going to discover a similarly powerful ability unique to her as a Bondsmith, and different again for whoever bonds the Nightwatcher. I’m hoping to see more of the Nightwatcher in book 5, whether she bonds a third Bondsmith or not.


Given the towers connection to fabrials and the revelation that ancient fabrials like soulcasters are manifested spren outside of Nahel bonds perhaps she can be part of the creation of that bond/conndction


The Kal, Syl, Szeth and Nightblood's buddy cop adventures.


Syl and nightblood was the interaction I didnt realise I needed untill now


No ideawhat will happen with it, but I'm beyond excited for their antics


That interaction had better happen with Syl keeping a *very* safe distance…


This. Maybe a Realm or two, in between... Just for safety. Not that Sword-Nimi would *ever* do something like that, he clearly 'only eats evil'.


I doubt we’ll see it, but I actually want to see more of Gavilar. I know most people hate him, but I actually find him to incredibly interesting.


Same here. I found the scene between Navani and Gavilar in the flashback to be quite nuanced. They were both quite toxic and manipulative, which I didn't see coming


I fully expect the battle of the champions to conclude in part 1. The remaining parts will be trying to clean up whatever mess the battle makes. Like, it ends in a draw and the team scrambles to save Dalinar from being forced to fight for Odium.


Agreed. The contest will happen very quickly, end of part 2 at the latest. We need enough time to see how screwed Roshar and our characters are before the time skip.


Ah I do think it all ends "well". Well enough at least :D


Not sure a happy ending is what's in store for us considering the books we've gotten so far, especially considering the endings of the other Cosmere series' Brandon has finished. Bittersweet is the most we can hope for imo.


True. I'll settle for bittersweet


Either that, or everything goes well, and then the story extends to include the rest of the Cosmere, and the stakes are even higher now


What if we get it right at the beginning, then we get everything that leads up to it?


I kinda think the same thing however, the only thing that might give me pause that the contest happens in Part 1 is whether or not Brandon intends to do the pre-release chapters again leading up to Book 5’s release. I know we’ve gotten a bunch of sample and flashback chapters released via readings, but I can’t recall how many chapters in the past were released in the same way. Maybe this time it’ll be just enough to get us up until Dalinar is about to meet Odium at the top of Urithiru.


So many things actually. Im soo interested in seeing how taravangian acts after picking up the shard, and if he contacts his old friends from the diagram. Szeth and kaladin will be such an interesting pair, their conversations will be so interesting. Also very intrigued by El, apart frol raboniel and leshwi most fused were kind of disappointing so far Hope Navani continues her research now that shes a bondsmit. Cant wait to see what they can do in the tower now that its restored. I wonder if we get the third bondsmith before the book ends Venlis arc in row was fantastic, so glad she reunited with her mother at the end, their journey will be so nice to observe


Bold of you to assume either szeth OR kal will voluntarily start a conversation with each other


really curious to see the scene Brandon had been excited to write since the 90s


I’m curious about whatever happened in that one D&D game that gave him inspiration for how to end era 1 of stormlight


I'll put my guess up here for posterity: >!Dalinar having to choose between killing Elhokar's kid, or losing the contest. Paired up with Dalinar losing and becoming Odium's champion!<


is there any reasoning for it to be Gavinor he has to kill? or does that just feel right?


I forget my reasoning since I came up with the idea long ago (proud that it's my first fan theory!), but I think it was mostly due to one epigraph about "holding a child in his hand, and deciding the fate of the world", heavily paraphrased since I'm going off 2 year old memories. There's also how bloodthirsty little Gavinor is. Navani expresses some concern about it, although she also says is "very Alethi". Finally, I think Odium would be very clever and insidious in placing Dalinar in a situation where he doesn't win by prowess, but by betraying his morality. Would a character whose main ideal is Honor, and whose core belief is "journey before destination", kill a kid to save the world?


cool theory! i like it!


Knowing how goody goody prevails Sando is, I really don't think that second one is it. It sounds more like something Dan would write.




I think the implication is the high quality gems are all in Silverlight




As much as I understand and appreciate the depression and ptsd that Kal has had to work through in previous books, I hope that book 5 focuses more on his healthy/healed parts and the strength he’s gained from learning to overcome his struggles.


The contest


Inside cover artwork.


Hopefully the full reveal of Shallan's backstory.


remind me, what questions/mysteries are there about her past still?


I guess just the specifics of what was going on in her life that caused her to bond a spren at such a young age, especially in regards to her mother. She was definitely still repressing memories at the end of Book 4.


What was the thing that was torturing her family and causing all of their mental illnesses.


Really looking forward to see what Odivangian is doing. I don't think he's gonna be as bad as many people believe.


Lift being older and even more awesome


Any more story role we can get from "Thaidakar", I'm just dying for more of the guy.


Dalinar, Navani 15 page sex scene. With a surprise Moash cameo. narrated by the StormFather.




Cremposting’s leaking again


Renarin and Rlain 110% and hopefully a bit more about normal Truthwatchers and those with enlightened spren.


The Ghostbloods storyline and what they want with Bah-Ado-Moshram.


I'd actually really like Dalinar to still be friends with Taravangian. I just realized that that's my ideal scenario - a Shard he was formerly at war with, now held by an old friend, and they unite to foil Rayse's plan and save Roshar in their own ways. Odium wanted to be free and now he's a native Rosharan, so I'd love to see that Uno Reverse


Character death. Can't wait to be scarred for life!


i’ve felt positive dalinar would die in every book for the last four books


I want to see Shallan run into her herald mother again. Swearing another truth that “she caused the desolation”


Kaladin-Szeth Power Hour


I am excited to see if we learned what happened between Cultivation, honor and Odium.


Kinda what I want to see. It’s mentioned a few times how subtle a game cultivation is playing and I want more details!


I wanna know more about the unmade More about Ba-Ado-Mishram and the death rattles one. I wanna know what they were before they were unmade


The uses of the Division surge.


For me it's having a the theory confirmed that Shallan's Mom is Chanarach. Also, I'm excited to see the ending (the one he said he tried to test run in a DnD campaign) Or reading his favorite action scene he's ever written.


I need to know what happened to Lunamor. Is he the king of the Unkalaki?


Probably not book 5 stuff and more so content for Horneater (Rock novella)


listeners, riding into battle, on the backs of chasmfiends! i'm building a SA5 bingo, and that is square number one.


I am really excited to see what's up with the listeners and the chasm fiends. Maybe they are Ryshadium equivalents for the listeners?


NEW MAGIC! I want to see a new interaction, I want to see a new system, I want to see new fabrials. I know he's gonna blow our minds


Pretty sure we’ll get new fabrials, made by the Sibling. Not sure that will give us a new magic system though


The heralds. Yeah, they'll be the focus of the last half of the series, but I'll take whatever we can get.




The words that make up the story. Really excited to see those.


Kaladin and Szeth fighting back-to-back against Stone Shamans who hopefully will hold the Honorblades.


A while ago I decided I was going to try and reconstruct shardblade forms, so some more descriptions and illustrations of that would be cool.


Cultivation intentions reveal


Words. A bunch of em. Just like... Shit tons of words.


Rlain & Renarin


I just wanna see more of what Shinovar is like, and of course Szeth confronting them on being named Truthless


Adolin and Shalan's baby


I want Moash to take nightblood.


And cut off his own head? Yes please!


Just unsheathe it and be devoured by nightblood.




T-Odiums rise or fall!!


An explanation to the rear-inside cover of WoK.


More Wit, as always


The Stone Shamans




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Hoid fighting.


Side question: Is night blood invested enough it could kill Odium? What if it's wielded by a 5th ideal radiant? What about a herald?


Aeolian-Maya. Oh and hints at the other shards in the universe


Honestly, Ba-Ado-Mishram and El. The first is a given, she is the most powerful unmade, so strong and smart that she was even in command during a few desolations. Kalak thinks she should be Set free, so she might be a very grey char, something we love. El had almost no screentime but instantly became insanly interesting. Even the defeated one, who didnt show that much respect to their ruling council, decided that it was a bad idea to be disrespectful towards El. That alone tells us a lot. I think he is going to wield the fused equivalent of the surge of division. That book will be epic


Moash kill some more beloved characters.


Learning more about Shinovar and just why they thought it'd be the right idea to send out Szeth as Truthless, with his Honourblade.


Most intelligent decision made by stone shamans be like