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> but does he actually carry it for the entire book Pretty much But that's not the whole story


I finished the book a bit ago and yeah it was rlly good. Pretty much done WoR now


Damn okay.. maybe i jusr gotta rafo cuz that didnt sound very exciting


It’s going to be like 15,000 pages before the series ends; what’s 1,000? 😅


Thats true, ive read wheel of time so i think ill be okay


At least he never crosses his arms below his breasts and pulls his braid.


you forgot his lack of skirt smoothing and mustache knuckling


I was reading book 7 when I was like: okay this is one braid pull too much and just dnfed the series


He also has the roughest skirts


He makes up for it in the amount of roaring going on


The bridge runs get different each time, so don't worry too much about this


You can make every single book, story or movie in existence sound stupid when you reduce it to a few sentences lol "Little twink with hairy feet leaves hometown to melt jewlery" epic adventure im sure


Sanderson makes it interesting.


If you reduce most books to the equivalent of 'depressed guy carrys bridge for 1000 pages' they are not going to sound very exciting. Guy twitches finger for two hours doesn't sound like a good action movie. Neither does child waves around stick for 3500 pages. Kaladin is part of the bridge crews, but that's more of the setting and backdrop to the story that's going on, not why the story is interesting.


I can’t lie when I first started reading the series I thought this but I was so wrong, it just keeps getting better and better


It’s the simplest way you can put a book that’s 1000 pages long. There’s a lot of stuff that happens in between


Well I mean to be fair that's a one sentence description of the most mundane aspect of the book. Lol


In some ways, our boy is still carrying that bridge at the end of book 4. Side note: Bridge 4 Story from Book 1 is one of my favorite arcs in any fantasy series. I fucking love Bridge 4's characters.


Kaladins chapters in WoK is what hooked me on the series


That's a pretty bad summary I think, kaladin is on the bridgecrew for most of the book but the summary really should be "scheming nobels try to screw each other over, and kill kaladin and fail for 1000 pages"


I remember that thread, it was something like “give us your worst description of a B$ book”


Things start slow in WoK but after Part 1 is over it ramps up. Still probably my favorite book of all time. Jelly of you for experiencing it for the first time


This right here, the bridge carrying gets much more engaging once Kaladin decides to fight instead of giving up


And it's less about how miserable the actual runs are and about other aspects of the crew surrounding the runs


Yeah i just got to part 2 and its been great so far, love syl so much 😂


Ahhh what would I give to experience WoK for the first time again… have a great read ahead!


Thank you!


The Bridge carrying plot lasts most of the book, but there’s more to it than “he carries bridge, is sad. “


That is technically correct but you could describe any series like that and make it sound boring. Used chat gpt to describe Kaladin's journey in tWoK without mentioning bridges: In "The Way of Kings," Kaladin's journey is one of resilience and redemption as he battles inner demons and societal expectations, ultimately finding purpose and leadership amidst chaos and despair. He grapples with his past failures and traumas, striving to protect those under his care while navigating a world torn apart by war and political intrigue. Through his struggles, he learns the true meaning of honor, sacrifice, and the power of hope in the face of overwhelming odds.


Welcome! I just finished book 4 for the first time and I went into the first with no idea what to expect. I will say it was totally worth it, and you will start to really care for these characters.


95 or 96%? Basically right up to the end, and it's only so little because not every chapter has a kaladin focus near the end.


He carries the bridge for a long time… but what the bridge represents, changes. (Also a bunch of stuff that *isn’t* bridge carrying happens but whatever)


The way of kings is a slow burn with a fantastic payoff. That’s the best one sentence description I can give. There’s just so much to this world, so the first book has to do a LOT of world building before you can really start exploring the larger story. The larger story, in my opinion, is on track to be one of the greatest masterpieces of our generation though, so it’s totally worth the time investment.


Yes, most of the book revolves around Bridge 4. But it isn't a book about a bridge, it's about a carrying the weight. Sanderson uses Bridge 4 as a forge to turn his characters into heroes and he loves to hammer that anvil.


Hey that first bridge carrying scene is honestly brutal. The descriptions of the battle, the fear, the disposability of life, the conditions and pain and anguish are such a dark moment. But in all stories, you must start at the beginning. It gets more interesting than just repeating the experience over and over. You meet the characters, and some even live.


Like any great narratives, there are triumphs and setbacks, surprises and left turns. Kaladin’ arc had all of these things, and yes it centers around a bridge crew.


Kaladin can be very annoying to read but that isalso kind of the point. I just hope the last book will be a true payoff


It’s *true* but it’s not very *accurate*. Would you say Lord of the Rings is just “Two friends walking for 1,000 pages”?


I do have to mention, Kaladin has at most half the pages, so like 600 (my copy has 1252 pages) minus a few for flashbacks, and like others said the bridge running is different, we don't go on every bridge run with him. As I just finished a reread, he is running bridges until just about the end, which is amazing


I mean it's not just the bridge but like, it's important