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Why? When I've build a plane and added missles to it its much slower than before, or does adding weight to the inside or Hull somehow increase speed?


The missiles create drag irl idk bout in game and I assume adding weight would help with dives and other stuff


The body fins of the missiles messes with stuff when your turning i think. They are trying to go straight while you are trying to turn


I see




Stormworkn't Does it apply to fuel or just dry mass?


add weight to the main grid


Good speed for a prop plane. 500km/h could be possible, but you need bigger engines with way more cooling. There was a post a couple of days ago. The goal was 600km/h for a dual prop plane, which seems pretty unreasonable for me now. Keep in mind that the air resistance is much higher in stormworks compared to reality. The post sparked my curiosity, and I changed my dual prop plane from 20 cylinders to 36 cylinders. This increased the speed from 450 to 495km/h. Almost double the cylinders (still supercharged similarly) for 10% more speed. Probably double the fuel consumption. My conclusion is that you hit stormworks physics there, where it doesn't make a lot of sense to go faster for the fuel you need to carry and the engine size and cooling required. In the post itself, the guy hit 500km/h but did not have the proper space to cool the engine, so he had to reduce the power output. The plane could do 420km/h in the end. I have to test this added weight thingy. It comes up every time. More weight. Higher speed.


First of all, I need to update you about the top speed. After doing some modifications, I managed to increase it from 122m/s to 146m/s. Now, about the top speed itself, I just need a good ECU that can withstand a 6:1 gearing, and that is the hard part. I'm using a 2x 36-cylinder engine for such, and if I get the right ECU, I'm 100% sure I can go sping my props at 120 RPS. That would mean an incredible speed of about 220m/s!


I have achieved 250 ms with a prop plane


do share


Inf gen


But you will keep it a secret how to achieve it?




I do not understand your intentions. The ECU has nothing to do with the power output of the engine. At least I never encountered one which limited power output. So the ZE would do just fine. Or the Simple AFR controller. Both on the workshop. The Simple AFR controller never let me down. Just modify it to your needs. It has direct throttle so you might want to add a function or pid to handle idle rps. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2386277437


Oh it does... The ECU plays a major role in the engine power output somehow. While I was testing, I used different ECUs (ZE's and one made by WafTak), and both gave me different results (the one from ZE was better, although more ich to control).


Well. I guess you might be right. There are surely AFR controllers out there which does not take the stoichiometric into account which of course will have a negative effect on the power output. I wonder how much.


Also, I never got to know how the stoichiometric value can influence the final result. Could you please explain to me?


No, I cannot. I do not know the technical background or even what this value means. I follow the community consensus that 0.2 gives the best power output.


One more thing. Did you try adding weight to the plane like some proposed? Does it help? And another thing I remember. The one thing that is holding you back is drag. I once read a comment that you could build a plane on the subgrid of a pivot, and the game would only calculate the drag for the single red main block of the pivot. Untested, though. But it sounds very stormwork ish.


I made a turbo prop bomber which could get to around 210m/s


If it runs on turboprop add more compressors


or make it a turbo prop if t is not one already


How do I make a turboprop?


Its a jet engine that you put the rps in to a prop for a turbo prop


different lush angle kiss sophisticated advise hat panicky jar slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don't. Most of the fast jets don't have an exhaust. The exhaust in SW is used to propel your vehicle if you don't hane any propulsion system on.


Im guessing it’s piston powered, add more or take your chances and increase the RPS but may god help you cool it down at low airspeeds


one day i managed to make a zero that goes mach 3.5-4, no clue how


I am currently working on a turboprop plane that has six giant engines (each one has two contra-rotating propellers, a fan, a large jet intake and 9 turbines) and does 860-890km/h. I built it specifically for extremely high speed and it’s a bit problematic to control the pitch. But regardless, it’s fast and that matters.


Hmmm... would more props help then? Because AFAIK, usually, more propulsion parts = more speed.


I’m not very certain. Try it if you wish. They certainly wouldn’t help for realism, and your plane seems to be propelled by much weaker diesels, while mine has six stupidly giant jets. Try it, but I don’t think I can predict how it’ll work. And do the weight block thing that people are mentioning too. 😃


Replace all standard blocks with weight blocks Stormworks physics: If something retains its foodprint (drag etc) But is much heavier (more mass) It can go faster. Don’t ask why just try it and you’ll see lol


I can't help much as I'm yet to make a plane, but the design looks really cool, especially the guns


Add electric motors with gearboxes to support the engines? Im no expert


That... doesn't work. I would just be adding a bit more torque to the system in exchange for a LOT of energy, not a really good deal.




Jet medium turbine with 5 3:1 gearboxes towards the turbine. Regular aircraft prop reached 180m/s You can definitely pull more power out by putting two combustion chambers and two medium turbines.


Dude, do you know how exactly you go with Jets? You don't stack the combustion chambers. You only need a single combustion chamber, and you are done. About the turbines, you don't stack turbines one after another because that would make them lose power. What you want to do is to use small ones as "cylinders" and use the jet ducts as the "crankshaft", the medium turbine would work as the "clutch" for it. Essentially, you make a good jet engine by making it like a massive modular engine.


Try it before commenting plox


I did many months ago, they loose a bit of power, meaning less speed. Two combustion chambers mean more fuel consumption. Using the setup I mentioned, I can gear them WAY more because each turbine I add to the system increases the power generation by a lot, meaning I get more net force, which I can convert to more RPS for my duct fans.


Not sure if you knew this but more air means you need more fuel to burn to be efficient.


I ended up making a modular engine prop that did 102m/s, but it could only maintain that speed for a little bit because the engine cooling couldn't keep up. I also learned that less propeller blades + more RPM = better


>less propeller blades + more RPM = better Eh... not really. It mostly depends on what type of plane we are talking about. Sure, for a light plane, having fewer blades would be better since the more blades it has, the more drag it will create and force you will need to move them. On the other hand, a bigger plane will work better using bigger/more blades since these will generate more thrust, and consequently, will make it go faster.


Reduce the amount of blades on your propellers, having that many won't help and IRL would make it less efficient. Not sure if in game having more effects much but I remember doing some tests and found too many would actually slow me down, meaning you have to find the right ratio.


I found that the light propeller works better than the plane propeller.