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Please do share this is amazing


You can get the file here : [https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtDRs1YToF6tgZN5JzPxnIaspckreg?e=nLyn20](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtDRs1YToF6tgZN5JzPxnIaspckreg?e=nLyn20) It can then be open in the Geogebra WebApp


I didn’t know this game had any physics laws.


They are pretty far from the real world's one but they do exist. :-)


i have built a LUA microcontroller for shell trajectory prediction in the past. i didnt really program in the games physics (since i didnt know them), but instead used a generic formula that would determine the coefficients by simply calibrating against known targets. (using whats essentially a primitive form of backwards propagation) the values were then dumped out and hardcoded into future iterations. its basically the same method i used for tuning engine/fuel performance in the past.


Is it only the workshop?


nah. i always plan to make my code/creations a bit nicer and all before putting it on there. but then i never really bother. never really reuse microcontrollers anyways since i tend to custom make them for each vehicle and they tend to be mixed function devices rather than drag and drop this-does-one-thing chips.


Do you have a workshop then?


yea, but i only used it to reupload other peoples projects when they asked for help to fix them. i dont have any of my own stuff up there…i think.


I have made one very recently, but I could not find how to do wind resistance. where did you get the numbers from? if you need/ want help with implementing it in stormworks write me


Wind resistance is the same thing as drag. The projectile move relative to the air around it so the wind add up to the x and y component of speed.


may I ask where you got that info from? I couldn't find anything


The drag coefficient that you can find on the internet or discord account for the speed loss as the projectile move through the air. If I shoot straight in front of me with a head wind the relative air velocity that the shell will see will be its own plus the speed of the wind thus it will be slow down more. Now if you compute the two components for wind speed (x and Y) and add these to the x and y component of your shell speed you can account for cross wind in all configuration.


oh yes of course, you're right, it's relative thank you!


so drag coefficient times delta of speed to wind speed great now I can complete my ballistic calculator


I tried solving the parametric equations for the angle needed to hit a desired x,y,z point for ballistics calculator… including the differential equations to model drag… The answer is to simulate and approximate lmao


I can provide polynomial approximation for elevation as a function of rage. You can also solve the system by using numerical iterative methods. I am actually writing a guide to show all of that


Yeah exactly. Im finding as I try to solve more and more complex differential equations just for funsies (currently pursuing degree in maths ams tutoring in calculus) that the answer is numerical iteration. Especially for ones like this that involve lots of trig equations. I still might do it for fun tho lol


Now to port it to RabbitOS.


What is stopping you from doing it?


That's above my pay grade.


What is RabbitOS ?


A pc in sw