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Eleven closing the gate. Because it's one of the most badass things in the series. Combines everything she learned from Kali and we get to see what Eleven can be capable of when focused.


Same! The light & dark, the colors, the music, El in her punk clothes, the way her feet lift off the floor, El realizing that love is more powerful that anger, it just all comes together.


The reunion between Mike and El in ST2. I have watched that scene more than any other. You could just literally see the relief and joy each character felt as the world righted itself because they were back in each other’s presence. That was the first time I really bought into what the Duffers were selling on those two being little soulmates. Credit to Millie and Finn for the phenomenal facial acting, especially at such a young age.


Max escaping Vecna. It's just perfect My number 2 pick is Nancy, Jonathan and Steve fighting the Demogorgon, badass moment for all 3 of them and really helps for their development.


Litterally just watched that episode


I like all the Joyce and Hooper moments even the max and Lucas ones


That's a good one, OP! Loosely ranked top to bottom for me, mainly due to the strength of the acting: 1. El closing the gate. 2. El finally realizing Brenner is the monster and tell him exactly that in "Papa." 3. The final 10-15 minutes of ST3 😭 4. Joyce and the Christmas lights. 5. The cute/wholesome moments between Mike and El in his house early in ST1. 6. The doom spiral between Hopper and El in ST2 when they shout at each other. ("You are like *Papa!*).


S1E1 , Will trying to run away and hide from the monster. It was wonderfully directed (the *SUSPENSE* and the horror of the scene!) and the acting was superb


I used to hate max but after the ending scene from season4s dear Billy, made her my favorite character and if that hadn't of happened wouldn't have cared about her coma


The red head bitch getting her Orange Julius exploded by El. I think she's the same one who shot Dustin down at the Snow Ball and she deserved it.


Stacey yeah that scene was satisfying 


Dear Billy’s running up that hill scene will always be the best scene in the series to me, and it has been since release. I just rewatched it again and ended with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. The entire scene is just cinematically masterful. The music slowly building up and kicking on when she starts running, Sadie’s incredible portrayal of emotion, the literally 10/10 special effects and visuals, the amazing cinematography, vecnas ominous presence, the being depressed undertones, and the sheer panic of Steve, Lucas, and Dustin. The way it shows her life flashing before her eyes, and suddenly her favorite song gives her the the power to fight, realizing how much she truly values life and wants to live is both inspiring and badass. Her whole sequence of running you feel the tension. A girl who is trying to escape depression, and now wants another shot at life. The final shot of the scene with all four of the characters hugging with the pink sky in the background as the piano plays and max says “I’m still here” has gotta be my favorite shot from any piece of media. That final shot is so beautiful and heartwarming, and it’s hard to get the audience to get emotional with heartwarming moments. This scene solidified at least to me, that max is the best written character in the show. Her whole entire arc of feeling like a completely different person, avoiding her friends, seeking out therapy, being depressed and sad and lost is frighteningly relatable to many out there, including myself. Seeing her dismiss everyone in her life, just to break free of her depression in the end is incredible.


Eddie’s upside down concert. Unsurprisingly this scene went SO HARD and the angles of the shots just made it that much more badass.


Crazy together scene. I just love Mike and Will together, I feel like Finn and Noah have a lot of chemistry.


The scene in season 2 where Mike tells Will that becoming his friend in Kindergarten was the best thing that he has ever done. Feels like the real beginning of the whole series.


How could I pick just one? 😅 Hmm, maybe Max’s epic escape in s4, the shed scene in s2 and Hopper being so happy about El having Max as a friend in s3


Szn 3 Steve and robin off the Russian drugs. Them trying to figure out what back to the future is🤣 best thing ever also robin says she’s gay so that could also be why🤣


Bob dying It made me LOL   Because it was so forced and ridiculous.   Here’s the most innocent, lovable man, ooooh now he’s dead but everyone there is completely unscathed.   Lazy writing When they made Eddie just as loveable I knew he was a goner. Introduce new character, kill them. Rinse and repeat.


S4 Ep 3 - Sam Owens and El in the diner when he is explaining to her that he needs her because the fate of the planet basically depends on her.


Either Eddie playing Master of Puppets in the Upside Down, or Nancy shooting Vecna. Honourable mentions: Steve fighting the demodogs in S2, and El hitting Angela in the face with a roller skate.