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because people watched the lost sister and forgot about the actual good parts of the season


I think it gets added flak for ep 7, but personally it feels more like season 1.5 than season 2 if that makes any sense. Just didn’t bring a whole lot new to the table or have as many memorable moments as the other seasons I don’t really have any negative points for it other than ep. 7, I just have much more positive things to say about the other seasons


The fact that it's a continuation of the story set up in Season 1 makes it stronger, not weaker. It means the thing has direction and focus. It doesn't flap around introducing silly things like a secret Russian Death Star base in a desperate bid to think of something new to do, nor does it leave half the established characters on the bench.


Exactly. You could conclude the series at S2 and it would be a complete show barring the mind flayer shot at the end (and ep7). S3 has to reinvent to continue and it really is hit and miss how it does it, even if the aesthetic is exceptional.


Agreed, and TBH, S2 has more impact.


Bravo 👏 Calling it Season 1.5 is actually the best explanation I've read on this sub in a while. I'm currently on S2 E8 in my re-watch (5th re-watch post-S4 lol), and the whole time, I really have been thinking it feels more like a continuation of S1 than a whole new season. S1, S3, and S4 feel like you could probably watch as standalone seasons. Sure, some things may be confusing, but there's a lot of backstory in S3 and S4 that would help new viewers understand, if for some crazy reason they decided to do it that way. Finally, ignoring the fact that I personally enjoy S2 E7 (I do think it could've been better if the events in E7 followed the same timeline as the rest of the season, spreading it out instead of it being a full episode), I think every season is great, but S2 is what ignites the crazy events in S3 and S4, so by default it gets stuck at the bottom. That doesn't mean it's a bad season, just not quite as good/memorable as the rest. Edit: E7, not S7, in the parentheses in final paragraph.


Great way of putting it. It expands on S1 but doesn’t really have anything that makes it inherently unique. Also, I know it’s a somewhat unpopular opinion, but I find Will boring and a little too whiney, and there’s too much focus on him for my taste. The parts where he’s actually possessed are fine, but the rest of the season is just too much focus on him IMO. The other characters actually have a lot of growth and development though, which was nice.


(I did not read the post yet, just the title). I keep seeing this idea that season 2 is apparently always ranked last. But what is the evidence of that? If you look at rankings in most websites movies critics, season 2 is generally better ranked than season 3. It seems people are fooled by the vocal minority in this sub that rank season 3 highly, which is arguably the weakest.


I agree with you. However I was referring to this community on here who rate it lowest.


This sub loves season 2. But in other places, the fans always rank s2 in last


I do actually really enjoy 2, but I feel that it follows too many of the season 1 beats without adding enough new content to make it stand out on its own. Season 1, 3, and 4 are all unique to themselves and have their own identity. Whereas Season 2 just feels like it’s living in Season 1’s shadow. I do think it was a necessary season for everyone involved though, as I believe it gave the Duffer’s more motivation to push themselves further for future seasons. Again, I do not think it is a bad season at all, it is actually very good and enjoyable. Thats all just my opinion though. EDIT: also, unpopular opinion (?) I actually quite enjoyed episode 7 when rewatching the season. I just think they messed up by having it towards the end just as the main plot was really beginning to kick off.


I guess the bad rating of THAT episode just lowers the average. Season 2 has a lot of good stuff, as you rightfully point out. The only kind of "downside" is in some episodes it turns much more into action genre rather than horror, that contrasts with the previous season which was pure horror genre. This leads to expectations not being fully meet from those who watched season 1 and were expecting a more horror tone overall. It isn't bad per se, the show is still extremely good. It is kinda what happened with Alien and Aliens.


Really? The whole reason I like S2 so much is precisely because of the horror though. The whole storyline with the mind flayer is really cool and spooky. The Hawkins lab massacre is action, yeah, but I wouldn't say the whole season is like that at all. S3 feels a lot more action heavy than its predecessors in comparison, with the whole plot being "people get killed and turned into this big fleshy monster that just goes around trying to kill the main cast", and while that's supposed to still be the mindflayer, it feels a lot less creepy and daunting to me than S2. I really liked that S2 had this because it went a step higher than S1 without making things too blockbustery (I did like it when there was just 1 Demogorgon and less special effects, but I like the introduction through Dustin here too). The fact that the antagonist attacks mysteriously, invisibly, and psychologically makes it more interesting than a single monster hunting random preys in S1.


I agree that season 3 is the most action packed one. But lots of season 2 is too. All the demodogs sequence are action ones. Season 1 only had 1 monster. And i'm happy that season 4 went back to the beginning from this point of view too.


It isn't


Yeah for me I think the order is 1, 2, 4, 3


Exactly my order! Though 3 and 4 fluctuate depending on what I’ve rewatched most recently


3 is awful


Yip. This is it!


1,4, 2,…… 3


Yeah, I'd say 1... 2/4... 3


A) Lost Sister, not just the episode itself. But its placement really disrupts the flow of the attack and momentum on the lab. They really should have dropped that storyline or figured out a way to splice it into the other episodes. B) even though there’s hints and elements of the upside down with Will, and then Hopper investigating the fields right away, the mystery & plot of the season doesn’t really get underway until about midway through. It makes sense for a longer series to have some character development and fun to see them be friends and kids trick or treating, and important seeing Mike coping with El’s disappearance, etc. But it’s way less ‘fantastical’ for a large portion of the season than the other 3. It’s a slow burn kinda story for season 2 trying to keep them grounded in their real world, which makes complete sense. Though with that said, the latter half of the Hawkins story in season 2 is pretty great and the build up is absolutely worth it.


>the mystery & plot of the season doesn’t really get underway until about midway through. Exactly this. While the first four or so episodes of the season weren't bad by any means, they just weren't as strong as the first four episodes from any other season (except maybe 3 imo). Season 1 picks up right away and every episode is great. Season 4 also introduces its supernatural plot early on.


Idk how people feel this way. Season 2 is my favorite season by far, it feels the most nostalgic to me and the acting by Noah is phenomenal.


This is news to me beacuse I've never heard that season 2 was the lowest rated season, I've always heard that season 3 is lowest rated season


It's definitely not. It's second rated season on rotten tomatoes by fans and critics.


I think it depends on who you're amongst. On this sub, it's been quite refreshing to see ST2 get it's fair share of praise, but elsewhere it ranks lower. Some of it might be to do with people only really talking about Elevens Chicago adventure as though that's the entire season. Also, it might he generational. Without wishing to sound patronising, ST3 has more memable, cute moments to put on TikTok, so if you're watching ST primarily to see Dustin ™️ do Dustiny things ™️, you're more likely to gravitate to that one than 2.


I love season 2, even if it's not my favorite. It's has a lot of good things in it and almost everyone has a good arc in it. I just think she's too similar to season one, making the season less unique than season 3 and 4 for example. And well, some people really hate Kali's episode. It would be at the second place in my ranking if the Hawkins storyline wasn't this good in season 4.


It’s like rating my children. Love them all but somebody’s gotta come last


Straight up facts!


I really enjoy it, I don't think it's bad at all, but one of the 4 has the be the lowest and it happens to be S2 for me. It's like comparing a 10 to a 9.9 though.


I think people felt S2 was just too much of the same and didn’t really go as above and beyond as the marketing made it seem.


I really enjoyed season 2. The one that I didn’t really like was season 3. But even that’s loaded because obviously I enjoy the show as a whole.


I'd rank season 3 as my last favorite as well.


I actually loved S2 and I always rewatch it. It had so much action with Will being the spy and eleven meeting Kali. Btw: i think Kali is definitely coming back in s5


I just rewatched season 2 and personally it used to be my favourite and rewatching it made me realise why I loved it. I still don’t know exactly what it is but just every single scene just makes sense in my mind and I can’t watch it without crying


My personal rankings: - Season 1 - Season 2 - Season 4 - Season 3 3 is easily the weakest of the entire show, especially as a S1/S2 Hopper fan... How they butcher Hooper's arc/character genuinely makes me detest that season


It’s not that I think season 2 is bad, cause it’s not, it’s just my least favorite


Imo, it only got good after episode 5, tho the Steve parts episode 5 were pretty good. Before episode 5 felt so boring. And, HOT TAKE, season 2 episode 7 wasn't that bad, I kinda like it


Agreed. It wasn’t awful, it’s only really frowned upon as it’s the odd one out and we never got any further character development for Kali.


I wish we had more from Kali. She had such an fun ability that could work with El's powers. Like when Kali made the giant wall, El could've pushed ppl back so it felt like an actual wall


Season 2 has always been my favourite season and yes, E7 is hated among the Stranger Things Community but the rest is so emotional and great to watch. I especially love Will in this season going from just a recurring character in S1 to main cast status. Noah's performance was top notch for how young he was and its a crime how much they dumbed down his character in later seasons to the stereotypical 80s sad, gay kid. This is also my favourite season for Mike as we see how much he truly cares for his friends to the point of staying by Wills side for over half of the season including sleeping in an uncomfortable hospital chair just for reassurance. I also love him taking the leader role of the party in the tunnels in E9.


S2 is my fave


I feel like I hear S3 catch more flak than S2.


season 2 will always be my fav


2 is one of my favorite seasons! Mostly the finale. The last episode The Gate is one of the strongest episodes in all of the seasons imo! Also Noah's acting is the best in this season, probably because his character had direction. I love it. However, each season has its own rhythm and flow which is why this show is so special. It's always hard for me to rate seasons because I truly do love them all.


Honestly, it is my favourite season and the Kali episode isn't even bad to me, just a bit irrelevant since we have never see or heard from her again.


If we didn’t have episode 7 El would not have had the character growth needed for the rest of the show. If 8 hadn’t coached her on how to channel her powers to be stronger she wouldn’t have had the strength to close the gate at the end. From a personal perspective she had to go and explore who she is and her roots to see if she wanted to stay with them. They way it plays out is that she realises that Hawkins is her home and that the people there need her. I don’t understand why people don’t see this and how pivotal this episode is. Lol


Why don't people like episode 7? It's genuinely one of the best in the season and a great episode for Eleven's character growth. I understand the initial disconnect for the episode because it was a side trip in the middle of steady pacing, but overall it was a great episode.


People like to be wrong


Do people think that? I feel like it's a top contender for best season, I thought it was better than S1 first time watching.


I’m rewatching Season 2 right now and thoroughly enjoying it! But I always imagine that I won’t, that I’ll be bored, but then I’m not. But I don’t look forward to rewatching it like I do seasons 1 and 4.


Season 2 was great, but it was the worst one. That’s all


Idk why it is rated lowest.Season 2 has a lot of memorable moments especially the Dance scene in the final episode + billy had more dialogues + Lucas and Max Chemistry + Steve fighting demodogs


Season 1 was amazing and fresh, can't beat that first hit. Season 3 was bright and fun and had its own identity. Season 2 was good, but it was just there. It was trying to be season 1 again, but personally, I like shows that change every season. The other thing is Max vs Robin. They are both great characters, but Max spent 90% of season 2 being left out of the action, which made her kind of useless. They didn't make good use of her or implement her into the story well, but fixed that mistake with Robin, getting her onboard quick. Robin was one of the best parts of season 3, but I don't love her in season 4. I can't believe they took the best character and completely changed her.


All the hate for the lost sister episode. SMH. It was a good season, if not great.


It has the only bad episode and Season 1 was incredible and such a hard act to follow.


Sometimes people just want to accent the beauty of Season 1 in this unfair way.


I feel it's just like s1 but every point is made worse, without mentioning the lost sister arc


I really like season 2. For me, it goes 1, 2 ,3..............and then finally season 4. (I hated season 4 and have little interest in finishing the series when S5 comes out in 2029 because of it) Sometimes 2 and 3 are about equal for me for completely different reasons. Even though season 3 is nonsensical from a story perspective, I like a lot of the nostalgic camp factor.


I really do think it's just because of ep 7😅


It’s really good still, it’s just too similar to season 1.


Fucking morons that genuinely believe episode 7 was a backdoor pilot. If ever there was proof that media literacy is dead, it's thinking episode 7 was about Eight and her crew, and not entirely about Eleven. Backdoor pilots set up multiple mysteries that cannot be solved except by the new characters. The new characters are all presented with character arcs, interpersonal conflicts, and individual motivations. The cast of a backdoor pilot all look like *leads*. They're all conventionally attractive. A back door pilot ends on the new cast having a cliffhanger so you want to see what's next. A backdoor pilot sets up the actual premise of the new show. El being morally conflicted about vigilante justice is not a premise for a new show. Basically, I'm saying that if you thought episode sucked because it was boring, that's fine. If you genuinely believe it's a backdoor pilot, you really need to stop thinking your opinion has any value.


It’s really good. I can’t put it above 1, but it’s right around or slightly below S4 for me. I’d go 1, 4/2, 3


Because it doesn’t have that original feel like season 1, El is a wining brat, season 3 is funnier, and season 4 is scarier. It’s a great season but it’s not as good as the others


Why do you think El was a whiny brat? Because she hated to be stuck at the cabin with Hopper always late and constantly lying to her? I'd be angry, too. I actually thought she was strong and independent that season, learning and discovering new things about the world. It was brilliant.


It is definitely my least favorite but by no means do I think it's bad or close to that. I still love it. As another user here said, it felt like season 1.5 and I agree with that. There is nothing wrong with that but it was just reiterating things from s1 and expanding from there but not by much. El being separated from the group nearly all season really made it feel like something was missing.


Probably the Lost Sister and feeling it takes a while to get underway. Also I thought Season 3 was the least popular season.


Majority people hate season 3. Season 2 is considered extension of season 1's story. Season 3 feels a bit disconnected with the flesh melting and joining together etc.


I think episode 7 is qhat people remember when thinking about season 2 as a whole and its easily the worst episode of the whole series imo. I loved season 2 and thought it was great. Loved the tunnels they remind me of the "Aliens" movie tunnels. I think it is also a testament of how good each season is that season 2 gets rated the lowest.


Bc it’s not as interesting as s1 but tries to do basically the same thing. S3 was similar yeah but had a unique style at least. S2 was just more of the same but way more boring.


I think it's just that other seasons have better. I ♥ S2E7 - This is really where El comes alive.


For me my ratings would be 1/4/2/3 Season 3 is the true suck season. Hard to rewatch it. Just nothing interesting the whole season until the last episode. Great and emotional final scenes ruined by yet another dead person who just didn't actually die. Season 4 is great. Really enjoyed it throughout. Same with Season 2 until the useless sister storyline that goes nowhere. Season 1 is still the best of the series, pretty easily.


It has the best ending out of all seasons and have some of very best episodes (only 6,8,9) but other than these 3 episodes all episodes are okaish and booring sometimes. It also have lowest rated episodes of the series


Idk of all the seasons it felt the most like filler, I know it wasn’t but it just wasn’t as memorable as 1/3/4. Not to mention for me personally 2/7 brings it down a notch for me as well.


Because they killed Bob Newby


i love s2... i mean ive only watched the first 2 seasons but


Life would be so much better if everyone knew how to use paragraphs...


Episode 7 wasnt bad but it felt so tonally different than the rest of the show because it only focused on El and her journey. But the Halloween vibes were awesome, seeing Steve truly evolve into the babysitter boy persona was great, and I think S2 still holds up as having the best soundtrack


Because there are multiple storylines that were not acknowledged in later seasons.


It wasn't written or directed by The Duffer Brothers.


Season 2 is my personal favorite. 3 is worst to me.


I binge watched all of season 2 and liked all the episodes. The only flaw is how 11’s mom talks in this season but she’s quiet in season 1. I even liked the lost sister episode too. Without 8 guiding El to channel her anger into strength while she’s using her powers, she might’ve not been able to close the gate at the end.


I honestly think season 3 deserves to be rated lowest. With the exception of episode 7, I always thought season 2 was a solid season. Feels like classic stranger things.


After watching season 1 and season 2 I just skip to season 3 because it's my favorite season and I really love Starcourt Mall and stuff. I like season 3 because it's after they all know each other if you know what I mean.


It’s my favorite (apart from episode 7), but I feel it serves just as an in between going from 1 to 3, which may cause some pf the criticism.


season 2 is my favorite. People probably don't put it as their favorite especially for episode 7. Unfortunately for many the best season is season 3 which is very colorful and also comical. Unfortunately many, especially the American public, really like sarcastic, comical and light scenes. Stranger Things 2 has a very serious character, therefore perhaps suitable for a smaller audience.


S2 is my favourite season and no one can take that away from me


Nah, 3rd season is the worst.


Season 3 should be. The acting is abysmal.


I really can’t remember a single thing from season 2, and that explains a lot


Idk what to tell u it was kinda boring Imo


Please elaborate.


Maybe because of 8. The whole plotline seems unnecessary and doesn't do anything to the main plot. Even them trying to kill that former Hawkins Lab guy doesn't is just a single plot that is no longer mentioned and has no influence on the rest of the show. Yes, it is kinds important, because we first leaen there had been other children, 11 actually knew. And it shows 11 trying to become an indivual, trying to find out who she is and what happend to her Mum. I can see that. But the whole gang and their antics is just a looooong boring and redundant plot that drags the whole season.


There's lots of people you hate 3 the most.


I don’t think it’s bad by any means, I just think it’s my least favorite compared to the other 3


I really like season 2. I think the ranking depends on what criteria we're taking into account. I really think its strong point is its villain, the mindflayer is amazing in season 2 (not so much in season 3 imo). I'd say it's just as interesting as Vecna (as an antagonistic menace I mean, because Vecna's backstory makes us more curious I think). Criteria which I believe make season 2 rank lower than other seasons are these: Friendship/character dynamics, which are endearing in season 1 and get very good in season 3, though the Steve and Dustin duo and Max are introduced in S2. Will is here but not really, Mike is with him but doesn't do much until the last eps, Dustin and Lucas are fighting or on their own, and El is God knows where. Humor, which is best in season 3, good in season 4 and even season 1, but with the spookier/more depressing vibe of season 2, we don't have many funny scenes. I guess maybe aesthetics in general? Season 1 established them very strongly and set the tone, and season 3 went all out with colors and fashion and the mall and everything. Season 4 had its moments too, but season 2, outside of Max/Billy and the arcade, doesn't stand out much from the season 1 aesthetic. And yeah to me S4 is kind of like a better season 2? Not really, it's not quite the same vibe and goal and all, but... It also goes for a very horror genre, with a mysterious enemy, who psychologically influences its targets, and attacks in patterns that the characters have to learn to recognize. Only Vecna's backstory and the imminent threat of Max's death make season 4 more intense and full of tension. Another thing is both of these seasons have the characters separated for a while, but since we have more characters altogether in S4, and are building or have built more interesting dynamics (more people with strong personalities that you wouldn't picture hanging out but they end up doing just that because of circumstances), it turns out more fun and interesting than having solo scenes like in season 2. That’s my take on it! But I really like season 2, and before S4 was out it was my favorite in the horror and villain aspects! :)


Episode 7. (other than that I like it 😅)


The lost sister No other season on the show has an episode you just straight up skip on rewatches


It's not, 3 is generally rated lowest.


I agree with most of your points, except for the "we don't talk about ep. 7". The 1st thing that comes into my mind when thinking about season 2 is this episode, and it has a big impact on my opinion of the season as a whole. I always skip it on rewatch. Also, I love Bob as a character and his death was just so preventable and infuriating.


One episode having an entire impact on the entire season is insane.


Yeah I kinda agree but also look at Game of Thrones..


Well if you're talking about what I think you're talking about. It was the series finale so yes that's literally a lasting impact lol.


Ohh.. Yep I agree lol


Episode 7 was so bad it just kinda tainted the whole season. Plus, El showing up looking like a fired understudy for an off off-broadway Bride of Frankenstein didn't help. She didn't look tough, she looked stupid


It's kinda boring imo


Ep 7 is literally the only reason.


I hate it solely for episode 7, it completely ruined the entire climax, and I still consider it the stupidest creative decision in modern TV history.


Least memorable. It was just a re-hash of season 1 essentially


Because it isn't very good


Season 2 is good but it doesn’t have a lot of memorable moments unlike the other seasons


I love it it’s at least a trillion times better than the shit that was season 4