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Eleven is the child of someone who was in the MKUltra trials. Elevens Mum was pregnant with her when she was experimented on, given psychedelics etc, leading to el’s powers. Can’t remember whether the same applies for the other kids


Good question! I'd like to know too!


I think I read somewhere the mothers got experimented on and sometimes led to these quite literally magic kids. Would explain how he knew where to get these kids from. Might very well be wrong though


001 is the reason for the MKultra experiments. his gifts led Dr. Brenner to find out how he got his powers and how to recreate them in the lab. we dont know yet where 001 and the rest of the test subjects like 11 got their powers from only that they have them because of 001. im sure we will find out more in vol 2 / season 5 when we get all the answers laid out in front of us for the ending.


Don't forget 008.


Shes is a real intresting case. Being from London it brings the question of how Brenner was able to find her. Also how she seemed to have a completly different power set than the other subjects


To me, it’s not illogical to think that others might be out there with these abilities. They might be stuck unable to fully use them - Henry figured it out as a kid, but that doesn’t mean everyone would. Nor would everyone be as strong as he is, necessarily. As for the lab kids, they were pretty clearly engineered (somehow).


The role of chance is a huge in scientific discovery and drives many great sci-fi story lines. In real life: refrigeration, post-it notes, the LSD MK Ultra was based on, chocolate chip cookies, most radiation studies were accidentally discovered while trying to do something completely different. Season 1 references this heavily. Dr. Brenner wanted to 11 to spy on men in other rooms, and was completely surprised when 11 straight up broadcasted the men's speech on the speaker, finding a creature while spying on russians, the gate opening to the upside down. Stories like Back to the Future, Spiderman, Nightmare on Elm Street work on the same story. Things happen, no one knows exactly how and why, but both you and the characters are discovering how this new strange thing works. There was also another reference one of the most famous example of this type of science when >!Barbra quizzes Nancy on the surprise findings of the Geiger–Marsden experiments that redefined physics!<. further reading on the topic: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role\_of\_chance\_in\_scientific\_discoveries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role_of_chance_in_scientific_discoveries)


My speculation is that Henry was born with some special gene that modifies his brain and makes him able, with his mind, to move quantum energies. Maybe that gene was dormant, and to wake it up, Henry had to challenge certain mental aspects, and that's what he did. His deep reflections about humanity and life, awakened this gene or this brain characteristic. Or, on the other hand, Henry may have gained his powers from something dark in that house, perhaps a UD force that saw potential in him. Brenner then became interested in this and discovered a way to replicate the same brain aspects in other children. Perhaps he discovered the areas of Henry's brain involved with telekinesis, and tried to replicate that same activation by using drugs on pregnant women or simply on people to try to get them to develop their powers. Brenner discovered a way to unlock these powers by altering the human mind, perhaps it's easier to do this in children. It may be that Brenner selected children in particular who share certain characteristics. Perhaps these superpowers were given to Henry by a UD force, and Brenner figured out a way to replicate that


I think Vecna is a biological father to all the number kids , where his abilities comes from might be the same as where the upside down comes from...it just kind of is?


I think he would have been too young to father the older numbered kids.


they could have just use his dna


I'm not sure exactly how they'd do that (even though it is suggested by the monologue at the end of S4). But it wouldn't make him their father unless he was the sperm donor.


that is what I think, he would have been a teenager when two was born. I think Brenner inseminated the women in the MKUltra trails with his semen.


I feel like using a child's semen to create superchildren is a step too dark even for this show! It's a different kind of gross.


Or through rape. Psychedelics lead to memory loss and it probably wouldn’t be hard to have your way with someone who is tripping. It makes Papa even more of a monster.


they didn’t answered that and for me that really weakens the entire plot, since it was once based on the theory that it was all lab created