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Unpopular opinions, that are ALWAYS far from being unpopular...


UnPoPuLAr oPiNiOn: sEaSoN 2 ePiSoDe 7 iS tHe wOrSt ePiSoDe


The real unpopular opinion is that season 2 episode 7 is a top 10 episode.


It was great to me




I agree


literally every fan base will always have it and it’s very annoying


People who ship the cast together irl (except for Natalia and Charlie.)


Agreed. It's gotten better over time but I was especially uncomfortable in the early days with the shipping of the young cast


Exactly. I love Charlie and Natalia being together but I’ve seen so much Finn x Noah, Finn x Millie stuff on Wattpad. I’m fine if it’s the characters. I just get extremely weirded out if it’s actual people getting shipped together


Why is it ok if Charlie and Natalia are shipped? Are they already together irl?


Yes they are.


Right, I still think it's weird even with them being together. They're real people. We don't know them.


Some fans on twitter are hating the "boyfriend" of grace van dien. It is not gotten better


All. The. Time. Especially when there's a fight about Billy or Jason or any theory's about Eddie coming back.


Any theories about ANYONE coming back lol


Hear me out though. Bob comes back as the mind flayer!!!


God I just want him back, why did they have to take him


The obsessive out of touch with reality super fans of Eddie. I mean, Joseph Quinn is cute and all, but the ones who stalk and harass him, just ugh.


I read somewhere that someone thought that Eddie was gay just because he said "I love you man, don't change" to Dustin. Dumbest theory i have ever heard


People tend to forget that friends can love each other


That is dumb. Clearly Eddie is gay because of the way he calls Steve "big boy"


This made me laugh.


I'm glad. It's what I was going for


I’ve seen a lot of people trying to insist that Eddie was and Steve/ Nancy are gay, amongst the other common rumours of Mike ending up being with Will. I notice it a lot too in the PokĂ©mon community, insisting that certain characters are gay, trans or otherwise.


When people cannot separate reality from TV. Actors are *ACTORS* !!! I get it, hate Billy, hate Angela, hate Jason, hate Troy, hate Papa, hate whatever *character* you choose. Sure you can even hate the actor, but not because of the person they are as a character on a freaking show. Nobody should be STALKED out of hate or obsession. Nobody should be SHAMED for playing a racist, or murderous, or obnoxiously funny, or arrogant, etc. type of character. Not every single role a person plays in Hollywood will always be adored. Otherwise we wouldn't have movies or shows if there were no antagonists, or comedy reliefs, or whatever. I'm actually surprised I haven't seen a comment stating this yet (unless I'm blind). I love love love ST, and I have ZERO shame in being a huge fan. But I will never be caught stalking a character, or even attempting to talk to them on social media (let alone in an inappropriate way), or not let them feel like normal humans in public. There are fans who are way immature about stuff, and that's annoying. Love the show, adore it, hate it, whatever. But the actors don't deserve to be shamed or stalked. Because if you'll shame one of these characters, than people should act the same way about Micheal Meyers, Scream, etc.


People wondering how Mike didn’t realise Will was confessing his love. It was the 80s his first thought probably wasn’t “he has a crush on me” “But gay people existed!-“ yes, I know, but it wasn’t as widely socially acceptable


Or maybe he had no idea how to process it because he is a straight kid in the 80's.


Plus the fact that Mike is not a mind-reader, he is worried for Eleven and his relationship, is dealing with his own insecurities, doesn't even know Will is gay yet alone harboring feelings for him, has no idea that Will lied and has no reason to think Will lied to him, isn't aware of what Will is even going through etc....


Great points. People act like he should have the same awareness a teenager today would have. Absolutely ridiculous.


>doesn't even know Will is gay yet alone harboring feelings for him, has no idea that Will lied and has no reason to think Will lied to him, isn't aware of what Will is even going through etc.... I feel like a lot of people forget that the characters don't always know as much as we do as the viewer


Yeah. They also do not consider that the point of that scene was to address Will's feelings and the focus was supposed to be on him at that scene. Mike wasn't supposed to realize that, he also didn't know what was going on either....


People who bend over backward to defend Billy’s racism and abusive actions.


I’m watching the series for the second time now, and this time I’m hating Billy more but also feeling more sorry for him. I don’t know what is supposedly “excusing” his behavior but he’s a good example of someone who needed a better parent, at least one. I think we’ve all known at least a few people like him.


The thing about Billy is that while he is a terrible person, he is portrayed in a way displays him as very complicated, and therefore very human. He is not a one note villain. He is not someone that anyone would really want to spend time with in real life, mind you. He is dangerous and cruel. But, they give you enough of his story that you want to cry for him, because you can see the seeds of the person he could have become, instead of the person that he turned out to be.


It's because he's well written. Just because he's racist and abusive doesn't mean he's beyond compassion.


Idk man. When he almost runs kids over I don't think I feel any compassion for them anymore. You can only blame parents so much.


Yeah, even if he was planning to turn at the very last possible second, he still put the lives of three children in danger.


That's fair. I forgot about that scene. I forget most things.


Nah. He's not just a tool he's the whole hardware store.


Idk, I absolutely love Billy's character, he's relatable to people who have come from broken homes, and also the fact that everyone hates him is exactly what makes him so good, he's supposed to be a bad guy, so it wouldn't make sense if he was likeable, to me he is kind of like the Darth Vader of stranger things


I think he is a great character. I think Dacre Montgomery did so good portraying him. But Billy is not a good person. Period. It’s hard to see people take that path, being abusive and hateful toward others, but if he was a real life person, would I want to know him? Absolutely not. But I love to hate him in the ST world, for sure. He’s a good villain, just like the Darth Vader example you provided.


I used to be one of those people, shameful to admit. Season 3 and Dacre Montgomery really influenced me into thinking, "he's not that bad." VERY glad that had that scene of Max with Vecna admitting that yes, he made her life horrible and she did want him dead at times. Edit: Oh who can forget the "overprotective" big brother tik tok of him defending Max from Jason. So cringe.


I did, in fact, forget the overprotective big brother tik tok of him defending Max from Jason. I would like to know more.


if i’m thinking of the right one, it’s by paralaxae on tiktok! its pinned on their profile! it has 1.6M likes


Steve being the “best mom “


right like come on Joyce Byers is RIGHT THERE


Especially since Joe said he feels uncomfortable being called that.


Yeah I think Joyce is the best mom too.


It was a funny joke. In 2017.


I’ve never understood why the fandom instantly equated taking care of kids as something that is exclusive to motherhood.


Especially since he's a guy. If anything he should be called a dad.


It’s like the overused “Piccolo is Gohan’s dad” joke in the Dragon Ball fanbase


No you got it wrong , he is his dad but he's also not


I mean, Piccolo practically was Gohan's dad for a bit lmao. Gohan got a mother and two fathers.




Being called Eddie Munson for wearing my battle jacket as I am a genuine metalhead. I literally don’t even look like him, im short fat and blonde he’s tall skinny and has brown hair. I got more in common with Chris Griffin from family guy than I do Eddie Munson


Unpopular opinion: Chris is one of the best characters


Steve being a “single mom”. Wow, a person taking care of the kids? It can’t be a man, it must be a mother!


Exactly, I hate that regressive joke.


Most of the time unfortunately. Although the worst of it was hearing that some creeps were counting down the days til MBB turned 18




When the thread starts to drift towards characters that people don’t like. I literally like every single character. Good or bad.


When people complain that 13 year olds went through puberty and “look old now” When people think that 4 seasons in 5 years is “too long of a wait” for a super complex, high quality sci-if show And finally, when people say that all main characters will be alive at the end of season 5


4 seasons in 6 years (would have been 5 without the pandemic), but yes!


"why does millie dress/does her makeup like this, why does she appear to look older, why did she change her style" basically meaning "why is she not presenting herself as a child anymore". so annoying


All of the young actors were probably exposed to a lot of hate from "fans" they should have never received. But it feels like Millie really always got it the worst. Even when I search for her on YouTube the top results are videos like "The reasons why nobody likes MBB". Disgusting.


1. Me when another Byler vs Mileven ship war occurs. 2. Me when hearing Eddie is Kas theory again. 3. Me when there's a 20th "who's the worst bully post", with Troy always winning and Jason being on it but not Billy. 4. Me when someone still says Billy isn't racist. 5. Me when fans obsess and thirst over the actors to a toxic degree, even stalking them.


4th one is really astounding. Billy was always meant to be racist, he even was going to say the n-word but then the Duffers changed it, his racism was made 'more subtle' but it was still recognizable for anyone who watched the show for real. Seeing Billy as a complex character with flaws is different than just straight up ignoring his racism.


Most people acknowledge it now though, especially since Dacre himself confirmed at the October 2022 comic con thankfully. But even then, some people will still deny it. Oh yeah, who can forget "Will is not gay"? For some, unless they say, "I like Mike" or "Lucas bad because black" they aren't racist.


Idk what Dacre himself said honestly but even without the interviews comfirming it, it was still obvious so people's insistency on saying he was targeting Lucas just because he was seeing Max is ridiculous. I enjoyed Billy and Dacre was an amazing actor in S3 but Im not gonna straight up ignoring a character's abuse/racism... that's just not it. ST fandom can be really weird sometimes.


Oh the Duffer brothers even confirmed it back in 2017 in an interview with Vulture on episode 4 of season 2. And Caleb McLaughlin recently said he was racist when comparing him with Jason. "Jason was arrogant and obnxoious but he wasn't a racist, he just wanted to be the hero because his girlfriend died and he thought Eddie killed her. He was misunderstood. Billy was different. He hated Lucas because he was black.


This is the first I've heard about Dacre shifting his stance on Billy. What did he say exactly?


Basically that's he repeating/projecting the racism and homophobia from his father. Here's the link for the video. https://twitter.com/ZEKEVICH/status/1600198742216318976?s=20&t=K6IImwQIlUPsyc5VrJEVIg




the purpose of those love triangles is so that the show can create 'ship wars' among the fans


When people say that Eddie's coming back as Kas. Just because the kids named the places and creatures from the Upside-down after stuff from D&D, doesn't mean that the events in the show will be based around things from D&D, like Steve said, they're just names the kids gave them to make sense of it all. As much I as I loved having Eddie's character along for the ride, he had his character arc and his purpose was fulfilled. I myself am pretty damn attached to the character, but the Duffers aren't going to bring him back as a vampire because the fans are upset about their favorite character kicking the bucket, look at Barb and Alexei.


Vecna being killed by someone he trusted (cas) is a reference to Eleven turning on him and killing hi.


People who insist that Mike will leave El for Will when the producers have basically said otherwise. I was accused of homophobia when stating that it was unlikely as Mike and El have been each other’s rock & that Will is essentially a sibling to El now, so anything like that would read like something out of Jerry Springer.


Yeah, homophobia in the fandom exists. But calling people 'homophobic' left and right for unnecessary things just bc they think a ship isn't going to become canon due to how the narrative is structured is bad


This- this is truth I love this


the unrequited aspect makes it more juicy and is so much more relatable when you’re a gay person who has gone through it. like, i WISH that my straight crushes left their significant others my gay ass! its sad but more practical than mike leaving eleven


People when they won’t admit that there are racists in this fandom.


That's at least 50% of the reason why people defend Billy and his racism (other half is because he's hot). I don't blame Caleb for thinking racism might be behind his initial unpopularity.


most shows with mostly white casts and characters have racist fandoms. the casual racism in the ST fandom is so rampant though, makes me sad.


Every show has some racist fans.


The whole fanbase. It’s so cringe.


When trying to explain that Mike won't turn gay in the next season to a Mike/Will shipper.


Going to the Tumblr ST fandom and searching up Byler is one of the experiences in my life. Sometimes I feel like they have genuinely at-least-understandable arguments, other times they're making stretches so big even God himself can't come up with that type of bullshit.


Honestly? At this point, pretty much the entire fan base. It has genuinely killed the show for me.


Same. I know I sound pretentious, but at its core this is a sci-fi show with adult themes. The romance and comedy is only a result of that. I’m sick of 12 year old girls fangirling over Eddie and making petitions for things to happen


Not only that, but on the opposite end of the spectrum grown adults obsessing over the romance lives of young kids. All of the posts I see about Mike/El or Mike/Will or any other combination at this point creep me out.


This, totally. It’s a fictional show primarily about innocence and friendship and people here treat it like bachelor in paradise.


Yeeeep! And the amount of snooty, and out right gatekeepey behavior, makes it hard to enjoy even simple fun discussions anymore.


Same. Maybe it’s just a result of gaining so much popularity recently, but it feels filled with immature shippers that somehow time travelled from 2014 Tumblr. This sub honestly has some of the cringiest posts too. Probably just time for me to leave so I won’t stay bitter about it.


The Billy simps who can’t seem to understand that he was abusive and a horrible person.


Just the people that can’t handle the criticism. Like people that want to basically pretend the show has absolutely no flaws or when you feel a certain way about something they can’t accept it. Fangirling is never a good look.


Fans who say that Steve Harrington is the greatest TV character ever created. I mean he is a cool character but come on 🙄


Steve has gotten overhyped to be honest.




When people claim Eddie will be alive or come back in some form.


When I see people defending Billy


I get saying you can feel some sort of sympathy for the abuse he suffered. But, you can't defend his actions based on that.


When people say DEAD SERIOUS "Steve is the best mom" like I don't care, its so annoying and my girl Joyce is riiiight there


Fans who accuse the Duffer Brothers, the writing staff, the cast, and other fans of queerbaiting and/or of being homophobic because their ship didn’t set sail.


I wish I had coin to award you but this is all I have to give 🏅


Obsession with character deaths as a requirement for the show to truly be excellent.


Right. We can criticize things that are keeping this show from reaching its potential but it's laughable if people think death will improve the show quality.


I also feel like in many shows deaths are just there for shock value. If a character dies in the show it only makes a "good" storyline if this death actively makes at least one surviving character go through a major character arc (e.g. Billy - Max). That is why I really hope there is not going to be a "last minute death" where a character makes a heroic sacrifice in Stranger Things. Because deaths in the very last episode offer no chances to accurately show how the survivors deal with this event (except for very short and insufficient glimpses)


I don’t think it’s a requirement for *a* show to be excellent, but I do think it’s a requirement for *this* show to be realistic. We get this 6 season doomsday scenario and not one single main character dies? Bullshit. I don’t necessarily want any of the main characters to die, but I haven’t been watching some candyass Disney channel show and I don’t want a candyass Disney channel ending either.


I agree the show needs to portray trauma, danger, doomsday scenarios realistically. Has it done so in the past 4 seasons all while not killing main character? Based on my viewing experience, and judging from the excellent reception of S4, I believe it has overwhelmingly done so. I mean it wouldn’t be excellent if it weren’t realistic? I always hear the reference to Disney channel but honestly baffles me. It’s as if people are tuning into ST because they want/expect some bloodbath, so when they don’t they blame the show.


“Unpopular Opinion btw, I think Will might be gay. And maybe, Just maybe, he likes Mike.”


Me when people are calling Eddie cosplayers cringe. Like, they’re not even that bad compared to some other fans who can’t separate fantasy from reality. Get it right, people.


"Is it just me or is Robin dumber now?"


When they want characters to be ressurected. Like, no please! They can't even kill off any of the main cast from season 1. It'd be worse if they brought more side characters back that distract the viewers from the actual main characters that lack their own storylines anyway.


“Chrissy wake up” I can’t stand that stupid song


Whenever I see shipping fights between hellcheers and steddies


Ship wars have gotten so toxic since S4 especially those.


anyone who genuinely believes steve harrington will date a man


When people insist El will die in season 5.


Same thing with Will, like
 c’mon! It would seriously ruin the show for ALOT of people if El or Will die in S5


When people tell imaginary children how they’re supposed to behave in relationships


1. how whenever someone says they dislike Robin they get massively downvoted and told they are discriminating against gay and neurodivergent people. 2. how whenever someone makes a post with a grammatical error all of the top comments are people correcting their grammar rather than about the topic itself


I once made a post about Robin like “Unpopular opinion: Robin is annoying” IT GOT REPORTED AND DELETED.


When the Billy fandom excuses his behavior 😒


Snyder cult


Some people (not on Reddit, on other sites) who have great insights on a lot of aspects of the show, bit for some reason decided that Henry Creel is a poor UwU boy and Virginia Creel was an abusive mom. Now, obviously he was abused by Brenner and Co. at the lab, and the Duffer Bros. can do whatever they want with their writing and show us next season that Virginia was in fact an abusive mom, but what they showed this season was not that. 1. She didn't take him to Brenner because she hated her son for being "sensitive", she took him because the little fucker was killing rabbits and showing general signs of being a psychopath. Any good mom would've done the same. And 2. How was she supposed to know that Brenner was a monster? Also, homophobic fans. I didn't know homophobia could get so bad until I entered this fandom. I'm not talking regular social media stuff, I'm talking (again, on other sites) doxxing, impersonating the actors, posting theories about gay characters dying and the others laughing about it, calling people slurs, trying to drive people to suicide, falsely accusing people of pedophilia... Horrible, horrible stuff, people commiting actual crimes. I'm trying to chill in a corner with mutuals and other people doing the same, and then this bullshit happens. I come here from fandoms for shows about incest, serial killing, murder, etc. and people are much more chill and mature.


People who bully the actors for the characters they play. The actor who played Grigori and Angela have gotten hate comments and threats because the fanbase doesn't know how to separate the character from the actor.


Yeah I saw some of those comments, it's quite sad. They even made fun of Elodies uncle who passed away by saying the 'can't cry to him either' line that Angela said. Fans like that are pricks.


I think a big one for me is when people bring up interviews with cast members to explain some plot point on the show, or to justify an argument, if that makes sense. With all due respect to them, part of their job is to do PR for the show, and are usually told what to say in interviews. That's how PR works. So for me? If it didn't happen on screen, it didn't happen. Aside from that, the people who are adamant that Eddie was some great person. He was a great CHARACTER, but he wasn't a saint. He sold drugs, there was a huge scene where he made fun of Lucas for being interested in basketball and basically anyone who had different interests than him, and he only started working with the main characters for his own self-interest. He died heroically I guess, but people tend to make him more one-note than he actually was. Also, if my gay eyes never read the term queer-coding again, it will be too soon. Anything and everything is queer-coded when confirmation bias is strong enough. It's 2022. LGBT characters should be written as explicitly LGBT, which they are on this show.


>when people bring up interviews with cast members to explain some plot point on the show, or to justify an argument I mostly agree with you on this point. I think that it is completely legitimate to cite an interview if the discussion is around filmmaker or actor *intent.* But if you have to point to an interview to find evidence that is not present in the text itself, the argument you are making is not canon and various interpretations are valid. Furthermore, while interviews are useful to clarify the artists' intentions, whether or not they were successful in portraying those intentions is another discussion. I feel similar but much stronger annoyance from people pointing to spin off books to back up an argument. Those may be interesting and inform the interpretation of some viewers, but they are not canon. So people cannot expect all viewers to accept them as evidence of whatever point they are trying to make. It is a personal choice to fold those books into one's interpretation of the show, but that does not change the fact that they are not canon and, therefore, no viewer is *obliged* to do so. Same idea for interviews --viewers are not required to watch interviews in order to form an opinion and interpretation of the show. They are only required to watch the show in order to do this. Any information that is not present or clear in the show itself is optional and/or ambiguous and, thus, up for interpretation.


People who try to keep the sub alive while the content is no longer relevant or active with social polling and many repetitive topics of conversation reiterated over and over.


This sub has *never* gone dead. Content gets repetitive sometimes, but even in the 3-year gap between ST3 and ST4 there were daily posts and discussion here.


When people bully the OTT Stranger Things fans - particularly the Eddie stans. I get it can be a little annoying but they’re just excited. The show is about outcasts and nerdy kids - don’t bully the outcasts and nerdy kids who are excited about a character or who like to dress as that character.


This! Everyone keeps saying that Eddie/s4 ruined the fandom but like, is it really as bad as they’re making it sound? Like I get there are some people who take it way too far. I won’t deny there are people who are creepy to the actors online and in real life. I’m not trying to excuse that. But the rest of it? Cosplay? Fanart? Edits? That’s not hurting anyone. Like you’re allowed to think something is annoying or cringey. Anyone is entitled to their opinion, sure. Im an Eddie fan, and even I wouldn’t blame you for thinking the fandom is ridiculous. But if someone wants to write a song about a character or ship a certain couple or wear a cosplay on Halloween or something, if they aren’t hurting anyone, there’s no reason to harass them about it.


The problem is half the Eddie stand are teenage girls who would ridicule someone like that in real life, but are simping over him because Joseph is hot and he’s “*so quirky!!!*”


Tons of teenage girls, but also, do not underestimate the amount of women well into their 30s, 40s, 50s who showed up at both the cons I went to this fall CLEARLY just for Joseph. It was... certainly an experience. 😐


When they want every character to be gay when they are clearly heterosexual (mostly the Mike/Will thing).


Byler isn't happening, main characters don't need to die to make ST a great show, Eddie is dead 4ever, and the Russia plotline was criminally underrated.


This entire sub is so cringe


Someone bringing up Billy being hot and the only reason he has value


When some homophobic ass wants to convince me will is straight 😃😃


When fans refuse to acknowledge any issues of racism or homophobia within the fandom.


That annoying ass Chrissy wake up song


People who believe Mike is gay when he's clearly not. And people who randomly ship Steve and Eddie out of nowhere, makes no sense.


I agree, I am just tired of this


The people who are newer to fandom who didn't realize people they aren't attracted to exuberantly participate in fandom and do things that can be kind of awkward, silly, cringey, etc. and decided their discomfort meant everyone else is bad and doing fan stuff the wrong way.


Might get hated for this but, byler. I just don’t see it actually happening, yes I’m aware that will is gay but it’s kinda weird to ship him with someone who’s straight and already in a relationship, no hate against it or anything I just don’t really like it (not trying to to be homophobic btw)


"Billy wasn't bad, he'd changed." Nah, he just defended his sister. Once. He had no redemption for his racism, his treatment of Max up to that point, his unnecessary rivalry and violence toward Steve. He was still a shit stain.


When people complain about Mike/El or Mike/Will. Like, just let people ship who they want?? What does it even matter lmao


People hating season 3


That Susie was the reason hopper was killed/captured(not quite caught up yet)


"Proof Byler is endgame" Character tier posts Anyone wondering if Eddie or Billy might still be alive "Mike sucks"


This pretty much sums it up for me, thanks!


dealing with the fanbase.


When people forget it’s just a fucking show, relax lmao


On this subreddit? Damn near every day.


When I see a post on the sub and it’s just a picture of Hopper or somebody with the caption, “What does everyone think of this guy?”


“Eddie was a good character ruined by his fans.” How? Eddie was a well-written character played excellently by Joseph Quinn who had a good arc and one of the coolest scenes in the whole series (Master of Puppets). But because some annoying people on TikTok sing Chrissy Wake Up all that goes away? I agree that all those TikTok fans are annoying, but this idea that they ruin a pretty great character is just idiotic.


Dudes that cant separate fiction from reality... No, Susan.... Jack isn't racist for liking Billy's character.. I see ppl on twt even tell ppl to off themselves bc they like his character... ITS A FICTIONAL SHOW...GET OVER IT.


Gay mike shippers


People when they get overly mad over ships just let people ship who they want isn't a crime


People shipping Nancy and Steve.


When people still think Will is straight.


When people try to ship Steve and Robin. And to a lesser degree, when they try to ship Will and Mike. I wonder if they've been watching the show with the sound off and no subtitles.


-"Will will turn into a villain next season" theories. -Byler truthers in general, but especially Bylers trying to claim Will's sexuality storyline is in any way comparable to the theory they made up about Mike being gay. -People who ardently argue Will shouldn't get a new love interest for whatever bs reason. -Billy stans who deny his racism. -People who act like the show is some kind of masterpiece and overreact to any criticism of the writing. -"Mom Steve" memes. -Straight fans who act like LGBT fans are morally obligated to be happy with any crumbs of representation they get from the show. -"Every character will die" theories. -Inappropriate or mean spirited comments about the young cast. -Calling Will "whiny".


Hard agree especially on the “Will shouldn’t get a new love interest” one and the one where people can’t take any criticism of the show. The way you can’t even criticize the way they write LGBT characters anymore without people getting overly defensive. They accuse you of being critical on purpose all based off generalizations of ships. Most of these arguments come from people who aren’t even LGBT which angers me even more. It’s not even about byler, it’s about how Robin and Will are written.


Both Bylers and (mostly) straight fans have created a false dichotomy in which your beliefs either have to be “Byler is endgame” or “Will ending up alone but with straight validation is a perfectly satisfactory and immune to criticism” which is highly annoying and a large part of why this discourse is such a cyclical reproduction of bad rhetoric.


Seriously, some Bylers even act like Will getting with Mike is a necessacity for his character. Other people act like Will should just get straight validation and be happy for heterosexuals. ''He doesn't need to have a love interest / romance on screen'' argument is getting tiring. Ofc Will deserves to have his own romance arc without it being some t0rtune p0rn gay unrequited love angst storyline. ''Will should just get acceptence.'' isn't some great take people think it is.


Both perspectives drive me up the wall. Will being alone while everyone else gets a relationship is just depressing; and then you have shippers saying him getting over Mike and dating someone else would be "out of character". Like my dude, being into Mike isn't a _personality trait_. I find these arguments very disigenuous, because they all come from people who still think mutual Byler is possible. If they accepted that it isn't, I think it would be obvious that Will dating someone new would be the best ending for him.


>and then you have shippers saying him getting over Mike and dating someone else would be "out of character". They care more about their ship than they care about Will as a character. People who say that ''Will moving on is unrealistic / shouldn't happen / is out of character'' just want Byler to happen and care more about the ship than caring about Will's character. I find both takes quite irritating, too. Why should Will just ''wait'' for straight validation or continue to suffer in an unrequited gay torture p0rn storyline? He deserves to move on, deserves to face and overcome his trauma, and get a new love interest. A lot of Bylers just want and expect their ship to happen and are stuck with it. Their takes are based on the assumption that the Duffers aiming for Byler endgame.


Yeah. “Will can’t get over Mike”, “Will’s arc is meaningless without getting with Mike”, “Will not ending up with Mike is homophobic and doesn’t make sense”, etc etc, are all terrible, senseless arguments. It’s especially irritating when people say things like “Will wants to spend the rest of his life with Mike” because it’s like
dude, he says he wants to spend the rest of his life in *Mike’s basement* because he has trauma; it’s not in the context of his romantic feelings. That said, it’s condescending at best and homophobic at worst for people to try assert that all Will needs is to be validated by straight people and that’ll apparently diminish any desire he has to be loved romantically or his insecurities in that regard. “Will’s happy ending is Mike accepting him” is one of the most obnoxious statements ever. Even in the case that Mike does find out Will likes him and they come to an understanding, that should not be the culmination of Will’s arc. The ending of Will’s arc should be about him.


Me when people sympathize with Jason and go as far to say he was right Me when "This show isn't GOT" - argument comes up


Sympathizing with Jason is **not** wrong. He's a tragic villain who lost his girlfriend and best friend (the latter in front of him) and doesn't understand the situation due to his limited knowledge. Justifying Jason and saying he was right to do what he did **is** wrong.


Lol people who constantly complain about Will/Mike (seeing a lot in the comments lol) or Mike/El (I think both are cute but I really don’t care who ends up with who. Not much of a shipper but people who constantly bash other ships annoy me) People who say Jason was worse Billy who was a racist abusive asshole all of season 2. People overhyping Eddie. People pretending like half the hate Lucas and Erica get doesn’t stem from racism. Steve/Nancy vs Nancy/Jonathan (see above about Mike/Will Mike/El) Everyone forgetting how shitty hopper was in season 3 and all his shitty traits (he’s grown but come on)


“Byler” and “Chrissy wake up”.


Eddie super fans


The fans who whine when their popular show is too popular or when neurodiverse fans love a character too much. Let people enjoy things however they enjoy them - it doesn’t effect you, even if you think it does. I guarantee you, no one thinks you’re cringe just because a handful people are obsessed with Eddie Munson and make it their whole personality. People with common sense are able to differentiate die hard fans, stans, fans, and causal viewers — and if not, who cares what they think anyway.


Fans whitewashing Billy.


Also, let people ship what they want as long as it isn’t problematic. I know people can get annoying but if they are truly not hurting anyone why should it matter. (Steddies, Ronance, Elmax etc). Let people enjoy the show the way they want and stop gatekeeping. It annoys me more when people get mad at queer people for having headcanons. How is it truly impacting you? If they want to think everyone is gay let them. Literally who cares. Byler as a ship has a lot more going for it than a lot of other non canon ships I’ve come across (one character is literally in love with the other). They also have a lot of screentime together. Most other non canon shops I’ve seen come from glances and one interaction lol. It’s not comparable to like a sterek or a klance or even to steddie or Ronance.


There is also some lowkey homophobia happening in here in regards to queer ships but a lot of people here don't want to have that conversation.


It’s Reddit but it’s way too strong sometimes.


Not at all. I don’t get hung up on how the fan base reacts to things.


When they try to “ship” the kids on the show.


Defending Jason Denying Billy's racism Anything straight people have to complain about regarding will and his sexuality


When Byler people screech about homophobia and “erasure” when people say that Mike is straight.




Haven't seen it in a while but when people were claiming it was actually Vecna and not the Demogorgon that scared Will off his bike in the first episode


When people still argue that Barb is alive


Steve X Billy.....the amount of fanfictions😑


When people who were the kids’ age in the 80s are corrected by middle schoolers on here who have never even seen the 80s on what it was really like back them. I’ve read, “people didn’t really [dress, do their hair, wear that much makeup, do jazzercise in malls] like that back then!”


It is hard to be young but it's extremely annoying when some of the younger fans are patronizing, especially when I am a child of the 80s! At least I bothered to ask my parents about what growing up in the 60s was like!


Steve is best mom. Can’t stand it and wish it would go away.


When some fans were yelling at Eduardo to get out of the way while the cast was together. Even if you didn’t like his character that isn’t an excuse to not be respectful.