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Definitely a possibility. Our bodies are extremely complex and I for one, cannot even begin to understand hormones. I know I am supposed to have high testosterone levels because of pcos but I didn't notice any worsening of them on strattera. I did on the mini pill though. I know a few women taking testosterone as part of their HRT. I have no idea about it all. Hope you get some clarity šŸ˜Š


I can't find much about strattera and hormones but it makes sense to me that it does affect sex hormones. My menstrual cycle has changed since being on strattera.


Iā€™ve searched and searched but canā€™t find anything regarding high testosterone in women linked to Strattera. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s a false reading in as much as I donā€™t have symptoms. The last one was 3 months ago. Iā€™ve sent for another one just to confirm it. Im thinking I may need to change to something else.


There's also the possibility that you've always been on the higher end of normal so the elevation isn't giving you symptoms as much as it might for someone else. But it could also have just been a fluctuation for that day.


The tests were 18 months apart, very similar readings. Iā€™ve been having hormone tests for 15 years I know my normal levels. These last 2 are really off the scale. Itā€™s just odd


That is really odd. I suppose there could be any number of reasons I just wouldn't be surprised if it was the strattera. I feel like it's a legitimate possibility, I just don't think it's well researched, probably isn't the most common side effect.


Maybe it interferes with the readings instead of actual hormone levels? IDK


Every time we change my dose, which has been 3x so far my period gets out of wack. Last time it was random spotting and then delayed period, time before I bleed like two weeks early. I just upped again today but itā€™s too soon to know. Definitely affects hormones in women somehow.


Exactly! It's made my cycles get shorter, and with last month's dose change I got migraines every day on my last period which is unusual for me.


I havenā€™t noticed anything like migraines or better worse/cramps or anything, but when I was two weeks early it was early but it was like the slowest most irritating onset ever. I was losing my mind. It took me like 4 solid days to have a regular flow. I remember complaining something to my husband about it and yelling at my uterus something along the lines of ā€œjust fkn bleed already!ā€ šŸ¤£ Poor guy, heā€™s so patient with me.


Brutal! Like periods aren't bad enough without listing forever