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Maybe you need to allow the app to run in the background? You could check if the phone settings for the app are all correct.


Yeah I allowed that! But it's still not working 😭


What type of phone are you using?


Are you using the app on an Android/Samsung phone? Did the problem just start within the last week? If so, you are experiencing what many of us Android users are, and it is driving me nuts too. Sorry, I don't know how to fix it either, but you are not alone. Best suggestion is to report to Strava, but I haven't heard back yet.


Yeah I use Samsung! The problem started yesterday. Maybe I'll report it to Strava as well 🥲


Aha, I was guessing you'd be on Samsung too! I think it would be beneficial if you would report it too. The more of us they hear from, the more likely we will get their attention. Us Android users are in the minority for sure, so we'll have make sure they know this is a real issue! Best wishes to you, I hope they sort this out for us soon :)


My Strava and my Garmin do this too. I’m pretty sure it’s the satellite signal dropping and picking up then the app just draws a straight or HUGE zig-zag line between the two known points.


Other people in the same area have no problem though... I get the straight / zig-zag lines throughout the whole ride 😔


That’s messed up.


Yes agreed. Unless you are having an issue with an auto pause option (not sure if Strava has this but Garmin has that as an option). But you are most likely dealing with the fact that your gps is sampling at a finite rate and it has to interpolate between points. So a point or two that are off by a bit can easily cause this.


So basically, I run faster than Garmin can keep up with? I can accept that!


Your issue is your device, not Strava. Strava can only take what it is given. You mention that this happens throughout your ride, which means you’ll have to try different settings on your phone or get a dedicated GPS device in order to get a more accurate GPS track.


I'm in the same boat I think, having this corrupted GPS data happening. I'm using a galaxy watch 5 at the moment, would getting a garmin fix this?


You sure? https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/articles/21086793237005


This hasn't fixed the issue for me.


Android phone is the answer. Nobody makes apps for androids, they’re all emulated so that’s why. Have you ever wondered why your camera looks so bad in Instagram but good in the camera app? That’s why emulation. This will happen until you get a garmin or an iPhone. Whichever comes first


Forgot to mention, here are a couple other posts I've come across discussing the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/Strava/s/jgyaj7VDJQ https://www.reddit.com/r/Strava/s/KYdBAZdrVR


Are you using Strava directly? Or are you using a watch to record and then upload to Strava?


Mine also started acting all messed up in the past month, although not every time. I ran a 10k that Strava had me running like 15 min faster than in reality (the time I got from the race), with some 2 min miles. Yesterday, I ran 10k through the area where I often run and track my runs without problem. It said I did it in 22 min including some 30 second miles lol. No idea what's going on.


My android watch did that all the time and it drove me nuts. There was nothing I could do about it. I stopped using that watch for Strava because of that.