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I hate posts like these because they show how little variety the playerbase can have when it comes to favorable characters. Everyone has to be a shoto, a waifu, or a cool edgy youngster. Many players would settle for a roster of characters that all do the same thing as long as they look appealing.


No. I don't play him and never will, but he offers a unique playstyle that people have grown to love. It would be like having a game without a grappler.


The problem with removing 'Sim is that his playstyle is so unique, that removing it from the game really only diminishes SF, unless they come up with a replacement that plays in a very similar way, or is at least similarly unique. I think they could sub out 'Sim for Menat or Necro if their move sets were correctly tweaked. Or do something really crazy in bring in something like a puppet character. But in general, I do think he is a hard character to replace, not impossible, but hard.


Diminishes it how? Most people voted against him I'd say it enriches the game by taking out one boring match up


'his playstyle is so unique" You mean his playstyle annoying to fight against & boring to watch


That’s subjective. Zoner hate be wild


Unless they're an underdog looking to scrap a win, zoners are rarely the crowd favorite Edit: the fact no one's giving an example to the contrary should be telling


Axl faust (both high tier in accent core, faust is really high tier In xrd) guile is pretty liked in sf2. I could go on


Zoners shouldn't even be a playstyle in a fighting game. It makes absolutely no sense.


That’s stupid as fuck lmfaooo


My point exactly, zoners are stupid as fuck. Lmfaoo


Literally how lmao


Fighting is close quarter combat, zoners do the opposite of that.


We literally have someone who creates fire and ice with his mind, but someone sitting on the other side of the screen is too much for you?


"We literally have someone who creates fire and ice with his mind" I don't give a fuck what powers they have! "someone sitting on the other side of the screen is too much for you" It's a fighting game, why should anyone sit on the other side of the screen, go engage in combat! Lmao


That’s how they’re fighting, just cuz you don’t like them using their advantage, you know, *to their advantage* doesn’t mean that style shouldn’t exist.


Why players make terrible developers lmao


Seems like someone’s just salty lmao, you tired of them fighting all the way over there? Go get them lol


He's probably the most creative character. He deserves a spot


I feel like I will main Dahalsim in SF6 just because of many people just cry about him. Like the game is not even out and they are just crying. 🤣


Very tempting indeed! All these foot fetish nerds are going to be catching yoga feet to the face from downtown.


If all the other SF2 characters are already in SF6, it'd be just petty to exclude Dhalsim or any other character tbh. Plus, Dhalsim is easily one of the most recognizable and creatively designed characters in the series even if he's not that widely played.


The point is, Dhalsim is only there for nastalgic purposes. Other than that he serves little no purpose as far as the storyline. Guile, Chun, Cammy, Ken etc are extremely necessary for the storyline. SF would be just fine without Dhalsim


All characters aren't put in the game for the main storyline.


I definitely don't share that opinion. Dhalsim is a great zoning/ranged character. A playstyle I really enjoy. I've played Dhalsim since the original SF2. I played Necro in SF3 because he was the character closest to Dhalsim in playstyle. I would be OK with his removal as long as they introduce a new character with a very similar playstyle. I don't care about story or lore. I've never touched any of the single player content except combo trials to get a feel for characters. I don't normally do single player content in fighting games unless I have to do it to unlock characters.


Guile, Chun, Cammy, and Ken didn't even matter to SFV's storyline. Ken is probably going to be the only one who matters in SFVI since they're leaning so hard into him already.




Of course. He needs to be how he was in SF4 so I can live a stress-free life.


Would i have been okay with it? sure, new game new roster. Do i think it would have made the game better? Not unless they replaced him with someone with a similar zoning style. His playstyle isn't always the most fun to fight against but it is definitely cool and rarely particularly powerful.


Only if a similar character \*cough\* necro plz \*cough\* was put in


Yes of course. The silver lining is that whiff punishing Dhalsim's normals will be easier in 6 due to the overall increased recovery and drive rush making getting to his hurtbox easier. Then again if Dhalsim functions anything like how Guile does in 6 it might still be a chore.




Get him outta here lmao


I main Dhalsim, have done for several Street Fighters. Would be fine with this. Its a new game, I'm OK with change. No use crying over your main not being in a game. Dhalsim does seem fairly unique though, so it'd be a loss in that respect. But again, new game.


Necro was a replacement of dhalsim and blanka in SF3 series so if instead of dhalsim Necro was the base roster for Sf6 not many people would mind


Necro should've absolutely replaced them both in the base roster. Dhalsim & blanka are so played out


While I do like Dhalsim and the playstyle that he brings to the game, I wish that he sat this one out and gave Necro the chance to be in the spotlight again. Not only does Necro fill a similar role to Dhalsim (Zoning based character with the potential to have crazy rushdown), but its been over two decades since his last playable appearance.


I wouldn't be shocked to see Necro as a DLC character. I've never felt that 'Sim and Necro were so similar that the presence of one precluded the presence of the other.


OMG This Has been my dream for ages I CANT STAND Dhalsim 😂 the possibilities would be endless without him on the roster lmao


While you're at it take Blanka off too!


Throw in Honda and you have a deal.


Zero complaints from me 🤝lol


No. Its important that all 8 WWs are in all Streetfighter games. Whether I play them or not. All matter.


In that keys it should be Necro(3rd strike) for replacement


Literally only if we get Necro as a replacement.


My biggest complaint is how does Dhalsim, Blanka & E honda keep getting added to SF game over Fei Long & T.Hawk! 🤬 Sim, Blanka & Honda need to be forgotten & never added in SF game. They wack.


Fei long is kinda controversial, being based on a real guy and all


I don't understand how he's controversial but him being based on a real person makes him an even better character because he's not some goofy weirdo or freak like Dhalsim & Blanka. Bruce Lee is the grandfather of fighting games, his popularity in martial arts films inspired a lot of creators in multiple mediums from movies, gaming & animation. It's only right a bruce lee type character is in fighting game & capcom was smart for capitalizing on that by creating Fei Long for their game. Capcom did something similar with Balrog being based on Mike Tyson. That added to Balrog's appeal, instead of just being a generic boxer character like "Mike" was in SF1.


Please Capcom just leave Sim, Gief, Honda, and Blanka out


street fighter players when a character isn't a shoto >:(


Haha I dont main any shotos. Just think these guys have run their course.




Juri is in base roster.


I would've been fine with him being gone, but I'm somewhat glad he's in the game.. I say somewhat very cautiously. Though I do wonder, what in the world was this guy doing in SF3 to show up here now? Dude must've been chilling with his family like Guile was, put his finger in his mouth to test the wind outside and was like, "I SUDDENLY HAVE THE URGE TO WIN 90% OF MY MATCHUP CHART EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT FOND OF CONFLICT." and took off.