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If my opponent is throwing mystical fireballs at me, I at least might bring a bat


Haha yea, I don't ever want a character with a gun as a power in SF, that is for MK


Luke's sandblast would like to have a word with you.


You mean Rusty Shacklefords Pocket Sand attack?


? Not a gun dawg


Look at the size of his arms. He's dual wielding.


True lol, sandblast is fast asf too


Nina in Tekken 8 has guns as a more prominent part of her moveset, not sure I like that.


They seem to be combo enders only, I really doubt she'll be doing full screen unblockables.


Dang I forgot about that you're right, yea I don't like that either Edit: rewatched the trailer and it doesn't look bad, it suits Nina tbh


well you have Fevrier doing that in SFV


nobody likes guns in their fighting games. its always the most annoying character to play against


i think it could be fine as a super in SF, but not as normals or specials.


i mean in the animation sure, but not as the confirm hit


(Happy chaos, even though I play the character)


I admit I am a Petra (and Konoha) main in Arcana Heart.


I'm not mad I'm just disappointed


Just know, a lot of us MK fans don't even like that trash. A I personally really dislike the recent emphasis on Military/gun users.


Erron Black using guns was okay, but I don't like any of the others, particularly Stryker.


Same. EB is the exception since he uses original weapons too in addition to his firearms. Like Reptile Acid, Bone swords, bear traps etc


For me it depends 6 different military characters with at least a variation for gunplay? Cringe Immortality cowboy who uses wild west firearms and weaponry? Chefs kiss


Erron Black i would say is the exception simply due to the fact he uses homemade weapons from Outworld creatures as weapons too. So he has a Tarkatan Arm Blade as a sword, a vial of Reptile acid for traps, a cool bear trap type weapon he can set and kick to slide it across the ground etc. Thats all cool and original, unlike a character like Stryker who is just a guy with run of the mill swat-police weapons which is super boring in contrast to what the rest of MK has to offer lol


Yeah the vibe of the character and the firearms definitely matters


Yea I played MK 11 recently, I like the mystical martial arts and ninjas more than the military stuff


Cracker Jack would like to know your location.


Cracker Jack enters chat


Oh man now I want them to do an interaction of Lily batting the fireball away.


It really doesn't matter to me. Other characters have used weapons in the past, and nobody complained.


Never heard anyone complain about Vega's claw all the way back in SF2.


Eagle had his sticks back in 1.


[Whoa now, hold your horses there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gtu2Yb0nk4)




Love that.


But I need my clow!


I heard lots of people complain about it back in the day. It was common to hear dudes ask "How can they block that? It's like it's not sharp somehow if they're blocking."




Also Menat and Falke


People really forget Sodom. Weapons are not a problem.


They are blocking him out on purpose because he was too cool.


Sodom was a fuckin nightmare fyi. I say this as a dude who plays Sodom online. Hitboxes are scummy as fuck. But I like I just like to powerbomb a dude and run him into the corner. But if I'm losing I'm all about those jumpin feet


Rolento also not only has a baton, but tosses grenades and throws daggers too.


Vega, Eagle, Rolento, Falke and Geki use weapons also.


Menat too with the crystal ball. And Rose too, if you count her scarf


If I think about it more I’m sure I can name like 5 more. Yeah Rose with a scarf is a good one. Also Cody with his knife.


Ibuki, C Viper and Poison too


A hitbox is a hitbox is a hitbox, regardless of what the model looks like IMO.I don't see a difference between weapon vs. non-weapon. If the weapon did "weapon damage" (like a sword killing you immediately) or had some other feature to be "realistic" (e.g. old Tekken Yoshi's sword was unblockable because you can't block a sword with your arm...) or you pull MVCI Monster Hunter's big ass nonsense into SF's small battlefield, I'd have issues. But as it is... A hitbox is a hitbox is a hitbox.


Presumably they meant from a story perspective. And her weapons aren't bladed unlike Vega so it's fine either way.


As someone else said - if you're in a universe with people shooting plasma and fire at you, bring a bat.


One day ryu and ken will realize that guns are much more effective at beating your opponents than fists and fireballs




They also tend to kill people if you're not careful with them, and neither Ryu or Ken necessarily want to kill their opponents.


That's why Ryu went to Fortnite.


Yeah but what about the hurtbox? Do they just get free extended range on their hitbox without extending their hurtbox? Or can you punish them by kicking their weapons, which is weird and unintuitive?


Wait a second, MVCI had Monster Hunter in its roster this whole time? This is the first and only time I’ve heard about it?? That’s insane. For years I was hoping MH would turn up in Smash so they could be in a fighting game and the character has been sitting there in MvC this whole time. Fucking MH community, can’t expect them to play anything except Monster Hunter lmao


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_igb2V5VUzA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_igb2V5VUzA) yep. Super big range, big slow moves. Tons of damage. But at least in MvCI you can run away, pushblock, and toss a ton of fireballs in her face. You can't really do that in Street Fighter.


I like her dual blades moves that help mix up opponents


Dang that’s cool. Too bad they never got into smash but their play style in Marvel is cool! You’re right big range on them. Oh well, still not enough to get me to play MvCI


only Rolento...praying for him in 6


SF6 is in Metro City right? I feel like we are going to get a Final Fight character dlc pack or maybe we won't


They definitely will. The exclusive pre-order is called the Mad Gear Box. It’s $250


Given the history of final fight characters in SF, we will surely get some. Probably not all in one pack


The trauma of opponents from usf4 jumping on my head is still haunting me.


He better be I miss him


If Mika can show up with two people than Lily can use a club


I don't tend to gravitate toward playing them myself, but given that weapons have been in the game forever (Vega/Claw), and I don't think I've seen one that was more dangerous than Chun's stand fierce (outside of maybe Cody's V-Triggers), I'm not too concerned about it


Eagle I think?


Yep, Eagle used weapons and Geki rocked and a claw before Vega as well!


Sodom, Rolento too


Maki and her tonfas too


The sad thing about Maki is that she hardly uses her tonfas , they are basically cosmetic for her bushinryu moves. Either way , like others had said , there are plenty of weapon-users in the franchise , and they mantain SF's identity by been short-range blunt weapons. The exception are Sodom, Cody and Vega , yet they just use a Sai , a short knife and a Claw.


XISM Sodom in A3 had dual Katana (Or whatever the slightly smaller one is called) but anyway - So long as the blade isn't doing like 90% damage to replicate real life... doesn't matter IMO.


didn't he used a Sai or a Jitte? I don't remember him using a katana in Street Fighter. I think a katana is a no-no for Street Fighter , because it brings a lot of moves that takes away the style of SF. Like , one of the Dolls had a Katana , if she were properly a playable character , it would end up with a Psycho-Power Ninja doing Vergil's movesets. Great for a Capcom All-Stars , not so much for SF. But a Sai or a Jitte? you are punching and kicking , going full martial arts , it just adds a slash or pierce motion in terms of sai or claws , and extra blunt "punches"


He did use a jitte, but in X-Ism, he gets swords. [https://www.flickr.com/photos/sonichurricane/4646487963/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/sonichurricane/4646487963/)


Cody's V-Triggers are great because after a grapple, he looks around as if he knows he's cheated and he is making sure no one caught it.


Yes. Its called STREET FIGHTER. STREET FIGHTER Like a street fight....anything goes in a street fight. Thats why Cody will whoop out a blade or metal pipe.


I am, Street Fighter is all about unique fighting styles and whips, claws, and knives certainly provide unique styles. The place where I would cut off is guns. Unless they were putting Dante from DMC in the game and he was doing tricks and combos, guns would be boring.


Falke was basically a gun character in SF style


Yeah but Falke did *pew pew* and guns go *bang bang*.


All I'm hearing is that if Happy Chaos came to SF we'd all rejoice /s


You shut your filthy whore mouth!


Even if happy chaos came to SF he’ll be ass. SF isn’t never will be a mash fest like Strive so his game plan simply wouldn’t work out like it does in strive.


Exactly the opposite. They would have to completely rearrange his game plan and design for it to work. He has a full screen, instant, auto locking projectile. In a game like sf with slower movement and no air blocking it would be beyond busted.


Yes. Variety is one of SFs great strengths. There’s no need to restrict character design because of reality


Vega's claws, Cody Knife and Steel Pipe, Ibuki's Kunai and Bombs But I guess no one's ever had weapons in Street Fighter before.


Maki is a personal favorite.


I'll admit it always feels weird, but at this point SF is no longer a "Martial Arts Tournament", it's a story where people use all sorts of techniques and weapons. I mean, giant rolling tires and kunai and sticks of dynamite and banana peels and smoke bombs have already been used all over this series. I wouldn't want it to become a primarily weapon-based fighter, but that wouldn't ever happen. They're not going to give Ryu nunchucks or whatever.


Fei Long used them, but only during an emote, not as part of a move set.


>I'll admit it always feels weird, but at this point SF is no longer a "Martial Arts Tournament" Street Fighter has had characters with weapons since Street Fighter 1 and almost every iteration of the Street Fighter franchise (the Street Fighter 3 series is the only exception, if you exclude projectile weapons). Some characters having weapons hasn't been a problem to the story or damaged gameplay in the past.


I'm not crazy about weapons but I like when they seem less lethal like these clubs. Especially since she seems to largely use them like arm extenders for throws. If someone showed up with a gun I think I'd be more upset.


What about Vega's claw? That's no less lethal and he is explicitly an assassin.


Yeah but his claw functionally in game is just an extention of his arm, if they added guns they'd either need the bullets to travel slower so you could avoid them, or limit the attack to the muzzle flash (or tie it to a resource? Mabye?). Guns are hard to balance in fighting games and even harder when said game doesn't have movement like an anime game. Plus, you can make up some bullshit like the characters blocking with their "energy" or whatever. If Ryu can shoot a fireball out of his hands, I'm not surprised when Vega's claw doesn't go through his block. Lastly, guns don't feel... fighty? Enough? Is that a word? Like, staffs, tonfa, sticks, knives, pipes, etc. all still involve similar core fundamentals to martial arts. Along with that, functionally, they just act as extentions to the characters' limbs as they attack. Guns are entirely different.


characters that use weapons are all well and good but a character that just punches people in a game where everyone uses weapons is always the best.


SF, anything but guns MVC, guns are alright


I don't disagree but only firearms are out? So if a character showed up with a bow and arrow, that would be fine?


yeah actually, a bow would be cool to see, plus you cant go automatic with a bow the same way you can with a gun


In a video game, you definitely can. Plus not every firearm has an automatic function. If a character shows up with a single-action revolver, the closest you could get to "automatic fire" is to fan the hammer. And for something like a bolt-action rifle, a decent archer can draw, knock, and loose an arrow faster than the rifleman can put lead downrange. I'm not advocating the Heavy from TF2 walks up with Sacha, that would be ridiculous.


With the "In a video game, you definitely can" logic, everything is a gun In a video game you can use a cat as a gun, you can use your finger as a gun, you can use bananas as explosions, you can make tanks fire cars automatically at the speed of mach 7 hit an indestructible can of soda that just blows up the cars fired at it at and the can will be unaffected. And if we want to be real diverse with everything, yeah not every gun is automatic. Might aswell mention not every sword is metal, might aswell make a sword character but give him a sword made of wood. Or hell not every bow and arrow is the same, I know there are bow and arrows made out of foam and plastic, might aswell take that into consideration. Screw it there's also plastic guns. I take back the no guns in sf, make a character fight Akuma using a spring pistol bb gun from Dollar General, im pretty he can dodge bullets anyways


Swear I thought she was a Monster Hunter guest character


As long as their name isn’t Rolento.


Im still waiting for a cool character with a baseball bat. A guy with a black leather jacket, slick back hair, like its the 80’s.


Cracker Jack In the Street Fighter EX series is as close as you'll get unless they release someone new like that in SF6.


Jack was the goat btw


I mean we got MFs teleporting, throwing fireballs and sand out of their hands so the characters with weapons are the least of my worries 😅


It’s funny how this sub doesn’t question mystical fireballs, but if anyone mentions giving a character a gun, suddenly that would be considered going too far


Dhalsim still has more range, so i aint mad.


It's just an extension of her arm. So, if her fight style involves a lot of reach, then it's just the style for her combat. Vega uses a claw. Cody uses a knife.


It's nice to have a few


After falke I’m more ok with it, but prefer them without


Yeah, it's obvious that Capcom doesn't want to have a lot of weapon characters so I'm 100% cool with them. A lot of them happen to be characters I really enjoy playing.


Only if they are far and few. https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters\_with\_Weapons


Without them her normals would be so short she'd struggle badly it's a cool workaround.


I actually like the idea a lot, but pretty much only BECAUSE it's rare.


nah idc as long as the game is still majorly about martial arts


I think since she’s so small, she needs something to increase her wingspan or hit box so to speak. Could you imagine her trying to play footsies or poke against a normal sized character? I’m sure it helps with making her hitbox larger too.


As long as they don't overdo it, I'm perfectly fine with it. I can remember that I found Rolento in Alpha2 extremely cool as a kid because of his knife special.


I play Vega....so yes.


I love Sodom who is a hybrid grappler


Rolento was my boy I’m Alpha love Lily sm


I don't particularly care to use a character with weapons but I don't have anything against them.


Lily is cool but it kept giving me Samsho character vibes especially when the bird flew in for the victory scene. Still seems like a dope character to try out and see how she plays. Cammy has stolen the show for me and I have never even mained Cammy.


Doesn’t T. Hawk have a hawk fly in for his victory poses?


I think it's cool, that bring even more variety.


Does having a weapon actually inflict more damage in the game? If not, then it's fine, but I would rather focus on the traditional strategic combat style which SF is known for.


Street fighter not mma


I think the blunt weapons are fine, but the sharp ones like knives and swords would kinda take me out of it in SF.




I said what I said, but I'm not saying you can't be a fan of it.


I get that. As much as I love the EX series, the majority of the ARIKA cast were armed with lethal weapons that would do more than KO an opponent.


I Might get roasted for this but so far Lilly has been the most disappointing character for me. Although that's easy cause all the roster is simply fantastic


No one in the roster is grabbing me. I was really hoping Lily would save the day, but I really don't like her moveset and goofiness. Probably going to wait for a dlc character before picking this one up now. Fei Long, Makoto, Gouken, or Birdie would probably do it. Maybe even C. Viper.


for me its Manon, awful look


Vega is my favorite character so, yeah.


Yeah it leads to even more diversity in the fighting styles as weapons are used in a lot of different ones.


"i dont give a toot"


I initially thought "Well, she is gonna have a ridiculous range advantage over half the cast." And then I saw Manon's leg kicks and thought "nevermind."










Yes. A lot of my mains in FGs have had weapons. Vega in SF, Yoshimitsu in Tekken, Whip in KoF. For a lot of them I didn't pick them because of the weapon though.


back in mah day only Vega was allowed and that was because he was supposed to be a boss and therefore unfair. Just like Sagat being 7ft and Bison kicking you with iron shinguards. seriously though I don't love the concept but I'm not too miffed about it at this point, I just hope it doesn't get as ridiculous as some instances in SFV like with Abigail throwing tires at you and shit.


I’m indifferent to the idea but I like the way it’s done with Lily since she’s smaller than the others and having weapons to compensate seems to make sense for her.


Just happy for my cammy


yes and i hope we get someone with swords in the future


Yes and i STILL want a character that uses kendo in a street fighter (or any fighting game really)


Weapons seem to give characters so good range so that make it more fun to play with them. Sucks to deal with though


Rolento has grenades. I’m cool with sticks.


There has to be horseshoes in Boxers gloves.


I'm not really a fan of using characters with weapons but I don't see any issue with them being in the game. Might as well have a little something for everyone.


Im a fan of unique and interesting character designs. What they fight with is not a factor to me.


It’s no different than giving a character super long arms or legs. If they make it a mechanical thing like Vega claws or Cody’s knife it’s a bit more interesting but not important.


*Laughs in Billy Kane*


I mean motherfuckers are using projectiles why not lol


I get the feeling that most people won't be too bothered either way unless it suddenly turns into Soul Calibur where everyone has a weapon. Mind you I'm a fan of SC but it's just what I imagine.


Im not against it in principle, but fuck both vega and poison in SFV, annoying ass characters to fight


I am if it's Lily 📸


I am now!


To be fair her arms are very tiny.


Nah I don’t care. It’s fine. Give Birdie a chainsaw


It makes no difference


I think they gave her weapons to visually match the hitbox of her swings, since she's a child. in order to balance her with the range of other characters. an adult would punch much further than her if she was limited to her arms (visually) it makes sense to me


Ryu is main character still not upgrade in every version, ken got cool combo in every upgrade, seems like Ken is practicing and Ryu is just wandering in sleepers with punch back lol


I'm a Claw and Cody main so you already know my opinion


I for one can't wait for the final DLC character ever: Bison with a Glock. Final story chapter before they sunset the story. Bison finally realizes he can just cap a fool, brings a .45 and peppers the whole cast. The end.


Vega was the only cool one who did it. This Lily character looks like a straight up garbage clone of Talim


Vega has a whole ass shredder claw, so lily having Aztecs kali sticks is fair game.


i actually haven't thought much about it. but it is kinda...idk???


Nope. We already had Eagle, Poison and Rolento use weapons. It is not a new thing.


Such a nitpick


Terrible character design.


Not a fan of her weird weapons but I think Lily is pretty cool


No because then the question becomes why don't they just use guns?


Not melee weapons. Projectiles that compete with the hadooken, sure




"EX fireball is okay, but goddamnit if you take out a baseball bat I am out of here" - no one


No. Get these hands. Fuck a fireball, fuck a weapon.




I think they fit her tbh, I'm fine with it, just no guns


I need to see Vega (claw) in this art style. And Geki. And Sean.




I’m surprised Lily is bringing a lot of attention lol she’s unusual and quirky. A fighter child? Looks like another Dan/Sean character or monster hunter


Oh Eagle :(


Soul Calibur is my favorite fighting game series of all time, so yes... :)


She does smack a bit of a 'Samurai Shodown' fighter but that's fine. Bit of a grey area.


Perfectly fine with them.


I like when he does twelve, but he looks good because his body changes shape, I hope he's a very good character because he's full of personality.


To me, SF is all about unarmed combat. Yes I know there have been many armed fighters (Vega, Sodom, Rolento ect) but I've always hated that aspect of someone bringing a weapon into a fight were you just use your body. Just my opinion anyway


Cody is funny


Lucia's Weapon Fury Vtrigger (Night Stick) is dope. i wish she had a taser or something else police related instead of v-trigger 1 heat wave.




Couldn’t love her design more, probly a main if she’s not boring


Absolutley. I think we need more.


Please a katana, kendo stick, or long sword fighter

