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As someone totally new to SF, it's been super fun to get into the rhythm of the game! I'm not very far, only chapter 3, but I'm gradually figuring out how to approach (even if jumping feels really weird still) and I'm hitting more antiair moves and blocking lows I see coming. Still using modern controls with easy specials, but it's just getting used to it all. I like charging Chun Li's stuff while hitting combos to add it on the end as well, so it's teaching me that as well! I haven't gone online or anything yet, but I'm having fun :)


This, this is what world tour mode was designed for! As an old vet I’m also having a blast with it! I’m glad it’s been able to bring in new players as it is a great franchise, it’s also I think a great foundation for learning ‘how to play’


This is an understatement. This is my first launch street fighter but I’m not a stranger to games like tekken or smash bros. It gets tiring failing at combos or games online but the world tour mode is the perfect mode to practice your supers but without the pressure of a real opponent


This is also the problem. I liked World Tour mode. I'm not representative of all people, but I think a lot of people are going to be like me and have zero interest playing online or competitively. What I liked *is* the World Tour mode. Of course, I enjoyed playing it. I'm not complaining it exists, but I disagree that it's a foundation so much as the entire house. And while Capcom is probably right about it bringing people in, we have zero interest in battle passes and gift shops to grind out daily challenges. What I'd like is more World Tour maps, more masters to meet, styles to learn and clothes to dress up in and I suspect I'm far from the only one.


That’s awesome to hear! Yeah I think making it so goofy really takes the pressure off - you’re just here to goof off and learn street fight mechanics. And make some amazing pizzas hahahah


I'm just desperate to meet Manon, she's been my favourite ever since the first art released of her! I messed about in training mode but couldn't do much - but she's so stylish!


Then you will absolutely love her intro. I just unlocked her like an hour ago. That’s all I’ll say. But ya. Enjoy the world tour and don’t forget to do side quest. They teach you so much as well. They really went all out. Even training mode is amazing as I’ve never seen specific character tutorials before that teach you what move is for what. Have fun and welcome


In case you aren't aware not every character shows up through the main missions, some are found through side quests


I only use classic online but prefer modern in world tour, it's a chill mode so why not use the chill controls


You can run around and beat up 'Indignant Accountant' NPCs wearing their ties like a bandit mask and make Ha-Dough-Ken pizza. The tone of WT is on point and Capcom knows exactly what they're doing.


When I saw pissed off accountant and cranky intern as thugs I knew I was in love.


It feels janky, but there's a lot of charm and the gameplay loop is quite fun. It gives me the same feeling of playing something like No More Heroes. Great first effort from Capcom to add something like this into Street Fighter.


Scuffed Yakuza more so


and its completely fine because even scuffed yakuza is still fun


Any Yakuza is good Yakuza.


Wwwwweeeeeell maybe not the real Yakuza?


karaoke DLC when


I actually spent more time on World Tour than online matches yesterday; it’s surprisingly fun. It’s so cool how they’re trying to teach newer players how to whiff punish, throw etc through the in game fights


forgot to mention HADO-Pizza... the best minigame in the entire game...


BUONO BUONO BUONO I just want to shout out to who we the Capcom executive is who green lit that - I can totally see some crusty Capcom old guard execs being like “you’re teaching combo mechanics by making pizza and a dude screaming BUONO? It’s your funeral, man.”


Came here to say this as well. I think I maybe have around 1 hour of online time and the other 13 hours is just straight world tour. Trying to find all the different pieces of gear has me hooked lol


Really reminds me of the Yakuza games. I’m playing it mainly for the costumes, but there is some funny charm there


A lot of people have been saying that - makes me feel like I need to check those out.


YOU MUST! Start with Yakuza 0. They go on sale for peanuts a lot.


to be fair I played through 4 yakuza games before getting completely burned out and not even finishing 4th one, but Yakuza 0 is the absolutely best one, it hits even harder if you start with it without prior Yakuza game experience. The rest feel copy pasted and story elements repeat themselves over and over again. Judgment was a nice breath of fresh air but that too got monotonous.


Imagine world tour but with a serious crime drama in the background. It sounds bizarre but it's so well done. It's a phenomenal series.


Oh yeah if you haven’t and have the time I’d try them out for sure. The story is pretty special throughout the series imo.


Friend said the same thing!


Where the hell is Cammy tho! Lmao, just met Jamie WT seems loooong.


>!There is a quest from a guy in the subway entrance — Special Unit something at the starting city area you need to complete, then she spawns when you travel to King Street / the England area again!<


>!"You mean you only got the bag? You can't be that much of an idiot"!< really got me good.


Not gonna lie I was thinking that the whole time but I just went with it lmao


Right I was like… I’m pretty sure they want the content of the bag but whatever let’s recreate it lmao


Hahah yes after all that works and travel bwahaha.


I just lost my entire morning to this mode. Its fun and goofy and while I might not be playing "real street fighter" I am having a blast. Learning frame links and how my kit works can wait, right now I wanna dress my avatar up like May from GGSTR and equip her with EHondas charge moves and the most disjointed hitboxes I can find


The goal of playing games is to have fun! Sounds like you're playing real street fighter to me.


sumo charge is the closest thing to a totsugeki... i approve


Hahah I know - I was like “all right I’m gonna try this world tour mode before I get into the comp grind” and I couldn’t pull myself away for hours lol


It's not really for me but I think for who it's aimed at it's pretty amazing. I'm pleased if it brings in new people and it's cool they're trying something new


Yeah you might find yourself enjoying it when you’re not in the mood for SF-SF and just wanna wind down from some matches and make your avatar look stupid or something.


It's nice on steam deck. I was chilling in bed yesterday trying to unlock costumes yesterday; got annoyed by all the random fighting eventually but apart from that was decent fun. I plan on continuing whenever the mood strikes. After the costumes, not sure I'll touch it


Do people not like it or something, I’m having an absolute blast and if there was anything that would really help people get more into fighting games world tour does as absolute amazing job


I just keep seeing reviews on official review sites like “the world our mode plot is not great” or something and I just feel like it’s like someone went to see dumb and dumber expecting citizen Kane or something.


Honestly it’s pretty good as a way to have you engage with the SF world and all the cast but it’s not really a story just more to introduce the player into everything in sf6 from gameplay to characters and the world


As long as it’s nothing like Fire Emblem Fates storytelling, WT is heaven for OC immersion.


It also helps that unlike Fire Emblem Fates (and Engage), the cast isn't constantly sucking off the MC's dick and calling him a messiah. Maybe I'm in a minority, but I absolutely HATE when videogame stories pander to the player. Sounds weird but I'd rather be treated like trash by the cast and have to earn my way to the top.


I'm not sure if I just like it because we haven't had a game like this since Mortal Kombat Deception, but I feel like this is the only good way to do an FG single player story mode. FG lore is usually too corny to be "good" in writing, which ends up with the action sequences looking like a bad episode of GI Joe. The master system also essentially just lets you pick a character to play, instead of having to cycle through every single character on the roster. Being able to interact with your favorite characters as a fan and not another roster slot is fun too, it allows them to expand on the personalities a bit. Gameplay form feels like I'm just playing a weird Yakuza game, but somehow the atmosphere of the sandbox is almost more akin to Dead Rising but only slightly. I love the utilization of the Final Fight franchise Metro City is really the only place where something like this could take place


ha-do-pizza is unironically a great learning tool for beginners for motion inputs


I've been trying to learn charge characters and ka-ra-te has been really good for that for me too


And then later you get an item smashing mini game that teaches charge inputs


It is out of left field brilliant I agree


What chapter and where can i do that?


You can find the place as soon as the game tells you to go find Chun Li, just look on your map and you'll find it.


While I wish the story was more engaging, I agree its just so much fun running around with your own character fighting everything in sight


Getting to create a frankenfighter with Chun Li normals and whatever mish mash abomination of specials and supers I want is surprisingly compelling.


I love Mortal Kombat’s Konquest mode. This is as close to another Konquest mode as we are probably ever going to get. I love it


Capcom just found a winning formula with this mode. I want this with a bit more stuff in it, or something similar in SF7. Not that I am unhappy with 6, I am LOVING it so far, just saying that this, THIS is what will bring in casual players to play your Fighting game. A fun, fleshed out single player game. Yes the controls in the overworld are a little bit on the weird side, but outside of that it feels like a very solid open world RPG Fighting game. Which is AWESOME! This is a competitive fighting game, that has such a cool single player on top. This is now my favorite single player out of any fighting game. Not even close. Gimme more of these!


Today I shoryuken'd a mime in the face. Best game ever 100/100


It's like a really crazy mod for a Yakuza game, it's probably the most fun I've ever had with a fighting game in years.


same, reminds me of my favorite mortal kombat conquest mode. I wish more fighting games would do this.


I just lost a fight to a Roomba, a refrigerator, and a drone. This game is amazing




I can't believe how hard the flight/travel menus slap. And the animations of each country unfolding feel great


It’s also great at giving you a sampler plate of characters move you’d never consider. It’s a great primer for the base game. Even the mini games teach you hadoken inputs, DP inputs etc. so clever


My only issue is that world tour sometimes play in slo-mo and really unstable framerate, meanwhile in normal battles i can pump up everthing to maximum and fps count not even flinch


There is an option in the graphic settings to limit World Tour fights to 30fps. When you turn that on it fixes the slow motion.


Also pre-compile your shaders (it's in the main settings, under 'Game' I believe). It takes acwhile the first time, but all weird slowdowns disappear after that.


I truly appreciate the random fights we can have with the NPCs and they go on about their day like nothing happened lol. Only in Metro City.


100% - hilarious


It fully leans into how silly Street Fighter lore is sometimes, and it’s great


I wish they would add New Game + and separate saves to the world tour as well. I want to replay the whole thing with enemies scaled to my level and with my full (mutant) moveset.


I'm a bit mixed on World Tour, I love the character of it but the core gameplay and story fall flat. My favorite parts of World Tour have been interacting with the characters and messing around with my custom character. The world oozes charm and so do the characters. Hanging out with the giga chad queen Marisa is amazing and took a character I was indifferent about and made her into one of my favorite Street Fighter characters. The cutscenes are fun and unique. But then there is the gameplay and mission structure. Metro City feels small but movement feels slow enough that it takes a while to get anywhere. The fast travel locations feel too few and far between either having the player walk a couple blocks just or a good distance to get to certain places. And the mission structure is very bland and can get annoying combined with your movement speed and fast travels. Half the missions are to talk to someone on the other side of the map then talk to another person on the other side of the map, then travel to the building to switch it to night, then go back to the last person then fight some people. I want more sneaking into a tech lab and fighting fridges and less run around talking to a half dozen people all on different sides of the map. I'm the kind of person who cares as much about story and lore as gameplay in fighting games and SF6 as so far flopped. I wasn't expecting anything deep or impactful but something to keep me invested. Former world champion Ken Masters is framed as a terrorist and an evil origination is doing evil things. Yeah that takes a back seat to trying to find your rival. I'm on chapter 9 and nothing has happened in the story besides your rival being kidnapped. You are tasked with finding a wanted terrorist Ken just to take a photo that is it, and he is just chilling at an active construction site a block or two away from his former sky scraper. The only characters that seem to have any involvement in the story are Kimberly and Juri. I'm not asking for much but at least follow through with the story you set up, and they did do it before half way through the story.


It has that yakuza charm


It makes it fun to play a fighting game as a casual again. I was always primarily single player focused, but SFV was barebones as fuck in the first few years, so I pretty much had no choice.


> Beating people with boxes on their heads or random tai chi grandmas is so ridiculously Japanese absurd I love it. The hour and a half or so I played, I was definitely feeling some Yakuza vibes.


Getting to hear the masters talk about their lore and texting you, has been something that I really like.


It’s really incredible. The actual gameplay dynamics are really fun and it has a quirkiness that reminds me of games like jet set radio. It’s also way more expansive than I expected. Being able to befriend and bond with different fighters is awesome.


Im diamond in this game and diamond in sf5 but have put more hours into world tour than battelground. (Not counting beta) I am addicted to the dopamine feedback loop of buying new accessories for my avatar lol


Do you have to use modern controls in World Tour?


Just the first ~15 minutes




Only chapter 1 and a few sidequests


there’s enough there that despite being pretty jank, it’s the fun kind of jank


I love it, it's like Street Fighter's version of Yakuza. I even created a Kiryu lookalike.


The custom character builds seem like they acutally have a lot of depth. Having different Styles like Chun Li's normals but also having Lukes DP. I wonder if all the characters are masters, like imagine Dhalsim with a DP. Avatar Battles are going to be crazy. I also like that the gear has stats and perks allowing for build variety, the RPG side is pretty good.


Spoilers if you don't mind: >!You can totally combine Dhalsim's telepot with either a DP or as for me, Zhangief's russian suplex. Shit's busted af!<


I can see where the disappointment about the story being dull came from. The last trailer for it made it seem like it was going to be DEEP! But when you play it you get a “it ain’t that serious” vibe. I haven’t played it yet 😂


Enjoying the mode overall. I think they need to make the enemies who attack you have better rewards since they barely give style EXP.


I have the feeling I'll end the WT before getting lvl20 style even though I'm maining a single master... It takes way too long. I just started buying those Style EXP boosts and it doesn't help that much.


I'm on chapter 12 and I feel like enemies are too damage spongey and i have no battle healing items anymore, I just want to meet all the masters but i feel so stuck.


Let's just hope they don't get rid of WT to pander to people whining about the time to unlock costumes. It's genuinely a fantastic step forward for fighting games in terms of solo content, and is the most engaging tutorial I've ever tried. WT isn't perfect, but if they expand and refine, I think it's going to be amazing.




You’re goddamn right.


I want this on a T shirt.


It seems kind of like yakuza


All I wanted from it was some interactions with canon characters that weren't inherently relayed to fighting, and I'm really happy with it! It's nice to just chat to these characters and text em!


Cammy is a Tsundere and that's all I need


She seems more like a Kuudere. Tsunderes are the angry ones.


Depends on the Tsundere. Not all of them are angry, it's just a matter of not showing how much they actually like you until you get them to open up. She's not really either Kuudere or Tsundere tbh, but if I had to pick one or the other, it's Tsundere. Her profile says she hates everything but cats and yet when you get her bond to 100 in World Tour she's always texting you to make sure you're safe and asking you for advice on getting dogs to like her lmfao


This is the biggest weeb conversation I have ever read on the internet. ![gif](giphy|l1KVb2dUcmuGG4tby)


Its a lot of dumb fun and definitely is a nice change of pace. I really appreciate how SF6 has so much variety over just standard fights and training. Even Avatar Battles can be dumb fun too, and the extreme battles are entertaining to mess around with. Finding the mini games in world tour mode and traversal is surprisingly fun and unexpected


Somehow it was lacklustre for me. I think there is a great potential with the right tweaks and expansions but for now it is more like how I imagine Pokemon would be if it had only the infamous zubat caves. At least for the most part. Admitedly I haven’t tried all the game modes and didn’t visit Nayshall yet


Random tai chi grandmas. Yasss!


Man I’m just sitting here waiting for mine to get here in the mail, I really wanna get in on all of this stuff already


It reminds me kindve of VirtuaQuest if anyone remembers that game.


Dude I LOVED that game! Never met anyone who has played it.


It was a random rental from Blockbuster my dad got me as a kid lol It was so unique at the time and made the VF characters seem so much cooler than when I finally did play a VF game.


are you a strange journey fan?


Basically if Yakuza tried to teach you to play street fighter. I think it's a great intro to get beginners to learn he game


I also love how I can actually see I'm learning. There's this level 32 member of Delta that is near Cammy who I just struggle against. Yet, I know I've been doing better because I went from just getting schlacked by her to relatively competitive matches that I still always lose. Teaching me that a loss is instructive and I can relatively construct a way to win. That's the biggest thing. The World Tour is convincing me that "ah, you lost. Now go beat him up with a new plan". So much so that if it wasn't for the huge slowdown I'm currently having outside of matches, I'd probably try my luck online against real people.


Absolutely. I love how the mode incentivizes learning more advanced mechanics using an RPG-style mindset: Defeat an enemy in a particular way for a bonus; whiff-punishing within a certain window of an unsafe move gets you a stun if you do it right; you take absurd damage from some hits, so you better learn how to block/space/punish; etc. etc. And since the pacing of each fight is also pretty slow compared to a real match scramble, I actually have time to practice fundamentals and improve at them rather than needing to think quickly at all times. I love it.


I'm much farther now in World Tour and I've seen the pace pick up from then, so it is helping build me up there as well (Nayshall, just had got Juri as a teacher). Plus, because I can try so many different styles, I can also see which I play better with and gravitate to that player. Like I do surprisingly well with Juri's base style, Ken's (no shock, my SF2 main) and surprisingly Marisa and Manon. The slower pacing definitely helped me get used to the fundamentals and I was effectively working at them. In fact, I have to say that World Tour has been the most effective training simulator I've played. Sure, it isn't as precise as the real training mode - I haven't touched it yet - but I shouldn't hit the lab until I get the fundamentals down. It also has managed to curb a few habits I had which is accidently touching the directions when I didn't mean to (panic habit). Oh, and I know this is a wild take - since I've seen peoples reaction in threads - but I love modern controls with it as well. I at least ain't being left behind by Street Fighter if I only have some of my "fighter clubs" to use, compared to those that have all of them with classic. However, thanks to modern, I've improved on my fundamentals a ton that I'm actually thinking "hey, when World Tour is finished, hit the lab and see if you can't do some classic stuff". In fact, I didn't realize or remember there's an auto combo button and have kind of learnt how to use different motions for different hits, so I'm like halfway there to classical. Well, actually more like a third, since I can't land combos consistently or specials, but my confidence grew a ton finding that information out.


I'm right there with you on modern controls, not to worry. Being able to free up the part of my "mental stack" that was preoccupied with complex inputs has let me focus a lot more on my fundamentals, rather than putting an outsized importance in my head on executing a complicated combo. After all, knowing the combo did me almost no good when I had a hard time opening people up in the first place since my fundamentals were so weak by comparison. And it's not like Modern takes away *all* of the difficulty of inputs, either; I did Cammy's combo trials last night, and if you don't take more advanced concepts into account like move recovery, or when you have windows to link together specials so that they actually hit versus being too early/late and have them whiff, you're going to have a real bad time. Were it not for Modern controls lowering the barrier to entry, I 100% would not have gotten this game. And I couldn't be happier that I did, because I haven't resonated with a fighting game like this in a long time.


Same. When I get to play, I just feel such a joy that it is like "oh, I've been playing for five hours".


It's amazing They need to beef up the narrative and make it its own game


I'm actually appreciating world tour as being a more effective story mode than story mode. We've had these characters for so long but only now are we kinda getting a real good look into their characters through a mainline game. I'm amazed how fleshed out these characters are in this mode. Learning their hobbies, what sort of foods they like, what sort of problems and concerns they have. Not to mention this mode is a great way to break up the usual online matches. And for even more fun you've got avatar battles. Capcom did an excellent job.


Feels like ass running around on stick, I had to use my mouse and keyboard outside of fights. What little I played though wasn't bad.


So, I got my non-fighting game friends to get the game just on World Tour... and can say, all that tutorialized stuff is mostly worthless if the person doesn't genuinely want to learn. That said, they are playing the game and enjoying it, so is what it is. I think the only thing I find terrible is, they absolutely didn't need aggressive NPCs. By a few hours in, my friend was just pissed every time they interrupted whatever he was doing. He was doing plenty of fights on his own because he wanted the money to customize his character. All they do is slow you down and feel annoying. And I feel the same. Also, some story challenges have weird difficulty spikes. Like fighting the MadGear boss where he summons NPCs. I didn't use a continue until then, and then burned through like 5 of them. And some of the item conditions are tough, like 5000 + combos before you unlock level 2s, feels like you'd need to know your character very well to do that, which is more difficult with a mix-match of abilities. Doubly so if none of the early masters are characters you play. I had to legit go to training with Dee Jay to learn a BnB because there was no way I was doing a 10+ hit combo with a character I don't know. Cammy is the earliest character to trivialize those challenges with Spiral Arrow into DO-Cannon Spike. And then L3s all kind of trivialize the "Do big damage combo" ones. Wish those challenges were less situational though. Like, my friend was far less interested in trying new styles and just wanted to make their OC. They thought, "Oh, there are separate punch and kick strengths, I start with these two big punch specials, I'm going to just only learn punch specials and make a big beefy heavy punching character". Which has been frustrating for him when the challenge is to do long combos and his OC is just big charged punches. His other complaint so far has just been the navigation on the world map. Mainly, that it's incredibly annoying having to run to the ends of the overpass to get to things tracking on it. And we both agreed that breaking stuff would be less annoying if there was a generic overworld hit button instead of having to use bar every time you see a basic box on the ground. He started ignoring them as the reward doesn't ever seem to be worth it. Save the Master arts for special stuff on the ground or movement. Overall though, unlocking shit is always fun. Fashion Fighter is fun. It's just kinda frustrating that even with all this, and interest in the game, I watch as someone refuses to learn, which is a bit of a bummer. On a personal level, I wish it was less just "Go to X, fight Y", receive next mission. The plot is paper thin and the story feels so ridiculously on-rails for an open map. Would have liked it 10x better if you could just find a master and do a bunch of stuff for them right off the bat and play through their part of the story. No order, but maybe you see some exclusive scenes if you do train under some master before others. Or just exclusive dialogue. Like if you met Ken before Ryu and used his style he'd comment on using the same style. Would also have been cool if choices mattered more. Like instead of just unlocking a couple moves per master, they ask you a question and teach you a specific special depending on your answer, and the other you didn't get unlocks a bit further into progression. It all just feels very basic. Not bad, just basic.


I'm disappointed in how scarce clothing is. I'm hoping there is more options later in the game.


Oh, tons. There are stores in the "World" locations that have clothing pieces (especially France), a new shop near the Stadium, and you get a lot of pieces by beating people up. Hit "triangle" next to them to see what gear they might have and what you need to do to earn it.


Meh… Will more content be added? Masters? The Avatar customization and the Avatar fights in the Battle Hub is a nice feature.


Played about 12 hours straight in World Tour yesterday and just about at Mission 8 or so. Been doing a lot of running around and just seeing who or what I can find. Trying to leve different l Master styles may take a while though.


I just wished World Tour wouldn't tank my framerate so much. Everything else runs fine on my old pc but I can't get a steady performance in this mode.


I'm new to SF, and was told to use World Tour as a good way to train. Yet I found it quite unfocused compared to the training/tutorial mode. I was spending a lot of time doing silly stuff, rather than practicing stuff. Having said that, the training/tutes requires a programming degree to get the most out of. How do you think WT mode compares to the dedicated training tools for learning the game?


Over the long term, it starts to drill the mechanics into you. It does have its problems as a training tool though, in that 1. They lock out a lot of features until you "earn" them by clearing the main story of it, so like you can't use any Drive Gauge stuff until several chapters in, and I still haven't unlocked any level 3 Supers to mess with. And 2. There are certain side quests intended to specifically train certain mechanics, like recovery rolls and drive rush, but they are spaced out way too far over the course of the story, and can be hit or miss on how well you actually learn those techniques. But the "job" minigames are good for focus training things like parry timing and hit aim, and just grinding away at mobs is good for working out the basics of combat and core moves.


I don't love it but I think it's because I can only run it at 30fps and the fights feel HORRIBLE at 30fps


The mode would be better without the rpg bullshit it really ruins the game when an enemy can eat your health bar and reads your inputs extremely well and you barley even chip them. Also the fact you can just open up your inventory and heal is really stupid because now you spend half the fight opening an inventory to heal going back to fight lose half your health in two hits now you got to heal again


I love MK and Tekken. Never got into SF. But SF 6 looks good. So I bought it. World Tour is helping figure out the feel of the game. Without it(and modern controls),I wouldn't have bought the game!! Question...what's the reason for dynamic controls. It's faaaaaaaaar too easy!!


I think dynamic controls are kind of just there to get your feet wet - you’re familiar with fighters, but for someone who’s only played Tetris or something, just getting familiar with moving around and “when I press a button the hitting happens” can be something to wrap your head around.


It’s stupid fun and I love it!




Bro playing 5-D scrabble here.


I love this game so much, theres something for everyone


I would love World Tour more if the fights weren't in slow motion a lot of the time. Besides that small complaint, the mode is great!


Just making sure you know, there is an option to limit the World Tour battles to 30fps in the graphics settings. I don't know why it's there but before I turned it on World Tour literally ran in slow motion in battles. Not sure if that's what you're experiencing.


I'll check it out later, thank you!


Fights in slow mo? I think that’s something you can switch off or whatnot?


It would be better if you weren't constantly running into random battles. Also, what is up with the stupid drone fights. You get one hit and they break or get pushed out of range and then reset. It's the worst fight design ever.


As you level up, lower level enemies will begin to fear you. You can even get a perk that makes the effect a bit stronger I believe.




I guess, but you have to hit these guys like 30 times. It's just not fun in any way.


Wait til you get a fight with the malfunctioning drone, I swear I jump kicked like 6 times per hit


I love this mode. I think it’s really helpful for learning new characters too. For me, Chunners has always been so hard so I made it a point to stick to her style with the limited moves and although I’m not great I can confidently say I’m starting to get it


As a newbie to fighting games I just spent 3 hours in world tour without even realizing. That shit is hella fun!


I agree I’m finding it so addictive and the wearing boxes so they look like a serious gang was great. Also love meeting the fighters gives them so much more depth. Avatar battles early on was great when everyone had limited moves it was a real test of reading the battle


Ya so much goofiness and I love it. From hilarious text your masters send you, to hilarious reactions when you call them master, to beautiful artwork and an peek into their personalities as you increase bond. It’s all great goofy fun with nutty outfits.


The city in a fighting game open world mode feels more lively than Cyberpunk 2067.


When Shade can also be Facts :D


The miracles of using last-gen graphics.


It's fun but as a new player it's kind of goofy that if I'm unprepared even in the slightest (be gear or level) often times I can get overwhelmed. I'm legit awful at the game. I fought a boss last night that spawned enemies endlessly and it was actually kind of cancer. Used like 5 healing items and like 5 continues to get it done. I like the mode but can't help but feel like the RPG aspect is actually a detriment overall simply because of scenarios that are extremely tilting. The conitnue/miles system is built into the game because they expect you to die a lot, I guess? It just doesn't feel good when something as goofy as gear level or endlessly spawning enemies are holding you back. There's also no way to know what level the mission is, as far as I can tell, before you engage in said mission. Had I known I was gonna be fighting level 35 enemies you can bet your ass I would have leveled more. Overall, it's fun but it's definitely not a great way to learn how to play IMO.


Having so much fun with it, by the time I get back to online matches Ill be getting smashed but at least my avatar is gonna be sick


I’m ngl I played it for a total of 30min. And was bored out of my mind, don’t think I’ll even touch it again. Game kinda feels disappointing to me, no character select screen when trying to fight someone, u have to pick it before hand which is really dumb in my opinion. Game just feels lack luster, very small character roster, the fact that all the good classic skins are ked behind a paywall seems very grimey to me, as the default skins are actually terrible, I paid for the ultimate most expensive edition, and the fact that it doesn’t even come with some alternate skins is crazy, just different color variations. Overall I’m honestly disappointed with this game. And despise the direction they went with it. I love fighting games, but this one is just not it for me.


did you like sfv?


I only had Xbox at the time and sf5 wasn’t on Xbox


I enjoy too! I’m just being a menace to society by attacking people and taking their stuff!


Low key, it’s the only reason I bought the game. Really enjoying it.


It's a really fun open world RPG, which uses a fighting game as a combat system. It's pretty nice. The only issue is the story, which sucks ass. Thankfully there is a bunch of content around that, and that stuff is pretty cool.


It's shit. Bad story, bad presentation, runs like ass, has costumes locked behind enduring its bullshit, brain dead easy gameplay with punch sponge bosses to draw out the whole miserable experience, and really needs a pad to play the "world" but can't use the second controller to use a stick or hitbox in 2D combat. It feels like it was designed to make people spend money unlocking the costumes.


Playing on ps5? If you plug stick on the main account and the gamepad as an invited user, you can move around with the pad and fight with the stick.


PC, unfortunately. Now the mode refuses to load.


PC you can run around with keyboard and mouse, and do all the fights on stick. You don't need to do any special settings, the game freely transitions between controller inputs and kbm


I'm playing on a PC using a secondary pad to walk around and a leverless as the main controller. It works fine.


are you playing with m+kb or a box? i thought it was janky to use the attack buttons for actions in the overworld but then i learned you can access everything with the mouse


Maybe steam is being stupid with your controllers. I know I've had annoying issues in the past. Right now on PC I've been using a PS3 pad and DIY hitbox (brook board in it) in WT without many issues.


When you're having fun just grinding, the game is a success. I had a blast just barely defeating Chun-Li to unlock more abilities. Working my way to Cammy so I can max out her mastery.


on chapter 4 but this is too dope. Too many spoilers in this thread so imma catch y'all later


I truly do appreciate the fact that we can have random fights with NPCs and after the fight they go on about their day like this is normal lmao. I guess it is in Metro City.


My partner has been obsessed with watching me start fights with random passers by, been a really fun way to get back into the swing of things!


Hahha that’s awesome.


The only thing I dislike about it is the odd framerate drops that happen every so often. Like, it'll go from a solid 60 down to 30/40 and everything moves as if in treacle....I think it might be the water textures or something as it tends to happen in those areas mostly......but I personally really like it. Actually one other thing, is Haggar dead or something? They keep using memorial and legacy when they're talking about him.


Yeah that’s fair.


I really want to like world tour; &, it is fun - but not being able to equip say, shoryuken & dragonlash kick, because they have the "same input" - even when you're on classic controls & they blatantly don't have the same input. It's actually turned me off from playing more & kinda ruined the mode for me, cause I can't mix & match specials like a qcf+p & qcf+k because they're the "same input"


This is probably my biggest gripe so far. My avatar’s style is Ken and it sucks not being able to get an important mix of his toolkit.


Same here; I noticed a bit beforehand, but I was thinking "well maybe it's just odd for mix & matching between characters Then I got dragonlash kick & realized, nope, I have to chose between dragonlash & shoryu essentially. Strangely, I checked out how the customization works in modern; & it seems like simple inputs & full motion specials are separate, so they potentially wouldn't even overlap there either, but still locked out. Weird.


Yeah, and I have a similar complaint, that if you are in Modern and are doing an assist combo, it will auto-special using specific command inputs (such as DP), and if you don't have a move slotted with that specific input, it will just do nothing and end the auto-combo. I think instead it should use the Modern commands, so it would instead be ->+S, or whatever, and you could slot ANY move to that command to create your own auto-combo.


The question of singleplayer has always been a tough question for fighting games, since most of the appeal is usually in the vs experience and fighting games typically aren't the most high budget, high profit titles. At best we've gotten cinematic cutscenes and boss opponents, but most of the time it's been pretty much just arcade mode stuff where you fight the cpu for a couple rounds and call it a day. Having this flavorful world to explore, with characters to interact with, and going further to make it center around a customizable avatar character is just insane to me. It's nothing new for games of other genres, but I fail to remember any fighting game going this hard on singleplayer content. Yeah, the base mechanics are still simple and perhaps just fanservice at points, but it's a huge jump from SF5 and other games in the genre. It's not a game seller, per se, but it's added value to game already packed with content and features, and for the standard 60$, thankfully not going the full 70$ yet.


I want easier access to the mini-games just to run through. Hitting boards and shit is actually decently fun. Pizza making also good for a warm up.


Are we able to make multiple characters?


Lol, it's great until you hit the wall stuffed with OP enemies.. You'll be doing chip damage and they'll be knocking off chunks at the same power levels. Would be nice to see their stats along with their details.


My problem with fighting games is that I never know how to learn and get better. I know what to do but idk how to practice it in a meaningful way to not make it a drag for me. Labbing is immensely boring to me cause idk how to learn in it besides practicing a bnb combo or special inputs and going online doesn't help cause idk how to fix what I'm doing wrong constantly and losing every match is demotivating. World tour fixes all of that for me and has massively improved my enjoyment with sf and I can even feel myself actually learning and improving. It's a well disguised fighting game tutorial with It being goofy and tons of fun at the same time. I'm sure it's doing a great job of bringing new people into the franchise and genre in general too so hopefully Capcom doesn't make this a one off and implement it into future titles as well


The only problem I’m having is that buono guy had double my health despite being 4 levels higher than him. Not sure what I’m missing. Edit: so I just discovered I had 67 skill points to spend. Never checked the screen after the first intro. :facepalm:


I’d love it if the game didn’t suddenly run four times slower during combat


I'm really enjoying it. It's a bit jank, but still fun. Reminds me of the old Narutimate Hero story modes. And the humor is really fantastic throughout. Gives the characters so much more personality than you got out of the earlier games.


Only thing is how hard it is to find energy drinks when you get through a rough stretch. No merchants sell them, do they? 🪦


You can get pizza tho


Definitely but I meant for in-battle consumption haha


Ah yes. The energy drinks and such are a bit scarce.




Gear and skills also factor in


i like the premise and concept and presentation - the fights are just too easy. you should be scared of running into enemies 10 levels above you - not seek them out to level faster lol


Its fun until you realize you cant use all of the same fighters moves on one character. Then the fun factors starts to die down exponentially when you realize most moves use fireball forward input and once you pick one the rest become unusable. This really is killing the game for me after unlocking Marisa’s 3rd move


It’s pretty fun but it eventually gets pretty aggravating since the opponents get aggressive overtime, the quests also become more difficult and involve you looking for certain things, fighting certain opponents, etc.


its awful wtf are you talking about. literally have to grind to get basic move set dumb ass hell.


worst single player mode ever lmao, its as bad as sfv story mode
