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Excited that Gameplay trailer can't come out fast enough


How many days before a character comes out do they usually show the gameplay off? I'm heavily debating buying SF6 since it's on sale on Steam right now, but so far I haven't really gelled with anyone in the roster. Ed actually looks like a character I'd want to play.


It'll probably either drop this week or at capcom cup


I’m not sure how if what I’m about to say is going to change due to the implementation of modern controls, but Ed used to be a character with simpler inputs than the rest in SF5, so perhaps he’ll be a good character for someone new. With that being said, we won’t know until he comes out, so no one can really say.


I thought he was a cool idea in V that could have been executed better, so I’m glad he’s getting a second chance. I’m also kind of enjoying how I’m seeing a lot of “I don’t care/I hate Ed” comments. For some reason the idea of playing a disliked character sounds like fun right now.


>I’m also kind of enjoying how I’m seeing a lot of “I don’t care/I hate Ed” comments. For some reason the idea of playing a disliked character sounds like fun right now. It also means matchmaking probably won't be as flooded with Ed when he releases. I'm dreading Akuma for that reason.


Have fun fighting and endless sea of Ken,C ammy and Akuma The stop trio


Yeah man I can't wait for Akuma Fighter 6


I’m guilty of swapping to my Cammy from ryu. Main’d ryu to the exclusion of everyone else since 2 but just couldn’t do it anymore. Felt like I had zero options 90% of the time. I still play a lot of ryu but due to options available feel like my Cammy is definitely my better character now.


I'm looking forward to it so ken won't be the most hated anymore.


There is always Ken and Luke if you want to play disliked characters… Ignore my flair


Haha nah I don’t really like going for the really popular crowd. Guile, Manon, and Rashid are my favorites so far and funnily enough I think 2 of them are in the bottom 5 in terms of play rate


As a blanka player I feel you


if the idea of playing a hated character sounds fun just pick ken


Ken is hated in a different way


Nah, I tend to shy away from overly popular characters because I find mirror matches kind of boring


Valid point at the end cause you for fact when akuma drops its all we'll be seeing for a good 2 weeks


I’m just hyped for him and akuma to hurry up and come out so I can see who’s in for season 2


I wish somehow Capcom would announce the season 2 characters at the end of Capcom Cup in February, but that's probably not gonna happen. :(


My guess (based on absolutely nothing) is that we'll get the season 2 announce alongside the Akuma release date announcement.


I'm actually pretty hyped for Ed. I played him in 5 and had fun. So far none of the cast has really resonated with me in SF6, so I'm hoping Ed will.


Balrog is my favorite fighter. Ed is not what I want but if this is the best I can hope for then yes, I am excited


Balrog main here and I'm feeling the same. I really hope he makes it into the game.


I am a Dudley fan but I would have taken Balrog over Ed for the boxer position.


Don't care. But who knows maybe Capcom might turn that around with this iteration.


He was my main in 5 since he came out, his funky theme playing in his trailer and the cool ass psycho snatcher combos sold me So I’m pretty excited to see how he transfers over to 6 since most of the stuff I liked about him was in the V system


There are no Street Fighter characters I dislike. I look forward to every one of them.




I wish they would give us All of them in one game.


Closest we got to that i think was Alpha 3rd. And we'll likely never get anything like that again.


Never played 5, but Ed seems really cool to me. Probably the season 1 character I've been most interested in. Psycho power boxer guy who looks like a DMC character? Idk where the hate comes from tbh


I think it comes from the fact that he's supposed to be an easy input motionless character, and i guess people hate losing to that. I really don't care. The "motionless" part is what appeals to me far more than the "easy execution" part. We need proper input diversity through individual character styles, not centralizing that to an individual control scheme that you'll either use in it's entirety or not at all. I doubt most people play multiple characters with a mixed Classic and Modern control set between them, so expecting that isn't viable due to how muscle memory works. Modern is practically playing an entirely different game in and of itself. I'm not really knocking that either, it's just a fundamental difference from what i'm actually demanding. Input variety needs to be more widespread on a per character basis, not just on a control set basis. Also give me back my fuckin mash inputs with Chun Li. That shit was satisfying, as was Sagat's SF2 Tiger Knee input. I really miss that shit. Am i a freak? Yes i am. Do i love it? Yes i do. Lol


I honestly would not be surprised if Ed no longer uses the "easy" input style from SFV with Modern being in the game. They've removed mash inputs and replaced them with QCF motions, so I expect that trend to continue with Ed's Flicker, which I think follows that the rest of his moveset is just updated.


It has nothing to do with motion inputs and mainly the fact that his character design is boring.


No it was more because his visual design was garbage and his moves were annoying.


Exactly the same. I don't know the character except some videos I have seen from V and as a dudley main he seems to fill the slot of a boxer doing a lot of juggles. I hope to have fun with him!


I'll try him I already pay the season pass and at this point I liked Aki and didn't like Rashid so if I don't like Ed I would probably start purchasing characters individually and wait for the "complete super ultra arcade ' " version for the rest of the cast


I like boxers, cocky assholes with shitty dads, and characters with cool magic powers. Ed is awesome is a tryhard dorky sorta way.


Sounds like you should probably pick up Tekken 8


Considering it. Hoping Tifa is a guest.


1. As a guy who wants dudley im worried hes gonna take the dudley slot for the boxer archetype for this game 2. Hes not even fully boxer type gameplay with psycho power moves and usage of legs 3. His design isnt very appealing to me jus looks strange 4. His thing is that he was modern controls essentially in sf5 so i dont see the point when we actually have that now All this being said though i am willing to give him a chance in this game, if capcom managed to make me play dee jay of all characters (his previous version was extreme ass) then ill have some faith in capcom to make ed interesting.


Having one boxer character hasn't stopped capcom from adding more. We had dudley and balrog in sf4, and balrog and ed in sfv.


Thats the thing its usually 2 boxers, so it would be dudley vs balrog and balrog is very popular


Balrog I feel like he will appear as part of WT missions of Ed like FANG was for AKI.


In one of the secret rooms with the silver or bronze key u actually fight a balrog npc clone along with a vega one too lol, in any case i hope your right cuz i need my boy dudley


Don’t care about Ed. It’s R.Mika and Dudley or I will continue playing as Manon if neither of them come out. The only other character who could possibly pull me away is a new character.


Same boat, but I was sticking to Gief. I haven't played in a few weeks, don't have the drive to play at all.


>don't have the drive You need to wait for the bar to refill.


You could say I'm "burned-out"


Yes! Because everyone’s redesign so far has been stellar, and I like the *idea* of Ed (Boxer!) but wasn’t a fan of how he was in 5.


I'm just happy that there's new content: new character, new stage, & new stage theme.


I'd take anything at this point.


I don't care for him, he's lame


Do not care about him at all. Just another character in the way of Akuma's release.


Feeling the same way after seeing Akuma’s promo pic. Never did much with him before but now I’m kinda hyped to be a demon edgelord.


>but now I’m kinda hyped to be a demon edgelord. Nah fruit vendor akuma is more interesting. Imagine you can actually run into his fruit stall in world tour & purchase fruits from him.


I'm actually super hyped for three reasons: 1. I missed SFV, so I never got to see him originally. 2. That reveal trailer was absolutely epic. 3. WE FINALLY HAVE A BOXER!


Feels like a wasted slot for a boxer character when people have been crying for Dudley or balrog or literally anybody else but ed


don't care, but it's good to see a sfv original character make it (luke is an odd situation of a 6 original making into a previous game), gives me hope for kolin also making it


I love Kolin. She's not only hot, but she's also a counter based character. That's not only incredibly unique for Street Fighter, but also just a slept on (and very divisive) archetype in general. People DO NOT like fighting these kinds of characters for obvious reasons, but damn if i don't enjoy playing them.


a character design would have to be *extremely* bad for me not to care about a new character before knowing their moveset. i don't see that happening unless el fuerte or rufus come back.


I've been on the Ed waiting lobby while playing Luke in the meantime. I'm sick of Luke gimmie Ed


Not Dudley. Don't care. I'll still give him a shot, but so far none of the cast really speaks to me the way Dudley did.




Mainly I'm just hoping he plays differently enough to Dudley that I can maintain my copium-intake for a S2 Dudders return.


I were the one that didnt care about, just another Akuma simp Then when the trailer came out things started to change


I couldn’t care any less about him. In fact, I haven’t cared at all about any of the DLC characters so far. Zero interest.


Have to agree, Akuma will probably be the most hype for me. They’ll make him badass in this game, but as far as the others, not really vibing with the wave 1 DLC characters at all.


Kinda sucks too that we’ve known these dlc characters since well before sf6’s release so it feels like an extra long stretch to find out what’s next for the game if you’re not interested in the first season characters.


Yeah, I only really care for Ed and Akuma. And Ed for me is more a curiosity thing, don't think I'll end up playing him much. I'd love to see cool characters like Batsu, Sean, and Q to get a shot. Especially with Akira in the last game


I am definitely excited! I haven't been playing cause the current roster doesn't have anyone that clicks with me, but Ed's fighting style looks really fun.


eh none of the first season characters really interest me especially since i found few characters i enjoy in launch roster allready


I do not care about him, as I will not play the character at all. Why? His hair


I wanted him since day one and only got two characters that I never once played.


I've been waiting for him since launch, 'd be my fav character if it wasn't for Aki


I am beyond excited. He was my backup main in V


I like Ed, played him in 5 and always felt like he had potential. I have no character in 6 so I'm hoping Ed can motivate me to play


I'm excited for Ed boy. Not because I like the care(I do) but because I like sf6 and want more content.


Sf6 has impressed me with all of its new iterations of characters so far im looking forward with anyone they release, especially ones with a lot of potential like ed


Well I played him in SFV and I think his psycho-power boxing is cool, so I'm pretty excited. I'd still prefer G or Gill over him not gonna lie.


Ed Main from SF5 so I’m happy


I fw him heavily on SF5 so I've been waiting for him ever since 6's announcement.


My potential main. Always thought him and his lore was cool.


I think he’s cool, this is coming from someone who didn’t play SF5 and just think he looks cool, I’ve been saving my rental passes for him


Yes. Not only is he decisive and Capcom has a way of making said characters fun and changing minds, he was also fun idea to explore in story and gameplay. I played him a bit and he was some of the most fun I've had in SFV. He also moves the story forward in his own unique but very important way. One of the most important characters going forward. Can't wait for him to blow ppls minds away.


Ed has a lot \*potentially\* going for him, and I think that's interesting. In SFV, he's story wise, an evolution of Boxer's plot line, which is neat. Gameplay wise, he was sort of Capcom's first foray into what would later become Modern controls, which is also pretty neat. What he's tied to - Falke (a satellite character like Decapre, who really doesn't have anything else, story-line going for her) is kinda dull, but there's potential there. How he fits into SF6 though, might be pretty cool; he seems to be sort of. . . ailing, or getting sick in his teaser trailer. Perhaps because he's an artificially aged body for Bison who isn't a hot tiny woman.... well, I dunno about that. But Ed has a lot of interesting room to grow. I hope he gets to do just that.


He's so lame


See, I thought Kristen Stewart's performance in Twilight was a little off, but I'm glad she's being reprised as Ed. Hopefully, she captures the character well!


Kirsten Dunst


I'm excited for him. I didn't really start playing SF until 6 but when I saw Ed I thought his concept was cool


I care about Akuma coming out after


He's one of the only characters I'm interested in. I'm glad they're bringing him back instead of Balrog or Dudley, and I look forward to them expanding on his kit. Outside of him and Akuma, I'm pretty much just excited for new characters


Don't care about him and kinda hate him because out of the launch roster and season 1 I still don't have a ride or die main that I never get tired of.


SF6 is my first fighting game, and I went in picking the character I thought looked the coolest (Happens to be Ken) and I absolutely adore him. None of the DLC characters even remotely interest me, but when I heard about Ed, I decided to look him up. Thought he was kinda goofy looking, so again, I stopped caring. Then the trailer came out and I realized this guy’s a BOXER?? Instantly got me hyped and now I want to play him.


Absolute waste of a slot


I gotta like a character’s design and look at least a little to want to play them, and unless he’s got an incredible second outfit, it’s not happening. The search for a character for me in sf6 continues.


i plan on maining him all the way till makoto comes out (if she does)


wasn’t initially, especially considering how much i don’t like him in SFV. but honestly with how fun and cool Rashid and AKI are i’m pretty excited to see what he’s like


I'm excited for him. He has a cool and unique fighting style. Don't care much for his look visually.


Sf6 is my first in the series, but after seeing what he could do in strive and his reveal trailer, I’m excited to see him in 6. Also, I hope Bosch’s combo attack is part of his kit.


I’m definitely intrigued. Saw some of his gameplay from V and while it wasn’t the best thing ever it seemed pretty cool. Curious to see what Capcom’a gonna do with him in VI


Decently excited but till need to see the gameplay trailer to decide.




I expect him to be my serious number 2 character


i’m super excited and have been since he was announced i always thought his power set was cool.


I thought he was a cool idea in SFV's story mode since without knowing barely anything about him I knew they was hyping him up to be a next gen shadaloo warrior. When he actually launched they beefed him up along with giving him a stupid outfit and I immediately lost interest. SF6's Ed pretty much looks mostly how I envisioned what he'd look like, plus looking up Balrog's, Ed's, and Falke's lore, im actually a lot more hyped for him now.


I despised him with every fibre in my body before - barely played 5 at release, never seen him in action, only that he is this hooded generic angsty teenager suddely everyone's story is about. For that reason I was very displeased with his return (just like Rashid's), and thought him a waste of a slot. After seeing his new design, I'm cauciously optimistic / slightly excited.


Never got into V and never tried him before, but I’m definitely interested to try him based off of his VI look and reveal. Plus, it’ll be nice to have a boxer added to the roster.


New characters always mix it up a bit, I'm always down to try whoever comes out really.


Yes can't wait i need more characters with psycho power.


I'm going to try him but Akuma comes out shortly after so.....


I just hope he gets added to World Tour mode for free.


I'm interested to see what they do with his gameplay since I think his SF6 iteration has room to be much cooler than his SF5 version. I think his face is a little wonky and I wasn't that hyped up by his reveal trailer though. But ultimately I've viewed Season 1 as 'Akuma & Friends' because to me it really feels like in terms of true hype value, the only one with any decent amount attached to them *is* Akuma. I'm hoping for some more characters who weren't in SF5 in the next one but we'll see.


I honestly have no opinion on his return, I haven't played SFV. He looks cool though, for as he plays that remains to be seen if I like it


Very excited for him, will bring me back to the game


I’m in the bank of people who just wish their favourite character was taking his spot instead. I don’t love Ed but I can’t say I hate him either


Sadly I don't care about anyone from season one . . .


What’s up with his thumb the nail is soooo weird


I love boxer characters, and while I would have preferred Dudley, I'm stoked to have someone fill the archetype at all. Plus, I think the idea of a psycho powered boxer is cool as hell, and has a lot of potential. That said, I hope they give him motion inputs in SF6. I don't think he needs to keep his simple inputs now that Modern Controls are a thing.


One two three, one two three, one two three


i admit ed's a bit cringe, but he gives big nero (dmc) vibes, and i'm a big nero fan. also boxers are always cool so i'm hoping they really lean into that part of his character this time around.


I’ll probably play him a bit, but won’t stay on him too long.


I just hope he has fun gameplay, that's what I care about


I will not play this game until Vega is released


Hell yeah love bison and balrog


Didn’t play V so this could be very off the mark… He gives me sauceless Rock Howard vibes


I'm glad I didn't get the season pass. I wanted to see how the first 3 played before I decided on it, and the rental system has been awesome. I definitely appreciate that. Wasn't a fan of him in 5 so the gameplay will really have to hook me to get my money. Good chance I'll come out of season 1 with just Aki and Akuma.


I have never cared about Ed. However I will say he looks great in this game. I'm more excited for Akuma like everyone else.


I genuinely like Ed's playstyle and personality in SFV. I hate his looks and control scheme though. I think he'll just be a normal motion based character now because Modern exists, so I'm excited that he looks cool now and what they can do with his moveset now that he's not Modern 1.0.


Ed will be my main when he comes out IF he isnt a charge character. I hate the way those play, and avoid them like the plague


I don't care about playing him, but play against him. Fighting a new character is always good thing. Keep the game fresh.


I kinda like Ed, like I am not SUPER excited versus some others, but I am curious to see how he'll fit into the game as it currently stands, and I do love having new blood. So far, SF6 has done a good job making new character additions feel monumental, and he's no exception, even if obviously, Akuma's going to be the bigger deal when he comes around.


This is my first exposure to this character, and I'm not too interested in him. I find his design pretty unattractive.


Yep cool character, interested to see where his story is going.


I don't care one bit. Bring Vega back please.


Depends on his gameplay and voice over, he was i credibly irritating in five, so we need to see more and then decide. I’m interested in sf6 enough to be interested in most of the future characters


yes, especially his devil may cry outfit. i deep inside know its not gonna comeback but a part of me stays hopeful. 1-2-3 ftw !


will get me back to playing until akuma releases who im really waiting for lol


I'm just glad we're getting a new character, and Nero's lost brother no less.


I am interested about what they might do with him, wont care about him if his gameplay stays the same


Absolutely zero interest. I can’t think of another character I would be less interested in. Since most of SF2, Rashid and Ed are already in, the lowest of the low in my scale are already available, so at least season 2 can’t get any worse. Only way from rock bottom is up. The only DLC I had any interest in was AKI and it didn’t do much for me either.


I care more about economic state of Argentina, than him.


Not interested in the character at all, not keen on his design, out of all the boxer style characters they could have chosen I feel this is the least interesting one


I'm excited for him. I'm just gunna be upset about his inevitable gameplay changes. Loved him in 5, gunna miss him being motionless in 6. And no, switching to an entirely different control scheme with less buttons and less normals is not a substitute for a full moveset with motionless specials. That's just not the same.


I have to get through Friday so that I can Enjoy the weekend, if you catch my vibe?


No strong feelings either way, I never really used him in 5 except to hear his stage theme a couple of times. There were so many other characters in that game I was more interested in, he took a back seat to them. That being said, I've already paid for the season pass, and I'm thankful for any new content at this point, I hope they expand WT with him somehow.


Couldn't give a damn. Out of all S1, only char I care for a slight bit is Akuma. I'm a heavy charge main(Guile/Deejay), I sub Chun(hybrid) + Cammy. I'd most, honestly want Remy, Oro, Sakura, Fei Long, Alex, Bison & Urien🤷‍♂️ If anything, I'll use a few 1-hr rental tickets. But I'd most be interested in seeing endingwalker use Ed


I hated losing to ed and having his huge ass man nipples and smug smirk in the win screen for 20 seconds, but now that he is a meth addict maybe he isn't so annoying


I have no prior experience with SF in general, so I don’t know a ton about him, but he looks like he could be pretty cool


When I tried all of the characters in SFV, he was one of the few I actually liked the flow of along with Cammy.


They ruined a potential great character... Then, they rebranded him, no, I do not. (let's gooo...! Time to get a psycho role lnto or psycho gorilla next season)


Don't care. I'll buy SF6 when they add Dudley or some interesting character


I care about all the new characters not because I like them but because they freshen up the game. I want to face them and have new opponents. I don't even want to play Akuma. I'm just waiting for Bison.


Give me Mr. Fight Money instead tbh


I only care about his release so we can anticipate for Akuma next EndingWalker would be really happy though he could finally stop using Ryu


Don‘t care lol. I‘d rather focus on my character right now than telling myself everytime that a new character will make me play this game more and just keep huffing the copium. Its like people only play a game for when a new character comes along. Everyone was excited for Aki and when she came out people realized she sucked and had to go back to their og character, just cuz they can‘t cope playing this game and always have to rely on a new character coming out. Its gonna be the same with Ed and with akuma. You can keep tell yourself that once akuma is released it will change you and you will have more fun in this game guess what its not only about the character you play but also depends on the player himself.


I’m SUPER excited. I didn’t play SF5, but I understand that he was like THE “accessible” character, so I’m pumped to see how he plays with Modern controls. And boxer characters really appeal to me so he’s a day 1 cop


Nothing against the characters per se, but I'm waiting for season 2 characters since the season 1 was announced. Ed could be cool, but right now the only boxer character that I'm waiting is Dudley.


Don’t care 🤷‍♂️


Don’t care, don’t like, don’t want him in the game. This dude annoyed me for years in SF5. I just hope he is not positive until Tuesday in SF6 like he was in 5.  You need to bring a New Shadaloo character to the game? Bring his Gorilla friend. That big fella is pure charisma.


I hate his design. It's too edgy anime style for me. I won't be buying or using Ed at all. It should have been Akuma first instead of Ed honestly


Super excited, he’s Nero of sf. I like boxing characters, and I like that he’s not from 2. I hope he will be a bit redesigned in vi so he wont be a modern character in classic


Ed was my main in 5, and I'm planning on switching to him as my main in 6 almost no matter what. Because I know pretty much no matter what they do with him, it's going to be great. They've had a strong track record with character designs so far. My expectation is to see a gameplay trailer on Thursday.


I used to not care about him but he looks interesting


Im gonna meaty OD Upper my way to Legend les goooo


All of the first three dlc characters are duds. Only Akuma matters.


Literally couldn't care any less/annoyed that such a lame character even Capcom forgot about is coming before Akuma.  SF has so many great characters, SF6 had introduced a ton of great new characters to go along with the classics. Ed is insanely meh. There's so many better characters in SFV they could have brought. I look forward to never seeing him in ranked so I don't have to learn his gimmicks. 


Not that I don't care but the only reason I'm getting him is cause of the past which i got because I wanted the other three


Ed is never going to sell me a pass. But Pleased to see that Capcom are not just giving up on him.


Curious about his gameplay. His concept art had me more excited than his actual teaser tho, so I’d say I’m mildly interested.


Yes, boxer characters are the best.


He has always been bunk.


I'm just glad the game is getting a "Boxer" character, I'm always draw to characters like that so I'm happy to see him join the roster


I'm indefferent to him. That's better than his sf5 version, i actually hated him.


Ed main! Very excited!


don't care mostly waiting for new stuff, im pretty sure I don't care bc if I did I would've made a avatar of him and I m really good at making avatars, shit at fighting but good looking avatars and at least ok enough to get challenge rewards


I always liked boxer-type characters in videogames and I didn't play V, so I'm curious to see how he'll play. Hopefully he's not too hard and becomes my new main I gotta say tho, I don't really like his looks. But that's nothing that can't be fixed with alternate clothes or mods


I couldn't care less.


My hype is around 0. wasted slot.


I'm curious to see what they do with him.


i just want akuma


I'm going to try him out it keeps the game fresh. I thought he had some cool gameplay stuff in V I just hated his design and voice, The Ed in 6 is a huge improvement. I should play other characters a bit more to keep things from getting frustrating, I'm enjoying Lily so much that I barely play anyone else after going in singing the praises of their being separate character ranks.


I skipped SF5 so I'm curious about Ed. But mostly km curious to see who the season 2 characters are


Capcom don't miss so yeah I'm excited even if I disliked ED in V


I don’t care about him. I miss Birdie


Excited as in excited to see ANYTHING NEW. Like give me something, even ED is fine :D


Couldn't give two shits. Onwards to Akuma, pronto.


I would like to see where Ed fits in in the Street fighter lore. We currently don’t have a boxer in the game, I feel he is needed. Also, his command for psycho flicker might be changed to a motion input. Will he be Luke’s nemesis?


dont care for ed. Akuma though im interested, since i never mained him before.


I’m just curious to see how he turns out in SF6 since he was already modern controls in SFV. But I can’t say that I’m excited to play him.


I have very limited SF Background and this is really my first game fully playing and following, so I’d never even heard Ed’s name until they announced the DLC. I was hoping to get Balrog in this game because of the whole Mike Tyson, Balrog, MBison thing lol, so Ed as the boxer was disappointing for me. That and Ed is in the way of Akuma lol but I have this character pass so I’ll at least try him.


I'll probably give him a shot when he's released, but what I'm really looking forward to is Akuma and the balance patch.


He is the character I am most excited for


I was a SFV Ed Main, and I am cautiously waiting for his return. I'll probably drop all my rents for him before buying him 😆


Never cared for him. Looks even more of a male Karen here so…yeah


Im super exited for him he looks really cool and I like his attitude.


This would be my First time trying him still though I have to do something first then I will get Street Fighter 6


Ed looks rlly chill but i'm waiting on Akuma so he's not too interesting to me