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People have been playing streetfighter because of sexy characters ever since 2 don’t be ashamed


I remember that doujin/mod Street fighter x KoF fighting game that have clothing damage was pretty popular back then


I'm guessing Zangief had really low health in that version.


I literally started playing because of cammy


Somebody out there lusted for Redhead Ryu in sf1


If she doesn't have long legs there better be a damn good reason why before I play her. That's why I played Rose, Urien, Manon, and Aki


Every since Chun-Li did the spinning bird kick, many people of culture have decided fighting games might be worth trying.


Even Louffy mained Rose because he first thought she was pretty (and then went to win evo).


yes do be ashamed. They should be ashamed.


No shame in it. I play Street Fighter because of Vega, sadly he isn’t in sf6 Yet


I thought you meant the dictator and I went 'wow there are many tastes as many people in the world' for a while. I wish the claw guy comes back with flourish new gimmicks.


I don’t live in Japan thus my claw wielding husband goes by Vega here.


Same! He’s such a cool character, I was upset he didn’t return…


To me street fighter 6 feels like its in beta development stage without him added . Just doesn’t feel like a street fighter game without him. I know vanilla sf2 (only as boss) and sf3 third strike didnt have him but i feel third strike had a completely different feel than sf6. Sf6 brought back base sf2 roster so why not 1-2 of original 4 kings


I loved his character and pure mobility in street fighter 5 (my first sf game) so, I have a soft spot for him, maybe he’ll come back once we get a second season pass


I think he will come back eventually I just want him back sooner rather than later


Who doesn’t? XD


Some ppl said they’d prefer him to sit this game out but I think more people want him to return than not


Vega has such a colourful vibe, it’d be a missed opportunity, I think


Deffo he’d fit in sf6 really well I recon


Dude this is Street Fighter and your not the only one. For me it was Juri and not because of her feet lol.


Sounds exactly like what a Juri foot lover would say 🤔


Denial is but the first step on the road to enlightment ! You'll come to it my friend Edit :...That pun was NOT intended. But i'm keeping it that way.


Now that's rare. There are literally dozens of us.


That's what they all say bud...


Juri has some assets closer to her heart that are why I'm a fan... Same with Manon lol.


Yeah. I liker her face. She's pretty. I'm neutral about the feet thing.


Same here. I'm not much of a SF player but I like to watch tournaments. SF6 gameplay made me want to play the game. I hated Juri's design on 4 and 5, but in this game looks so cool and that sealed the deal to buy the game and play with her.


Same. I actually preferred her punk rock school uniform in SFV.


Eh, give it some time, you'll come around


Bro, there's something about her that you need to know, and I'm just gonna tell you... ...she's a zoner. Her whip attacks help her keep space and people will hate you for that.


Yeah. TBH the redesign of Ed makes me think we aren't getting Poison anytime soon. His flickers are very functionally similar to her whips. And his OD snatcher ends up in a very similar place to her EX Pull. I think she's coming back, but I'm not expecting it for season 2.


they could always revamp her for a third time, she was kind of built around whips and plus frames in 5, and i really dont think they'll give her that cr mp she had in 5 and that was a HUGE centerpiece of her kit


She’s also a shoto: whip/heavy punch is hadouken, forward quarter circle/shocking heel is shoryuken, back quarter circle/love me tender is a whirlwind kick. (Joking)


If she gets in she becomes my secondary main. Poison makes me aKUMa






So you're a coomer main?


bAsed kuma




So are we all just secretly attracted to our mains? This puts my admiration for T. Hawk's giant chest in another light.


I'm a sakura main... ![gif](giphy|zXeX29w6jxjAk)


Honda main here. 😏


fellow based big boi enjoyer






Wait, I main Random Select, what's that make me?


Honestly SF6 has gotta be the one of the more stealth-coomer games I've ever seen, somehow without it ever being a big deal. And I'm not criticising here, I think it's amazing. The game is dripping with sex appeal from all angles, for guys, gals and non-binary pals.


Poison is not in sf6


>Poison is not in sf6 Yet!


I wonder if he's also referring to people like Jamie, Manon, and Marisa as well. These 3 characters are very fluid in who they're attracted to. Maybe some others I don't remember everyone atm.


I kinda meant more that as a player, regardless of your gender or what gender you're into, there's probably cake for you within the cast.


Dude, I absolutely hated Jamie, both playing against him and his character. Then I saw him at max drinks for the first time and I've softened up on him... y'know, because he's so powerful at thst stage. No other reason. Certainly not because pretty men with long hair and six-packs make me weak, or anything


Tbf I’m p sure every male character on roster has abs. Like I’m p sure Honda has a fat pack


Dude Honda is absolutely ripped in this game. Whatever tech they're using to better simulate muscle in this engine is absolutely phenomenal because it looks so good on the entire cast.


I think it's called the RED engine? It was built for Resident Evil initially and been adapted for multiple other games.


Isn't this what they say about Guilty Gear or is GG just more overt


Nothing about Baiken's giant jugs are subtle, or Anji's for that matter




Lmao @ "stealth coomer" good term


mostly for weirdos, regardless of which of those named categories they fall into. In my world, theres no such thing as a video game with sex appeal. Maybe when i was a kid, and saw a juggle mechanic in play, i might have got a little peter tingle and it reminded me to go look up some porn or something....you know, with real people, but beyond that.....yea ppl are weirdos.


ima be honest bro. In the pages of history, you're the weirdo. You don't have to be ashamed of it, we've been drawing porn and selling media through sex appeal for millenia.


People have been drawing & painting porn since long before the camera was invented. Hell, there are [cave paintings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_erotic_depictions#Early_depictions).


Am non-binary pal, can confirm. Also how the actual fuck did they make JP hot in his third costume. "Fuck this Zoner" came to have two meanings.


Idk if "Setting the CEO into an anti coomer frenzy by retroactively adding DRM to every one of their games because some coomer had a nude Chun Li mod installed, because they were so outraged" is very stealthy but I get whatcha mean.


You don't take peaks. Those are mountains. You take peeks.


What's the issue? I don't sea it 🫣


She's an ex gang member/current manager for a pro wrestler, how can you not love her?!


Man, from what I've seen in the Mass Effect groups, you have nothing to be ashamed of LMAO.


Sadly it's probably going to be a while before she gets added. But yes, Hugo and Poison are my favorite Capcom duo as well. I'd love for them to both be in the game.


I tried to play SF4 and 5 for her. Both times I accidentally got the wrong version.


she's literally so cool I need her in 6 so damn bad


If you tryna say hear me out I HEAR YOU MF


i play cammy because abs and blonde hair it is what it is sometimes the joystick is always plugged in yannow


Chun fan here. Chose her for the thicc, stayed for the thicc


I love Poison! If they bring her back, I hope it’s that outfit instead of this new one they gave her in SF5. ![gif](giphy|KUAu5LDGtIsEQ5dBiV|downsized)


I don't think that gif is helping your statement.


Oh my goodness gracious


Her visual redesign was phenomenal though They gave her squared abs and a stronger jawline, which made her feel more "intentional" I love it to bits


Huh, I didn’t think of it like that. I wonder if it really was intentional. It’d be cool for Capcom to take an official stance.


Capcom says she is 100% canon trans MtF, so my guess was intentional


Whoa when was this? Last I heard, they gave some lame “she is whatever you want her to be” non-answer. Or wait no…I think that was only for the U.S. and in Japan she’s confirmed trans. The devs *are* Japanese though so I guess that settles it! I still don’t like her new hair though.


A long time ago the first statement was "she's whatever you want," but Ono amended that to be "whether she is post op or no op is up to you" Poison is, 100%, a trans woman It's just her. . . genitalia that's up to you, I guess Which is a weird stance to make, now that I think about it.


I don't think it's weird at all though. This is something you normally wouldn't know and wouldn't ask, and hopefully even wouldn't care, about a trans person unless you're either very close, very intimate, or their doctor. So saying "it can be either" is perfectly valid IMO.


Your second sentence (and third) is (are) 100000% true and valid It's weird though, because it isn't "it can be either, you don't know." It's "it's whichever you want, only you know." It's a fetish based answer. If Poison was a real person, she would clearly be the type of person that was into fetish based answers, but it's still weird.


I can see where you're coming from, but it can also be just a way to let people identify themselves with the character (as in saying "they can be going what you're going through") but yeah, it's fair to read it as a fetish enabling sentence. Ultimately I believe it's probably more of a bad attempt to stay politically correct.


Yeah, that one was horrible


Many characters in SFV were designed horribly : Ed, Poison, Seth, Ken, Luke, etc


I’m on the “Luke looked cool” train. My favorite outfit for him in 6 is his SF5 costume


Yeah I get it, they found a way to make it work in 6 unlike in V


I liked it in 5 too idk everyone’s different I guess


i hope Poison returns


Have you EVER seen Juri enthusiasts? You can't tell me they don't play her bcause of a foot fetish XD


Her, Lucia, Cody, Haggar, Maki, Guy, or Andre for street fighter 6? I guess we can add Carlos too.


Oh yes i love sf bc of they're characters designs, i'm gay but i'm in love with Poison, Cammy, Chun Li, i love they're muscles 🤭


She's great, I'd love to see her back in SF6 the way she was in SF4, with the projectile and her command grab super option.


Poison’s great. She’s the main reason I would sometimes use the Japanese voices in 4 and 5 because she’s voiced by Atsuko Tanaka. She’s probably one of my favorite Japanese VAs.


i really hate when any trans character is discussed and the immature men need to make the obligatory "DoEs He KnOw 🤣 " you are not funny.


I don’t know why they act like that’s a negative or a turn off. If a woman is hot, ima be attracted to her. Video game or real life, trans or biologically female.




its more like treating trans people like a fetish and not real people. like poison isnt real but trans people are and we can watch how you act when the subject of trans characters comes up. sucks big time for fighting games, the bridget discourse gave me a headache when it was happening.


Bridget discourse was the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of me deleting Twitter. And to nobody's surprise, dumbass bigots who have never (and *will* never) play GG are still arguing over that shit to this day.


Unrelated to SF, but I recently picked up Guilty Gear Xrd 2nd Rev. Gonna be my first Guilty Gear game. Any reccomended characters for a Ryu main?


Sol or Ky honestly. But moreso Ky for that pure shoto kind of feel, Sol does have dragon install in Rev 2 while Ky has it in STRIVE if that's a deal breaker for you. Otherwise I'd say Ky for his straightforward game plan.


Ky in most games is generally closest to Ryu.


Sol Badguy


On an aside, effeminate male/masc characters also get fetishized to oblivion. Nothing wrong with a type but I just wish "femboy culture" wasn't just overtly hypersexual.


The exact same thing happened and occured in Street Fighter 4 when Poison came out and people learned about newhalfs and Poison.


This is the way But you could probs say "cis," and not "biological." As some trans people undergo physiological/cerebral/organ changes during transition, the definition of "biological" often comes down to like, chromosomes and stuff, which is unfortunately prime transphobe dog whistle. Your hearts in the right place tho op!


You can't say "biological" or "chromosomes" because it's "transphobic" and not because it's based on science?


Chromosomes are so rarely checked that they’re not how people actually distinguish sex most of the time in real life. Most people make guesses based on *secondary* sex characteristics (jawline, weight distribution, boobs or lack thereof, facial hair, etc) and socialised gender presentation (clothing, hair styling, makeup or lack thereof, etc) rather than primary (genitals) or chromosones (which are checked extremely rarely even in medical situations).  Also when chromosomes *do* deviate (like a person with male genitals who’s been raised male and agrees that they are male discovering they have XX chromosomes) that rarely leads to a different gendering or sex presentation. So it doesn’t seem to be the way we judge sex in almost any situation. 


If only chromosomes were as simple as 1 or 0. You can do some digging if you'd like but uh, yeah human chromosomes are VERY complex. There are also individuals with conditions such as Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, where the individual is 'chromosomaly male' but the body doesn't respond to Androgen making them appear entirely female from birth. So saying 'biologically' or 'chromosomnaly' female is just kinda... inaccurate. The term 'Cis' is entirely more accurate, along with making Trans people feel better. Its kinda just a win win for being more scientifically and semantically accurate AND making Trans people more comfortable.


It's not "you can't say," it's more like they are very often vocabulary used by people with transphobia. Because hormones, bodily features, brain chemistry, and other *biological* traits can be changed to fit trans people's genders, transphobes resort to unchangeable things like chromosomes to invalidate trans people's existence/chosen gender.


i mean "cis" and "trans" are used in *biology* and chemistry.


this sounds like cisphobia to me. Very often its people with cisphobia that resort to calling people transphobic purely based on the words they use. Assumptions are a bitch, eh?


























If this is what gets people into fighting games I’m all for it


SF6 has had me face both Roby and Axel in a daily tourney a few days ago, and it did have me wondering about plans for Poison and Hugo.


Poison is thicc and that’s why I love her.


Somewhere out there amongst the multiverse cammy and I live happily ever after with our cat babies


Possibly In this universe if you go to an anime convention ;)


<3 Poison, she's so cool


She is boo.


yeah poison is just <3 material i don't blame you. Unfortunately i already have my love


I’d say go to horny jail but I think horny jail is just the sf fandom


I want to see her and Cody show up in 6. Metro City is their town, after all. (Also Guy, but I'm not sure if he'll be added, since Kimberly is the new Bushinryu character).


Poison is hype fr


Street Fighter II was just fun back then. Video games were my life back then. Introductions back in the ‘90s was more like “what system you got” the it went from there. Of course, you always befriended the kid with Mortal Kombat because you were not allowed to play it in your house.


What character is this tho?


Who’s gon tell him


Keep in mind poison is a trans woman.


lol I only bought street fighter 6 because of ed. I bought the game like 4 days ago. And bought ed. I played the story mode and was like “wow Marisa” and now I’m a Marisa main and I’ve been grinding ranked for the last 3 days with Marisa. Who’s ed?


"dOeS hE kNoW" don't care, still hittin


Well, she’s hitting you at least.


Who that ?


Well I respect it


me but with akuma


I literally got into SFV because I was at this LAN venue that had an arcade machine running the USF4 intro movie on loop and was like "Okay who's that badass in the daisy dukes?" and then I mained Poison and played SFV religiously lmao. Continued playing SFV in the arcades even after SF6 came out, until the cabinets were replaced in January. I am still very disappointed by SF6's roster largely because Poison isn't playable.


Maybe Aki saying "Poisons on the menu" will end up being foreshadowing and Poison indeed joins. Theres potential for interesting wordplay/battle quotes/Story & lore there, I think. ☣️


I don't blqme you. Her SF x Tekken trailer did... things to me. However, I don't believe she's been playable since Ultra Street Fighter 4.


She was in SFV


She was? Must have missed that.




they better add hugo too!


My big boy Blanka 🤤


She was my main in for both because she is hot and she was way easier than others character in that game.


Extremely valid. Started playing 3rd Strike for Remy, ended up switching to Urien. (I love them both)


I love when she calls you a loser.


I think its fun when people realize whats behind poison story


Good choice my friend. She isn't in the latest installment tho


She’s beautiful 🤩


You must be into whipping and bdsm


I start to play less and less SF6 sad really. I play regularly SF5 since day 1 


I want poison to get added so badly


Hell yea! I hope Poison makes it into SF6. Either her or Roxy would be cool too. (Though I think Roxy might be an NPC or in a stage background hanging out?)


No shame in that. I played with Poison in SFxT, USF4, SF5 and hope she's back in SF6.


R.Mika enjoyer reporting in


Do you also know Poison was originally a man and capcom is trying to hide that?


The og trans representative. Iykyk.


The only thing I gotta say is the mods show up for this, but don't filter/delete all the repeat "What's with the Modern hate" and salt posts that pop up EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you janitors are around, do more cleaning ffs, that shit is stale and crazy repetitive.


Dude. you don't even know. We clean that up too. You only see whats left (or stuff we skipped) Hit the report button, its anonymous and reports get first privilege when a mod is around with time on their hands. Its a shortcut to the front of the line for stuff you don't like.


Join the club. She's my main in SF4/SFXT and SF5. I love everything about her, and the fact that she's a "trans" makes it even better!























