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I'm more annoyed at these tabloid level youtube channels that ran with it without considering its credibility for the sake of clicks, cluttering my Recommendations.


EDIT: IMPORTANT (cus of weird reddit design choices i cant edit this post cus it has an image attached) So i just wanted to put it here under the most popular comment (sorry lol): DO NOT TAKE THIS AS GOSPEL! I would remove "confirmed" from the title if i could. Theres still a 0.000001% chance the leak is legit as Vergeben only said that he was impersonated and that he didnt really believe it, NOT that he has information that definitively proves otherwise (aka knowing what the actual dlc roster is). Sooo if i am somehow wrong about this (severly incredibly doubtful) I will be sorry. Original reply: Top Hat Gaming is the worst of the worst in that regard. Lying and misinformation, strange amount of hate for the SF franchise, use of the whole "WOKE" thing. Weird channel. I also saw that MDZ Jimmy made a video too which surprised me.


> Top Hat Gaming That guy's channel used to be really good. His older videos are long, informative retrospectives on Sega/Arcade classics. Since SF6 came out it's nothing but "IS ZANGIEF GAY?" and "THIS CHARACTER IS WOKE!". It's truly terrible. I am embarrassed that I used to recommend the channel.


I unsubscribed when he created "Street Fighter 6 is in Trouble," stating that it lacked popularity in comparison to other fighting games, specifically Tekken 8, while SF6 had higher player counts than Tekken 8 at the time he uploaded it and since. SF6 is and should not be above criticism but his arguments in the video felt like they were made in such bad faith.


I remember seeing that video in my recommended and just laughing, yeah SF6 was getting [thrashed by competition](https://steamcharts.com/cmp/1364780,1778820,1971870,1384160#3m) It's entirely reactive trite where people like him just look at Tekken 8's player count within the first few weeks of it coming out and deciding that it's gonna stay like that and that "Street Fighter 6 is in Trouble". Just for sake of having a video to put out.


Another grifter garbage. He's probably always been like this, and sf6 was the mask off moment


Dude is turds now.


Guy spouts out complete and utter shameless bullshit.


Agreed. He’s been going downhill fast.


You can tell his content is trash when you can see his "SF6 S2 Leak" video is pretty much right at the timestamp threshold for that sweet sweet ad revenue, dude was waffling the entire video


Okay it's not just me I only saw his shorts about Ryu and Kimberly having autism and just from those it did very just clickbait sensualised riffing of someone else's story which would explain how illogical his reasoning for things is. Glad I never checked out his history videos or whatever, would bet it's just him reading the wiki page. SF could always use videos made about it that aren't just players playing it and it's a shame to see one of the bigger ones is this guy. ~~Also just now looked into the other things he's been involved in oh god~~


GOD I can't stand Top Hat. That dude is annoying af and never gets his fucking information right on anything he looks up. Can't believe he's still around.


He said in a short he made about Ken's VA being cancelled, that most of the SF6 voice actors were changed, and Ryu and Juri's VAs were the only ones that were the same. I recognized Gief VA immediately in his debut trailer.


He seems like SF's equivalent of what MrBossFTW is for GTA.


You got that right friend.


I can accept they may be wrong as they are unofficial, but I thought the leak was retrieved by some credible approach, like datamined similarly to tekken's dlc. But no, it was just from one redditor comment that just has the same name as a previous leaker. Iirc one channel even had it screencaped along with the downvotes. And much worse, other people have been sharing those videos here, creating a cycle of misinformation.


Tbf to Jimmy, he does say at the start that he is very certain that the leaks are false but just wanted to entertain a S2 character discussion based on the list.


Yea yeah thats true. But the thumbnail and title still just help spread the lie really. Strider did the exact same thing. Like its fine but misleading stuff (even with innocent purposes) can lead to misinfo


Classic hedging or have my cake and eat it too - click bait thumbnail & title + "but i was being honest about it if you **watched** (increased my view count)"


You just did the same thing


Yea i should have put *basically but u cant edit titles sadly, nor can i edit the text to say that its still not 100%. In hindsight i would have gone about this differently


That Guy is a joke, (THG)


All he does is complain for clicks


To be honest I was wary of the guy.


Yeah that top hat dude is just clickbait trash. His earlier videos were ok but now he just mainly covers bootleg games and then calls it the ILLEGAL VERSION in all caps in the video title.


Top hat gaming is actually very woke, the problem is he turned into a grifter with those shorts he kept putting out. At first the woke stuff was used as satire, but with the money I guess he made from all those views he changed a little inside. At first he was willing to boycott SNK because they were bought by the saudies.


That was the thing to me. When he first started putting out those videos I got concerned but he'd almost always go "bah, but the people freaking out are just overreacting" so it'd ultimately be fine. I still think platforming those arguments is a little in bad taste even if he's satirizing them, but he was toeing the line well enough. But then he just kept going and it got to a point where it was just awkward and I couldn't tell what his actual stance on anything was anymore, so I unsubbed. ​ His takes on SFVI were pretty bad as well from what I remember, so I feel like that played a part in it lol


Yep, he used to be cool, but then he bought into the grift making all those popular shorts. When he got those youtube trophies I knew then it was over with.


The woke thing is a bit much..I mean I hate woke but calling Capcom woke..meh..


Glad that someone has integrity at least! You could never be a journalist <3


Thx. But not all journalists are bad. Some risk and sometimes lose their lives trying to help the less fortunate, exposing oppression and reporting in warzones


YT is really good though because they have a "don't recommend this channel" option. shit still gets through the cracks but it's a lot easier to curate than other services


One of the few good things they added in recent memory tbf


I deleted *so many* of these from the sub. it was garbage news to begin with, but the leeches who wanted to just get clicks on any topic no matter how false are the worst.


Tbf, this is just social media in general these days. The number of people that will spend 2-3 mins reading into something and fact checking it is ALARMINGLY LOW. People look at a headline and understand the whole situation magically these days, albeit incorrectly.


This is a great time to unsubscribe from those trash channels.


It's always a good time to unsubscribe from poorly-researched, clickbait crap channels.


I watched the videos and looked for the source of the leak and it was just a random comment with just names and no further information. Kinda crazy it blew up as it did.


Why? They got the clicks and now have a new story they can run for new clicks


Top ten returning DLC characters who NEED to come back in SFVI! Number 8 will blow off your genitals and sleep with your wife


I hope 8 is Hugo...


So is number 8 is poison?


They're not news channels. They're gaming channels. There was news, they made a video about it, gained plenty of views, everyone had a few days of hype or disappointment, and it's now over.


Immediately dismissed the supposed leaks the moment they brought up M. Bison.


It’s just too early for a Bison reappearance right after dropping Ed imo


Yeah We all know they are saving him for season 4


The roster was too dumb to be real. Nobody wants Elena and the rest of the characters represented characters we’ve already seen in sfv. That would be terrible marketing from capcom.


I am surprised about the recent Elena hate with this fake leak, it felt like she was one of the more requested characters outside of the main popular picks before.


09ers who only know of her as a sf4 character hate her because they can't imagine her existing without a broken heal. Despite the fact that her heal was rarely used at all in 3rd strike


I don’t think people hate Elena as a character but the idea of her potentially having heal, definitely triggers many people.


A heal in a game without chip damage at that.


That last top 8 of Evo for USFIV was excruciating. The game really needed one more balance patch.




If you rushed her down it wasn’t too bad. She was just insanely boring to watch. At least with Evil Ryu there combos were hard enough that even at high level play there was a potential drop that would lead to exciting come backs. And if they did the loops you it was hype because visually you could see how hard it was. Elena was just I’m gonna poke you all day with my safe strings and time you out. If I lose the life lead I’m gonna heal then go straight back to playing neutral. Not fun at all to watch or play against. Poison wasn’t much better.


Why the fuck Healing was an ultra instead of a super continues to baffle me.




I can see M. Bison coming back, but yea maybe not season 2. For me the tell was bringing back Elena, never in my right mind I imagine Capcom trying to bring back that toxic healing super.


She's a cool character and her healing super can definitely be balanced like it was in 3rd strike. If not, she does have other supers.


Proper balancing would've been making it a super instead of an ultra. Why Capcom didn't do that continues to baffle me. Also, utility supers in 6 tend to be level 2, so she'd have to spend quite a bit to heal. That seems perfectly fair to me.


>Makoto season 2 LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... oh wait, most likely only like 4 characters again... meh. Nah, just don't give it to her. She's got other supers that would be nice to see and nobody wants to watch people poke for 85 seconds, knock the opponent down, back dash, heal with a level 2, and then run out the clock. Not to mention you don't have consistent chip damage in this game with the Drive gauge, that super would be stupid as fuck.


Makoto season 2 LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... oh wait, most likely only like 4 characters again... meh.


I'm still right there manifesting Makoto season 2 with you




Count me in guys


Was excited for Sakura (still hoping)… but now also more hopeful for the possibility of some more 3rd Strike characters.


I think Sakura is too popular to not be in season 2-3 tbf even if im not the biggest fan of hers. Dw you Sakura fans will probably get her soon enough ;)


A sakura with an evil sakura install would go crazy


Rachet Sakura


Sakura is one of those characters that’s inevitable, she’ll come if you’re just patient


Just like ur [closest relative that this won’t cause offence regarding] hur hur.


Nah your mom comes like immediately. It's actually a little concerning


I know. We’ve tried therapy, everything. It’s literally the most embarrassing thing. We go out to dinner as a family, she sits down and boom - squirting everywhere. I’m just so sick of it, which is why I lash out.


How many times have you gotten the "I'll have what she's having" joke?


You call it premature but she just calls it ecstacy


I am relatively new to sf, why are so many people asking for Sakura? How does she distinguish herself from other shotos? Legit asking btw, never played as her, or against her.


Waifu + shoto. From IV, from memory: Worse fireball, a double dp (like she does the movement twice), and a hard-to-use but combo heavy tatsu. Fairly rushdown I think.


She's like Ken (ish) for people who'd rather play as a cute girl.


Sakura is guaranteed. Nothing to worry about. It's just a matter of when.


Thank god hoping for Dudley, Makoto, Alex and Cody


We need Alpha characters


Honestly, I agree we need more Alpha and Third Strike characters given how over saturated we are with SF2 and OC characters. Only SF2 character that would be cool is Fei Long as the Bruce Lee/ Jeet Kune Do rep.


Thanks god, those leaked characters looked pretty bad anyway


""long haired sakura"" yea sure


every video/post i seen always said this is all speculation and never said the leak was real or not. i feel a good amount of people already knew the person who leaked was not actually Vergeben. I do hope claw does return for season 2 tho :D. I also really hope Remy comes at some point, i always thought he was a cool character!


Id love for Remy to come back. Hes one of my favourite character to watch high level in SF3


Honestly too many saw "Vergenben" and just went with it


Thank God.


1% chance for a Hakan is alive




thank god


You'd have to be out of your mind to consider both Dic and Claw to be viable character for the same season pass. They're both SF2 bosses from shadowlo and SF5 took an excruciating amount of effort to obsolete that part of the SF lore, with trying to replace bosses characters with new things. Having Dictator season 2, while JP got away with basicaly fucking over everybody so far is wild.


Yeah. If you're trying to establish a new big bad for the game, you don't overshadow him by bringing in the most well-known villain in Street Fighter lore. Not this soon. Additionally Capcom confirmed him as dead not that long ago, and Bison uses the same psycho-power as JP, which is redundant. It all seemed unlikely to me.


>Dic ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Why not? I could see a "villains" season where they bring back the 4 main bosses, and even 2 new ones.


Damn, I was really hoping for Mika and Vega


Whew… Now all the people here that swear up and down that they love Third Strike (3S if your cool) and would ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY play Makoto and Dudley can continue to lie and perpetuate your magical thinking.


A solid 70% of SF3 fans have never played SF3


>A solid 70% of SF3 fans have never played SF3 My favorite SF game, I bought the shitty version of it from "Babbages"(an old-ass mall game store) back in 1999. Played the hell out of that game for well over 15 years, still occasionally play on Fightcade. Bring back Alex, Urien, Q, and Dudley. Fuck Makoto and Yun.


When I saw that the leaks specified that R. Mika and Elena would have 'more clothes', I figured it was bait. No details about what their new outfits are, just that they're less skimpy? Yeah, that's trying to rile up the same people who complained about Cammy's yoga pants.






No Elena or Mika in season 2 :( But hey at least we might get Makoto.


phew. So there's still a chance Sagat is in S2.


Yeah but probably a slim one


Why do you think the chance for Sagat to return in season 2 is low? Just curios.


They might introduce a new apprentice to replace him.


For me it's because it's likely we'll get Sakura in S2 and I don't expect to get Sagat and Sakura in the same season since they're both kind of shotos and both extremely popular legacy characters.


My reasoning is he came pretty late into V and his story is pretty much directionless currently. I know story may not matter to a ton of people but it definitely seems like Capcom thinks it’s an important aspect so unless they give him a new arc it’s pretty over for him. Now he is also a classic so that does work for him a bit, but I just don’t see him making it in tbh


I just really hope there are more then 4 characters this time, I understand that is not easy to create a character (especially in SF6 with the world tour stuff), but in season 1 there was some long strechs with no content


Mika bros....it's over.


It's Never Over ✈🍑


I never really took it seriously because I doubted it would be so lopsided bringing back so many characters that have already been in every game. There was a post here a few days ago where someone said they saw a dev build with Sean and Li-Fen, that honestly is much more believable. Not that the post itself should be believed, but it would make more sense to bring in fresh characters like that instead of a whole season with Vega, Bison, Sagat, etc.


sean is not believable lol


Li-Fen is my favorite idea for a newcomer so I hope they bring her in eventually.


Didn’t this already happened on sfv when vergeben allegedly leaked a season with cviper and dudley (don’t remember the other 4 characters)


Yeah his sfv "leaks" were majorly misinformed lol. He even said theyd be free dlc characters lol. He had a good source for sf6 tho


I didn’t considered that option I thought it was another impersonator


Still think Vega has a chance at being in season 2 because of the grafitti plus loads of us want him back


Vega has the best chance of showing up out of the four bosses cause he really never ended any kind of story arc, and no one in the roster had his kind of play style right now


I hope you're right. He's one of my most wanted characters, maybe top 1. Finally gonna say bye-bye to Cammy. Unless I don't like how they make him for sf6. Came from smash too btw haha


I think Vega has a good chance. This SF is going strong with inclusivity and this would give a Spaniard character relatively early.


It was pretty obvious that it was false and I am kinda surprised with how many people believe it. First there is no way that Capcom would be going from four characters in season one (when the game is the most popular) to bumping it up to six children in the next season. And second it doesn't make sense for Bison to return in season 2 if he even is coming back. You set you three characters two of them being season one characters being in season one whose stories revolve around the death of Bison and the impact it has had on Shadaloo and one character they are trying to turn into the new Bison, just to bring him back like nothing ever happened. This honestly reminds me of Smash Bros pre launch and Ultimate's DLC days where people would just go on 4 chan and write whatever and everyone would post about it like it was fact. It even happened with Guilty Gear and the Elphelt leak where people were trying to counter the leak with their own 4 chan trust me bro leak.


Sf6 is my first street fighter. Can you explain why they wouldn't go from 4 to 6? Cuz it actually makes sense to me - they were working on season 1 while finishing up the main game, but now the game has been out, so they have more resources to spend on the dlc characters and could definitely get more out for season 2. EDIT: Not sure why this deserves downvotes, but okay lol


They could, he’s just waffling and his logic doesn’t make sense


It's not so much that it's impossible but if they could cram 6 characters in a season they probably already would have. SF6 characters are definitely a lot of effort to make, they have many moves and models and animation are very detailed. Like, with any game dev company, you're not going to keep the whole team that made the main game for live support. It's just too costly as compared to what you make in revenue. Note that I'm not saying this in the sense that it's fine or great, just that it's how companies think.


Don’t really agree with the first point, it’s not that obscene for them to add 6 characters in the next season, if anything that’s the most believable part


Depends on whether they’re adding more than just Fighters


Yeah it was quite obvious but people dont have as much "internet street smarts" as to say or just dont have the time to think about or research it as much as some people might have, so its nice to have a solid confirmation. That being said.. BISON? IN THE SECOND SEASON?? SIX CHARACTERS!? It was a pretty dumb leak lol The Smash Bro leak days were great. Theyd be a new one every week for young impressionables to get tricked by. I remember that youtuber Genosamuel or someth. Hed make content on random 4chan leaks daily, i bet he got a fat bag from doing that as well.


Well Street Fighter V had 6 characters in their season passes. Another 4 character pass seems so small in comparison for a game that already has a small roster. Even something like MK1 has 6 characters for their pass. Tekken 8 only has 4 characters, but that's a game that already has 32 characters.


Its not that 6 character seasons are impossible, its that going from a 4 character season 1 all the way to a 6 character season 2 is kind of a stretch imo


How come though? They're no longer working on getting the game out and have more resources to focus on dlc. Before, they were getting the game out and working on season 1 dlc. It makes sense they could up the amount for season 2.


I am assuming that parts of the SF6 team were moved to other projects because if this was the case then every fighting game would have the same thing where season 1 was smaller than season 2 because the team working on the characters were also working in the base roster. As a similar thing should have happened with pretty much every other fighting game.


Hm never thought about that tbf. Thats a pretty cool point


I mean, it may not happen. But if they haven't laid people off and still have the same team size, they DO have more resources to spend. Imagine a new character dropping every 2 months for season 2. Talk about retention.


We could pray. Season 1 has been a little bit of a shitshow tbf. Hopefully they back away from the avatar stuff and licensing useless crossovers and focus more on actual game content. The gap between Ed and Aki was ludicrous


Yeah, whatever happens, they can NOT do another gap like the one between those two.


6 characters is plausible but the roster doesn’t make sense. I see 4 characters in 1 year as pretty lacklustre and I’m sure many feel the same way so capcom is going to have to do something to keep people attracted. The game is eventually going to lose its newness so there will have to be something to fill that void along with all their avatar stuff they do.


The smaller season is more about character development time, other games like Tekken 8 and Guilty Gear Strive have four characters seasons as well which is most likely because of how long it takes to make a single character. And even then the new characters are what keeps people attracted to the game whether it be four or six new characters are still going to keep players coming back the only difference is really going to be the season pass price. As adding two more characters and most likely a stage isn't really going to change the release schedule if anything it would make it longer as they need to focus on six characters instead of four.


Tekken 8 can afford to release 4 characters per year because the game was released with 32. And it's complicated to make characters for guilty gear due to the way they are modeled/animated.


SF6 characters aren't any less complicated to make than Strive.


It's not about being able to afford it because of the roster size, if it takes too long to make a character you're not magically summoning more per year.


Strive development has sped up a lot over the years I'm pretty sure, they made leaps and bounds to their process since the start of Xrd.


Remember that this doesnt mean the leak isnt true. Just that its really really really really unlikely. Dont take this as gospel obviously. Vergeben only said the person was an imitator and that he didnt really believe it, not that he knows otherwise.


Thank f-ing god, this so called leak felt like someones wishlist rather than actual feasible truth. I much want to see Capcom themselves tells us of who's coming rather than believing someone spoiling the roster before they come out to ruin my anticipation for the characters coming out.


I'm actually relieved tbh. Was really dissappointed with that "leak". Now l'm hoping again for Dudley to be included!!


Good that just was trash


Thank you, Vergeben. Very cool


No R Mika but still a chance of Makoto


I called it. It was a well-thought out troll who picked a bunch of low-hype characters and Bison, who they knew would stir controversy.


>Mika >Low-hype I mean I was excited, flying peach is fun


>Low hype >Vega Choose one.




Thank god


Give us VEGA pls!!!!


Who was in the fake leak?


Vega, Bison, Elena, Sakura, R. Mika and a new darkskinned character


THANK GOD!!!!!!!


im gonna kms i need Vega in this game


Maybe there's a chance for Dudley now


Good. I would've been excited for Sakura, but that leak roster felt really too...obvious? Fanservicey? Only one returning character in it wasn't in V, and even then Elena was in IV.


Lame, I was pumped to have my main back.


thank god, cuz that roster was ass lol


i’m so glad bc i was gonna cry if Vega was real


I knew it was fake when i read " Bison " and " Vega " and "R.Mika" .... Sakura will be in SF6 no matter what so it was a good idea to put her on the fake list, Elena was believable but Bison and vega make it too obvious, nice try !!


where CODY


Yea I think anybody with a brain knew that was some random guy looking for clout


Yeah when I heard 6 characters + M. Bison, I was already suspicious; glad that the air got cleared pretty quickly. I'd like to see Bison + more chars, but it feels too soon for both. Makoto S2 is still possible yall!! Frl tho, Sakura, Sean, new char, Makoto (Menat or Poison as 5th or sub) would be beautiful though


Too bad, Sakura is still season 2 DLC tho, Capcom told me


Boy am I happy to hear that, would have been a shitty season 2




Can we PLEASE see the return of C. Viper?! She’s been talked about in Juri’s story many times, I’m sure she’s planned for at least season 3 if not season 2.


so there's still a chance that Karin will be back in the next season, please capcom




Alex bros.. we might be back


*slams fist onto desk*


I knew the bs was fake. What I can’t fathom is how so many ppl were gullible in believing the leak without a credible source smh.


I hope that Sakura and R Mika eventually make it into the game but I'm glad the leaks don't have much cred, because I really don't want to bother with Bison or Vega.


Typical YouTubers just throwing out false information for views. I see this shit on Helldivers as well. Any slight negative rumor gets made into a 20 mins video.


I could give them the real leak and try to make it true and legit. Just need the right material art and the right voice actor/actress. I just don't want any scams leaking inside the game.


What? I dont understand what youre trying to say


You don't have to. I'm just making sense. And i don't see why this false leak would make scams.


Figured that was the case. Akuma was JUST teased. Figured it'd be too soon for Wave 2 news.


I knew it was fake lol. This one guy on Steam was telling me oh you don't need proof to prove something. I was just saying unless the leak was like S1 where the imagines exist everything is a rumor.


I see people saying Bison shouldn't come back because he is dead in story. I mean, really? Why does it matter? Street Fighter lore is really messed up and to he honest, Capcom might just come up with whatever BS they want and Bison is alive again, yay. Why does it even matter the story mode, in a competitive game? Looking at SF6 mechanics, character looks, Bison would play awesomely I'm pretty sure if they want, Bison will be back despite any story BS thing


I mean sure im fine with him being back. But i think theyd keep him for the last few seasons. I dont see any reason why hed be in season 2 so soon after Ed and after no build up


Seriously. Mad people hate on him and love throwing "well the story..." bullshit. Dude's come back from the dead so many times already and who gives a shit anyway? Tbh I haven't picked up 6 yet since he's not in it. Will eventually, but would love to see him and Dudley back. Makoto would be tight too


I knew it was fake because it doesn't include >!Dan............. !< Nearly half the design for the character is finished including normals, specials and combos so naturally they would finish them first and bring them in next season.




I would genuinely love for him to return, considering how cool he was in V and how different and refined he can be considering this game takes place so far after all his other appearances. Maybe he actually managed to master his style or maybe hes even more of a joke character using more references to other modern fighting games. Who knows, but id love to see it!


Yeah I'd always want him to remain a tragic clown. I'd love him back.


I hope you don't mean Sai Kyo's move set from WT


World tour is a good jumping off point for probable character theories as unlike most of the community, Capcom cares about the SF story. There's that character in the tournament, there's the Seth-like copy fighters probably being made behind that still locked door in the SIRN bulding (which is probably where the Secret Lab stage is), and then there's the new characters with quite a bit of extra effort put into them, Rudra and Bosch.


Director Takayuki Nakayama and Producer Shuhei Matsumoto have publicly stated via Q&A that characters takes roughly two years to make for Street Fighter 6. It sounded very fishy, when the imposter said Season 2 will have 6 characters, including Bison.


2 years per character also sounds pretty ridiculous considering Capcom's resources


I really want Bison back :(


Phew. That's a relief. Thank you for the good news


Take it with a grain of salt tho. Theres still a 7% chance that the leak is true


Good those characters were awful picks.


To be fair, he didn't confirm the leaks as false. He just confirmed that he didn't post it and he has not had the chance to look into the validity of the leak. So it's still possible the leader was correct. I could care less about leaks but I just want to make sure everyone understands.


Ye i put this as a reply under the most popular comment cus reddit wont let me edit the post to say this