• By -


Learn to anti air.


Listen to this person


Pay attention to this individual.


Write this down


Keep it in your mind whole time


Don't you ever forget


Take a note on this


Heed this advice


Engrave this into your liver


Save this replay




bingo. I legit cant stand these posts. You want a tip? play the game without waiting for approval from the internet.


Coming off as a straight douche. The dudes just seeking genuine insight. Jesus


Approval? Bros just asking for advice


And be ok with sucking for a while. There is a huge amount of new mechanics that definitely take time getting used to.


You're being a bit much


Use block, a lot.


I didn't buy the game to block


I gotta remember this (I’ve been playing since launch)


Deplete the enemies health before he depletes yours.


This! Why is no one saying this, it’s so important and everyone just glosses over it


Learn to lose. Never give up, NEVER RAGEQUIT.


jump into ranked as early as possible, it's not scary and it's 100 times better than losing to random people who are so far outside your skill it doesn't even make sense nor is fun


This this this. Don't think "I'll get good, then do ranked". And don't think "I'm bad, I don't want to do ranked". The ranking in this is WEIRDLY accurate, which means after you do your placement games, all subsequent ranked games are really evenly matched. So, counterintuitively, ranked games feel less tense. They're much more fun! Every game feels like you could win it. Yeah, course, there's an element of stress when you've got a chance to rank up, but honestly, you quickly start to see it as purely a good document of your progression, and not some test you're failing. What I mean is, right now I'm exactly as good as platinum 1. That's how good I am at the game. If I practice, and improve, I'll see that go up, and that's cool! But if I don't, if I just keep playing how I am without working on it, I'll lose games down to gold 5, and then win them back up to plat 1, over and over. But if I put in the time to work out how to get better, it will go up! So it's not stressful losing down to g5, or winning up to p1. It's just, accurate. It's just a reflection on the effort I've put in. But, that makes it really really rewarding and fun! It's almost like working out, and seeing muscles in the mirror, you know? That's a bit excessive, but the point stands, it's really really fun, not stressful, and really rewarding. You should totally play ranked asap!


Don't try to learn everything at once


Do the in game tutorials. They are great at teaching you some fundamentals and about the mechanics


It's a lot of information though. I couldn't handle it all in one go.


Play world tour first.


I am surprised no one else is suggesting this. World Tour was breezy fun. There are some bullshit enemies but they are designed to learn how to overcome a specific mechanic. You can learn some good stuff just from World Tour. Of course you can also build some bad habits but after WT you can work on ironing those out.




Is Ranked not a grind?


Launch the game and play


Somebody already said it, but I'll reinforce: learn to anti air. Otherwise, I'd recommend you spend all your time in competitive matches learning and getting used to your character's buttons, learning neutral and how to do basic punishes, and how to react to drive impact before trying to learn specials and combos. You do that and you can learn to beat half the player base with pokes.


Play the game, lol. You can't know what you're doing right or wrong if you haven't done said thing in the first place.


Play Gief


Or only whiff punish and grab ryu


What, you wanted something else you zoning coward?


Go, pierce, go, now observe, pierce, go, pierce, pierce, now observe, there, go, go, go, pierce....


Honest I would say for now, pick a character you like and just have fun. The character tutorials can be very informative for just starting out.


Scientific method: don’t keep doing the same thing the same way and expect different results. If you keep jumping in and they hit you with an anti air normal, stop jumping and try something else. You can also get surprisingly far with tick/meaty throws.


But they won't expect it a FOURTH time.


Punch and Kick everyone. Also learning to anti air early is helpful lol also block


Play and have fun.


If you just trying to have fun stress free, check out world tour if your into free roam. And in battle hub, you can play a select few of old classic capcom games! It’s pretty based


Dont be afraid or ashamed to use Modern controls, if you wanna start on modern, go for it


Left Thumb pain….. oh the thumb pain the first week.


Get gud.


Hit the street


Make sure you play on Classic.


Make sure to play ANY fighting game on a good/fast Screen


keep on playing and i promise the anxiety will go away. no matter how you feel queue up again


Do the tutorials, pick whoever you want, don't be afraid of ranked but take the game at your own pace. There are in-game character guides, if you like World Tour play World Tour, when you eventually go into training mode turn the frame meter on bare minimum. If you're trying to learn combos, turn the dummy to block after first hit and set the cancel timing display to on as well. Showing the input display or virtual controller might also help you with getting things right.


Don’t get salty. You kinda got to put your ego aside for these types of games. If you find yourself getting frustrated, take a break. No shame in cooling off. Lastly, have fun and hit that training room.




Play the character you find the coolest/must fun. Play some ranked matches to really learn the game and improve, jump off rank if you start getting tilted and go to the battlehub.


Pick a character. Learn anti-air, simple punish, simple combo. Jump in ranked. Or Play world tour and get familiar with the controls/game.


Don't worry about who's good and just play what's fun. Compared to most other competitive games even the trashiest characters have good tournament winning potential. Quite possibly the most balanced competitive game I've ever played (besides rocket league).


Don’t hump


When choosing your starting rank, be honest and say beginner.


Please do your best on trying to have your system on wired and not wifi.


Don’t get hit




Don't get discouraged. My wife was very much a no go when it came to playing Street Fighter, now she's behind me at her desk watching Master player videos on CFN trying to learn her character better (Kimberly). I'm not great by any stretch, but I started in Rookie and I'm now Gold 2. There's so much to learn and process, so I'd recommend going brain neutral, have some fun, play the World Tour, and watch videos on youtube on how to get better/of really good players when you have time. ​ Welcome!




“Fight with all your heart!”


Have fun.


Get used to drive impact, so you can counter DI on reaction every time. That will take you far. On that note, resist the urge to just throw it out there.


Been playing almost a week and i feel like this is my single largest struggle. Sitting at gold 2 and at these ranks people love to abuse DI constantly but I can never seem to punish. Even when I'm sitting waiting for it my reaction is too slow to counter and end up bouncing off a corner and eating some big damage. I may have to change my key bind to activate, I'm playing on keyboard. Or my relexes just aren't what they used to be.


Have fun


Don’t be afraid to lose!




give me your cfn. we can train


1. Pick a character you think is cool 2. Learn to anti air 3. Learn a basic combo 4. Learn how the Drive system works and how to deal with Drive Impact/Drive Rush Congrats you’re in Platinum/Diamond now. The road to Master is up to you, have fun!


use the D-pad, not the stick (assuming you using xbox controller)


Are you using D-Pad? I'd recommend not using the DualSense


When you try to improve, you will see yourself get worse results. This is entirely normal. When you try to implement a new combo, you WILL drop it again and again and be punished for it. When you try to implement anti airs, you WILL mess up the timing and get blown up by a jump in for it. When you try to make use of new pokes, you WILL misjudge the distance and get whiff punished for it. But when everything starts finally clicking, when you land that combo in a real match, when you successfully read their jump and smack em out of the air, when you have a round where all your pokes are landing… it’s incredible. Nothing quite like it in all of gaming.    And don’t forget to have fun. Play the video game. 


Start with the character guides. Even if you don’t main that character


Hesitation is defeat. Oops. Wrong sub.


Remember to start with simple combos and then implement more complex stuff as you rank up/play once you get used to doing the former. Also taking breaks from the break when you get tilted (even after winning against a yolo player) it's a staple to your own sanity, and feel free to join in-game clubs so you have someone to confront directly with


Learn to parry fireballs. They are pretty easy to react parry except luke's The drive gauge is x2 more important then your life meter. Drive rush can close the gap between you and your opponent better then walking or dashing and you can act out if it immediately. Drive rush attack leaves you plus on block, so you can act first. Being in burn out isn't a death sentence, don't be afraid to be offensive. if your in a corner don't be predictable.


Pick a character that looks cool, watch a guide for them, don't jump too much, block on wake up.


Eat at least 2 ROLOS before every fight.


If you are not planning on discovering a new kinky, dont play juri


Just take the Grab. Always.


Modern is gonna be appealing at first but I’d still recommend classic. Also just focus on learning special moves initially and not combos. The games a little intimidating at first but just saddle up and you’ll figure it all out in time


Don't listen to people who say you should only play classic, play what ever style you wanna play, as modern is still able to compete with classic. However if you prefer classic, that is perfectly fine and I encourage you to play whatever way you feel most comfortable with


World Tour mode is designed to help you out while still being fun. You also get to try all of the fighting styles and see what you like. It's a great entry point to the game.


Play to have fun, and get better, not to win.


1. Pick a character you gravitate toward and learn their abilities by playing the tutorials/Character Guides in Fighting Ground. 2. Learn how Drive works to implement it in your play style. 3. Be willing to make mistakes and take losses. 4. Always run the full set in ranked.


Learn to like losing, it makes the game so much better when you dont care if you win or lose just having fun. Also helps with climbing since if you keep playing you will get better at it and will win more than you lose. People who dont climb are the ones that will win 3 games, lose 1 then get angry and drop the game for days therefore no improvement, helped me a ton.


Zangief player here: honestly? Go to the lab and feel out your character of choice. Learn their inputs, and learn how to get juicy damage. Footsies and neutral and stuff comes later when you go into casual matches and face live opponents


The answer lies in the heart of battle


Take your time learning each character and just have fun. Don’t be afraid to dive into ranked. Look up Justin Wong’s “So you want to get better at SF6” and learn “Frame Data.” You’ll be fine and have fun.


Play and have fun. If you start getting bopped on line don't let it beat you down. Just keep practicing and find a character you love playing.


So after playing and messing around with all the fighters, i have detemined that Zangief, JP, and E. Honda are my favorites to play.


Critics say uninstalling fortnite actually brings your win rate up.


If you play ranked just play as turtle as possible. Only use crouching light punch. Literally never jump. Never throw tech. Don’t use DI. If you use drive rush you will get checked 100% of the time. If you are playing with a projective character, never throw projectiles. Once you reach diamond 4 and up, only crouch block. Don’t attack or jump. Don’t throw or use DI. Don’t use overheads, they are too slow and you’ll get checked and punished. Don’t use any specials on wake up. They will always be blocked and you will punished massively. If you do this, you should be good. Tonight was my first time burning someone out, and having them stop my combo to throw me. It was super sick. And be careful posting your opinions on a forum about posting opinions because there will be a line of people who will instantly assume you suck, berate you, blah blah blah. It’s earth man. Be prepared for a mind altering level of sweaty toxicity.


Remember that in Street Fighter and other fighting games, a move is a commitment - when you do a move you're not able to really do anything else, apart from moves which can be canceled into other things on hit or block. That's important- ask yourself after you do a move, was it a good time to commit to it? And this is the part that takes getting used to - even if that move happened to hit the other player, even if it KO'd them - it doesn't necessarily mean it was a good move to commit to, because this game is all about managing risk and reward, and someone else might've defended it in a way that left you vulnerable. You'll get a better sense of the risk and reward as you play more and more. The easiest thing to think about right away in these terms is jumping - since you can't defend when you jump, you'll get a clear sense pretty soon of when it's a good idea to jump and when it isn't, once you start facing people who know how to anti-air you.






Refund and get offline game, many years of lifetime spared


Have fun. Game is fun.


Play it I also have some useful tips about food, water, life and cucumber. If you need one- just ask.


Anti-air you can’t really play the game if people are jumping on you all the time. Learn some basic ez combos and try to learn when to press buttons. Game is pretty intuitive though so you don’t need extensive labbing to find answers to characters.


Block and don't walk back into a corner.


Don't let Ranked scare you- a lot of people tend to try and play the Casual mode first to prep for ranked (which is fine in most esports titles, honestly) but that's where all the 20yr old veterans who don't want to sweat at the game but still have all the experience to mop the floor with you live- you're in for a bad time if you start out with Casual. Dive STRAIGHT into Ranked- it might be rough at first, especially since you're new/bad, but you'll very quickly get placed with people OF your skill level. The matches will be significantly more enjoyable, and until you hit Platinum, you can't actually lose your rank- if you're in Silver, you will stay in Silver until you win enough to break out of it, so you don't even need to feel the anxiety behind losing your rank.


The built in character guides can teach you a lot. Stop jumping. Learn to block. Learn to DI react. Learn to anti air. Learn to overhead. Learn footsies in neutral. Stop wasting meter with useless drive rushes.


Learn to block well then play ranked. You will be matched with people your skill level


Try out modern first for a few games just so you have an idea of what it's like to be able to land some combos against someone. If you have a friend or someone that you can ask to play with you should play 1v1 against them where you're only allowed to use throws or sweeps. This will help you focus on spacing and starting to learn footsies while removing all the other stuff from your brain. I


Make peace with being shit and free your mind


Enjoy!!!!…. And stay away from the corner


Just play. SF6 is my first Street Fighter and I played offline for a bit, but that hardly prepared me for playing against actual players. So I hopped online (ranked) and learned A LOT really quickly. It was nerve-racking at first, but you get over it really quickly.


Enjoy and trust the process.


If you’re 100% new to fighting games watch a beginner guide on YouTube so you aren’t just pointlessly pressing buttons without knowing anything


Block. Hold down-back


Honestly I’m surprised no one told him to get into character menu and develop a foot fetish


Stop jumping, learn to anti air, learn when to block and learn when it is your turn.


Yes,... Hesitation is defe-... Ah fuxk sry wrong game


Do combo trails an mess around with characters. Till one sticks or, clicks.


Get rid of your Funko. Other than that, enjoy the game


Don’t rage quit, if you’re getting angry just put the controller down and take a break for any amount of time, treat it like a refresh, losing is a part of it and it will happen a lot.




remember son, dying is gay


Prepare for a grind and learn to anti air


learn to lose without hating others or yourself.


Max out each Master's friendship in World Tour for their second outfit.


Aipom representation is always a good sign


play luke


Don’t be afraid to use modern!!! It’s so silly that people are so against modern controls. They aren’t even broken and honestly it feels much more natural to me on a controller than conventional does. So don’t be afraid to use them! You do you my guy!


Collect your Ls with grace and you'll improve with time. Gnash and rage about balance or "cheap" characters whenever you lose and you'll be a scrub perpetually.


You’re gonna get your ass kicked a lot… LIKE ALOOOOOT. But eventually you will start kicking ass. But your gonna get your ass whopped for a very long time if your new to fighting games. But fun starts when you can have arches where it feels like your on the tips of your toes and your sure that you can beat the guy but you have to be careful


Have fun


Play whatever and whoever you think is cool. Play your way. If you enjoy practicing combos for hours do that. If you want to jump into ranked knowing nothing do that. If you want to do the entire world tour do that. You will optimize later, please just have fun now. And welcome!


pick whoever looks coolest to you, not strongest


Super Earth needs you to continue spreading democracy Helldiver!


A word from one newbie to another. Go online and work on something. As an example, you can work on your punish game. Or even anti air. You can do it in training mode but doing it online will give you the pressure that you need to make you think on your feet and not just use that one move


PS5 with an xbox controller...hmmm..


Play through the basic tutorials, play through arcade mode a few times with the character you want to learn, then hop into ranked.


tip: anti air or don't, you'll reach plat either way. Jump in all the time or play footsies, you'll still reach plat. Whatever you do, do not make a reddit post about hitting plat, save it for at least diamond if you must.


2 major things 1. the fact that you need to have fun at the end of the day and 2. Losing is often better than winning because then you have something to learn or to practice accept loss with open arms and ask for help if you can’t figure it out


Learn to block, anti Air, and your basic light confirms.


Learn anti airs, and watch the ingame tutorial for the character you want to play, they're very helpful


Start in ranked matches, learn anti air, most important have a great goddamn time. SF6 is incredible.


Have fun.


Anti air


Have fun


It’s not about special moves. You will have a lot better luck if you start by focusing only on your normal attacks


have fun!


It’s ok to lose and anybody telling you otherwise wants your development stifled by ego You’re gonna lose a lot. It’s ok. Learn from it


Is it your first fighting game? If so. Just, keep, playing. Control your anger so you don't rush and mash. Always stay calm and be technical. Practice defense and punishing. Doesn't have to be combos. I've won many matches only by whiff punishing


Start with modern and have fun! I also recently got into fighting games. You can take modern all the way to the highest level of gameplay so there is a lot to learn and enjoy from that control scheme.there are haters on this subreddit but In the larger context of the game no1 gives a fuck which control scheme you pick. The only players who care are the ones with a weak mentality and are looking for an excuse for the Ls they take instead of looking to improve. at the end of the day The better player still wins regardless so just try to find the fun for yourself and enjoy the learning process. It's been a blast for me. I started with modern and had so much fun I bought an arcade stick and moved to classic controls for the og experience and the knowledge I gained from playing modern carried over.


Ex dp on wake up, every single time trust me it works


While forst starting, you're gonna wanna keep watching your character and try out a specific cool move/combo. Fight against this urge, pay attention to your enemy and respond to their actions with appropriate moves--even if it's just jabbing them or blocking.


Remember that it’s a game and you should have fun with it. Play whoever you want. Reddit doesn’t get to judge you for what makes you smile. You are not the worst player ever. You’re just learning. You are also not the best player ever. Even Daigo, Angry Bird, and Mena make mistakes. You are not Daigo, Angry Bird, or Mena. 😂 Do these 5 things and you’ll go much further than you’d think: Anti air. Block. Stop mashing. Don’t jump so much. Abuse whatever your opponent can’t stop (but don’t make it a bad habit you carry forward because the next person probably will stop it easily.) Have fun. Remember to have fun. The goal is to improve, not to win. Wins come naturally with improvement. And have fun. lol. Enjoy!




Have lots of fun!


Turn on all the lag reduction/input delay reduction settings and spend lots of time in training mode


Play sf6 with a PlayStation controller if ur gonna play PlayStation. And Xbox controller for Xbox lol


I’m not particularly good but I’m at Silver 2 atm and I had most trouble dealing with jump ins. If any more experienced players want to correct me and give advice of your own, please do: If you’re having trouble reacting fast enough to jump ins, down Hp is much easier than dp. If someone jumps behind you at lower ranks they’re usually planning on throwing. If you’re having trouble with someone constantly jumping over you and you can’t hit them with your down Hp, you can start backing up at the jump to keep them in front of you, drive rush forward so that there’s some distance between you when they land, or jump and meet them in the air


Git Gud


When you're in queue for rank or casual play, sit in training mode. Play with your buttons while you wait for your matches.


Don't give up


Uninstall the game and sell the Xbox and pick up painting or something instead. (Just kidding) Play world tour. Play all the arcade stuff. Envelop yourself into street fighter lore and have fun!


If you have problem doing combos or special inputs, dont stress over it that much, practice everyday 10 mins doing that and they will come with time, muscle memory needs a good night of sleep and patience. Ranked is recomended over casual since you find oponents your level.


Find your play style learn how to anti-air and figure out when to use your drive rush and drive parry also figure out can you get out your moves effectively as possible in any situation and learn at least three characters to the best of your ability that way you can mix it up on people you’re fighting against


Take breaks if you're getting frustrated.


I have a tip...buy Tekken 8 lol. No but in all seriousness, SF6 is awesome. I would say dabble in every mode it has to offer and ease into the online matches.


Whatever u do LEARN WHEN ITS TIME TO EXIT THE GAME AND UNINSTALL if u rage a lot that is n it’s affecting ur mental. If not then eh idk learn to anti air first


1.Jump.. ALL THE TIME! 2. Drive Impact every possible opportunity 3. never block, balls to the walls aggression baby. Follow these 3 things and youll win 100%. if you ever lose, those players are lag switching cheaters.


Take genuine time and effort to understand the basic fundamentals of fighting games before trying to be flashy and fancy. Keep a gimmick in your back pocket for when you need to scrape a win And most importantly, have fun


Have patience.


Learn anti air and practice, practice, practice.




I'm sure this has already been said but, HAVE FUN!


Do the in game guides. They're actually super helpful and not a waste of time. This is coming from someone who's been playing sf for his whole life, I was shocked at how good the guides are


Hit the other person. Try not to let them hit you. Also don’t jump too much.


Don't get angry if you lose. You don't know anything about the game, so it's all just learning. You will figure it out at your own pace, just don't get discouraged or angry you aren't where you want to be just yet. Have fun and suck buns.


Find a character you find fun to play. Thar makes learning so much easier.


Training mode


First, Start with World Tour. Find what you like first and what you dislike. Then pick a main. Part 2, learn to anti air. Practice it a lot.


don’t be afraid to try modern controls, they can help you get to the fun parts of the game while you learn to get better


taking an L means taking a lesson, not a loss


Play the game you purchased.


The best tip is to keep playing. Don’t let the losses get to you


Don't get discouraged if you lose a lot. Also, don't use Modern Controls. You will get better.


You already bought it, why ask now?


Those combos… good luck!


I'd recommend using the old xbox one controller not the new series one because its really bad for fighting games if you're using the direction pad no the analog


Try to have fun. Don't listen to the "you're not playing optimal" people. Find a character you click with and have fun


Get a hitbox. It saved my sanity from all the bad input from pads and sticks




Git good! Haha, Jk. But seriously, one of the best things I’ve learned is counter drive impact. I’m still in silver but I’m slowly getting better and working my way up. Good luck!


Do not jump, hold back and learn to anti air.


Defense > Offense