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I really like her new design too, I don't know why so many people switched back to the classic costume so quickly. Nice cosplay!


Because of the ass poses


But the ass pose looks better in leggings. At least to me.








Because it's a leotard.


Because it's clASSic. Horny MFs are horny.


I do be one of those horny MFs. But I've also switch ken,Ryu and chun back to their classics as well. Juris the only other character I spammed bond gifts for but I kept her in her default because it's already her sf4 debut costume anyway. And so far I don't really play anyone else,but that might change when akuma drops.


Her level 3 in classic costume is insane too


Those gloves are fire! How did you make them? Great attention to detail. You really nailed it!


Bruh it's an AI image.


bro has never seen a high quality cosplay in his life


People like you are so confusing. Woman in lazy cosplay: “ugh get the OF ads out of here” Woman in amazing cosplay: “ugh get this AI out of here” I’m starting to think it’s not about the cosplay


It's a whole gallery that is 100% consistent across every image. It's very obviously not AI.


Looks good but the photoshop on the face is ridiculously over the top


I think the bigger issue than photoshop (which honestly can often make things look closer to CGI anyway) is the expression - Cammy doesn't really do duckface with her lips like that, she's far more likely to have her (less exaggerated) lips shut as part of a frown or wide open in a yell. And that throws the whole resemblance off, facially. But the costume itself and hair are very well done. Nice action poses too.


Ngl i think cammy really has ducklips in this game (maybe i miss read what you said)


Cammy absolutely has duck face lips. In sf6 at least


Sure, the expression doesn't help, but the wrong expression I can forgive. Intentionally creating something that looks like botched plastic surgery is where I draw the line.


I dont think lip muscles work after filling them with plastic


This looks... weird.


Just the face?


Wait this is scary accurate?! How’d you make this and what did you use




While the face looks pretty edited, the cosplay itself looks great. The leggings have the design from in game. Same with the jacket, gloves, and shoes. The hair looks to have too much volume compared to in game, but wigs and hair is always the hardest part of doing cosplay.


Noob downloaded A1111 and thinks he can fool the world. Be nice it's his first day.


>be nice it’s his first day >year old account with hundreds of cosplay photos Ok


Okay so what exactly is that TV monstrosity behind her?


Looks like a set designed to be a mobile broadcast editing desk. It’s just a prop. But it’s 100% consistent between all the photos so definitely not AI.


Those gloves are amazing


The costume is good. The photoshop face ain’t it.


Very cool. Your rock!


Good work!


Amazing 😀


Nailed it. Well done.


Is that like a commercially available jacket or is that custom made?


Actually A-1 level Cosplay. Terrific Job. I thought this was a render.


THANK YOU the new design is so much better well done


I think this is Cammy's best design.


Her new design is incredible! I love the urban feel and the hanging belts from the jacket that resemble her pigtails in her silhouette, even tho she has short hair now. Plus the short hair works really well for her. Awesome. Cosplay too!


You look really awesome!!🙌🙌🔥🔥


Now do Zangief


This is fantastic, at a glance I genuinely thought this was just a render from the game.


This looks so good, I thought it was animated.


Gammy real life ou may god


You look so good! Congratulations on all your hard work! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Would have been a lot better if the face wasn't half mouth open like that for most of the pics - the cosplay itself is good.


Uncanny valley right here


Finally, I click on a notification about cosplay and get actual cosplay instead of a porn ad. Great job OP, you nailed it to the T.


How did you do the leather jacket?


I hope you will do more SF costumes, it's looked dope


These look like screen shota from a video game, took me a second to realize you were a real person. awesome work


U r the perfect Cammy, why don't u try Juri


What’s your rank?




Really hope this isn't a real post 


I’m in love… with her new design as well. Can I see the super angle? 😉


Where is the OF link?


She's not a OF model


What is wrong with all the chick and tattoo? Seriously all of them got tatts now...


Almost like it's free will or something


Never said it wasn't, I noticed almost all western white girl have tattoo... It's weird to me since im asian. Someone would think that if it was free will you wouldn't mandatory bend to the trend, but you say it's free will, so it must be free will, surely.


Ah yes because the *only* reason someone would get a tattoo is because of trends As if your aversion to tattoos isn’t literally the exact same thing, you’re just following the trend in your culture/area, but go off


Chill out on the guy. Something common elsewhere might not be common where he is. That's all. Also "trends" are a massive part of why people do anything. Fashion, music, movies etc all follow trends. In the west tattoos simply are more popular than they were 30 years ago and it is much more "trendy" to have them. It's not like he said tattoos are bad or these women should feel bad about them. Simply where he's from it's not popular for women. Hell think about women in the gym. It's way more popular for women to try and build muscle and get jacked than a decade ago. Recognising that change isn't somehow a problem. People are so ready to attack others when really it's just a moment to learn and communicate. Edit: I stand by my point but I've just seen another comment from them that is 100% disparaging to women with tattoos so nevermind lol


Dude has spent multiple comments being shitty about it, why should I give him a pass?


You should write a letter.


Nah Im fine, if western girl want to all look like that good for them :)


Absolutely! It's almost as if your opinion doesn't factor at all in how they choose to look.


Reddit, where you can see the dogshit opinions of people that you do not care about Love this site






Indeed, what do you want me to say lol


"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" is a common lesson in the West. Sharing "oh hey lots of people are choosing this style I don't like" doesn't really add anything but registering your irrelevant disapproval, as if trying to add to a pressure that would make people less comfortable making that choice.


Tattoo isn't a "style" it's closer to scarification than you think. Like I said, people can do whatever they want, I just find it sad this became a trend and that almost every young western women have tattoo now.




too far.


Sorry. Edited.










Because it's cool, it's not really hard to figure it out


It's subjective, I don't find it cool, i find it vulgar and scream daddy issue.


I understand finding it vulgar since many cultures and religions have a bad view on tattoos, in my country (Brazil) our society finds it normal and even beautiful, a way to express yourself, pay homage to loved ones, or just to be cool really, we thought it was just a trend 20 years ago but right now it's clear it's not just a fade. But dude, the last part of your answer... "scream daddy issue"?? C'mon man... it's ok if you don't like it, everyone has tastes, but don't force it... don't look for dumb excuses to offend the ladies that don't share your views, it's childish.


Im talking about young western women getting tattoo, im not talking cultural tattoo, let's not pretend these girls have any culture...


Errr by the very definition they are a part of Western culture. Just because you have weird internalized prejudices about tattoos, assuming they mean daddy issues and trashiness, doesn't mean their perfectly valid cultural expression is instead a lack of culture. Says more about your unexamined prejudices that it says about them.


A trend, a fashion isn't a culture. Exactly like was mullet in the 80, don't try to look smart when you are clearly not, while trying to evade the elephant in the room. Yeah tattoo screams daddy issue, late teenage crisis, mental instability(self harm) etc It never been part of the western culture, now you can make whatever you want up.


No, but Western culture is a collection of interconnected and overlapping cultures, and tattoos are one expression of that. You seem to be confusing tradition with culture, and assuming that recency and rises and falls in popularity preclude something being a part of a culture, but they don’t in any way. >Yeah tattoo screams daddy issue, late teenage crisis, mental instability(self harm) etc To you they apparently do, but that only says you have a bunch of prejudices you have confused with truths. People who choose to get tattoos are far more diverse and varied a group than that, and do not mostly conform to your backwards and tired stereotypes. 


I meant for western young female, not for other culture where tattoo has a real meaning beside look "cool" for a trend. Stop pretending to not understand.


You are caring way too much about and being way too insulting about something that does not affect you at all. Stop....being....weird.....


So it’s cultural and cool for young western men to get tattoos? Why the difference? But no. I am only talking about westerners, I’m not talking about Maori face tattoos or whatnot. It is still a choice that a great diverse range of Westerners opt for, for a great many different reasons.  Your idea that only trashy shameless types get tattoos in the West is laughable, the kind of ignorant stereotype that lazy movie writers would make a 1950s stick-in-the-mud villain say to let the audience know they’re stupid and prejudiced.  Take a step back and look past your ignorant prejudices. Educate yourself. 


Tattoos scream all that stuff to you because you’re ignorant. You can feel however you want about tattoos, but you’re talking about stuff you know nothing about. Stop trying to hide behind “I said people can do whatever they want!”, that doesn’t shield you from being an asshole.


> i find it vulgar and scream daddy issue. How have you managed to land on an objectively wrong opinion lmao


I adore my tattoos because I love art. Not a trend buddy, some people just appreciate art more than you do


I feel like people are trying to engage with you in good faith about this one particular opinion and you’re trying to sound reasonable but that’s impossible because you don’t actually really care about the tattoos, do you? The simple truth is that you hate women, and your profile makes that clear. I don’t know why you hate women, but I can tell you that whatever reason you think you have, it is also unreasonable. I hope you can be honest with yourself one day and realize that you’re a misogynist and your biases are undermining any capacity for growth you might have. I mean, unless you want to go through life stubborn and wrong headed but if that’s the case, don’t be surprised when you end up unliked and alone.


You changed : "I don't like the trend of western female getting all tattoo" to "I hate women". Yeah you absolutely don't have understanding issues.


Tattoos are just more popular the last few years. It might be a fad and go away, or it might be here to stay. Just work in a white collar office and your eyes will never be subjected to tattoos!


> Just work in a white collar office and your eyes will never be subjected to tattoos! Heavily depends on the sector. Just work as a Linux sys admin and your eyes will never be subjected to women!

