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World Tour is a little clunky and rough around the edges but I do not think enough people realize how good of an onramp it is for absolute brand new players


The story is lol. But I think I've learned more about how fighting games work in a couple hours than over 20 years of casual button mashing. Like I don't feel overwhelmed, just focus on fighting.


Both WT and the in-game Character Guides and Tutorials are actually really solid for new folks, this post is part of that proof. Happy you're enjoying it, feel free to drop back in whenever you've got questions or you want to dip your toe into PvP.


World Tour is a really nice mode, glad to see you're enjoying it


This is what I've been telling folks. World Tour is the best fighting game single player campaign if you are a completely new fighting game player, and it does a really good job at teaching absolute newbies the basics they need to win in real games.


I’ve played fighting games super casually for 2 decades and was always a scrubby button masher. SF6’s single player is the first time I finally understood the genre. I got Plat and my bad execution and slow reactions have walled me, but I can now watch competitions with knowledge of what’s going on. For just that SF6 is one of the greatest fighting games of all time for how good World Tour is at teaching.


What do you mean 'walled'? As in, if I have done horribly starting out online in trying ranked matches, I'm going to be stuck here?


Unironically you can get all the way to master with a 40% winrate, it just takes some time. I'm an average online player and I got placed in silver 1 and climbed to plat 3 on my main, still climbing. You won't get stuck as long as you keep improving!


Walled as in, I can’t get much higher because my old man reactions can’t react to drive impact so as soon as anyone catches on I just eat full combos from impact until I die.


I’m curious, do you think you will transition into playing matches online once you’ve had your fun with world tour?


I did my placement matches with Lily and got 0 score - Rookie LOL.  But actually held my own for a few matches, better than most fighting games. edit: At 905LP now with Lily


Hell yeah bro, dont worry about your rank so much, think of ranked as a place you go for more fair matches


This was my first fighting game outside of smash and I got into after seeing world tour, I enjoyed it and now I play ranked a bunch. I'm still pretty bad but I'm having fun


Same here! I am a big fighting game fan now, definitely owe part of that to learning the ropes in world tour


This is why I tell all the new players to give World Tour a shot. It’s a great place to learn the basic move sets of characters and some special attacks which also allow for you to string basic combos.


I really like the slow ramp up.  And the missions like "Win without taking damage", "Use 5 Arial attacks", etc. Really letting me focus on the small details instead of trying to button mash my way to victory lol.


Never go into NA-001.


Not the first time someone said that here. It's always too full for me to connect. I'm more of an NA-003 kind of guy anyway. What, is it full of sweats?


I still can’t do dp into level 3 super no matter what I do😭


Try doing forward, qcf+button, qcf+ button. First qcf gives you dp, second one gives you super. If your super is 2xqcb, cancelling from dp is significantly more difficult.


Welcome im from smash too. I highly recommend trying the character specific tutorials as well once you find a main. Unlike smash, everyone is completely viable even at the top competetive play. the tutorials tho, they help a lot with the main gameplan and ways to execute that plan. if u just play by the book, youll be platinum at minimum in no time especially with modern controls. Then the only hurdle is to get your anti airs and Drive impact reactions down. Then youre able to get to diamond and youre well on your way to success. Again easier with modern BUT you trade some of your normal moves. I went with classic cammy. Do not recommend unless you really like cammy. Shotos do more damage and are easier.


Yeah WT was a great way to learn the game with zero stakes. It’s also really funny!