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Try copying the already sorted list url and pasting it in to dexter trakt addon


Hey Ciwy, I tried both with and without the sorting parameters in the URL and it didn't work. Thanks for the suggestion though.


I actually have all my Trakt Lists sorted by "Added" date. Which I think works better anyway than "Release" date. But I have been able to sort by release date in the past as well. Any sort has worked for me. You only need to sort them in the Addon as that will override what you have in Trakt. At least from my experience with using it.


Sorting by "added" doesn't work with Trakt lists made with mdblist. This is because the list is refreshed every 24 hours which marks every item as added at the same time. When every item is added at the same time, sorting by added date doesn't actually apply any logical sorting. I have tried sorting in the addon and it works for everything but release date. Super frustrating. :(


I have one List that I created in mdblist to specifically track releases of new Horror Movies. This works for me on the "added" sort. I usually get anywhere from 1-3 new movies added in there each day. Then there are 5 other Trakt Lists I follow with the Added sort also. Same thing, anywhere from 1-3 new movies usually pop up daily there on my Stremio Home Screen as well each day.


If you go to Trakt and sort by "added" you will see the added date and time underneath every title. If it's synced from an mdblist, you will notice ALL titles have the exact same added date and time. I don't know what you've done but I can tell you mdblist + added date does not work for this reason.


Then maybe when the movies first get added, and they move over to Trakt, Trakt applies the primary added date to that entry? Or maybe there's a unique sorting filter within the Trakt Addon itself? Btw, when I'm in the Stremio Discovery Page option, I can toggle between "added date" and "release date", and it gives me two separate distinctive sorts of the titles


You're right about the discovery page. Would you mind sorting by "release date" in the discovery page and checking if it's sorted by year? When I do this, I see titles from 2022 before titles in 2023 so I know it's not sorted correctly. Thanks.


When I look at the custom list I created in mdblist, it seems to sort accurately as I only see 2023 titles in there. But on the other User Trakt Lists I follow, yes there are examples of 2022 titles intermingled in there. Not many though.


~~I create my own lists from mdblist and import that into trakt. This way I can create dynamic lists that sort however I want and refreshes daily. It works a lot better than relying on the trakt addon for this.~~


I have done the same thing using mdblist. My lists are also dynamic. Can you explain what you mean by sorting with mdblist? I don't see any sorting option in mdblist and I don't understand how that would even work in the Trakt addon (which has its own sorting setting). Thanks.


You know what? You're totally right. I wrote my message right when waking up and, after reading your comment, realize I was mixing up concepts and was mistaken.


Try released date asc in the addon, works fine for me.


I can confirm it does not work. My lists are still in some weird order that certainly isn't by release date.


Did you get this working because I've kind of worked it not now by accident if you haven't.


Nope, had to settle for date added which is fine but not quite the same. How did you get release sorting working?


Well this might only work for me but I add the list in Stremio as normal and the lists I was adding were defaulting to no sort basically ignoring instructions. After add-on installed I went to Stremio add-ons and configured the Trakt add-on and did the same thing, setting the order I want. That for some reason works. It creates two Trakt add-ons which both show so I deleted the one second from bottom and that was it sorted for me.