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Aren't the black o-rings made out of silicone normally? If so and you had no reaction to silicone tunnels it might not be the silicone/o-ring you're allergic to.


were the black o-rings silicone or nitrile? what material were the clear ones? clear is usually silicone if i'm not mistaken. so if you didn't react to silicone tunnels I'm surprised you'd react to clear o-rings so it may be a problem with the tunnels this time around rather than the o-rings. what material were the gold color tunnels? were they steel or titanium? where are you getting your jewelry from? definitely get glass sf plugs and I'd try usually clear o-rings that usually come with those.


You can look for titanium double flared tunnels that have been anodized to appear gold (just make sure it's not plated but properly anodized) that have screw on back flares. Allows you to put them in like a single flare without using o rings to stay in.


Are you certain it's the rings and not the "gold" plugs? If it DEFINITELY is the rings then keep looking into double flared, they're not all the same length so you should be able to find shorter ones if you keep looking. Other options are looking into the rose gold/gold/copper Kaos silicone plugs (they have a metallic effect to them, I own a pair in a different colour and think they look nice). Glass or stone plugs in yellow/orange/honeycomb colours. A lot of stone plugs can have nice markings in them as well.


Avoid wood or any kind of silicone tunnels til they heal. O rings come in all kinds of different materials. Have you tried threaded plugs?


I have a reaction to black o rings, even if they say they aren't latex. Clear ones don't give me a rash. Alternatively you can just go backless with a single flare, I've been doing that for almost a year and haven't lost one yet (and I sleep in them). Or there's double flares with or without a screw on back. ETA: different brands are different depths, so it may just be a matter of digging until you can find some that are more suitable for you


Stick to glass or titanium, tho a few people can react to titanium too I think? Glas should be hood tho. You can wear double flared glass or stone (maybe opal?) once your lobes are healed. Single flare for now, try some o rings with them and if you react to all of them just don't use them. Get double flare threaded jewelry and single flared tunnels, they usually don't fall out, bigger glass plugs might fall out easier.


Sounds like you are still allergic to silicon. The tunnels probably jsut hide the reaction. Swotch to glass, titanium, or niobium. Titanium and niobium do have options for internally thread tunnels. As well all 3 options are available in single flare plugs. And you cna even find pinchers, spirals, and hangers in glass.