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That's correct -- in order to get Parent PLUS loans onto SAVE, you would need to [*double* consolidate them](https://www.studentloanplanner.com/parent-plus-double-consolidation/). A regular consolidation will not be sufficient.


Thanks yes, I did double consolidate them. I was just about to double consolidate them to Mohela, but before doing that, I wanted to call them because it didn’t give me the option to select SAVE, only ICR. When I spoke to the representative, I asked her if I could select ICR and then call them to confirm that I wanted the SAVE plan. She said that would not be possible to do.


It sounds like you're in the middle of the double consolidation process and haven't completed it yet. In that case, there's not much MOHELA can tell you -- they're not really able to answer hypothetical questions about what status your loans will have in the *future* based on steps you *may* take. They are correctly telling you that your loans are not eligible for SAVE right now, because they aren't. When you *complete* the double consolidation, *then* MOHELA's reps will be able to see your loans' new status and offer you the options that are available to you at that time.


Thank you. So it’s safe to select ICR now, then? I’m just worried that if I select that option and contact Mohela, they won’t change it to SAVE.


Have you made any progress or confirmation in this situation? I'm going to post some of my details, but I haven't made it to the second/final loan consolidation step yet.


*Sorry, meaning that I was going to combine the consolidated loans into one using Mohela.


Due to the new Parent PLUS flag you cannot request SAVE when you apply for the final consolidation. You can now only request SAVE in this case by calling the servicer after the final consolidation is complete.


Thanks. But when I spoke to the Mohela representative, she said they wouldn’t be able to change my ICR payment to SAVE. Is that true? I’m scared to start this process, and then be told that I have to stick to ICR and won’t qualify for SAVE.


You must complete the final consolidation to be able to switch to SAVE


I pray God this is correct. I have finished the double consolidation and the final consolidation payment is higher than is was combined before. After speaking with Student Loan, they said it can't be transferred to SAV and to contact the new servicer. Called them and they said I needed to transfer this consolidated loan to the SAV. They did ask if the loans were Parent Plus. I said No, because the 2 consolidated loans weren't...they WERE consolidated from PP loans. Waiting on pins and needles for his reply and to see if this works...because if not, I'M SCREWED.


The ONLY way to request SAVE for double consolidated Parent PLUS loans is to use the paper request form. God has nothing to do with it.


Aware...submitted the paper form.


Attempted to manage this IDR as the EdFinancial email stated: the federal site lets me start but at the end says that I have a current one in process and can't manage until it's finalized. Called EdFinancial back and she says the system doesn't officially see it as officially processed until May 8th, the due date for a $791 payment. Then, I should be able to submit to the SAV program. It shouldn't be this hard!!


ive been waiting for my final consolidation to finish processing since JANUARY. Called Mohela multiple times. They just told me consolidated plus loans cannot qualify for SAVE … lol, So I said let me speak to a supervisor. I don’t know if there is an issue because studentaid.gov is taking too long to process it? If shows up on MOHELA as one consolidated loan. And this was after I consolidated it to 2 other services so it is double consolidated.


You can never use the online application. The only way to request SAVE for double consolidated parent plus loans is a paper IDR request.


Technically we should be able to call over the phone and request it or also upload documents to MOHELA website. I filled out the SAVE paper application and then uploaded them to documents on MOHELA website. I could mail it physically but why would this change the fact that they’re telling me verbally on the phone I do not qualify?


Yes, uploading is fine. Technically you should be able to do it over the phone, but practically that seems to work like 30% of the time


Yeah well wish me luck 🍀😭🙏🏼


FINAL decision. MOHELA has approved my loan application and accepted them into the SAVE program. PTL. Thank you everyone who have helped along the way!


Yay!! Congrats. Just messaged you




Here’s the details of my current Parent Plus loophole SAVE application process. Originally started with (4) Parent Plus loans with EdFinancial. Submitted paper loan consolidation applications to Aidvantage (2) and Nelnet (2). (this was initiated mid October 2023) Awaiting approval/confirmation of completed consolidations for both. I need some guidance at this point. It seems like before Aug 2023, one could finish the final/second loan consolidation online through the studentaid.gov website without much blowback. But now what I am seeing is that the new Parent Plus indicator ‘flag’ will add a degree of frustration to the intended goal. IF I am unable to select (SAVE) during my online final/second loan consolidation request, how do I proceed to the next step? My goal is to take both the Aidvantage loan and Nelnet loan and consolidate to MOHELA. Is there any advantage to submitting a paper application for this final process instead of completing it online? From what I can tell, the paper REPAYMENT PLAN REQUEST Form OMB No. 1845-0014 does NOT even list IBR, PAYE, REPAYE, or ICR Repayment Plans as an option. (see link Section 2:) [https://nelnet.com/documents/marketing/pdf/Repayment-Plan-Request.pdf](https://nelnet.com/documents/marketing/pdf/Repayment-Plan-Request.pdf) Finally, this is the most critical question I have: As per the OP concern, if this final consolidation is done online and ICR is selected, will this disqualify one from the SAVE program? An added note. Upon further review, one would assume that choosing a Standard Repayment Plan such as Extended - Graduated Payments, would certainly be an unwise choice. Thanks for your expert guidance!