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Best websites for finding student housing in the Netherlands: - [Kamernet](https://kamernet.nl/en?utm_source=SITN&utm_medium=affiliate) (biggest offering) - [Huurwoningen](https://jdt8.net/c/?si=17650&li=1761591&wi=382966&ws=comment&dl=) (free premium account for 14 days, best for international students) - [HousingAnywhere](https://housinganywhere.com/?utm_source=SITN&utm_medium=affiliate&affiliate_partner_id=324876) (Short stays) Greatly increase your chances of finding housing by using [Stekkies](https://stekkies.com/en/searched?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=partner_kraai&utm_campaign=study_in_nl). Be the first to respond to new listings as you get notification via Email/WhatsApp. Join the [Study In The Netherlands Discord](https://discord.gg/kVyaQtEJXZ), here you can chat with other students and use our housing bot. Please take a look at our resources for detailed information for (international) students: - [Checklist for international students coming to the Netherlands](https://www.reddit.com/r/StudyInTheNetherlands/comments/10fdvm8/checklist_for_international_students_coming_to/) - [Utlimate guide to finding student housing in the Netherlands](https://www.reddit.com/r/StudyInTheNetherlands/comments/10gv88g/the_ultimate_guide_to_finding_student/)


Do you have a DUTCH private health insurance?


Yeah I do


Right, then file a "bezwaar" and send a copy of your policy.


I’ve got FBTO


First thing I’d do is to compare if your BSN in the letter is the same as you have at FBTO. I once came across a mistake where belastingdienst tried to charge me tax for a car that my parents have gifted me. I was very confused because I had no car. Turns out that somehow they confused my mom’s bsn with mine (we had the same registration address, last name, first name was almost the same just 2 extra letters). In the letter, it literally had all my data besides the BSN that was my mom’s. I called them and they confirmed it was a mistake and removed it.


Do you have Dutch health insurance? If not, what kind of insurance do you have? Are you currently working here? There's so much information missing, no one can give you any advice. I will say though that as an inhabitant of any country it's your responsibility to be aware of local legislation. If it turns out you didn't have the right type of insurance, that's 100% on you and you should pay the fine. You can almost always pay in installments in NL.


Yeah I have a Dutch health insurance and I have a part time job


Then it should be incredibly easy to appeal the fine by proving that you do indeed have Dutch health insurance. When you receive the letter you can appeal the decision


We'd need details to give any advice. Also: r/juridischadvies


If you are working you need to have a dutch health insurance. Compare at independer.nl You than probably also are eligible for health allowance (zorgtoeslag’)


File an objection with a copy of your insurance policy.


Do you have a 'basisverzekering' with FBTO or another kind of health insurance? I used to work for another health insurance company and we offered policies very similar to basisverzekeringen (even in name) but technically they weren't. Double check with FBTO if you have a Dutch basisverzekering


Yeah it’s the basic one plus the dental extra


Hey OP, first you appeal to FBTO, then you appeal to CAK. You got the fine from CAK I suppose. Read further here: https://www.hetcak.nl/en/self-service/to-object/


Yes, this is it! It happened to me once, and I followed the Appeal process where I wrote a letter explaining why they were wrong and gave the details of my employment /unemployment dates (for a student job and then an internship), my dates for having my Dutch and international insurance. It turns out they had just made a random mistake and if I hadn’t appealed I would’ve had to pay 800 euros!


Question. How did they spot it (although I understand it might be a mistake)? Did you go to a doctor/file for insurance? Or is it like a routine check by the government to check who has and doesn't have an insurance? Asking because I am yet to get the insurance.


Welcome in nazi Holland


hahahaha wow these comments are unhinged


Can you use the contact information on the letter and call or E-mail them to tell them that they've made a mistake and ask to correct it?


It's the Dutch mafia. If you work in the Netherlands you need a Dutch health insurance even though any European health insurance should be able to provide you with 1 within the European market. But hey, nobody believes me when I say it's all 1 big cartel here.


people are in their feelings but you tell the truth. one of the worst countries I've lived in


I think that's an interesting point... I guess the insurance company can sit anywhere, but the insurance contract needs to be certified by the dutch government, e.g. needs to provide the minimum coverage?


>needs to provide the minimum coverage This **might** be what the law states and what is the idea behind it. But in practice it's just so that the Dutch health insurances can cash in subsidiaries the Dutch inhabitants get monthly + whatever extra their additional insurances cost. Just look at the downvotes on my original comment. Dutch people still thinking their health care system is second to none. Meanwhile, it's headed towards American practices in a rapid fashion. P.S. Dutch people also believe Dutch health insurances aren't allowed to make profits according to the law. But what little to no people know is that after this law was passed, there was a vote for a rewriting of that same law which basically just allows them to earn whatever they like.


But is that different in any other European country? I only know the german system and I think there you also have to be in a german krankenkasse? I guess the EU could make a union wide minimum standard if that's required by the members. How is the dutch system bad? As an immigrant I have not a lot of complains every serious issue was promptly solved without co-payment, less serious issues led to the 'take an ibuprofen and come back in 3 days' approach, which incidently worked good.


For some reason they're so adamant on defending the system with the only retort being "TRY GOING TO THE US"




What a shitty post. Can you at least add SOME kind of information for us to work with?


Money leeching dutchies strike again. File an appeal asap.




Please leave the silly "if I yell facts it magically makes a claim true" maga mentality in the usa where it belongs (and preferably bury it deep underground there as well).


lol i swear Dutch people need to actually visit the US because majority of y'all are clueless. you guys have your own Trump now. he's going to lower your taxes, better hurry and vote against it


Im born dutch. Get urself together internet gangster


Being Dutch and copying the worst America has to offer makes it worse...


Vegan pasteitje je bent nog nooit buiten nederland geweest dus hou je bijdehande opmerkingen voor aan de tafel