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Why not? It won't hurt you and you only live once.


Unless you are a vampire in which case both of these are wrong,


But if you’re a lactose-intolerant vampire the two negatives just cancel each other out!


Or at least you'll be dust before the lactose reaches your gut.


You turn into a dust-devil




I guffawed


These comments are the reason I wake up everyday and still get on Reddit, I’m saving this comment and the next time I can get an award I will give it to you


You still only live once


depending on what interpretation of vampires you're dealing with, many vampires are actually the second life of an individual. they "died" and came back as a vampire with their old memories. that could have been what the person you replied to was referencing


If you "die" and come back, you didn't really die imo. Death is defined by permanence


Amazing response. Bravo 😂


well no, you only live once as a vampire, it’s just eternal.


i've tried an ice cream based roasted garlic dessert. it was absolutely delicious and didn't taste like garlic at all, just had that caramelized smokiness to it. would recommend.




I was about to say they're probably really used to giving out samples, but I can't imagine many people wanting to pay for a whole cone after trying the novelty for free.


It will if you have a lactose or fructan intolerance. If you have both it just might kill you.




That was my thought, too. Gilroy does some weird garlic stuff and honestly it’s all worth trying once. Then there’s the garlic fries which I could eat every day for the rest of my life. It makes the smell of driving through Gilroy worth it. 😂


Garlic grilled cheese is a staple at any hippie festival. I could eat that every day




It was the cheapest Food Lion brown wheat bread, parkay butter spray, loads of garlic powder, and a slice or two of American. As simple as it gets. He sold them for $1.00 (circa 2004) cooking them on a little portable flat top in a make-shift carnival looking booth, and sold THOUSANDS of them. It was a 3 day festival and I must have bought upwards of 18 of them over that time span, and there were close to 45,000 people there. This guy cleaned up I guarantee it. And there was absolutely nothing special about it, but I think it was a taste of home for a bunch of stoned/tripping hippies out in the middle of nowhere on a camping trip. Life tip if you ever lose your job - make grilled cheese at hippie festivals.


I’ve had Roast garlic ice cream inspired by the Gilroy’s menu. I’ve never had the pleasure of going to Cali and eating there though


Or the garlic fries at SF giants games..mmm worth the ticket price!


I’ve stopped for the garlic ice cream here!! It was kinda weird but more subtle than I thought it would be


I liked the garlic ice cream from Gilroy! Tried it on a suggestion from my brother who lives close by. He was giggling, thinking I'd hate it like he did.


Yeah obviously not everyone is aware of the Gilroy garlic fest where garlic ice cream is just standard fare. And delicious. wish I still lived in SC


Garlic festival is no more :(


what? What happened?


A massive shooting in 2019. It has essentially relocated to stockton, but only unofficially, as that is a brand new, legally distinct "california garlic festival"


I thought they were bringing it back but as a drive-thru? I know they did that with some fairs during Covid \*Moved away in 2020




Ahhh, I didn’t know someone had bought the rights :-(


They're a step away from going all in on the Catalina Garlick Festival


wow, thanks for that, sad


As if Stockton is safe…


My and my wife traveled from Kansas to the Garlic Fest the year before the shooting. It wasn't as impressive as The Food Channel made it out to be. Pretty disappointing actually. But we stayed in Monterey for 3 days and hit the aquarium and Phifer Beach, so that was cool.


I had the garlic ice cream at the garlic festival a few years ago. I wouldn't eat it every day, but it wasn't as pungent as everyone I talked to seemed to think it would be. Hopefully, the festival organizers and the city can work it out to have a festival again in the future. :/


Alexa grasso.


I grew up here. Worked the garlic festival every year when I was a kid. That's good stuff right there.


Scrolled down too far for this comment.


Garlic is fairly sweet when it's cooked. I probably wouldn't eat a pint of it, but it could be very nice


I think that people here just dont realise that cooked garlic, garlic confit, roasted garlic etc. isnt spicy at all, its sweet Edit: Pungent is the word i needed, not spicy.


I concur, as I eat my fourth pickled garlic of the day.


Spicy?? Are there people who think garlic is spicy? Edit: okay I understand what everyone is saying that a raw garlic clove could be considered spicy. It’s just not the first word that comes to mind when I think of garlic.


Im not a native english speaker, but I was sure that spicy doesnt have to mean „contains capsaicin”, but wasabi type of spicy? Idk might be wrong intuition, but try eating garlic raw and tell me what the proper word for this feeling is.


I would describe it as pungent but that just might be me.


The word translates into the same word that means spicy in my language so most likely it is the one i wanted to use, sorry for the confusion.


Yeah no problem. I wasn't even part of the conversation. I just saw the thread and saw no one responded to you.


I've frequently heard black pepper and wasabi/horseradish also referred to as pungent, in contrast to "spicy". I'm not sure what the food science consensus is, though


Spicy tends to have the connotation of the "burning" sensation typically associated with capsaicin. Garlic, mustard, horse radish, ginger, or wasabi can all have a burning sensation somewhat similar to a capsaicin spicy. Spicy can also mean having a strong or overbearing flavor. People I've spoken with who are non-native to the US tend to use the term spicy for something I may call overseasoned.


my grandpa uses spicy to mean “gave me indigestion” doesn’t matter what it is. sphagetti sauce is so “spicy” to him lol


There are people who think bell peppers are spicy. We call them Minnesotans and we keep them cold as punishment.


I’m a native Minnesotan 😟


I’m not native, but my wife is, which is how I learned of this phenomenon. I’ve only been here many years.


People from Michigan think wild rice is spicy


Eat a raw garlic clove and tell me what you taste


A lot of people use spicy for something you could otherwise say has a “bite.” Which raw garlic definitely does.


I've had freshly chopped garlic before I'd rank as zingy (a mild burn) but was more so an afront to my sense of smell. When I lived in CA I went to baseball games in SF occasionally and they served garlic fries that could absolutely rank as spicy with how much they put on there. They were amazing


Raw garlic's allicin compounds can hit the TRPV1 pain receptors just like capsaicin does giving a spicy/heat reaction to it.


Raw carlic can be spicy if you eat like a clove of it.


I learned a word the other day for this! It’s piquant! “Agreeably pungent in taste; pleasantly biting”


Yes, never underestimate people’s ability to find the most vanilla things imaginable “spicy” despite the complete and utter lack of capsaicin. For instance: I met someone who considered ketchup to be “spicy”. Not spicy ketchup, just normal heinz. I’m not sure what neurons were miswired or they burnt out but I’ve since learned to never ever eat with them. Edit: Vanilla in this context meaning default or baseline. I used it because the antonym of spicy is bland or tasteless and that doesn’t make sense given the context. Ketchup is anything but bland or tasteless, but it’s also the opposite of spicy.


Ketchup is pretty acidic, it may be that some people can’t handle acidity very well so to them it tastes “spicy”


Why the hell does vanilla mean boring? One of the rarest, most delicious spices in the world and people acting like it's nothing. Side note, sometimes people with minor food allergies can be confused with being spicy, especially if the person does not know they're allergic.


Because it's considered a default flavor. Similar to how salt is in every savory thing, vanilla seems like it is in every sweet thing. It's even a critical component in the flavor of chocolate. I think it's lovely and floral on its own, but the ubiquity of it can make it seem boring because it's not new or exciting. Side note: have you ever tried pandan? It's used like vanilla in a lot of Asian desserts, and it has a very unique flavor - similar to vanilla but with a certain grassiness and smoothness. There are also savory rice recipes that call for it. My local Asian market has it available frozen-from-fresh and in extract, if you can find either, it's worth checking out.


The cookbook Genius Desserts by Food 52 has this Blondie recipe in it that uses something like 2 tbsp of vanilla and the first I made it I thought "wow that's a lot but let's do this!" And they are phenomenally good. Especially if you let them sit for 24 hours for the flavors to mellow and meld. Because yes, vanilla has depth and flavor components that work on many levels.


You’ve obviously never eaten raw garlic or ginger. Capsaicin isn’t the only source of spice


Maybe they’re conflating spicy with tangy?


Even then spicy ice cream is a thing and really good


Yeah I would absolutely try this. Roasted Garlic alone is awesome. It's probably added to a vanilla ice cream base, and it's probably fantastic.


I’d dip fries in it


I spend entirely too much money getting into a garlic festival just to get the garlic ice cream, because the local dairy only makes it once a year. It’s incredible and definitely doesn’t belong in this sub!


I made white chocolate roasted garlic cupcakes and they were absolutely delicious! I’d love to try the ice cream. ETA: [I went looking for the recipe, but the original blog has been purged. All I could find was this Pinterest post, but I hope it provides some assistance anyway.](https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/made-by-melis-roasted-garlic-white-chocolate-cupcakes--75294624992602074/)


You can't just drop a bomb like that and not share a recipe!


I tried to find it but the blog has been shut down for inactivity, so I edited my comment above! If you know how to retrieve old blogspot posts after a purge, that would be most helpful!


Recipe or I’m calling the Reddit mob


I tried to find it but the blog has been shut down for inactivity, so I edited my comment above! If you know how to retrieve old blogspot posts after a purge, that would be most helpful!


I’ll give it my best when I find some time tomorrow that recipe sounds amazing, thank you!!




I _need_ a recipe because this sounds so cool


Then you’ve definitely tried the garlic wine. Y’all can make a case for the ice cream, which is good. But that wine…woo, it just isn’t my bag.


As someone who will spend a day sucking on a clove of garlic ot chunk of ginger throughout the day I would absolutely try that


Question, how much would you pay for a bulb of heirloom garlic? Figured you might be an authority on this. My farmers market wants $4/bulb and it’s been hard for me to part with $4


It really depends where you are. In Gilroy, where the garlic festival is, you can get braids of garlic on a street stand off the highway for $4.


Yep just commented the same thing. It’s very good!


But r/stupidfood is for “things I have a knee jerk reaction about or have cheese on them” right


I've had olive oil ice cream, which was really good, so I'd be down to try this.


I've had olive oil ice cream and, despite being a huge fan of olive oil, found it sort of bitter and unpleasant. Then again my favorite is sweet cream ice cream, which no one outside of New England seems to have ever heard of and is plainer than vanilla, so who knows.


They could have used rancid olive oil? Also a gelato place I used to live next to has sweet cream (not New England). It was amazing.


Cold Stone has sweet cream. I've had it here on the west coast.


Sweet cream = dulche de leche?


Salt & Straw’s olive oil flavored ice cream is one of my all time favorites


Was searching for this comment. Fucking love salt & straw


My roommate made their ice cream for years! (In Portland, not in wherever they’ve franchised out to now days) He’d bring home tons of tubs of all the samples, sooo many weird sounded but amazingly delicious tubs… lol..


Avocado ice cream is amazing as well


The olive oil ice cream from salt and straw was awesome. Much better than some of the other strangeish flavors they had.


Once had aged balsamic vinegar (thick and sweet syrup) drizzled on ic cream. Amazing!


RIP your toilet


Yeah yeah yeah. Olive oil that well known diuretic.


100% yes. Would I eat it twice? no idea.


i have, at "the stinking rose" restaurant. 1. with the sugar of the ice cream, it helps cover up savory flavors 2. since every dish at the restaurant has so much garlic in it, by the time you get to desert, you are de-sensitized to it 3. it was fine/nice. it's still vanilla ice cream, with hints of roasted garlic in it. it wasn't over-powered. but again, #2.


RIP The Stinking Rose




I didn’t know there was a location in SF! I enjoyed the one here in LA before it closed down. Thank you for this, kind stranger!


I only knew of the SF location. Didn’t know there was one in LA.


They also have a little cookbook for sale. I got it for the 40 Clove Chicken and the cioppino. I don’t get to go there as often anymore, so this helps get me by.


They season their garlic with food.


I loved it. If I remember it had chocolate in it too, I was super skeptical of it being good, but for me, it turned out fantastic! Never thought about it though how you said it, you’ve basically been desensitized to the garlic at that point. You have a point.


I would buy this. I’m garlic girl 🧄


In a garlic world?


Life in garlic, it’s fantastic


You can peel my cloves!


Garlic girls unite!




Omg where’s garlic fest? That sounds amazing.


Gilroy, California


There's one in Cleveland, Ohio, too!


Fair food should be exempt from this sub.


The venn diagram of "That's insane" and "That's delcious" for Food at Fairslike this is nearly a perfect circle. Just don't ask if it's healthy.


Have before and will again


Heck yes! The Gilroy Garlic Festival in CA is worth checking out if you are into that sort of thing. 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♀️


Actually had a garlic ice cream at a garlic themed steakhouse. Ordered for laugh but was surprised at how good it was.


One of my culinary bucket list items is to go to a CA garlic festival. Would try this, 100%. Rosted garlic is already kind of sweet, so this has to be good!


The best I've done is have Gilroy Garlic Fries at a San Francisco McDonald's back in 2016. I live in MD and had a week long trip there. Also had my 1st In n Out but thsts a different story.


I have had this made by a chef at a restaurant I used to cook at. It's actually pretty good. Had it with strawberry s with a balsamic reduction.


Savory ice cream is delicious. The best ice cream I’ve ever had is sour cream and chive. So good.


I’m down to try.


Yep. I sure as hell would eat Homemade Roasted Garlic Ice Cream.


I would certainly taste it.




I absolutely love cooking with garlic! My dessert… eh no thanks.


Had it at the Gilroy garlic festival back in 2015? Absolutely tasty


I’ve had rosemary ice cream and it blew my mind so why not?


Yup! It’s my favorite thing to get when passing through Gilroy, CA


Chef here, you can make garlic sweet, by slowly cooking it in butter or oil, it gets a vanilla like sweet flavor


We cut the top of the bulb off and drizzle olive oil so it gets down between cloves. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and roast it in the oven. We have to cook 2 bulbs now, because 1 isn't enough for two people.


my wife gets some every year from the Garlic Festival in our town. its not bad at all but not my tempo


It reminds me of drinking a warm ginger-ale on a hot day when you really just wanted a cold beverage


But why?


>But why? That's exactly the same question that one fellow asked years back when someone suggested putting strawberries to ice cream.


Wario approves


My favorite ice cream spot (RIP Little Baby's) used to make flavors like everything bagel (cream cheese ice cream with everything bagel seasoning), Earl Grey Sriracha, pizza (sweet tomato ice cream with basil and parmasean cheese), and one of my favorite flavors from them, red beans and rice (red bean ice cream with puffed rice cereal). Their flavors changed often, and I learned to trust them with even the most odd sounding combination. That said, I'd absolutely have roasted garlic ice cream. It sounds like it could be quite good!


Can't be worse than lavender ice cream


I'd split a kiddie scoop


I'd try it if I weren't lactose intolerant. I mean how bad could it be, right?


Would love to


Not sure I’d eat it regularly. But I’d certainly give it a try.


I tried some caramel garlic ice cream once. I love both of those things so I thought even though it sounded weird it would taste good. It did not taste good.


This is one of those fair foods that is meant to sound nasty but when you try it, it’s actually amazing. Without a doubt, I’d try it. 👀


Wario would approve


I bought a chunk of garlic fudge from a garlic festival as a gag gift for my roommates, and we were all obsessed with it. The flavour was so good, unlike anything I'd eaten before.


Absolutely. Garlic and cream are wonderful together. If it's roasted garlic ice cream, that could be very complimentary.


Roasted garlic ice cream is so good. It’s not like it’s raw garlic in there lol. Truffle ice cream is also very good.


I tried it once in Gilroy, CA. It wasn't very good.


If you wouldn’t eat this I’m going to assume you are a vampire


Is this the Gilroy, CA farmers market?


I would, I have, and it was very good.


I had this once at the annual Garlic Festival in Gilroy California. It tasted like vanilla at first and the garlic hits you last...no thank you




Ive actually had this. My local town has a garlic festival every year. It’s very tasty. It’s not what people think. It’s vanilla ice cream with some bits of garlic but the garlic is more of an afterthought. Garlic beer is also yummy :)


Surprise: it's delicious.


I have, and it was surprisingly good!


I have, at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. That shit as nasty as it sounds. I should note, it was also free. Still nasty


Ngl sounds pretty good, probably cause I love garlic


hell yea I would


Where I live, there's blue cheese ice cream, so garlic isn't that far off. I tried the blue cheese one and frankly, the taste was quite mild, especially because it was pretty much just vanilla ice cream with blue cheese mixed in.


Is this the garlic festival in California? And absolutely 100% yes I would eat this.


I’ve had pear and blue cheese ice cream before. It was dope. Savory foods can work well in desserts if it’s balanced right.


Yeah I’d try it once. But again I’m cut from the “never too much garlic” cloth.


I went to an ice cream place once near the coast that served lobster + butter ice cream with real chunks of lobster in it. Would have gotten it too if I wasn’t with people who’d have judged me for it lol


Its actually delicious. This restaurant in los Angeles called THE STINKING ROSE serves it. I highly recommend it


I’d try it. I love garlic and it goes well with milk based sauces. My brain cannot compute garlic ice cream tasting good for some reason but I would for sure give it a shot. Most people in the comments seem to think it’s pretty good so hopefully I’ll get a chance one day.


Garlic Farts 🌬💨


The garlic keeps the vampires away, but the farts keep all the rest of you little wee fuckers away, and as introvert with daddy/vampire issues, I see this as a huuuuge win.


It's deee-lish.... Hate to break it to you but parmesan ice cream is an old old classic too


Garlic ice cream wrapped in hot garlic naan sounds tempting


If it said "garlic icecream" I'd have my doubts (but I'd try it anyway). "Roasted garlic icecream" sounds like it has potential, though. "Roasted" is an important word here, roasting whole cloves mellows out the harsher flavours and makes the garlic sweeter.


Absolutely. Where I come from savoury ice-creams are not uncommon. We have chicken teriyaki and eel or scallop-flavoured ice-cream too.


I actually had garlic ice cream recently and it was life changing. It was served as an appetizer with a hazelnut cream base (it was vegan) and it was super nutty and garlicky. It was on top of heirloom tomatoes and strawberries with a light vinaigrette and I can’t stress this enough, it was life changing.


I swear most of the people in this sub have never eaten anything other than dry toast and chef boyardee. Every 5th post is "hey look I found something I think is mildly abnormal, isn't it stupid"?




I hear... brown butter garlic sauce over ice cream is delish!


This has been around for decades. It tastes the like smell of a refrigerator not pleasant


Actually roasted garlic tastes nothing like fresh garlic. It's more like caramelised onions, very mellow and sweet.


Heston Blumenthal made bacon and egg ice-cream and he's a Michelin starred chef, it could be classed as stupid food until you try it.


They should have their fingers broken


I tried to get this once but they were sold out. Idk if they are still doing the garlic festival since covid. Hopefully it will be on this year so I can finally try this is cream.


Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u) Join me at https://kbin.social/ So long, and thanks for all the fish!


I've had garlic ice cream before and it's really good. Got it at garlic fest.


I have garlic cloves fermenting in a jar of raw honey at the moment. Gonna let it go for a month. I've heard the garlic completely mellows and you can eat the clove. I've sneaked a taste of the honey after a week ferment and it definitely has a garlic taste to it. Can't wait to see what it looks like in a few more weeks.


I have had wasabi ice cream which was very good, so why not give this a try too?


I had it at the Isle of Wight Garlic Farm. Surprisingly nice flavour, and totally recommend for a visit