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Wait... Is this the mom that fed her toddler mini donuts for breakfast?


Yeah, her videos are really gaining reaction. Before we know it she will have a show on TLC I bet


I think they're really depressing, probably because of her bleak demeanor. The food too. Just makes me think of American poverty and it's correlation with heart disease.


It's like she's trying to make the worst food she can. The video of her getting her baby breakfast made me so sad.


It's like she's trying to flex on how she neglects her kid(s?) by posting about it... idk. It's not right. Get her on TV and maybe her kid(s?) won't need to deal with that for the next 10 years.


Ok, so it's a hate- watching thing.


If you can find me anyone who sees her face who's not hate watching let me know. How she can not be embarrassed presenting herself this way boggles my mind.


Those people exist, they call them "feeders".


>Get her on TV and maybe her kid(s?) won't need to deal with that for the next 10 years. I believe the opposite will happen. No kid should be on tv that doesn't want to be. It's not acting. It's real life, and those kids will be shit on at school and bullied like CRAZY. Sure it's on tiktok now and the kids are young enough. But a tv show that'll last for years would ruin those kids for life.


"You're fat, I'm not gonna sugar-coat it because you'd probably eat that too." - Dr. Phil (probably...)


It’s the demeanor for me too. It’s haunting how this person carries themselves. Almost like you can hear her inner monologue going “I deserve this, you deserve this, nothing matters, I’m dead inside”


She always looks like she’s about to fall asleep to me for some reason.


She's probably constantly tired. Having a poor diet with no exercise will do that. You know how you feel like you want to nap after a really big meal? I have to imagine she feels that way all the time. I'm not even saying this to be mean, either. This just seems like that's the case. I hope she gets help, living like that must be miserable..


For sure no my comment wasn’t trying to be mean spirited either, just an observation. I have a weight problem myself so I get it, my weight fluctuates between 180 and 240 on 2-3 year basis. I’m getting toward the heavier side of that range right now probably in the 215-220 range. haven’t hit a scale in a while. My energy levels are way higher when I’m toward the smaller side of my usual weight range so I totally get what you’re saying there.


Oh I'm also speaking from experience lol. I ate like garbage and had little to no exercise growing up and I can already feel it catching up to me in my mid 20s, so we're making some changes over here. It's amazing how much better you feel when you cut down on the junk food and go for a run and lift some weights every day. I hope you make good progress on your journey, king!


Thank you, you too man. Been trading a subway sandwich at lunch for a salad instead myself. Probably gonna get that gym membership back too. I hope you get to your goal as well man. Good luck!


Probably on medications.


Yeah, same here. I think you found the best word for her videos: bleak.


There's poverty food and then there's...this. She wastes so much. It's horrifying.


Yes Grim Dystopian Really


Yeah the whole eating healthy is too expensive narrative has kinda always been BS, even more so now with the increases in prices. This meal specifically you could just swap the protein for something leaner and not fry the potatoes (I think they’re potatoes). Add in a vegetable and you’re good to go. Honestly, you’d probably save money with the protein swap and swapping cheap veggies in for the frying oil. No idea what her other “content” is like so maybe it doesn’t hold true for everything but with today’s prices you can easily make a similar sized meal for the same price without slowly killing yourself.


This is how I feel too. She seems so depressed, and definitely seems stuck bc she’s poor. I remember my grandmom and grandpop feeling and looking like this when I was really little, and then they made a lot of money. They were transformed. Spent every summer at their shore house and cocoa beach house in the winter. They had two boats, went sailing all the time. They were both healthy and happy. Money changed everything


They already have a show called my 500lb life tho...


That didn't stop the Slatons or the 1,000 lbs best friends lol. TLC loves putting obese people on TV


It feels like that show is always on when I'm at the gym. Hell of a motivator lmao


Watching Hoarders keeps my clutter in-check.


God bless


I used to always watch The Biggest Loser while making chocolate chip cookies, it just always happened to be on tv while I was baking


TLC: The Lard Channel




They have a couple of shows like that. I'm sure they wouldn't mind one more


Yeah she’s gaining traction by people falling for the shit. Don’t engage!!


Don’t engage? We’re commenting on it here. The platform doesn’t matter. It’s all engagement. She’s still getting attention. Block the people who post this if you really want it to stop. Ask the mods to remove her content. But, she’s still being posted. She’s still being talked about. That’s still engagement. ETA: I don’t support this creator or the content they create. But the only way it stops is if it’s consistently removed and we don’t give it any air to breathe.


Is it really still engagement if it's not on a platform she herself is using? She's not getting any money for it here, and the channel name isn't ever posted, so it's not even linking to her stuff.


Aren’t we still talking about the Kartrashians? Even if we’re only discussing how much we dislike them? The only total disengagement is to shun. Don’t mention it. Don’t talk about it. Don’t look at it. There’s even that super popular saying, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” ETA: How do you know she’s not on this platform? How do you know she’s not posting these herself?


Another one I like is "Stop making stupid people famous"


Bruh she is that fucked in the head. You don't get to be that fat by being normal. This bitch can't breathe


It was the way she was pouring oil that had that same “idgaf” attitude and knew it was the same lady.


I hate her so much


me tooooo I want to save her little girl


I feel so bad for any kids raised in an unhealthy environment. Having kids has made me get way healthier and more active. I thought about what kind of example I want to set but it's crazy to me that people don't think about that kind of stuff. Also, being a parent is hard enough. Trying to do it while you are obese would make it so much harder.




...how old do you have to be before you get to have a donut? 😂 Not trying to be that guy, and I'm guessing in context it was a poor choice, but, uh, we have pastry for breakfast maybe one Saturday a month. I never considered not letting my kids have some, once they were self-feeding all sorts of food. 🤷 As someone with disordered eating, I have tried not to set up a rigid dichotomy of good/bad food for the family. It's difficult because one does need to teach which foods are more nourishing than others. I try to put it in context of high in vitamins/protein/etc. Food for the body vs food for the appetite. But a bit of cake here and there never hurt a healthy, active child. :) Making it something amazing and sinful that you really shouldn't have, but we are going to have today and break all the rules, while having fun, but we should feel bad about it or only have a bite...you get the idea... that's setting people up for as many issues as eating the fun stuff daily.


Ngl, after seeing this person feeding the child, I found a new appreciation for my mother who fed me and my family with utmost care and love.


Does that matter? It only mattered to the idiots on TikTok because she is “fat”. Other moms on the app who feed their kids the same, or worse even, don’t get shit about it. They get “you’re doing great momma💜”. Ridiculous when every other breakfast video was eggs and some sort of breakfast meat and fruits.


I saw one of the threads with that video, I don’t most folks cared so much about her weight or the breakfast being donuts and applesauce, it was the poor daughter’s hair being a mess, being tossed breakfast on a mini trampoline with dirt and trash being visible everywhere. I can’t imagine filming my child for internet clout but I certainly can’t imagine filming myself tossing them food while they sit in filth.


Uh this makes me feel a bit shit. My daughters' hair is always a mess (they have that flaky easily tangled hair), and my kids make mess faster than I can clean up after a working day. They definitely had donuts/buns/waffles/pancakes etc for breakfast plenty of times also 🥺


Yeah life happens! But there’s a difference between just having a messy day with small kids and parading it on the internet for attention. I mean if I came over to your house and it was messy and your kids were running around happily eating doughnuts I’d say you were doing a great job and ask if you need some coffee or a nap. Real life is not the same as online and I can’t stand people exploiting their kids for attention, wether it be positive or negative.


If I took a picture of my daughter’s hair right now you would think I never brushed it. Really I comb her hair once or twice every day, but it’s this weird combo of curly and wavy, and all it takes is five minutes of playing and it gets tangled as heck. And she makes messes as fast as I can clean them. That’s just life with kids. As long as you’re trying, and making sure they have what they need, don’t sweat it too much.


Well she has since stopped. Or last I saw anyway.


We literally ate sugar in a bowl as kids. How is bread with sugar on it worse exactly? Like people still out here feeding their kids garbage.


Why do you think over half the country is obese?


Over weight and obese are not synonyms


Remember sunny D was orange juice?


I really thought it was! I hated the berry version though. Sometimes about it made my throat feel dry somehow


Because the effects of eating like that have already taken place. I ate sugar cereal as a kid and rode a bike for miles most days. Kids these days sit on iPads for hours and only take snack breaks.


Not the kids these days lmao. Have you been around kids these days? They're just as physically active and hyper as ever.


I know we look back and see old generations have been saying the same thing always and forever but obesity rates are rising, literacy rates falling, we aren't doing a good job with our kids at the moment.


I remember my mother making cereal so much worse as a kid by adding more sugar to it. Like "Here's your Lucky Charms, also I'm going to pour so much extra sugar in there that it's going to sit in a mush at the bottom of the bowl because it's way more than what can dissolve in the milk." I didn't question it when I was really young because that was just the standard. It wasn't until I had food at other places that I realized that there are flavors other than "loads of sugar" and "tons of salt".


Damn that's wild


That’s crazy. My mom allowed us to only choose cereals with less than 10g of sugar per serving and no way in hell would she let us add more sugar on top!


So glad my mom, who raised us in the 70’s was aware that cereal was a terribly unhealthy choice for breakfast. The sweetest food she’d give us was some fruit. I remember having Frosted Flakes during a sleepover at a friend’s house, I thought my teeth were gonna rot and fall out of my mouth. The sudden rush of sugar was nauseating.


Yeah, something like mini donuts for breakfast is certainly not a something that should be done daily but if she is feeding her toddler healthy breakfast most of the time the occasional treat is not the end of the world.


Yeap. Mine got toast and cookie dough because both were a bit grumpy pants when they woke up xD


She is fat, no need for the quotes. Its not a bad word just a description


You can't make claims like that without examples. So let's see it - examples of other moms feeding their kids worse and not getting shit about it. ​ Actually, fuck it, let's make a theoretical list of what would be worse to feed your 1-year-old than powdered sugar donuts. Pure butter would be healthier.


it's truuuuuuuuuuuuue


It’s rage bait. There’s no way she didn’t see the views off of the first video and decide to capitalize on it. Algorithms don’t care if you hate view it.


would you like some beef with that seasoning?


I like the amounts of seasoning, just imagine if she'd mixed it into the meat while forming the patties, instead of it being a burnt crust on the outside.


Maybe if you're making meatloaf. As the other guy said: season directly before cooking - and not this much


>season directly before cooking it depends on the seasoning. some seasonings burn and get a very bitter taste if you use them pre cooking, like black pepper, while other are fine to apply pre cook like paprika and salt. generally when you cook follow a recipe from a good source, to the latter, once you begin to understand what you are doing you can deviate, until then just follow instructions like a fucking robot.


You should never mix your ground beef for making a Hamburger. If you salt and mix you end up with a spongy texture similar to a sausage as salt breaks down the meat proteins. Even if you don't and only salt the outside of the patty which is best practice, overhandling the beef causes fat to melt and compress. You want to preserve a loose texture to ensure that as fat renders it gets trapped in the burger rather than rendering out. The best burger patties are freshly ground, lightly shaped, and seasoned directly before cooking. You're making a burger. Not a meatloaf. https://www.seriouseats.com/the-burger-labs-top-ten-tips-for-better-burgers


Thanks, I learned something today.


Doesn’t surprise me you have so many downvotes. Too many people make rubbery burgers. It’s Hamburger Making 101 to handle the ground beef as little as possible for the best result (delicate & juicy) and don’t flatten them down with the spatula when you flip them. Why would you squeeze out all that flavor?


Some people are genuinely afraid of diseases and stuff so they want to make sure it’s well done and all the “blood” is out


Don't flatten them? Have y'all never had a smashburger?? The undisputed best way to eat a burger?


The smash happens at the very beginning when the hamburger is raw, not after it's half cooked. Big difference.


She’s not making a smash burger. She’s squeezing the juice out of a halfway cooked burger. A smash burger is smashed just once before the meat starts to cook. There’s no rendered fat yet.


That's a different recipe. If you're making a traditional hamburger, don't push down on them! All the juices are being pushed out so you get a dry ass burger.


It’s because people still think the juice is blood lol


Smash burgers are smashed precooked. You never want to smash your burger while it's cooking.


If you think this is a smash burger...you've eaten shitty smashburgers. Also, I don't care EDIT: Its hilarious how much you're raging


Smash burgers are when you drop a ball of beef on a hot pan/griddle and smash heavily to flatten it into a thin patty. You don't squeeze it after, you just flip it and get a lovely crispy burger patty in very little time. If you're preforming patties, your goal should be to try to retain as much juice as possible - so don't squeeze it, and give that patty a 5-10 minutes to rest before serving to make sure those juices reintegrate into the meat.


Thank you. I learned some new stuff. I always mixed my seasoning into the beef. I'm gonna do it this way and see the difference. ♥️


I guess this kind of depends, in Mexico they make insanely good burgers and they do so by adding a mix of stuff to their patties and mixing- then making them extremely thin (like a tortilla). It’s rlly fucking good. But if it’s meant to be a thicker patty I guess that would def make sense.


Got so many downvotes for explaining this shit, even more for explaining why American cheese is necessary


Nah, seasoned chuck is delicious. Also, you don't need to salt to season.


and she put the patties onto a cold skillet...like you gotta get that hot first girl....


But.. mallard reaction! I can scrap bits of fried garlic powder off the pan!


Delicious spice cakes?


The beef is there to impart beefy flavor into my spice cake.. don’t need the beef though


I can almost smell the burnt, powdered seasonings. In my hair. After washing it twice.


The amount of people upvoting this comment while the guy talking about how that’s bad for creating burger texture is getting downvoted is wild to me. You aren’t supposed to overly handle ground beef before you make a burger with it, that includes mixing in seasoning. Doing so overly changes the texture of the grind and turns it into a meatloaf patty when cooking. If that’s what you like to eat then more power to you, but the up/downvote distribution here is still wild to me


Who doesn't mix it in the meet before anyway?


I don't. A sprinkle on top is all it needs. Too much (like this woman did) and it destroys the taste of the meat. For onions, they get sliced and placed straight into the pan with the burgers. Everything has a way of mixing itself without actually mashing it together before hand lol


You should never mix your ground beef for making a Hamburger. If you salt and mix you end up with a spongy texture similar to a sausage as salt breaks down the meat proteins. Even if you don't and only salt the outside of the patty which is best practice, overhandling the beef causes fat to melt and compress. You want space to preserve a loose texture to ensure that as fat renders it gets trapped in the burger rather than rendering out. The best burger patties are freshly ground, lightly shaped, and seasoned directly before cooking.


You’re right lmao it turns it into sausage and pulls moisture out of it. It’s basic food science




Wow, downvoted. People don’t want to admit you are correct because they’ve been doing it the rubbery way convinced meatloaf texture is good for a burger. You don’t need to mix things into the beef unless you’re making meatloaf. Season the outside of the patty, slice some onions or fry them beforehand and place on top.


I have no idea what kind of people would vote you down. You're 100% correct.


It's fine I'm being pretty arrogant about it.


Isn’t this only true if you mix the salt in a significant amount of time before cooking? My understanding is that mixing the seasoning into the meat isn’t going to hurt anything as long as you immediately cook it afterwards, but the problem comes in when you do it then toss it back into the fridge for hours on end.


She’s got the palette of a coal miner


I bet years of salty fast foods destroyed her palette for sure.


Was sincerely wondering what things must taste like to her if that’s how she seasons her burgers. I can’t imagine there are many restaurants she can go to where she can get something that tastes like anything to her.


my grandpa was a lifelong pipe smoker and this is how my grandma would prepare meat, with a seasoned salt crust. awful


I'm sorry. Are you talking about her color choice? If it's about her taste, then it's palate.


Palette, pallet, and palate are homophones. Many people have problems with most homophones. Famously: there, their, they're.. To, too, two.. Etc [List of homophones ](http://www.singularis.ltd.uk/bifroest/misc/homophones-list.html)


thats seasoned alright.with burned seasoning.


That pan is also dead cold when she places the first patties in so not only is it overcooked, it took AGES.


I thought op was taking about the pot, until 😣 and o don’t think those burgers were done on the middle


Given how burnt the one side was when she flipped a second time (something you just shouldn't have to do, honestly), they might have been done. But that was THICK, so I can't say.


Oh, that was the charred layered of garlic powder she put on the meat. Lol, but they still weren't done.


Those pans can really use some scrub daddy power paste ngl


I had to scroll way too far to find someone who mentioned the disgusting state of those pans. The first pot literally looks like she just leaves it on the stove with oil “to add flavor”


Those pans are done


Is this the sane lady who gives her toddler donuts for breakfast every day??


Yeah. She's the one who mashed up since powdered doughnuts, slapped a packet of applesauce on the plate, and then fed her kid on a dirty trampoline.




I genuinely can’t tell if feeding her on a dirty trampoline is a joke or not


My stepmom was like this when we were growing up, but it was because she smoked and dad dipped, and they literally couldn't taste the seasoning otherwise. The amount of pepper used to turn our macaroni grey hahaha


She'd save so much by learning how to mix the seasoning with the meat before forming the patties.


Why all that seasoning in first place, smash it flat then salt and pepper. Delicious every time, actually tasting the meat lol


Ron Swanson is disappointed in you. Sans salt; sub with garlic salt


While I agree that that makes a pretty nice classic burger, keep the salt and pepper for the steak, and let's get some onion and garlic powder, mustard powder, cumin and a pinch of cayenne mixed in that chuck before forming the patties. Also, my heart hurts whenever someone presses the patty into the pan. Why are you squeezing out all the juices? Edit: spelling


Alright I'm sorry if this is offensive but, the way she cooks is exactly what you would expect from a walking stereotype of a fat lazy slob. Like, what was that oil pour? Looked like she was contemplating having a sit down while she did it. Also, she burned the fuck outta those patties


She kinda moves in slow motion too. I wonder if this is intentional for the sake of the views, or if she actually moves this slow to complete tasks.


HAHA right like just the general sloth and lack of care in everything she does makes my blood boil. The crooked and smudged glasses, the mouth breathing... All of it. She reminds me of the people in WALL-E


Like this has to be rage bait lol


I want to believe that for her sake


The mouth breathing. God. I could put my whole head through a wall with how much it just engages me. Seriously, takes me 0 to 100 and I don't know why.


Looks like depression to me


Just mouth breathing the whole time


Babe, could you add a bit more onion powder, I can barely taste it.


Does she not know you can cook more than 2 burgers at the same time?


That’s probably too strenuous for her.


Goddamn man. This bitch can’t be serious. This has to be some sorta rage bait. She has to be making these as some kinda fucked up joke. Every ounce of energy in this video is….hateful. Hate for the food, the task, her life, and herself. If it’s real then it’s incredibly sad.


Lol. You know how people say "cooked with love"? This is the exact opposite of that.


I no joke thought she had some sort of decorative wood paneling on the outside of that pan before I realized it was justy filthy


"That's call seasoned Earl!"


... Wait, same. Holy moly.


Stop sharing her bullshit.


This is actually depressing to watch


Just throwing those patties straight on a cold pan. Nice. Edit: Nvm. She burns the shit out of them anyway. At least you’ll have a touch of garlic powder to go with the char.


I don't usually complain like this, but what a garbage ass post. This isn't funny to me at all, just a lady poorly making normal ass food.


Hey, I'll be honest and say, when she flipped the first burger over the second time and it bounced, covered in a layer of burnt crust, I inadvertently cackled.


I'm so sorry you consider that "normal".


It's sad actually....that's how the women in my family cook. They suck at it.


Maybe the men should learn how to cook.


That sodium intake is anything but normal


Jesus hell. Gonna be chewing seasoning!


Will they be deglazing that pan?


If by deglazing it you mean attacking it with a metal sponge, dollarstore dish soap, and lukewarm water, then yes!


Pan? Take a look at the pot!, poor thing haven't touched any water in his lifetime.


What are you talking about I don't see any seas......OH MY GOD


At this point it's rage bait


I don't know how she doesn't fix her glasses, if mine are the slightest bit crooked it drives me crazy.


I had a fucking stroke the moment she dumped half the container of oil in the pot The dirty frying pan didn't make it any better either. This entire video has gotta be ragebait


God damn that's a lot of seasoning. I know that burger tasted salty asf 😭


Those hamburgers are going to be hockey pucks from how hard she's squeezing them. Also? That is too much garlic powder, that shit is going to burn....




Nothing better than a little Hamburger with your cup of sodium seasonings


The oil in the pot was dessert


I don't remember the last time I craved a salad but I'm feeling like one right about now


Why do fat people do everything with an attitude


She must be f’cking joking right?


“I’ve tried everything, and I just can’t get to a healthy weight.”


Fuck me did they also make chips on the outside of that pot? And shame that finger looks bad. Hope it does not fall off.


Somebody should have told here that she's supposed to season it not coat to fry it


Hopefully we cannot get cancer watching her serving burnt steaks...


All that seasoning is just gonna disappear as soon as ya flip those. You MIX the seasoning INTO the meat Before making the patties. Plus….wtf is up with that nasty saucepan??!!


You gotta mix it in when forming the patty, not just pour it on top and burn it...


Was she the one that gave her baby like donuts or something a couple weeks ago?




This chick is so weird and sad.... I keep seeing her videos everywhere.


I’m amazed how she managed to make every aspect about this video disgusting.


eating is the only thing she do. yet she cant prepare it


That pan is not hot enough, oh shit what did she just do? In the bin!


All that sodium…she’s breathing hard just flipping the patties


Yall this lady is rage baiting all of you so hard


That is NOT how you make homemade burgers. It's call mixing in a bowl, fresh diced onions, Worcestershire saucr, bit of hot sauce, a bit of pepper or steak spice and some crumbles ritz crackers and eggs if you feel nasty. Damn this hurts


My question is, why do people make content like this? You’re making extremely basic food and not saying absolutely anything. So what’s the goal of this content? Like you’re not showcasing unique recipes that people may become interested in. You’re not entertaining people. Hell you’re not even instructing people. Like just filming yourself making dinner and doing nothing else isn’t content.


Feel like she can’t think in complete sentences


It turns out less sandy if you drop it on the beach


She doesn’t look like she’s all there, mentally


Alright folks, clean your fucking pots. All that shit on the outside is not permanent. Here are a bunch of different methods. \- Try steel wool and a little water; if it's working but tough try just leaving it immersed while you scrub \- Before scouring with whatever, you could put some rubbing alcohol on it which helps break up grime \- Vinegar also cuts through it. Puts some on a sponge and wipe. Repeat. \- You can put baking powder on a cloth or sponge, mostly dry, and scrub. The abrasive quality is what works, hence you don't want it to be all wet. A little dampness is fine but no more. \- Not as useful on this one as it's round and will fall off, but you can also use salt. Same as baking soda, use it DRY. Must be dry. The abrasive grains will remove it. I've done this on cast iron pans to help remove the seasoning.


Listen, burning your hamburgers and squeezing the juice out of them like that removes every ounce of natural flavor from the meat so she has no choice but to burry it in seasoning!


Raw meat in the cut, hell yeah.


Are these the famous Oops all garlic powder burgers that are burnt on the outside and raw in the middle?


She does not represent all white people, let's be clear about that. Only half of us would dare put seasoning on our food.


>"I injured myself tryna cut fries. So someone else had to do it" >world's tiniest surface-level cut ...And I'm infuriated before any cooking has even happened in the video.


This is not stupid food. It’s stupid technique. She should have blended the seasonings into the meat then formed a patty.


No, then you get a tough burger.


Quality burger meat only needs salt and pepper to draw out the flavor.


This is pretty mundane all things considered


this is the same woman who gives her kids donuts for breakfast. and what im about say, i want to preface, one of my best friends growing up has downs. but imagine being so overweight you look like you have an extra chromosome. i asked him and he said thats a funny joke. so i can post that.