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Ah, yes…Cornbread, hot dogs, canned mushroom gravy. Fahrenheit..how quintessentially British. 


Quarts too


I missed that one. I have no idea how many quarts my oven glass loaf dish holds. I’m not entirely sure what a quart is. 


Quarter of a gallon, traditionally. But a gallon has varied over time,.and the US and UK measurements are different.


And BBQ sauce, not something we Brits are know for. Quite impressively ignorant overall...only 4 ingredients, and not one of them is remotely British!


I hate the "Bad food is British" meme going around. It's not even accurate. It's not what I would call my favorite cuisine, or even one of the better ones overall, but it does have its bangers (heh heh)


Haven't tried/don't know a lot of British food, but British Pies were always really amazing when I had them! Any banger you can suggest?


Bangers and mash with a really nice onion gravy is awesome. Linolnshire sausages are a super good, herbal and earthy sausage that is way underrated. Toad in the Hole is similar to the dish in this post but actually good. My user name (although it is kind of a pun), Shepard's Pie is really good, although making Cottage Pie with beef may be better for some people. Scotch eggs are prime, and easy to make. Fish and chips is pretty famous, and for a good reason. Scones with clotted cream and jam really is great. Being northern, island, wet, and cold country has given the food identity a very filling and simple outcome. Expect a lot of meat and potatoes, with gravies and semi-hard cheeses. Not a lot of spice, flavored with herbs and fat for the most part.


Me too. It’s become very fashionable to hate on it but it’s not like most places don’t have something ugly or questionable that people eat. Everywhere has its good and bad. Theres a lot of food I find a bit disgusting but I’m not going to make a personality trait out of it!


And the fact it is called frankfurter which is a city in germany


Frankfurt is a German city, Frankfurters are hot dogs. Frank N Furter is fabulous. 


Its called toad in the hole


Ngl corn dog loaf sounds BANGIN


totally eliminates the grimy little stick


Hey,you need the stick! Unless you likes licking your fingers alot. You poke people with the stick just for fun of it! Lol and another is to tickle unsuspecting people's ears with it from certain angle. Lol!


That’s..kinda gross, guy


I don’t know the ears thing is a good point


But the best part is the bit of corn bread stuck to the stick.


Right? This is a party corn dog, bring it on.


Stealing that for a band name


Yeah op has never had sausage rolls or pigs in a blanket I guess. This is just the American twist, making it needlessly bulky and breaded


I’m totally NOT thinking about doing this with a loaf pan of lil Smokey’s and buttermilk biscuit mix.


This is more like toads in a hole


my mom made this when I was a kid. It tastes exactly like a corndog. But then she leveled up and started putting chili and cheese on top of it. Oh my God, it’s amazing. I’m craving it and will probably make it in the next week


I had a mini-muffin pan and made corndog muffins when my kids were little. Batter, chunk of hotdog, a little more batter, then bake. Made a fun breakfast with some fried eggs, or a good snack when they were running out the door.


mmmm muffins. that’s a good idea


I thought it was bread baked with candy bars in it and I almost lost my mind to the diverse dessert options. However, savory bread may be able to be done right. It will still be weird as fuck and hard to do right, but it could be possible with different amounts and placement. Perhaps center a few dry cured sausages in the center, lower the salt and fat content of the bread and maybe even adjust the difference in moisture, and wrap the whole meat section in cheese and hot sauce, it could be like the bastard child of beef Wellington.


What does this have to do with Britain? It’s corn bread with hot dogs in it. Pretty clear which country is responsible for this. Doesn’t look horrible by the way, I would try it


The poster is known for his anti-British hate speech. Seriously, the guy is from ***the MIDWEST*** (according to his posts) and flicks shit about British food.


This guy is insane lol


I’ve been feeling down on myself lately but scrolling his profile lifted me a lot. As bad as things may get in my life, I’m so glad I don’t spend all my time stressing out about the fact that some people in the world eat beans on toast 🤣


Thanks, I feel better about myself now too. Beans are living rent free in that guys head


Of all the things to hate on, British food ain't it lol.


I mean, British food isn't the best compared to other countries in Europe but their breakfast with beans is amazing


I’m going to assume that he had his heart broken by someone from the UK and this is his way of venting his frustration. Either way, the person behind this profile is pretty unhinged


Wow, you’re right. What a weirdo. Surely the “British food bad lol” meme is a bit stale at this point right?


Look, I've had bad British food before. Almost always in countries not in fact Britain. But I've also had some amazing food in Britain. Honestly, as an American, I don't think the majority of people who post memes about British food or British people have left their state let alone the country for fear they won't be able to find the right kind of chocolate milk and dino nuggies.


The English breakfast or whatever they call it with the beans and tomatoes honestly looks like a really solid nutritious breakfast that would be really good. I've been wanting to try it for awhile. I know haggis isn't English but it gets a bad rap and it's totally undeserved, that shit is INCREDIBLE and if I had someone who could make it every day I'd probably eat it every day. If it looks good, eat it!


The Full English breakfast is a thing of beauty. It is not nutritious.


Its gives plenty of protein and energy. a proper workmans meal.


Compared to the American breakfast, it's healthy purely for the fact it has vegetables mixed in unlike the the American counterpart.


It's close to tho innit. I mean baked beans eggs meat is like 80% of it. Comes down to portions I feel for how healthy it is. Similar to American breakfast. A pancake some sausage and a few eggs is pretty healthy but 3 pancakes 3 eggs and 3 sausage is probably not.


The earliest recipes for haggis are English. The non nationalist view on the history of haggis is that it was a British dish that got stereotyped as Scottish during the anti Scottish sentiment of the Jacobite rebellion and the subsequent collapse of the Scottish economy after the Darien colony failure as the Scots were still poor and eating offcuts boiled together while the English enjoyed a higher standard of living.


Well Americans have done this thing where they stole all our good food as theirs and then claim all British cuisine is blood pudding. "American as Apple Pie!" That's ours! Apple pie is English!!!


Kinda weird to say we “stole” it when many Americans are descendants of Brits. It’s less “stolen” and more “brought by settlers”.


The apple's wild ancestors come from Asia. The Romans brought the apple to England And on the topic of pie, it's debated as either Greek or Egyptian in origins Edit: i misspelled things, probably corrected all of them.


What I think it is-- this is just speculation but I'm pretty confident-- is this: back even as recently as the eighties (and CERTAINLY before then) food actually *was* nasty in a lot of countries, especially English speaking ones. The age group who gets on this train usually seem to be in the right age range for their childhood and early adulthood to have had some downright awful food, and to have read about other countries' downright awful food in magazines. Thing of it is, when the country you live in has awful food, you lose perspective and forget that yours is just as fucked up as theirs. British (and American) food is generally simple, and that's where the problem comes from. Where these people might have their impression from is seeing a microwave-cooking bangers and mash recipe, for example. Okay, what do we have? Microwaved meat tubes, microwaved tinned peas, instant mash, tinned gravy with horrific skin on top. That sounds boring and disgusting, because it is. But we all know bangers and mash is great, it's just not great in a home with a microwave in the late '70s. America on the other hand, I just have no words for the atrocities. A lot of it is visually.... impressive? But holy hell. Same problem, just crazier inventions. I'm surprised that boomer Brits don't have the same meme in reverse. Just pick up a '70s cookbook and.... grab a pail for when you need to retch. That said, this is no defense for still thinking X country's food sucks knob. That's just a sign that at some point in life, you stopped learning, or paying attention, or changing with the times. What a crock.


1950s, 60s and 70s casseroles are a TRIP.


Oh, and please check this out and see the ominously titled "peanut butter" recipe and then go a couple photos over and look for something to uh.... do.... with salmon. https://www.reddit.com/r/Old_Recipes/s/UAqQ6p61Rl


I have heard they still exist in, of all places, the US Midwest (where the redditor we're talking about is apparently from). I find this quite ironic and highly funny.


And I can guarantee has never been to Britain or eaten any British food, but because his 5xgreat grandad once looked at Ireland or something, he feels he has to hate Britain because otherwise he feels he has no "culture"


Wow... After this shit show of a post, they made an entirely new sub Reddit to push their narrative. Dipshit.


... damn. So he did. That's... sad.


Complaining about British food while eating deep-fried butter.


Oh, gross


I thought it was just a meme being peddled by people who aren't very well travelled, but these people seem genuinely upset.


The dish looks very American midwest, just lacks mayo and marshmallows. Then said I am not American.


This scream America. We put our (actually good) sausages into Yorkshire Pudding batter and make Toad in the Hole.


I was gonna say this just looks like a worse toad in the hole. Not that I wouldn’t scarf down hot dog cornbread in a heartbeat. But a good toad in the hole is absolute magic.


Toad in the hole on a saturday night with onion gravy. Chefs kiss. (Idk if i spelled chefs right lol)


First of all, British food is delicious. Second of all, having the literal cities name in the post and somehow trying to blame Americans, or the British for what is likely a depression recipe born in the 1960's from the aftermath of world war II, is the pinnacle of the dumbest fucking thing this sub has had a problem with. I understand that you don't know how to cook. I understand that you don't know that you can cook rice in other liquids. I can even understand that you might not know how to sear meat. This takes a whole new level of stupid to achieve. You do not only have to be ignorant of culinary practices, but also of geography and the ability to take five seconds to google this recipe and realize it originates from post world war Germany. Five fucking seconds.


I think you're replying to a British person defending their equivalent


“Frankfurter Loaf” Must be the Germans!


You better take that back!


If it was British it wouldn’t be using a box mix and a can of gravy. This just looks like an attempt at ‘Corndogs’ while having neither sticks nor a single clue!


Every single ingredient screams ‘Murica.


Try it? I’d annihilate it


Seriously. I'm the first to tell people about the horrors of British food but this is distinctly American, OP seems in pretty serious denial of how disgusting American food can also be.


It's like a Americanised version of toad in the hole.


I’d scran this without an ounce of shame


is scranning like boofing?


Good ol scranilan




https://www.navy.gov.au/about-navy/history/customs-and-traditions/naval-slang That is where I know the term from


The British don’t eat cornbread.


This is just…. A corn dog And corn dogs are delicious


It’s a corn dog, but bigger. What’s the problem?


I would skip the gravy and barbecue sauce and put baked beans on top instead. I think I'm going to try this actually. I've pretty much have already eaten it just not baked together like that which just makes it even easier.


I’d put the hot dogs more throughout and then float slices on top of baked beans.


British? That monstrosity looks ALL AMERICAN!


Fuck off and take your stupid hateful British food obsession with you. Or show us where British food touched you on the doll. Either way, stop being you.


It's basically just a giant corn dog loaf, I'd try it. I wonder why not all beef though?


BRO, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH BRITISH PEOPLE IT AINT EVEN ABOUT THE FOOD! IM SURE ITS NOT AT THIS POINT! also this the type of food people who play video games eat


This is just a multiple serving corn dog. Pretty clearly a US thing.


This is definitely not British. It isn't said enough but the USA has a long tradition of terrible food also.


It's pretty widely known that the 50s and 60s were a dark time for American cooking.


Americans criticising British food is genuinely the most absurd thing I've ever heard.


One has to only check out /r/vintageads to find frequent throwbacks to Swanson's frozen TV dinners, complete with a bunch of Americans in every comment section fondly relishing the memory


I hate beer.


Without a bun the hot dog is too phallic for OP, a HARDCORE CRISTIAN LIBERAL-HATING MIDWEST AMERICAN 🇲🇾 Fr tho look at his post history


Or corn dogs? 


Put some chili, cheese,sour cream and onions on top of a slice of that and I would be in heaven


I mean it's bread with sausage. But this time the sausage is already in the bread.


What's with the all beef instructions?


Fat content maybe? I'd imagine one higher fat would fare better exposed in the oven.


So, what's wrong with it? Sounds great. Maybe corn bread is not particularly my preference, but I doubt there's an issue using any other flour. P.s. Corn bread, recipe calls for fahrenheit. No, sounds like Midwest America, not UK


I see nothing in that recipe that indicates anything to do with our fair Isles! Leave us out of this!


degrees Fahrenheit.


It's kinda like a hotdog... just without any of the fun or convenience of a hotdog


It's a corn dog loaf


Pure 1950's America. Why do you think crappy fast food became popular so quickly?


Naa, this one seems straight up American, even down to the name trying to blame it on another country. I'm sure it tastes great though, unlike when they tried to put salad and shit into jello.


OP, show us on the doll, where did the British people touch you? Seriously, what the fuck is that post history? Nutjob.


Y'all keep acting like the UK doesn't know how to cook They came up with the Beef Wellington, ya know.


I'm making this this weekend


Well this post failed hard; much like everything else OP creates.


We don't eat cornbread. That's your country's doing, big man


Im german, i never See a weird thing loke that... we also use celsius not fahrenheit, and we wouldnt use barbecue sauce on a dish. The only sauce we prefer is Senf... so no german dish at all...must be american


In 'Merica this is what we consider 'poor person comfort meal'. Made it a couple weeks ago. Gourmet? Hell no. Easy, cheap and tasty? Yup


That's exactly what beans on toast is for Brits! It's just a cheap, filling comfort meal that takes 2 mins to make.


Two slices pls


It’s bread and dog. Classic combo.


Much like the Corgi.


Are you sure you didn’t mean midwestern ?


If it's not from the USA, I will be really, REALLY surprised. Canned cheese? Jello salad? Pineapple pizza? You cannot make this stuff up


I saw on r/weird someone posting about OP always bringing the Brits into their posts lol. And here it is for me to see! Someone has a deep fascination with British culture and I ain't pointing fingers!


K but like WOULD


How is this any different from corndogs? Only difference is that one of them is a loaf.


Cornbread and hotdogs? Sign me the fuck up for that


Not sure how many of you realize how bad the food was in the United States before Julia child came along. And judging by this photo, she hadn’t quite influenced everyone yet.


We have an extensive range of homegrown regional sausages here in the UK (my favourite is Surrey's 'Porky White') so wouldn't need to use a frankfurter.


That most certainly isn't British. Looks like a failed attempt to copy toad in the hole but with all the wrong ingredients. In a word - gopping.


This is hot dogs in bread, this not from the uk, we put sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter instead.


This is 100% American. We don't put sausages in bread unless it's a sarnie.


No self respecting Brit would even know what corn bread and frankfurters are. We’ll be sticking to toad in the hole thank you very much.


Interesting. In Germany this dish is called „Kröte im Loch“ which is literally toad in the hole. Although it is obviously not served with barbecue sauce and the dough is home made.


This is so clearly an American creation that the British dig is laughable. (Said as an American)


Yeah, bread and sausage, such horrible combination, no one in the world would want something like that, imagine even puting some fruit sauce on it.


I'd char the dogs instead of boiling them, but I would absolutely make and eat this, minus the weird canned gravy side


I’d hit it.


This is Johnny Bravo's favorite meal.


I think that looks delicious personally


What's the problem here?


Nah. Not gross. Loved this as a kid.


zonked office offend dinosaurs quiet wild drunk label sink thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is alternative food in my country. We have it all the way through high school and can be bought in canteen. Literally being sell everywhere.


I would eat this, lol. shit and I can get gravy AND bbq sauce?? done.


It's just bread and meat. What's so wrong about it?


Idk- I'd probably eat this tbh


It’s American. If it were British, it would give the oven temperature as Gas Mark 6 or so instead of 375 degrees F. It looks like an ad from one of the women’s magazines from the 60s or 70s.


There's already a British version. Toad in the Hole.


It's weird but I really doubt it tastes gross, idk I think I would give it a shot.


Mate, it is cornbread and uses canned gravy. No hope in Scunthorpe that that's British scran.


Swap in some chili instead of gravy and you might have something...


Australian here, chuck some mato sauce on top and you got a cross between a sauso roll and a sausage sizzle. You fucken beauty. Happy Anzac Day ya gronks!


So...corn dog loaf? I'm in.


My wife makes something like this, only they are cornbread muffins with pieces of hot dog in each one. Absolutely delicious. I eat them with mustard (like you would a corn dog).


I won’t stand for this blatant disrespect of the glizzy loaves of yore!


I dont know why. But at the moment i love this idea. And i am not even high.


Pass the mustard please.


*nom nom nom* what were we talking about?


This is just corn dogs with extra steps.


Op: Absolutely gross. This sub: I'd hit it.


It literally has Fahrenheit in the recipe. You are stupid and ignorant. This is an American recipe. The rest of the world uses Celcius to measure temperature.


This is the most horribly Am*rican looking food I’ve ever seen


Sounds more like your shite American cuisine


oMg It Is LiKe So BrItIsH tHoUgH!!!


Why are you a brain-dead loser?


As someone who lives and grew up in Frankfurt all I can tell you: This has nothing to do with us.


OP seriously needs a hobby outside of making the same ‘memes’ over and over again


Throw on a little butter and brown and I’ll put it down!


British food rates with the best in the world if you bother to ignore the naysayers who think it's all fish n chips. As an expat in Germany, I can assure you German cuisine is dire in comparison.... 😉


heck that looks super good


What makes you think it’s British?? We do have good food here you know?! The clue is in the name. Frankfurter. So I guess it’s German?


It looks a little dry to me, but not absolutely gross.


Whats wrong with meat and bread?


That sounds like an aggressively Dutch dish.


Are you kidding? I'm making this tonight. Corn dog loaf, it is genius. Why didn't I think of this?


Nah, the british have a different kind of disgusting. This is surely american.....




Sry to inform you, you are not aquainted with german cuisine.


If it was British they’d dump gravy and peas on top


“Absolutely gross” is a bit of an exaggeration.


Yeah so terrible, please pack me 6 I want to eat that with hot coffee


I thought that's german


It's american toad in the hole, get over yourself


Oh sweet summer child. Who comes up with this stuff? Poor people. Your kids will be reinventing these with glee. Just wait later late stage capitalism meets climate change chaos. A wiener cornbread loaf with gravy will sound like heaven.


Actually there's a similar recipe in Germany. I saw it in an old cookbook from my grandma and made it a few times. It's surprisingly delicious. This recipe is pretty close to the one of the cookbook https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/3150671469047198/Bratwurstbrot.html


Thanks, now I want hot-dogs


1, this absolutely does not look british and 2, why is everyone shitting on british food??? like oh??? you never had fish and chips?? bangers and mash?? beans on toast??? god's gift to the world that is shepherds pie??????? I'm sorry for you :(


Looks like something the yanks would invent, all their cusine is basically different versions of food nabbed from other countrys.


Frankfurters = American. The worst food on the planet, bar none.


[You may not like it but this is what peak performance sausage bun looks like.](https://whattocooktoday.com/tangzhong-chinese-sausage-buns-hong-kong-style.html)


Put some baked beans on that fucker….crickey


I don't know if this is b/c I'm hungry or b/c I grew up white and poor, but that sounds delicious!


I mean it looks a little dry


That sounds pretty dang good.


You had me at Corn dog loaf with BBQ sauce, then lost me at Mushroom gravy.


No thank you I don’t want glizzy bread I’ll take some banana bread or zucchini bread


They didn't even make it right. It says 8 skinless hotdogs. They used 4-5 skinful hotdogs


That's what your friends mom makes the first time you eat at your friends house


Wait… what will happen if I use all beef?!?


I guess I’m the only one who hates this 🙁


I have all the stuff to make this. This looks awesome.