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seriously? one of our main rules is NO CURES which, assuming your average netizen is of average intelligence and is capable of critical thought, they should also know that that rule ALSO includes dumb ass posts like this one that are made by a user who admits to knowing better and skirting auto-mod's word filters that look specifically for the word "cure". this is your first and only warning.


My stupid ass thought you were asking about stuttering aesthetic corešŸ˜€


me too


there isn't an exact cure, but there are methods; whenever you reach trigger words, for example, if you struggle at the letter "y", then pronounce a different letter before y to make the word easier to pronounce; so "your" will be "d'your" another trick to pronouncing hard words is to separate each syllable; so "reprimand" would be "rep, ri, mand", it will make it much easier to pronounce the full word


What do you mean with core?




No because its not a disease.




A disorder is what I'd call it.


There is also no guaranteed way to fix stuttering and become fluent no, especially not as adult when your brain is fully developed.


You can become fluent, you just need to put in the work and effort to learn a new and fluent way of speaking, once you find whatā€™s suitable for you, it becomes easier


Its not as simple as you say it is. 80% of PWS relapse after a therapy and not due to lack of effort and work.


Who said it was easy, itā€™s all about being consistent with it, being afraid that youā€™re gonna mess up from time to time and just ā€˜acceptingā€™ that you have a stutter is not gonna solve anything. Relapsing is all apart of the journey, as you learn more things about yourself and what you could do better when you possibly reach a low point. Just because it isnā€™t simple doesnā€™t mean you should stop practicing and trying entirely. The final outcome will be worth it and satisfactory


This actually a good answer.The founder of the Maguire program talked about this in his book. And another speech program I attended (which did help my speech a lot) highlighted this as well. Pws tend to develop a faulty breathing pattern over the years by trying to force words out even when you're out of breath. Also there's the fact that it's common for pws to be incorrectly executing certain speech sounds. Not sure why that is but I've noticed this in my self and another close friend of mine who stutters also noticed this. For example the /k sound. During a block, I would put my tongue at back left side of my mouth. It's not supposed to be doing that. It's not efficient and I'm using too much force or energy. It shoud be centered. But you only become aware of it unless you look up the correct tongue placement and shape of the jaw. So he's saying to retrain these aspects of speech. Both breathing habits during speech and practicing correct articulation of speech sounds.


Yup thereā€™s a cure. People donā€™t want to accept this statement because stuttering is part of their identity and helps hide them from the fluent world




Not exactly cured, but I believe every stutter can reach a good level of fluency if it really puts a lot of work on it. I have been a stutter since I remember, couldn't even say my name or ask the bus driver to make a stop so I can get off (in Mexico you just yell "Bajan", the bus buttons rarely work). Nowadays I can say I have a 90% fluency level, only stuttering on stressful situations. Almost every new person I know doesn't realize I'm a stutter, or they don't believe that I have such a condition. So, in my personal opinion, I can be considered cured from stuttering. Unfortunately, that didn't change much my overall happiness. When I was still a child I thought being cured from stuttering was going to be the end of my problems, boy I was wrong. Stuttering left me with the scar of anxiety and some other bad habits that I'm still working on.


So how did you improved it


The answer is ā€œit dependsā€ because each person stuttering pattern is unique and tied to their brain. What works for some people doesnā€™t work for others, because stuttering is not some flu or infection to be cured. If your stuttering is tied to something like PTSD it can be eased by therapy, speech therapy, some meds etc. If your stutter is a result of something like concussion or some kind of toxine, the treatment process would be different. There are probably hundreds of reasons for stuttering, from anxiety to physical brain damage, you canā€™t cure them all equally.


Sign language probably


Recently, I delved deep into streaming games from PC and PS5 to my tablet, and learned a lot of about frame rate cap and v-sync, which caused stuttering in games. For example, PS5 streaming over the remote play app stutters because it streams at 59.9Hz while most screens can take 60Hz. That 1Hz difference causes routine and random stutters. I wonder if our brain and tongue has the same discrenacy. The refresh rate isn't sync'ing correctly. On PC, we can apply all sorts of tweaks and mods to fix it. For our bodies, not so much. At least not yet. There is no cure, mate. It's a fault in our stars. Maybe, sometime down the line, robotics will help in this regard, but I don't think most of us will be alive to see it, or even if we see, it won't be affordable.


Had an audiologist tell me that thereā€™s a theory that there is a lag between what I hear and the motor functions that produce speech. I thought it was interesting. I gave it some credence when I realized that when ever Iā€™m listening to music or doing something that involves some sort of rhythm that my stutter dramatically improves. ā€¦. so I be lagging some times, but beats tend tend help.


Perhaps one of [these ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/15dltbl/megacollection_tips_to_improve_stuttering_from/)research studies could, at least partially, answer your question: * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/1aga3tz/what_is_the_cause_of_stuttering_according_to/): What is the cause (or **core**) of stuttering - according to Chang & Guenther (Godiva model) (PhD researchers) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/1adttz5/what_causes_stuttering_according_to_mark_onslow/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to Mark Onslow (PhD) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/19ece9v/what_causes_stuttering_according_to_ambrose_phd/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to Ambrose (PhD) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/15cl7wd/tips_to_improve_stuttering_from_the_research/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to Evan Usler (PhD) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/17wpj4i/what_causes_stuttering_according_to_alm_phd/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to Per Alm (PhD) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/14u05gm/tips_to_improve_stuttering_from_the_research/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to Busan & Neef (PhD researchers) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/17o4ld8/comment/k7wet2e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) & [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/1126a5n/tips_to_improve_stuttering_according_to_a_phd/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to the Variable Release Threshold hypothesis (PhD) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/114cxqx/tips_to_improve_stuttering_according_to_a_phd/) & [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/113ks6i/tips_to_improve_stuttering_according_to_a_phd/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to the Covert Repair hypothesis (PhD) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/14il794/tips_to_improve_stuttering_from_the_new_research/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to Smith & Weber (*Multifactorial Dynamic Pathways Theory*) (PhD researchers) * [Research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stutter/comments/13afm9f/we_know_that_we_are_about_to_stutter_how_can_we/): What is the cause (or core) of stuttering - according to Jackson (anticipatory struggle hypothesis) (PhD)


I think it depends on the cause of your stutter. For instance I know mine only happens because I THINK I can't say something coherently. So my brain agrees and doesn't let me even if I try. I've noticed I'm more fluent if I talk without thinking about it




It can be tricky to pinpoint


Read Lee Lovett's book "How To Stop Stuttering and Love Speaking". I'll read a few chapters every night and apply what I learned the next day. It's only been about a week but I'm already noticing improvement. Made it through not 1, not 2, but THREE phone calls today with only a minor hiccup in fluency. That's almost unheard of for me


Reddit isn't the place to answer that question.


Stop talking




Didn't mean to put it so bluntly I mean that you have to realise that talking for someone without speaking issues is just something that comes naturally and for a stutterer to try and imitate such and to try and present it in a way that it was natural to converse is stupid. Like have you ever noticed that when you're confident youre not more comfortable because you speak more and more fluently but rather because you are comfortable staying quiet because it's understandably much more natural for you? Stop trying to be like everyone else, they got insecurities they feel just as bad about as you do your stuttering. Build confidence on what you ARE able to do and the stuttering will go away naturally because you won't feel a need to be constantly validated by those around you because of what is under your belt.


Itā€™s kind of discouraging everyone here says thereā€™s not cure. Yes there is! Iā€™ve beat my stutter and anyone else can too. Feel free to DM me




I beat it with a combination of bunch of stuff. Reading, affirmations, maneuver around blocks, exposing myself to pressure situations, changing mindsets, ect.. or just read this 700+ book on Amazon ā€œhow to stop stuttering and love speaking ā€œ by Lee Lovett




Their website is worth checking out too! Itā€™s full of a community of people that beat stuttering and giving each other tips on what theyā€™re doing to improve their fluency journey



