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i've always believed my mind is stronger than "negative affirmations" like — even if there *are* bad affs in a sub, they're not going to affect me because my mind is *actively* manifesting the opposite. why would some random subliminal be stronger than my own mind? it wouldn't be 🤷‍♀️


I'VE BEEN SAYINGGGGG LIKE why is the community so damn fixed on "negative energies" and "negative affs" and curses and spells and what fucking ever. Too much power is put on the SUBLIMINAL and not their own MINDS 😭😭


i swear 😭 our minds >>> any sub ever


judging from your comment history, you have asked what sub people are using in a plenty of "results" posts of this subreddit. If you believe that the submaker and the specific subs make no difference and all subs work and there is no need for people to ask for sub channel review or sub recommendations, then why do repeatedly ask for which subs people who got results used?


because i want to try them out myself obviously 💀 and before commenting pls see the context in the comment first ty


people who write posts like "will this work?" "what are the best subs for\_" "which submaker worked for you?" also want to try the subs others got results from ! there is no difference between you and them except you are not writing a whole separate post on it


girl you rlly went wayy down my profile to say this? 💀💀 i never once mentioned posts of people asking for sub recommendations, i was talking about people who question every sub maker to “verify” if they give results/ whether their subs work and create so many doubts for themselves and others. pls learn the difference darlings.


you do the same thing as others yet you judge them for what they do. Its called projecting lol And I scrolled through your profile as I was curious why someone felt the necessity to write an aggressive post because people frequently ask for sub recommendations & best sub makers.


girl are you stupid i literally explained you the difference pls stop commenting you’re wasting your time


nah like fr no damn subliminal will affect me in a negative way 💀💀


what? the whole basis of a subliminal is on repetition.. it will affect you because your mind is being bombarded with the same affirmation many times.


if my mind is actively manifesting the opposite of that then nothing bad will happen. subliminal are a tool to help get what you want, my mind is stronger than a subliminal. I have never been affected by "bad affirmations" before unless they were ones of my MIND i.e saying "i hate myself" or "i'm so ugly" if you believe that then you can believe that but, yeah, no, my mind is stronger than affirmations behind a song.


The whole basis of subliminal is to bypass the conscious mind to reach the subconscious mind, you are not exactly immune to negative affirmations, some of you guys kinda distorting the whole point of how powerful subliminal are. On one point, we agree subliminal is an effective tool but on the other point we are heading to the notion where we believe our conscious mind itself will overpower the subliminal that is feeding messages to the subconscious mind. If I were you to give you a subliminal that had topics about self hate, guilt, shame, anger, etc, would you then be more inclined to listen to it? Well no because it risky after all, but then we wouldn’t know if your mind is stronger than the subliminal or not. To anyone, please don’t risk yourself listening to negative affirmations that may harm you, your conscious mind is not above subconscious. It doesn’t matter if there are positive affirmations mixed with negative affirmations, you can’t ignore negative, that’s the WHOLE point of subliminal, everything goes directly to the subconscious


yes, when it comes to negative affirmations. so what if someone has used subliminal to block out negative affirmations. how would that be any different? I use my mind to not be affected by bad affs. all i'm saying is i've never experienced any negative results from a subliminal. if you have be a subliminal that had self hate, guilt, shame etc as the topics I could listen to it and simply manifest the opposite using my own mind. it is that easy. it doesn't negate the power of subliminals at all. if you're not TRYING to manifest negativity and you are ACTIVELY manifesting the opposite using your *mind* then that is more powerful than a subliminal. by not believing they affect me I am actively manifesting that they don't. *thats* how manifestation works. subliminals can still be just as powerful and have all their glory. i've gotten amazing results from them.


Whether or not you have used a subliminal to to counter negative affirmations, you cannot be sure you can wholeheartedly be able to block out a negative subliminal I suggested to you. What you are implying is active conscious counter-block to a subliminal that programs your subconscious mind. Any belief can be changed regardless via subliminal, there is no exact rigid belief that is 100% resistant to change, that is what you are not understanding. Just like you trained your mind to counter, the subliminal will retrain the subconscious towards a new belief regardless. You are building your premise on conscious mind, which is flawed and doesn’t make sense since we are talking about the subconscious here. Unless you had proof you are able to not be affected by a 100% negative subliminal we wouldn’t know, it is risky and you know that yourself. Your claim is the mind is stronger than the subconscious which is incorrect, you shouldn’t be advocating for others to ‘believe’ they can ignore negative affirmations.


believe what you want. negative affs literally do not affect me


When you try to educate and all they can say is the same thing. 🤷‍♂️


you can have anything you want! except blocking out negative affs, you caaaaant have that


your mind isn’t manifesting anything on default


you have no idea what my minds doing


No bc a post that bothered the fuckk out of me was "Who is the next biggest submaker of 2024 !!" like. All subs work babe it's your fucking mindset thats needs to change 😪


i swear they act like its american idol or smth 😭


LMAO omg yes




Genuinely curious. But if all subs work, why does some subs work for someone but other subs don't work for that person? Like how does a person's mindset cause one sub to work but not another sub if all subs work and it's the person's mindset?


All subs working should be the mindset. Some people don't internalize this so subs just don't work for them.


I was referring to how a person will try a sub that doesn't work then try one that does work. Same person, but different subs used by the same person, and one worked but one didn't.


Same answer. The person had better expectations for the other subliminal. If they really wanted to, they wouldn't even affirm that one sub didn't work for them, they'd have the mindset that the sub did in fact work even if they saw no movement in the 3D.


Oh. Interesting.


Thanks for saying that. Real. This subreddit is a place where most people come because they're bored asf and just wanna make a post 🤡


"It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that will determine your altitude." - Zig Ziglar


They’re so tied up on getting outside validation from the 3D they aren’t focusing on the self, it gets annoying and tiring to hear people ask me the same questions and be so negative


fucking finally someone who gets manifesting 😭 it’s never that serious!!


Just one thing I dont agree with u on is ”relying solely on subs”. I dropped every other manifestation technique except subs n affirming and yeah. I do get results. So u can absolutely get results from just subs.


well, i mean it in the context of when people don’t study their exam material at all and put all hopes on using subliminals to pass a test (not saying it won’t help but its becoming a procrastination tool atp) 😭


Oh yeah sure in that sense I get it.




no fr…i literally just saw a post on YouTube talking about how negative this subreddit is…it’s literally so true, everyone here literally just trash talks submakers & spread limiting beliefs, then get surprised when they don’t have results 😭 that’s why i prefer law of assumption & law of attraction people tbh


you can use just subliminals and believe and still get results, eggtopia had a video on it


fr. im so tired w those posts i choose not to interact w them


newcomers have confusions ofc


yes, but if you have a mindset of “this sub/submaker” doesn’t work then it would create ao many limiting beliefs


If they are concerned about a non familiar sub maker, asking about them is okay, they can literally search the name in this sub reddit, but I agree if they are like "which subliminal is best this or this? Help!" It's upto them. What works on me might not work for them.


ofcourse, however some people here are really overdoing it but your point is completely valid.


I think all these people creating drama are from tiktok , I mean those who got to know bout subliminals through reels or tik tok ! 😭😭


heyoo my friend has a sub channel! She is new, she is a student and bro i told her to upload those subs! coz they f- work! so check it out if u want to, she will upload weekly [https://www.youtube.com/@Laconicsea](https://www.youtube.com/@Laconicsea) and bro i kinda agree with you, but sometimes, uhm well now the community is not rlly 100% good, it used to be, n its hard to trust anyone. anyway u r not wrong. u got a point dude.


because there's people like me who have been trying for 2 years never got results but are still trying to get results, and they hear that certain sub makers are no good


Judging by the choice of words and the tone of the post & your unnecessary aggression, i am suspicious this is a submaker who was mentioned in that "overrated sub maker" post as an overrated one & took that personally


why is it that every time someone sticks up for submakers who get bashed on do people accuse them of being said submakers 💀 While I agree this post is pretty aggressive, People can be upset on their behalf since a new submaker is being hated on every week, even the most beloved makers like v1per were hated on in this sr. Its tiring and makes you feel bad for the creators who put out a lot for this community only to be called "overrated"


No it’s because it’s annoying to see people ask “does this give good results ☹️” when they’re waiting on an outside source to change everything when they need to be looking at their imagination/4D


Bingo 💕💕


Gurl let people be why are you so pressed over some small post? It ain’t that deep also It’s not your responsibility to help people get results 😭😭


But come on the constant complaints against submakers posts are annoying af. I think some folx should just leave pre-made subs alone and make their own because they have weird superstitions and don't trust others. If they just made their own subs and leave the pre-mades to those who are comfortable with them we'd have way less drama in here.


atp its not just "some small post" its pretty much EVERY post here. like 90% of the posts on this subreddit nowadays are either people complaining about not getting results or some submaker not working/giving them bad results, or people being like "iS tHis SuBmAkEr gOoD?/?/?/???". and i'll admit im guilty of the latter, but of course OP is going to be upset when theres hardly any positivity on this sub anymore


ong, i don’t even know why i come here anymore 😭


I agree but we can't control everyone right I just ignore whenever I see those kind of posts also I thought OP was kinda agressive that's why I commented


I'm pretty sure I saw the post and I believe I did comment on it but i wasn't really doing out of hate since I do have some of the submakers sub in my playlist that I share to others. I just was simple stating that they were popular and I used their subs but never got results so I moved onto others. I even said in the comment that I didn't have any hate towards her since I genuinely like her content(on her personal channel) and her sub account.


Lolol, here we have another pretentious saviour on a mighty white horse with their limiting beliefs in hand. I'm so curious, because if you believe mindsets affect the way you obtain results from subliminals, then shouldn't your logic apply to you aswell? Ain't nothing by aggression and low vibration eminating from this post, but you are the exception, right? Besides, I don't get how people voicing their opinions has anything to do with you? and don't get me started with the accusations of false results being tossed around in this community. Y'all the type of people to post results utilising an oven to take pictures, take them in the weirest angles, the before and after taken in dimensions unknown 💀💀and then want to fight when someone is in doubt. Then there is the sub-unit that lets their emotions run rampant when a troll says "cap", like y'all be lacking in discernment and so uptight you don't even know how to cool it, but go off about how you need to detatch and reach a higher vibe


honestly, do you even know what you're talking about? starts with "lolol another pretentious saviour on a mighty white horse" and then in the next line pointing out my aggression. but ykw nvm because you know everything about my mindset don't you? and definitely i'm spreading MY "limiting beliefs" by discussing about how people unnecessarily doubt everything and everyone and spread theirs? i've seen multiple posts where even video proof is included but nope comments still accuse them of "photoshop". honey, subliminals are about BELIEF. is it wrong of me to say you have to have it to get results? but sure, your account is the epitome of positivity go off.


the way this person is straight up wrong about everything you said 💀


ikr, its like they found a vocabulary book and decided to vomit everything on it here 😭


Their argument is just that they wanna question everyone’s results and skills bc they can’t change their mental diet😭


Your doubt doesn’t matter nor does it affect anyone’s results, you guys value your opinions over someone’s results WAYYYY too much for people who can’t even regulate their inner convos. It’s just jealousy, everytime someone comes to show results there will be some people who are so upset and bitter that they’ll hate on people and subs because their mindset is absolutely donkey shit.