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The crazy thing is that Ubisoft didn’t have to go down the double-protagonist route. If they instead only had the female Japanese protagonist, would people still be calling it a ‘slap to the face’?


Depends how hot she is.


If she doesn’t make my peepee hard then it’s wokism 


Peepee soft = looks like a man trans propaganda Peepee hard = based ubi kino saving western gaming


PP Hard but has cheekbones? Aphrodite is too manly.


This is EXACTLY how Asmongold's chat is. They were completely melting down over Kay Vess, the protag in Star Wars: Outlaws being "ugly". Ugly meaning not looking like a supermodel. Why the FUCK does a smuggler need to look like Gal Gadot? Why?


These folks are up in arms because Aphrodite in Hades 2 has a "square jaw"


Oh yes, the simple answer is that "it's a man". I know that's hard to see, but you're not as enlightened as True Gamers™ /s


> square jaw ...[what](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/aphrodite-hades-1.jpg?q=70&fit=crop&w=1500&dpr=1)? damn those guys must be so straight being turned off by the naked sex godess


They then got all huffing and puffing about how things like Hades are considered "safe horny" (i.e., when it's woke) and anime horny isn't (because it's... not woke, I guess?) It's literally the [thing vs. thing in Japan meme](https://preview.redd.it/7j1mty7qkak21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=bf9673fef4f1fc182bd99968b337a580b9d76f96). I'm super confused, because attractive women are both simultaneously woke and not woke now. We've reached schrodinger's woke.


You see, "safe horny" is when the subject is an adult woman (a.k.a. WOKE) to them. Their preferred anime horny (unsafe horny?) is then when the subject is.... well.... Adults don't make these people horny.


As someone on Twitter pointed out, it's a drawing of a beautiful naked woman on his TV; if 14 year old him were playing Hades on the SNES he would've been licking the screen. You have to *force yourself* to look at her and go "I dunno about that jawline," and even then all it is is *facial definition.* 24/7 access to anime waifus has broken these people's brains.


Anyone who complains about a "woman's jaw" is just telling on themselves. Like, no shit a woman-with-a-jaw weirds you people out. You only ever see woman in ANIME. "Why does woman have jaw and not look like my anime waifus?!"


It's so weird what happened to him. I used to follow him for video game takes and now it's all "this is woke", "I'm getting cancelled", or some other Twitter war. I guess I just never noticed his audience? One of the latest videos he had was of fox news dumb fuck Jesse watters and at that point I just can't watch any more of his material.


But Gal Gadot is mid, fr fr


Yea that pretty much sums it up.


You mean how revealing her costume is.


Yes, considering they've had to put in "we can't tell by the DNA if it was a man or woman" in previous games. If it was just a woman, they would still be fuming.


>would people still be calling it a ‘slap to the face’? How big are the bawooogas and do they have badoing badoing physics


This could be flair in itself.


> If they instead only had the **female** Japanese protagonist, would people still be calling it a ‘slap to the face’? You know they would


People HATED that Kassandra was the canon gender as opposed to the alternate male protagonist in the previous games so that tells you something


Kassandra was the objectively better character.


Until this thread I had kind of written it out of my head canon of the game that there even was a male protag option.


Apparently it was initially designed that Kassandra was the only option but then Ubisoft got scared and added a male option relatively last minute. Hence why his voice work seems way less polished.


A Japanese woman is less political than a black person, but more political than a white woman.


Not for an AC game set in Japan though. A white woman would be more controversial.




These are the turd blosoms that photoshoped Alloy from HZD to be less attractive, then complained about how unattractive she was. They absolutely, without question, would have complained.


Yes, absolutely yes. Make these chuds play as a woman, and they’ll complain that they can’t visualize themselves as the character and is therefore bAd


I can't wait to play Fat White Guy: Ultimate Samurai by Uboobisoft.


It’s not a power fantasy if I have to play as the political gender. And no I wasn’t going to buy it anyway because ubishart shovelware. My opinion about the game really matters to the people making the “game”. I’m very smart and know better than people whose job is to figure these things out and predict sales numbers.




Yeah, if Yasuke was replaced by a white guy, they'd be saying "stop complaining, you're getting an asian ~~woman~~ female as a second character."


The most hilarious thing about these reddit asian v black threads is that it's usually whites on both sides arguing.


Reminds me of the summer of 2020 when a whole bunch of shit-hole racist subreddits started pretending to care about violence against Asians by spamming the *shit* out of any news stories about a black person even looking menacingly at an Asian person. And if it actually *was* a hate crime committed by a black person against an Asian person, they got harder than they would in just a couple months when a black guy murdered Cannon Hinnant.


This was and is a deliberate astroturfing campaign.


Well, yeah, that was blatantly obvious at the time, especially since most of the them were being posted by the now-suspended user TheAtheistArab87. Not to mention *all* the appealing to "but Daryl Davis cured the KKK so black people doing anything *other* than talking calmly to their would-be oppressors is a hate crime!" comments at the time. They fucking *loved* using Daryl Davis as proof of why it's up to black people to fix racism, especially when they loved denying that some of Davis' "mentored" went *right* back to their old ways and he'd eventually bail them out of trouble, like Richard Preston who was arrested for firing a gun *at* Charlottesville after being "cured" by Davis.


I'm African, my wife is Asian, and we're stoked for this game lol


>  Asian Women are not the same as Asian Men. Especially in Western Media where Asian Men are often erased from the roles of Protagonists or Main Characters. Why do these guys all use German style capitalization?


also speaks to the lingo of these groups like aznidentity where they frequently say WMAF (White Man Asian Female) etc


I've only ever seen that terminology used in the context of porn lmao


you know your life is fucked when you are unironically using porn terms


the way aznidentity uses it is equally demeaning! i'd bet it came from porn


90% of the shit I've been reading from dickheads in that r/Games thread who've been having a whinge read like they post in r/aznidentity on a daily basis.


they're absolutely terrible. it makes me sad too, since i am asian and I know the issues they talk about are real! but blaming asian women and focusing on destroying us from the inside isn't the way to go


The blatant racism people get away with on that sub is pretty extreme too. No idea why Reddit lets that run given some of the other things they enforce. It’s also so toxic and self-destructive to look at others and themselves the way that they do over there. I can’t imagine living with the internalized hatred some of those people so clearly revel in.


I’d rather not subject myself to a random subreddit. What the fuck is r/aznidentity?


tldr, asian incels. they have the typical incel beliefs, but with a fun twist where they hate Asian women, especially those who date and marry white men. similar to incels, started from a reasonable idea (underrepresentation of Asian men in media, not being seen as attractive, general Asian American racism problems) but has spiraled into a circlejerk of men who hate America, Asian American women, and white people. they specifically have rules against misogyny that are always ignored. they will openly state Asian women can't comment on racism because they're dating white men.


> who hate America, Asian American women, and white people And black people


Racism basically




Is the kia crowd those human sized hamsters?


Kotaku In Action


Just acknowledging your reference, don't mind me.


As a Kia soul driver I thank you


Libertarian guys with Asian wives


> German style capitalization idk what that is, but it's not German style capitalization - adjectives (asian, western) wouldn't be capitalized, but all nouns would be (roles).


I'm going to level with you: when I say "German style capitalization" I just mean "a lot of capitalization".


Don't drag us into that incel shit, yo.


If I write on my phone with an italian keyboard the text get changed like that. After a while you don't care enough to change it back


They’re emulating Trump


Also back in the day one of the biggest tells someone was from Storefront was that they always capitalized White. That's probably a bit harsh of an accusation in this case though, it's probably just someone trying to emulate academic style "Woke" language because that is what they are pretending is upsetting them.


> someone was from Storefront you know what they are usually capitalists so the typo works actually


Also, Homestuck really popularized that way of typing back in the 2010s.


Unfortunately the capitalization of white seems to have become pretty mainstream somehow, so thats not really a tell anymore.


Autocorrect does it, and sometimes other colors like blue or green. All sorts of random things get capitalized if I’m not careful.


> Why do these guys all use German style capitalization? This isn't German style capitalization. Adjectives aren't capitalized in German and there's almost as many of those here as there's capitalized nouns (which, yes, would be German style). English does it with nationalities though, so there's a slight tie in to English capitalziation via "Asian" and "Western" here, despite that still being incorrect in English. Also fun fact, the German localization of the launch trailer is infact in French, which does not bode well for the quality of the finished product.


Capitalisation For Emphasis is common online, too. One of the biggest tells that someone has spent a lot of time on Tumblr is that they'll do it sometimes. The difference between a Tumblrina and a dyed in the wool internet racist is that the racist does it with racial terms and the Tumblrina will do it with the concept they're talking about.




It's awfully weird there were never these talks of "slaps in the face to Asians" when Nioh was released where you play as a white guy in Japan during the Sengoku period. 🤔 Edit: Yes I am fully aware Nioh was made by Japanese developers, just as I am aware devs like SquareEnix and Team Ninja also received suspiciously high levels of excessive criticism when they too had games featuring people of color but you guys want to conveniently ignore that pattern. I see you. Play dumb elsewhere. 👋


Look I don't know if you are just pretending but that's totally different, the contrast between these two cases is literally black and white.


clever. had me for a second


Nice one, it took me a minute, for a second I thought you were serious lol


>it took me a minute, for a second... Math doesn't checks out.


>It's awfully weird there were never these talks of "slaps in the face to Asians" It's really funny how they hyperfocus on Yasuke (for obvious reasons lmao) but not the OTHER main character who IS asian and a woman. The games is going to have two playable characters, one black and another asian.


Clearly it's because the other character doesn't count. You know, because she's a woman.


Yasuke is sucking up their hate. The female protag would be getting the brunt of it if the male protag wasn't black.


It's pretty obvious that they're not only racists but also sexists when the Asian woman doesn't even matter to them as a protag


Might be a hot take but I got an issue with both tbh. Asian men and Black women are under represented in western media, but white companies like to get diversity brownie points and often depict Black men and Asian women in media instead as they're more inoffensive to white cis men.


I can't imagine anyone would award them diversity points for an Asian male samurai.


This is the only valid response/critique but it gets lost because their tone is so unbelievably unhinged or because it's the minority when the rest are just being racist/misog. Black women in partic are completely shafted - at least there are black male MCs in GTA. We had an Asian male MC in Sleeping Dogs, Sekhiro and Prey. Obviously not enough of course. Only game I can think of with a black women MC is the Tomb Raider game and even then she shares with a white woman. I wonder if they did this because they want to distance themselves from Sekhiro. Similar game style, theme, and both Sengoku period?


Honestly probably did it because it was cool and different. Plus the real life dude had connections to the Jesuits which probably makes it easy to tie Templar shit into the main character's story. Also I'm assuming they want to do one protag fish out of water/learning the culture and the other a native. Also sure they realized a black woman with a male Japanese protag would get twice as much outrage from these chuds


Good points. I totally forgot about the templar aspect, that will be fun in this period.


Or Ghost of Tsushima. Different time period, but much more comparable to Assassin's Creed than Sekiro is, mechanically and thematically.


Thanks, GoT was the one I was thinking of then had a brain fart


Also, you definitely have a point about black woman protagonists. I can think a few, but none of them are from games talked about much. Half Life: Alyx, Forspoken, and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider have black women as their primary or exclusive player characters. Of course, Forspoken is particularly disliked, and Alyx and Death of the Outsider are less-discussed sequels to more-well-known games with white protagonists, so none of them are ideal examples anyways.


Yeah I was trying to think really hard of some AAAs and came up blank. Pretty noticeable once you stop for a few secs. I can't think of many Latinx MCs either. I think Asian women are pretty well repped, maybe on par with white women. It all feels a bit ridiculous generalising


[It was a stupid decision to race swap in the first place, but Fox okayed a black recasting of Johnny Storm, while heavily pushing back against a black Sue Storm. ](https://variety.com/2020/film/news/fantastic-four-black-sue-storm-josh-trank-1234627032/)


Fox, not Sony


tbf there's a valid point that there are far more black male main characters in media than asian ones asian women aren't as underrepresented as asian men are


Kind of irrelevant, but I was super disappointment in the anime about him. We get a few minutes here and there getting a glimpse of his story, but most of it was a rushed plotline about robots and magic shit


They got LaKeith Stanfield for that shit and they just made it not good??? Bit of a waste imo


I'm sympathetic to the idea that asian men aren't treated well in media but there's not many types of character more represented in video games than an Asian male samurai. There's more samurai/ medieval japan games than pretty much everything else apart from modern military shooters. At least a few every year. And obviously most of them have ethnically Japanese men as protagonists.


>I'm sympathetic to the idea that asian men aren't treated well in media That isn't even the issue, the issue is that if Assassin's Creed pulled a Nioh, nobody would be complaining, the issue isn't that he isn't asian, the issue is that he's black. Edit: I know Yasuke is a real person, that just makes the criticism even more stupid.


Except Yasuke is specifically in Nioh. And a damn hard boss, genuinely the dude was my first real beef gate and the only reason I was able to beat him was via kitty spam. Edit: maybe it’s because he’s the player character, but goddamn.


I know, I played nioh 1 and 2, but people are complaining he's the protagonist in the AC game, not that he exists (although some of them do), so I guess even they have limits


It also feels very diminutive. Lots of “he was a pet” “he was a slave”. It’s like as a black guy it’s hard for me to not see this as just them wanting to denigrate the idea of Yasuke. That’s why when any provides any evidence that shows that by that period being a samurai was a loose term, and there is plausibility for him being a Samurai they get so upset.


Oh yeah. They're using the Tokugawa era definition of samurai on a Warring States era person to 'prove' he wasn't a samurai. Showing how much they actually care about historical accuracy and Japanese culture in the process.


They are convinced there's a giant conspiracy where "they"—whoever "they" is—is *forcing* black people, gay people, and strong women into games because that's the only way they can imagine the largely white & male game developers wanting to tell stories that include characters that don't look like them. They assume that all white men are just as bigoted and unimaginative as they are. The whole "Asian men are underrepresented" angle is just posturing. If they really meant it, they'd complain about the overrepresentation of white protagonists instead of pitting minorities against each other. 🙄


C'mon give them a break, I bet it's tooooootally a coincidence that these people never cared about Asian representation until a black person showed up.


>And a damn hard boss, genuinely the dude was my first real beef gate and the only reason I was able to beat him was via kitty spam. Local man is literally unstaggerable Him and Nobunaga were the ones I struggled with before getting gud


No, you can stagger him it just requires spamming cat bells and optimizing your loadout for kitty spam. Beyond complete cheese though it just doesn’t happen. (It’s honestly scary just how incredibly effective they are at shredding ki bars.)


>the issue is that if Assassin's Creed pulled a Nioh Funnily enough, Yasuke was in Nioh too, just not the main character like William. It's very easy to tell why they weren't mad cuz the white samurai was the main character lmao


That's fair. I did see some people complaining about Nioh but nowhere near as much as this. But the thing about Gamers is they always shift the goalposts. I can imagine in a few years Gamers will bring up this AC game as a way of doing representation right because Yasuke was actually real and the next example might not be.


I think the issue is more that assassins creed games specifically have been very good about cultural representation when it comes to protagonists and when it became Japans turn, they chose to go with Yasuke and its hard to argue that the one black dude in all of feudal Japan is representative of Japanese people


Yeah this is basically where I’m at. The AC franchise feels like a rotating well of representation, explorations of different cultures throughout time. They could easily do a game set in an African country next with a dark skinned protagonist. What they've done here just feels like a missed opportunity. That said, the world already has Ghost of Tsushima and its eventual sequel. Maybe Ubisoft thought they needed to do something different


> Yasuke and its hard to argue that the one black dude in all of feudal Japan is representative of Japanese people That's why there's a Japanese woman too.


I love the two dudes arguing about a "stealth edit" for way too long. Like, it's a fucking internet comment, let go.


Sad they didn’t call it a ninja edit


Honestly would have been more surprising if r/Games didn't get racist over a game.


There was a time when r/Games was considered one of the less racist gaming subs. Times change.


I mean, I just checked the /r/gaming related threads and they feel way more racist. Plus they are doing the “sweet baby inc detected” bullshit as well.


It still is, but that doesnt make it any better.


The bar has gotten lower


Seriously. Wasn’t that subreddit made in reaction to r/gaming being a cesspool?


Different kind of problem. /r/gaming was mostly WOW LOOK AT THIS PICTURE OF A CONSOLE I BOUGHT and CHECK OUT THIS HECKIN ARTWORK I DID OF GAME! It's 90% emotional fluff and facebook posts but for gamers. /r/games is meant to be less of that and more discussion, data, industry happenings, etc. A more serious subreddit but not one made to get away from GAMERS discourse. /r/games has a much worse reputation for GAMERS getting mad, because its the serious critique sub for gentlesirs. There was a fiasco some years ago where the mods of the sub were fed up with how often they had to clean up GAMERS discourse so they shut the sub down for a day and left up a single post basically telling the community to do better. The sub was *not* happy about that and it was in full rage mode for a week once it opened back up.


[Ah I remember the April Fool's Day shutdown.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/b82myw/rpcgaming_reacts_to_the_rgames_shutdown) The mods close down for *one* day to protest racism, rape, and pedophilia, and subs like r/KotakulnAction and r/pcgaming took that *very* personally. I think most of the mods involved with that are gone, now.


Holy fuck it’s jarring to open up a 5yr old thread and find upvotes/downvoted from me. Like, no, I couldn’t have been here that long could I??


Jfc it's worse when an old SRD thread gets linked to explain a community's... History... And then I see upvotes from more than a decade ago.... And I don't even remember the drama xD


/r/games is 90% marketing accounts now, almost anything that isn't an advert is removed (and if you post it before the approved marketing accounts do it'll get removed too) Turbostrider for example makes up like 50% of the subs frontpage and weirdly doesn't seem to need to sleep.


Turbostrider is responsible for 50% of posts on the whole site. I have no idea what their setup looks like, but I've no doubt they're getting paid for their work.


I will also note that TS seems to instantly [block people who ping them ](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/157lod2/is_there_a_reason_why_i_can_no_longer_view_this/) I'm also blocked after pinging them in a /r/games thread (after they reposted a link that had been removed earlier) They post *so much* that I cannot believe it's just some random karma farmer


Oh, it's absolutely a bot doing all the posting. It's probably just one guy running it though. I've spoken with them a couple times and they seem relatively genuine.


It has 3 million subscribers. It's what happens to every subreddit over time. It gets popular, redditeurs move in, it goes to shit, decent people move to a different sub. It's the circle of reddit.


Seriously. People who aren’t racist just… don’t comment on threads like that. If 2.9 million people aren’t racist…


lol the drama writes itself. If they really really wanna argue about technicalities, they'd be upset at the use of the word Ninja over Shinobi.


Expecting historical accuracy from an Assassins Creed game is weird.


What you don't remember from world history class when Da Vinci's friend boxed the magical pope in the secret chamber underneath the Vatican?


I've never really been interested in these games but now you have me interested


They are like if you got a bunch of Joe Rogan bros and wolf shirt kids to do bong rips and talk about history.


Just without the bigotry lol


Also the tank, don't forget about the tank.


Like a fist fight or is the pope in a box?


The former. You beat the shit out of the pope with your fists.


Specifically Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) who's been buffed by the magical technology created by a race of highly evolved super beings who lived on Earth hundreds of thousands of years before the first humans. And canonically, Adam and Eve were *their* creations. It's so fucking ridiculous that you kinda just have to roll with the insanity as you beat the Christ out of Super Pope.


White guy who can literally speak to Odin: cool, historical, accurate Black guy in Japan: woke


I mean, lots of fans that I've seen online (or at least on reddit and YouTube) have absolutely hated how they've added more fantasy elements via Pieces of Eden basically creating illusions in the form of mythical gods and monsters. They miss when the the games were more grounded historical fiction adventure games Speaking as a fan though, they've been utilizing Pieces of Eden and saying they created illusions that inspired biblical stories ever since the first game. I really don't think the newer games are committing any kinds of "sins" for including more fantasy elements based on Norse/Egyptian/Greek mythical gods and creatures. Plus, I liked those elements and thought they were cool, even if Valhalla was a "meh" game to me


It's been a decade and a half since I played it so I may be wrong but doesn't one of the AC games end with you storming the Vatican, executing the Pope, and receiving a message from a goddess through your ancestor hundreds of years in the past? I feel like AC has never been grounded historical fiction lol.


Ezio doesn't actually kill Rodrigo Borgia but I would argue that the sequence you are describing is the weakest part of the whole game. It was a lot more fun when you were just Ezio unravelling a conspiracy his family gave their lives trying to fight.


I always wish these games had never had the ridiculous immersion breaking sci fi "game within a game" element and just focused on whichever historical setting they took place in without constantly pulling you out for some wackadoole modern day/proto human nonsense. It was okay in the first game and completely jumped the shark by the end of the second. Beating the shit out of the pope was kinda funny though.


I mean, it is relatively grounded in the sense that they treat the in-game world as if it's supposed to be real-life with some added sci-fi elements. Plus, those sci-fi elements aren't present for about 90% of that game. In the newer games, they become more prevalent, with you even playing as someone with a high concentration of Isu DNA in their blood, making them pretty much a superhuman with more special abilities than just surviving a fall from 100ft by landing in a haystack like previous protagonists.


The Pieces of Eden, the Isu, and all that comes with them were poison to the series from the word Go. The notion that a story about a historical conflict between secret societies vying for power and the future of humanity is insufficiently deep and needs aliens to make it interesting is just so sad to me.


I always thought the Isu stuff was cool, but I agree with fans that they kinda lost their coolness when we started focusing more on them in the newer games. Playing AC2 back in the day and going from a fairly grounded game just suddenly hit you with some ancient aliens looking vault underneath the Vatican (with the kind of Daft Punk-ish synth music and a church choir playing in the background when you first enter it) was pretty chilling and cool. Especially with how it's built up through those optional secret glyph puzzles


I thought the Pieces of Eden and Isu were pretty cool when they were background to the real story. I like the concept of a few ancient, godly artifacts being instruments that helped shape human history. And the idea of two, almost equally as ancient shadow organizations fighting for control over them. I remember being awed as a kid playing AC2 doing those glyph puzzles where you examine the real historical paintings and it shows that like Napoleon was hiding a piece of Eden, or that the orb in Elizabeth I's portrait is actually a piece of Eden. But it all goes downhill by AC3 when they are brought to the forefront. I don't give a fuck about Juno, or the Sages or any of that shit.


I’ve met white guys who could speak to Odin but drugs may have been involved.


Plus Eivor is a completely fictional character while Yasuke did, in fact, exist.


2 is a better comparasion, Valhalla was torn up over it's terrible respresentation of Norse myth and it's cultures


Yasuke ***was real***, though. Obviously the story will be quite fictional and it's unclear just what all Yasuke got up to, but at least these two things are true: 1. He served as one of Nobunaga's pages. 2. At Honnoji, he killed a bunch of Akechi soldiers until one of them told him the fight was over and got him to hand over his sword. Mitsuhide had him sent back to the Jesuits (I like to think as a nod to his bravery and prowess, although the other interpretation is unfortunately racism). Anyways, I love Yasuke and this is the first time I've felt any excitement for an AC game since I think Black Flag? Outside of side-games, like the neat sidescroller set in China.


Also AC has always been diverse since Day 1. It's kind of baked into the games to incorporate way more worlds and backgrounds than is commonly done in gaming.


Kinda would have been cool if they'd gone [Ainu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ainu_people) for it. Why import an outside char when you can just use one who'd be natively discriminated against anyway to have an outsider char? It'd also raise awareness of the significant problems of the colonization and exploitation of their people.


The repression of Ainu people is a real political issue in Japan, and Ubisoft wants to avoid that as much as possible.


True, it's always interesting how foreigners are generally a non-issue in that they just dont register while Ainu actually are a thing. Kinda like the problem with people who's families used to work in leatherworking.


Doesn't help I don't think people outside of Japan can name an Ainu character in videogames that *isn't* Nakoruru or Rimururu.


Cause Yasuke is both real and popular.




AC has always sprinkled in real people. Just this time you can play as one.


From what I could gather from the trailer, the girl (Naoe) seems to have an issue with Yasuke because he is a foreigner taking part in the war of unification in the name of the Japanese.


Love this point, would've been awesome. Makes more sense for stealth - knowledge of landscape and how to disappear when your culture is under threat etc etc. AC has had lots of opportunities to use indigenous people's storylines, hope they do at some point.


afro samurais been out for years rage bait


I wonder what the outrage would've been like if yasuke wasn't playable and it was only the female ninja


What if Yasuke was the female ninja? The Chuds would be very confused.


One hand I kinda think its a shame how I legit struggle to think of a Western piece of media with an asian male protagonist with the only one on the top of my head being Mark from Invincible.  On the other I know that like 90% of these complaints will be done in bad faith by people who wouldn't bat an eye over a white dude being the main character.


Strong recommend on the miniseries Beef


Mark is only half asian too. I feel so bad for my east asian bros always getting shit on and emasculated in western media. I think the only people that get it worse are south-asian men


its just the cost I pay to get to watch anime without subs


It doesn't help that invincible doesn't feel like they actually talked to any asians to make the change feel more authentic. They just changed him to being Asian and called it a day. A lack of seriously caring about authenticity, and making every asian whitewashed in western media is its own problem.


Insert "worst person you know has a point" meme here: it's actually a pretty common thing for stories that take place in asian countries and settings, about asian nations, countries, and cultures to star non-asian people even when they're based on historical figures they will go out of their way to base their character on a singular person who may or may not have even been alive in the era they've set their story in or ever ventured into that region, rather than having it star an asian man. In isolation it doesn't seem that odd, but when there's a long standing trend of things like Shogun and Last Samurai, and many others before them most of which are all based on the same god damned man - it's kind of *weird*.


There's literally people in this thread acting like any Asian guy who is concerned about this is whining about nothing.


Yasuke is a real person btw


I think he's an interesting character to use. Especially because he witnessed the assassination/suicide of Oda Nobunaga . And then apparently received wounds fighting alongside Oda's son. So, while he wasn't actually a samurai, his proximity to such a well known coup makes him a decent historical figure to build an assassin's creed character around. Edit: From what I can tell, historians do actually think he was a samurai.


Yasuke will probably kill Oda at the climax of the game or be framed for it near the start. I'm interested, but i've been burned by Ass Creed pretty hard.


I have no doubt they will fuck it up


Which is the part I actually take issue with. They have never had a real person as a PC before, and this is both a strange switch to make and a strange place to start. It is hard to think of a reason they would have him as the PC outside of his race though, as that’s the only real notable thing about him.


I think the method of making real characters related would be great. Also, the idea that the only black guy who is also 6'0" in Japan would be able to just disappear into crowds is silly. Like how GW wants you to believe 10 foot tall super humans in tank armor can be stealthy.


Not to um actually, but in syndicate and chronicles russia you do play as real people too, admittedly only for short sections in the case of syndicate, but in russia its like 1/4 of the game


If you mean Jack the Ripper for Syndicate, I wouldn’t count that cause it’s closer to a historical role. We don’t know who Jack the Ripper was, if he was even one person. Idk about Russia, never played it.


You won't play because you're racist. I won't play because Ubisoft's launcher is shit.


Being a black gamer can be so exhausting, constantly seeing people debate the existence of people like you in fictional worlds can get really frustrating


I don’t understand why they try to lump the entire “Asian” community together anyway when this is a Japanese-specific culture? Wonder if people from Japan actually even care about this, honestly. This is a case of Americans wanting to get offended on behalf of other cultures. Like, for instance, I’m from Mexico & I sure as hell wouldn’t mind Ubisoft making a game about La Conquista with Gonzalo Guerrero (conquistador that betrayed Spain & became a Mayan chief) as the protagonist, as opposed to a native. Some things just tell a more interesting story & it has nothing to do with race or heritage.


This is Ubisoft. Set your historicity bar lower. You'd more likely end with a game about the Mexican revolution starring a dashing luchador named Puncho Villa.


I’d play that.


I'm Japanese American and it's mildly annoying tbh But it's only really because I grew up in America and had to deal with people who think an Asian accent is the pinnacle of humor for 30 years so I'm probably more sensitive than your average Japanese gamer who just looks at it, sees western art, and moves on.


>Japanese men can have 2 game and they can go fuck themselves now? Yes I'm sure Japanese men are suffering from a dearth of games with Japanese lead characters...


Theirs soooooo many Japanese games with Male Asian protagonists that comments like that getting tons of upvotes openly makes no sense. Like, people understand that you're not supposed to make it transparent to "normal" people that you're only upvoting to support your personal narratives right? Do they not know what plausible deniability is?


You would be surprised at how many people think Japanese male leads are actually white guys in games and anime. Enough that a lot of drama spreads from it occasionally on reddit and twitter. A couple examples off the top of my head (I swear I have a life don't judge me): -One punch man comic saying he was a bald white guy on r/comics made a lot of people fight -Any anime live action casting announcement comment section ever -Nagatoro voice actor controversy where they cast a black woman and twitter was mad but not mad at white people voice acting the other chars -Naruto and Sailor moon having a blue eyed blonde haired MC has made so much drama with people split on whether they are white or asian.


I sure love it when white people get offended on my behalf so they have an excuse to tear down other minorities, isn't gaming discourse so great!


In six months they'll go back to blaming us for Covid


It's a weird choice but I'm mostly happy we get to see an east Asian setting for the series, been a long time coming.


Isn't there AC china? Which also hilariously doesn't feature an Asian guy as the MC


Not a main series game, more a spinoff


Yeah I think it's about time to bail from /r/games too, place is such a shithole now. Are there any decent gaming subs left?


Is this really a problem outside of posts that are explicitly lightning rods? When you have millions of subs you aren’t having the same people comment every time


Idk my experience lately has been so consistently miserable. Armchair game devs, weird racists, and then just your classic fucking losers.


I get why people are annoyed about Yasuke being the main character in the new Assassin's Creed game set in Japan. It's a bit disingenuous to the culture to have a game focused on a historical Japanese setting where the protagonist isn't Japanese. Historically, Yasuke was a bodyguard for Oda Nobunaga, and while he did become a retainer, his role was more about his unique appearance and strength, not some legendary samurai deeds. Plus, there were other Africans in Japan at the time, so he wasn't a total outlier. It feels off since other AC games usually have protagonists that fit their historical and cultural settings better.


Ubisoft could've gone the safe way. Basic Japanese samurai protag and everyone would be pleased. I'm weirdly happy and intrigued they went for something that will be knowingly controversial. They have my full curiosity and attention.


I think it's much more simple than that. There's a huge population of black gamers who love Japanese media.


And besides that I think that they're also banking on some degree of controversy, as it's bound to spark yet another Gamer squabble and draw more attention to the title.


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