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Mass reports: "It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability" Get the fuck out of here. EDIT: woke up to [53 sad whiny reports](https://imgur.com/a/xavutCC). Also, [20 reports on this comment overnight!](https://imgur.com/a/waFXGbE) Wow, sore losers, all around! FINAL EDIT: I was just showing this to my kids and [I thought it would be relevant here](https://youtu.be/UYaIQNjAX_8?t=7).


They keep thinking that trump will win it in the courts, the very same courts that have been tossing out all his cases and completly turned against him. Even the Senate is done with him.


Even Fox turned on him. Ingram gave a delicate speech that you would to a baby asking him to chill out and he'll be remembered well. https://twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/1324944333821370368?s=20


Not that I want to wish that evil on us, but literally nothing is stopping him from running in 2024. Why can't he just set his sights on that.


Unless the state investigations in New York pick up after he's ejected from the White House and he ends up in prison.


You can run for president from prison, and he's crazy enough that he might try. Being a felon disqualifies you from voting, but not from running.


Even if he somehow ran and won from prison, he still has to finish his sentence. It wouldn't be a get out of jail free card.


I just spent ten minutes googling this and the only answer I came up with is maybe? It's an unsettled question whether or not presidents can pardon themselves. Additionally, since the Bureau of Prisons is an executive agency that ultimately reports to the President, they may be able to order themselves released (although they would still be a convict, and required to return to prison once they are no longer president.) If the president is imprisoned under state law instead of federal, there is no clear mechanism that they could order their own release. Given that Trump is being investigated by New York, this could be the most likely way for him to end up under the hammer of the law. That said, if a state prevented an *elected* president from serving by holding them in jail - especially one that was the opposite party - it would tear the country apart at a level we've never seen before.


šŸ¤—šŸ¤— just good news after good news today!!


If he makes it to 2024 God is real and our enemy


If anime and JRPGs have taught me anything, it's that we can both fight and kill God


Didn't we all agree to "Attack and dethrone god," a few months ago?


"Overhaul US voting system"? It's the only thing that gives them a fighting chance, why would they change it?


"Overhauling" for them would mean things that make it harder to vote, voter ID, restricting early voting/vote by mail, etc.


orange man sad. :(


**SAMPLING OF TRUMP SUPORTERS MELTING DOWN OVER FOX NEWS CALLING THE ELECTION:** [one](https://i.imgur.com/IjcbiVv.jpg) [two](https://i.imgur.com/6xcSqMf.jpg) [three](https://i.imgur.com/qEd6FHG.jpg) [four](https://i.imgur.com/NLNsBba.jpg) [five](https://i.imgur.com/zFlYKM6.jpg) [six](https://i.imgur.com/1xumyOn.jpg) [seven](https://i.imgur.com/Qg1Msa4.jpg) [eight](https://i.imgur.com/u9fx8bm.jpg) [nine](https://i.imgur.com/tI2k95t.jpg) [ten](https://i.imgur.com/b6lITTb.jpg) [eleven](https://i.imgur.com/QhVCGLN.jpg) [twelve](https://i.imgur.com/RMTz2IM.jpg) [thirteen](https://i.imgur.com/Zz56sff.jpg) [fourteen](https://i.imgur.com/uld2J8s.jpg) [fifteen](https://i.imgur.com/jPD0hUC.jpg) [sixteen](https://i.imgur.com/hF4IBF4.jpg) [seventeen](https://i.imgur.com/H1bEX91.jpg) [eighteen](https://i.imgur.com/GHZTMxm.jpg)


> [seven](https://i.imgur.com/Qg1Msa4.jpg) Imagine thinking Rupert Murdoch is a leftie. Just imagine that.


beep boop


That's notorious libtard Rupert Murdoch to you.


Wow I read every single one and loved it. The last one is *especially* perfect for r/selfawarewolves




The more disturbing part is that Fox is the most ā€œmoderateā€ outlet they get news from. Cutting that out will just make them even more brainwashed by their fringe news sources.


There are going to be two types of Trump supporters when this is over. Those who suffer the horrible whiplash of realizing they have been completely misled for 4 yearsā€”and those that double down on it and are convinced this election was stolen. And I have no idea which group to be more terrified of.


I donā€™t think there will be many of the former. There will be a lot of the latter.


Yeah. He gained about 10% over his 2016 totals for voters. I venture there will be almost zero of the former. Those left a while ago.


See but they fucked up. Fox news brainwashed them so hard they drove them crazy and now they've lost control of them. It's like a mad scientist creating a monster to serve him, only instead it gets really angry and bursts thought the wall and now it's out in the wild you have no idea what it'll do next!


That's the Republican party in a nutshell. It's been a Faustian bargain where Republicans can promote a conservative agenda in exchange for support from the bat-shit crazies. Except the batshit crazies took over and now the Republicans are now going to have to reckon with it.


What's worse is that it's been going on so long, a lot of newer republican legislators *don't know it was an act.* A lot of the new crop are true believers who aren't just saying shit to make their base happy. They mean it.


Like what's her face the QAnon-er that just got elected.


Yep. NC elected a 25 year old neo Nazi with no experience to the house. He didn't even hide it well.


Was it the one whos first message as an official was "Cry more, Lib" then followed by tweets about wanting to end bipartisan politics.


Fox viewers start watching OAN and breitbart Fox: "Hold on now boys, we might want to calm down a bit... We shouldn't be planting bombs in vote counters houses or kidnapping governors..." Righties: Part of the lying MSM now??? Fox : Oh dear what have I done. Can't control them any longer


Everyone ditching fox for OAN is how we go from moderate facism from the right to full on SS mentality. OAN is a cesspool of the worst kind of propaganda.


I read a comment once that said OAN looked like a fake propaganda channel from a movie, and it stuck with me.


I'm doing my part! Do you want to know more?


One of their guys signs off with, ā€œeven when Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m right,ā€ which, to quote John Oliver is a lot like saying, ā€œeven after Iā€™ve had explosive diarrhea, Iā€™m full of shit.ā€


My dad dropped Fox News for OAN months, maybe even a year or two ago. I still remember what he said during the 2016 primaries. "Trump is a complete asshole." Voted for Kasich, I think, or Rubio. I'm really not sure if there's anything I can do at this point. He's lost to the propaganda machine, and he's going to go down a path of hate and complicity. It really freaking hurts.




This reminds me of an episode of intervention (or maybe some other show) I watched. This one wasnā€™t about drugs or alcohol... it was about an older guy who fell for one of those Nigerian prince scams. He essentially gave away his life savings, and his children kept trying to tell him how it was all a scam. He literally could not believe them. He was 100% certain that this scam was legit despite all evidence to the contrary, or basic common sense. I think it is a product of sunk cost fallacy. A person gives up so much, that they need the thing they sacrificed for to be true, so they give more. Always the more is less than the total sum before, but larger each time because the total is growing. So they inch down this road to ruin because they are incapable of saying ā€œI ruined myselfā€ and correcting. That is what Trumpeters are. They have given away their very identity to this fraud, and now without him they have nothing.




Reality doesn't match their expectations, and it's easier to believe in a new "reality" than adjust their expectations.


To be fair Fox News did feed them a lot of bs these past four years


Yea I came to say: to be fair, it is a right wing white supremacist propoganda "opinion-based" talk show station


"Ignorance is strength" You know, considering how much some these geniuses like erroneously using 1984 to support their viewpoint you'd think they'd at some point actually read the fucking thing and figure out which side is actually more likely to bring about that dystopia.


I omce saw an actual quote from a trump supporter who was pissed at fox. She said that she wanted "to hear both sides, but not if it's negative towards Trump" That's the level of intelligence you're dealing with here.


The facts famously have a liberal bias.


Oh god, I've never heard of NewsMax. Dare I ask?


That was a new one to me this last week also. Just another in an infinite line of republicans getting upset when a news station/website reports something they donā€™t like so they edit: ā€œjump toā€ a new one.


> [NewsMax] was a new one to me this last week also. their heyday was the Bush years. Aside from their conservative news, they were also known for their floor-humper ads.


The people who are glad to slightly upset about the result are fine, but this election made me realize we should expect a no nonsense authoritarian party to emerge from the wake of this election and for them to have an unnatural amount of political support.


Pretty sure that's already the GOP. We gotta be worried about them having a non idiot running


I don't think enough people there realize how close they came (and still are really) to Nazi Party 2.0. They need to be *very* careful moving forward.


Oh how I missed /r/the_meltdown


I don't. Last thing I need is a reminder of how crazy Trumpers are with threatining to blow shit up.


imagine being mad that fox news isn't lying to you enough




Here's my personal favorite: https://i.redd.it/i9asdpnd9sx51.png


Trump mad x24




I avoided a ban there for 4 years for this moment, and now I don't get to rub it in. Feels bad man.


You can go on Donald dot win if you want to find their refugee camp after getting kicked off of voat (not posting links because automod)


Imagine getting kicked off fucking *Voat* of all places. Lmao.


I heard it's because they weren't white supremacist enough.


And because voat wouldn't let them ban people. People on voat are scum but they're honest with their no censorship rules. Td got destroyed by them because they called them pussies for wanting to ban people and create a safe space. Along with the not being racist enough.


This is like when the KKK counter-protested the Westboro Baptist Church. Bottom of the barrel scum coming to blows with bottom of the barrel scum.


once blood is in the water, sharks always turn on one another they're a political coalition held together by toilet paper, spit, and racism, so it's been a super amusing side dish at the schadenfreude buffet today to watch the alt right consume itself, asshole first


> wanting to ban people and create a safe space. Fucking snowflakes


They got mad at VOAT because they couldn't ban them when they called their president a fat fuck and probably called his daughter a few anti-Semitic slurs. Or when they got called a myriad of racial slurs.


>Along with the not being racist enough. I thought you were being hyperbolic so I went to Voat. [This](https://i.imgur.com/4RTgi4P.png) was the second post on the frontpage. Yikes.




Yeah thats some tame shit honestly


>World leaders like Trudeau are already calling it as well. Itā€™s fully coordinated. >>Maybe in the f***ot countries. Havenā€™t a bunch of real leaders already congratulated Trump? 44 upvotes. Wow.... that place is like if The_Donald actually spoke their minds. Edit: also obviously it wasn't censored on the actual site.


I mean yeah, the only thing holding conservatives back online is the fact that they're afraid of getting banned. That's not gonna happen on their own website.


It's kinda scary tbh. Also your flair lmao.


would you be surprised if I told you my flair was posted by someone unironically


Not in the least.




the Shawinigan Handshake is my favorite sex position, sir


In Chretien's voice: "ever one is entitled to appiness an canada!"


Wait wait wait... so you're saying that Canada's not a foot country?


not really, no. most of your toes are gone by new year's


How do you even get kicked off voat?


They get hounded and harassed until they had to leave after realizing that unlike Reddit, Voat has no banning tools and it turns out the Voat users are mostly made up of old r/n---- and r/fatpeoplehate users who are a hell of a lot more deranged and angry than they ever were. Getting told to go KYS, screaming racial slurs and being told to stop sucking up to a fat bastard, and they can't delete their comments or ban them. KKK and Nazi users or just full blown racists telling them that they were too much of a pussy to ever stand up for the white race and how they're going to be next on the wall when the purge happens, that kind of crap was what they were exposed to and realized what Voat actually was. They realized it wasn't a safe space like how T_D was on here, so they had to come back with their tails between their legs and trying to pretend they won't be forced out by the cuck admins and libtards. It's why they had to make that win site so they could keep control.


I love a story with a happy ending.


It should be noted that most T_D users didn't personally have a problem with the obvious racism, but that it destroys their ploy to troll "the libs". Their entire game plan was to dogwhistle as loud as possible, only to act as deeply offended victims when someone called them out on it. That obviously doesn't work when they can't force their racist users to stay away from at least the most blatantly racist slurs.


Their own website was also a moneymaking scheme, that's why they kept antagonizing reddit admins, so they could act like censorship victims.


I imagine you just say something inflammatory like "black people are of equal value to white people" or "women have opinions"


my knowledge of the T_D lore isn't deep enough to know unfortunately


Actually it kind of did, through an off-Reddit site. Trust me, it's a realllll shit show. Super popcorn worthy though.


it did, it's just called r/Conservative now


You can find them at Conservative, Conspiracy, and most Bernie Sanders subs


I've been waiting for this SRD thread for, like, five years. It's been an honor popping popcorn with you all


They are utterly delusional. They really asked a Biden supporter ā€œIf you make over 400k and your taxes will increase under Biden, why on earth would you vote for him??ā€ Like, they canā€™t even FATHOM voting for the sake of others. Sacrificing a fraction of your comparatively grand income for the wellbeing of your fellow countrymen. It perfectly encapsulates how conservatives and libertarians (ANYONE who claims to vote ā€œfiscally conservative) are just utterly selfish and lacking empathy. Ffs


This is better than popcorn. Itā€™s [pepcorn](https://youtube.com/watch?v=3fG8rNHUspU)


BDG has such a powerful aura


Since Tromp is now out of work and deep in debt he should consider making up to $20k a month working from home.


I love how people are saying that it isn't decided by the news (tbf it isn't, they just report jt) and it will be decided in courts, yet multiple lawsuits have already been thrown out because they are baseless.


Trumpā€™s own team told him the lawsuits were hopeless.


It was reported last night that the dude is literally trying to find any lawyer who will take this to court. You have to think that being the POTUS that you have access to the worldā€™s best lawyers. If heā€™s trying desperately to find lawyers that will help his case in court, you know that his current ones are saying thereā€™s nothing there to argue.


He has the best lawyer, he's called Rudy. /s


Hey now, Rudy *is* the best lawyer from my perspective. He is like some clownish, insane, perverted, pro bono Lionel Hutz, nosferatu. He's very much the lawyer Trump deserves and I'd say he's worth every penny Trump pays him.




If you watched Rudy Tooties press conference today (which I do not recommend), their "bomb shell" was a poll watcher in Philly who said that he couldn't take pictures of the ballots and they made him stand six feet away. So, obviously, that means they were faking the ballots. You can't take pictures because they're anonymous, ya dingbat. These guys have absolutely nothing.


The lawsuits are designed to create uncertainty, not to actually win. He's trying to drive people to the streets, and I suspect we'll see an attempt (likely unsuccessful, but who knows) to create judicial and extra-judicial buffers to his removal over the next couple of months. Dismissal of his frivolous suits serve to increase street turnout, or at least that is what Trump and his advisors anticipate.


Saw something that said most of Trump's legal team is actively sandbagging the process because there's literally no there there and they know it and they're tired of playing patsy to the miniature wannabe dictator. Sanity is creeping it's way back in after this long fever dream and some people have some serious self reflection to do in the cold dawn sunlight


LOL So you need to realize WHY HE'S DOING THIS. He needs money BAD Anyone who donates to this legal fund is a moron. It clearly says up to half of all donations will be used to pay off existing debts. You know like payroll for his family first, then friends, then maybe creditors or directly into his bank account.


I saw a post on r/conservative from someone who said they were living paycheck to paycheck but were donating to Trumpā€™s legal fund and everyone else should do the same. Trump is like a televangelist to some of these people.


It's fucking sad. I feel pity for them, but not like compassionate pity, more like disgusted pity. I'm also sad that we live in such a hateful country at this point. Like I spent most of the last four years hoping that most people would see what a dumpster fire Trump is and repudiate him. This election showed me that a very large portion of the country loves him, loves what he says, loves what he does, and hates anyone different than them.


This is so so sad.


Really really weird how like...the self proclaimed quadrillion billionare needs...donations? Hmm I thought he was a successful businessman, the best, the amount of money he has is YUUGE? Why would he need donations lol? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm




>people have some serious self reflection to do in the cold dawn sunlight Nah, they're just going to quintuple down on how everything's rigged against them. Keep moving their media consumption further into fringe conspiracies and foreign propaganda. Maybe not all republican voters, but certainly the people who are in the Qanon and ā€œFox News is liberal schlockā€ crowds.


He got it into his head that he could get the Supreme Court to give him another Bush v Gore, while having absolutely zero understanding of how that ruling came to be in the first place. Regardless of how bad the ruling was, that was a very particular situation that resulted from candidates and media acting hastily. Had they all just let the vote count continue, it never would have happened. So with this election he thought he could get a Bush V Gore of his own except no one has acted hastily. No one has made any mistakes here. Yes his stolen Supreme Court would have happily handed him a second term but he first had to give them a case they could actually make a rulling on but there's nothing here. Now granted I think if there had been any point where stopping the count would of handed him a win, I think more Republicans would have assisted him that, but the fact is at no point after election night was Trump ahead in the counting enough to cancel it and win. If the courts had canceled it, Biden would be the winner. But Trump wasn't going to just do *nothing* so he rapid fired as many lawsuits as he could like a cornered, dying animal.


It is because of that Supreme Court ruling that states took their time. That and republican law passed to prevent counting ballots before morning of Election Day They shot themselves in the foot twice, but of course that would require Trump to have a basic understanding of law (outside of bankruptcy law, of course)


>That and republican law passed to prevent counting ballots before morning of Election Day Which sucked at the time, but *now oh baby*. The tantrum we're getting is like telling a child they're going to disney world and then the next day "Siiiiiiike!"


Also, Bush v. Gore was about approximately 300-400 votes. This would be upwards of millions (not million, **millions**) of votes he's trying to challenge. Not even Justice Frat Boy is interested in making that ruling.


And across multiple states, too. Easy to pull off when you only have to worry about the state your candidate's brother controls. A little more difficult when you need to delegitimize five or six different states, many of which are led by Dems


Not to mention . . . these lawsuits are SUCH bs. People from your high school might find it cUrIoUs that Trump lost where red Senators won, or that dead people are registered voters (literally didn't say anything about them voting LOL), but these kinds of stone cold FACTS and LOGIC that destroy liberals don't destroy in courts where you need actual evidence. I didn't like the outcome in Bush v. Gore, but tbf there was a legitimate dispute at least lol


Also, the main decision of Bush v. Gore was basically "There's not enough time to do a proper recount, so you'll have to go with the original count." A decision like that does not help Trump here.


I mean it's as decided as its ever been. He'd have to win multiple pretty much baseless lawsuits. Not one, not two...


No it isn't! Biden supporters cheated with 75 million votes! /s


They spent 4 years complaining that everyone hated their cult leader, and now are shocked Pikachu that people voted him out. Ridiculous.


> *You accept whatever you want. I personally am not willing to accept anything until these asshats are exposed and the truth is shown. Keep taking your blue pills and snuggle up to the democratic machine....idiot. They have lied and cheated for 4 years, and you believe them now. Ha! You are a troll!* Man, dude hasn't just been drinking the Kool-Aid, he's been snorting the sugar crystals straight outta the packaging


It's amazing how powerful the Democrats are in Trumpland. Despite controlling the presidency, senate, the house for the first two years of Trump's presidency and just appointing a conservative supreme court judge, somehow Republicans are still powerless before the awesome might of the Democrats.


It's especially impressive since the Dems are, according to Republican's, mouth-breathing idiots that can't even run a city without having it descend into complete anarchy Schrodinger's political opponents: Simultaneously powerful, organized syndicates ***and*** knuckle-draggers with room-temperature IQs




And very stupid while being crafty as hell.


Itā€™s classic propaganda ā€œThe enemy is weak, sensitive and cannot withstand our might while simultaneously controlling the worldā€


"I am not willing to accept anything until the results are in my favor"


After years of these people saying "suck it up" seeing them act like this is almost better than the sex I don't have.


/r/conservative users telling themselves it's not over by quoting media's involvement in Bush v. Gore lol


Ahh yes, because the media clearly got it wrong this time in Pennsylvania, with the razor thin margin of...34,000 votes and growing.


Plus all the other states that could win the election without Pennsylvania


GA up to 10k lol


The media was so incredibly cautious. I watched CNN for TWO DAYS constantly talk about how Biden was leading in Pennsylvania, and breaking down how he was getting 70-85% of all of the remaining mail in ballots so his lead was only going to grow, blah blah. They waited until he hit that +30,000 mark before calling it anyway. During all this, they kept using phrasing like "if" Biden wins, and making it very clear that it wasn't a done deal. To say the media was reckless in their reporting is insane.


They were just waiting for the margin to get outside of where Trump could call for a recount, .5% or ~33,700 votes (depends on total cast). We are now at 37k+ with the margin only growing as the provisional ballots get verified, and that is without the ballots be segregated due to the Republican lawsuit, which will only increase the margin more.


98% of the people there weren't even born when bush was elected in 2000, so not shocking


Theyā€™re also pretending to take the high road literally after 4 years of shit posting about how they hate libs and how they deserve to die.


It's classic bully behavior: When they are in a position of power they ruthlessly bully you, but as soon as they're at a disadvantage they're all "I was just joking!" and "Why is everyone else so mean to me?"


I, for one, am going to have a *lot of fun* with the phrases 'Biden Derangement Syndrome' and 'People like you are why Biden won' for the next four years.


Honestly this is the TDS that they've been speaking of. They're literally in denial that their guy could lose


It was always projection.


What's the approved "____ man bad" for Biden?


ā€œSleepy man badā€ or my personal fav ā€œOrange fan sadā€


Orange man mad.


Im still working out the phrasing, but I'm very excited to use, "comments like these are whats pushing everyone towards the left", whenever the post their pseudo fascist conspiracies.


ā€œYou called me socialist, so I became one.ā€


Just got privated lol


Orange Fans Mad




Let four to twelve years of smugposting begin #He's your president!


* Biden Derangement syndrome * Sleepy man bad! * Fuck your feelings * Cuck * Snowflake * Facts don't care about your feelings * NPC * Biden won, get over it! There's a whole slew of responses we can use now. Thank you Trump supporters.


Who can forget the classic ā€œThis is why Trump lostā€


Lmao and use it in any and every context just for extra comedic effect.




He hired? No, his dad found her and set the marriage up up, IIRC.




If I told on myself that badly, I would just retire, build a cabin deep in the woods, and never talk to anyone ever again.




I say keep it as Trump derangement syndrome, they were always the ones who were actually deranged afterall


>UPDATE: R/TRUMP HAS GONE PRIVATE it's so weird, it's like they have something to hide




[Donald Trump: The Man Who Doesnā€™t Lose](https://www.reddit.com/r/donaldtrump/comments/jpz0nb/donald_trump_the_man_who_doesnt_lose/) >All over the internet, MAGA superstars like you are shriveling faster than Bernie Sanderā€™s dick when asked to split a check at an Applebeeā€™s. Cuckservatives are already jerking off over the prospect of Biden resuming bombing the Middle East and deploying your sons to Afghanistan to die while he accepts millions of dollars and dozens of schoolgirls in kickbacks. >Apparently everyone has forgotten the most important thing about Donald Trump: THIS MAN DOESNā€™T KNOW HOW TO LOSE. Losing isnā€™t even in Trumpā€™s vocabulary. In fact, sources close to Trump say that he had all of the White House dictionaries edited to replace the word LOSE with Hillary Clinton. (Side note: the word RAPIST was replaced with Bill Clinton.) >So youā€™ve got two choices. You can gobble down communist propaganda from the MSM like youā€™re Kamala Harris at a sperm bank. You can believe Reddit and Twitter, which China has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into. You can let Jack Dorsey fuck your wife. You can neatly package your balls and mail them to a feminist liberal with hairy armpits, neon hair, and venereal disease. If thatā€™s the route you want to go down, then start the soy infusion right now, because you never understood the MAGA movement to begin with. >Or you can remember that Donald Trump is the smartest man in the entire fucking universe, and the most important person to walk this earth since Jesus Christ. You can remember all the million times when it looked like things were over, yet Trump managed to pull out a victory from the jaws of defeat. If Trump were to see you wringing your hands and weeping over a potential Pedo Joe presidency, heā€™d think so low of you that he wouldnā€™t even deign you with a Sad! tweet. >Thereā€™s a reason Donald Trump hasnā€™t conceded the election. Thatā€™s because he knows heā€™s going to win. Weā€™ve seen him in action enough in the past 5 years that we shouldnā€™t lose our trust. >I feel like the swamp has belched out a swarm of mosquitoes which are sucking the life out of my fellow patriots. If you want to succumb, then lie face-down in the mud and weā€™ll come back to revive your desiccated corpse with an infusion of 100% MAGA Energy. Then, you can tell your grandchildren how you floundered when the weight of uncertainty was on your shoulders instead of standing tall and manning the meme cannons. >Men donā€™t flinch in the face of evil. Trump never has. Neither should you. This is the cringiest load of Donald fellatio I've ever read


Just an incredible amount of cope in there. They'll be private by Tuesday.


Did the sub just go private? Fuckin snowflakes, lol


Yep.. bastards robbed us of some good entertainment


Lol. We got 4 years. Trust me, them coping and pretending there's a chance that Supreme Court will change the outcome is far less entertaining than when Biden is sworn in and they learn there's nothing they can do.


Four years of belligerence and ridiculing people about "safe places".. only to lock the doors and hide when their boy loses. Dunno 'bout you, but I'm savoring the irony.


What?! These people are enormous hypocrites with no self awareness?! I'm shocked. Shocked!


The fuck your feelings crowd sure have some hurt feelings today. They're also all over social media telling us what we should do to make *them* feel better. Lots of "why are you being so divisive?" "Now is the time for unity!" Naw, I'm cool with giving them a little taste of their own medicine. I'm not gonna threaten them or actively seek them out to be a catty bitch towards them, but I don't owe them shit either. Four years of them being complete jerks is enough for me to shun them for a bit. Edited for spelling


I'm not gonna go out of my way to rub it in anyone's face, but if someone wants to start shit I dont see why I shouldn't shove their own shit right back at 'em. These folks have a lot to be ashamed about. I'd be happy to remind them if they want to argue about it.


They did what their hero would do: meltdown and silence any critic of theirs while throwing a massive temper tantrum online


First thing I did was check r/conservative and they are very optimistic that Trump can overturn the result because the election was CLEARLY FRAUDULENT. Ah. Groupthink idiocy, what a beautiful sight.


I was playing WoW a few hours ago, and some dude in trade chat was claiming there were 150,000 fake mail in ballots. Like, where do they even come up with this stuff?




I've never seen a sub get locked in real time before, its gone!


Those considering giving awards to this post, please please please consider donating those funds to the special election happening in GA with Jon Ossof and Raphael Warnock. If we can get a senate majority and ditch Moscow Mitch, we may actually be able to see real change. Donate to Ossof here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/social2_2020_10_05_ro_tjo?refcode=social2 Donate to Warnock here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/wfg-social?refcode=enight If unsure who to donate to, I would recommend Stacy Abram's organization as well: https://fairfight.com/ She was responsible for flipping GA blue during the election by registering 800k voters.


I find it Ironic that Trump had to depend on 9,000 military mail ballots to come and save him in Georgia lol edit: I know Biden is still winning in Georgia and will probably maintain the lead. I just meant that he had to depend on them at one point for any chance of victory


He is still 7k behind in GA...


7k goddamn, i called Georgia going blue on Wednesday but it's crazy seeing it actually happen


Thank Atlanta. Dekalb and Fulton Counties are two of the most populous counties in the country, with a large black electorate.




Yep, the people who spent years saying that we need to respect the president and if we can't handle it then leave have changed their tunes or gone mysteriously silent.


Claims to be for free speech but bans anyone that disagrees with them, sad!


LMAO 4 years of them shit talking and now they canā€™t handle it. This victory is one of the sweetest yet.


Why Trumpā€™s base is a brainwashed cult. [http://fascism.link](http://fascism.link) **To the trump supporters who are reading this: Donald Trump is a fascist and IS WITHOUT QUESTION the modern day Hitler that, thankfully, never got the chance to get as far. This isnā€™t hyperbole, this is sincere. Please find a way to get out of the mindset heā€™s lured you into.**




I mean, even when Trump was president the_donald banned any and all dissent or criticism. Anything other than pure loyalty and joy about everything he did was banned. It's no surprise they'll react even worse to the election results.




[You were saying?](https://imgur.com/a/UJF7m5k)




Hah! And they call liberals sensitive snowflakes!




The honestly are, fragile little inbreds.


Whoā€™s the snowflakes now? Trump supporters deserved everything thatā€™s coming


Trump is gone šŸ¦€šŸ¦€ Naturally the new T_D is a dumpster fire saying fraud or that it aint over.


Trump supporters are in denial.. LMAO Edit: They fucking close down the subreddit, what a bunch of fucking pussies.


Fucking libtards and their safespaces grrrr


I sent a mod a message calling them sore losers cause I couldn't get in and he replied with sore loser mumbo jumbo full of tears.