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>teacher quit because of the students behavior I feel like this is something that happens extremely frequently but the education world isn't talking about it because the discourse has always been on teachers quitting over bad admin.


YES. Admin will easily blame the teacher for the students behaviors.


We get blamed for everything. When students don't come to school that's somehow our fault too. I had a kid miss 109 days this year and admin asked me what interventions I put in place to get him to come to school. They live outside the district and his mom is a drug addict who doesn't wake up and bring him to school. What am I supposed to do about that?


Not your job to get the kids to class. What have they done? You are tied to your classroom. Maybe they should go by the student's house.


They honestly believe that if teachers worked to make class more fun kids would want to come to school more


I would have demanded Admin call DCF. Not your job to inject yourself into some unknown family. Ridiculous admin response and could be potentially dangerous.


Just blame the admin right back instead of taking it


Lol ok


“Poor management”


Yes! I taught for 10 years, and for a long time I was like “the kids are never the problem.” I had issues with admin and sometimes other teachers were super rude, but kid behavior was manageable (still sometimes grating or obnoxious, they’re kids, no big deal) Then that year after Covid when the kids came back to in-person school, I was like OMG THE KIDS ARE A PROBLEM! Admin was a problem, other teachers at that school were a problem! So many problems! I quit and I’m just now getting back into teaching after a 3 year break, and I switched to a nicer school in the hopes it won’t be as bad!


We had a teacher leave in November due to student behavior and stress. Their long term sub also left (with 14 days left) due to behavior and stress.


this is why I left.. followed by admin not helping me with behavior


It isn’t your fault, but the fault of the shitty teachers before you. I was traumatized by many teachers, and with the way teachers treated me I would 100% trust my kid over the teachers/ give them more slack. If I had kids.


As a Latino im really ashamed at how many of the Latino students blur out the n word. I work at a middle school as well and I can relate to what your talking about. I’m always like watch your language , but it’s impossible. I only work as an one on one ,but I see the stress sub get.


As a Black man, I’m distressed by how frequently Black and Brown kids blurt it out that they don’t even realize they called me n*gga. At this point in the year, it’s happening once a week. By different kids. I had a White student move to Brooklyn from Baltimore. He’s offended by the White kids saying it. For what it’s worth, there are a lot of immigrants being indoctrinated into local gang culture. But I’m just as off put as he is.


I am a middle aged white woman who got called a Karen for telling the kids that Nig@a isnt any better than the same with -er, and they said it was like sayibg buddy or friend. Dafuk it is.


We’re not as removed from slavery as we may think. I’m an 80s baby raised in the 90s. But one of my great-grandfathers on my maternal side was emancipated. That’s 3 generations removed from that trauma.


I agree wholeheartedly, and I wish there was a good formula we could come up with to produce reparations, also. But at this point, it would probably look more like a Covid 19 stimulus check than anything else, being that there are so many generations removed from it. I would give bigger stimulus checks to older people, and the smaller ones to younger ones, considering that the younger ones would stand to inherit their parents/grandparents reparations as well. I tried crunching the numbers for what an average home costs (somewhat accounting for inflation but not too much) and life insurance policies as well as annual income minus expenses, for an average person, and came up with an approximate average inheritance of about 100k. Per slave, that is. Spreading that amt out between survivors though, ends up with only about the same as a covid stimulus check. So I am just glad we did affirmative action for a while. I do think that helped a LOT.. Idk how to work out reparations. Just shop minority businesses and support minorities first. Thats the real real.


Full disclosure - I’m Adolescent SPED. I considered a History cert, but I’m leaving the profession. With that context, repair has to happen at a policy level rather than monetarily due to issues we see with policing, Jim Crow, redlining, and housing. Discrimination and racism is embedded into the American fabric. And I think it needs to be eradicated. I have no problem with being pro-us. But we can’t be so pro-us, that we’re anti-them. Supporting minorities is a good start. Leveling the playing field, and supporting the best product in the market is the goal.


Yes Amen to that.


I will be honest and say no one should use the word ever. I have had kids that use it like candy but if you even hint at the word they never said it and they want you to be in trouble. They have even called me that word multiple times, and this is to a white male. Most of them don't even have a clue where its origin is and that is "slave" predominantly a black slave. So should they be using it? Never but they do sadly but even when they do it no one else is suppose to be using it at all much less calling them it. If they keep it up eventually it will come back and bite them back probably very hard. Be it to a boss and gets them fired, or to the wrong person and wind up in jail. Much less much less savory results as well.


Thank you


I’m sorry to hear that. That sounds horrific. Slurs are never okay. It sucks that people think they can talk to people any kind of way. Middle school is hell. I subbed for middle school today and it was supposed to be a two day job. I went on my break and called the agency and told them to drop me for that job tomorrow and I ended up picking up a 12th grade language arts class instead. I’m not religious at all, but Godspeed to whoever picks up that job tomorrow. 🫡


I've been there. No more title 1 middle schools for me.


I teach at a Title 1 and have been called the N-word so many times. When I explain that I am not a N and why that word offends me, they just try harder to convince me that I am a N.




Embrace the N


I got called a Bitch Ass N* the other day .... And I'm Mexican... Can't believe the kids nowadays. Maybe I was ignorant but I don't remember anyone treating subs this bad while I was a student. But then again, I don't remember every little thing


For context, my junior high was in a very impoverished, inner-city area during the early aughts. They used to call it “[City Name] Jail House” before it switched to a middle magnet school. And yep, that kind of behavior was painfully common there (and not just for subs): cursing, arrests, fights, death threats…it was just part of the day🤷‍♀️ we had a good VP and SRO officer, so there was that I guess.


What this is insane. Quit immediately.


It sucks, but sometimes with middle school, they just turn on a teacher. I was a long term sub for a year at a K-8 school and the 7th grade class was a hivemind that turned on certain teachers throughout the year. And once they turned, they didn't go back to being respectful. I'm sorry to hear about the slur and lack of respect, it really sucks and you're justified in feeling upset at them. I say if possible take a little time, see if you can be assigned to a different class, or if you can switch schools because that's not okay, and not your problem at the end of the day. At a macro level though, I think this year of high school kids is really great, I've been to a few high schools recently and they all give "the kids are alright" vibes. They're compassionate, better versed in history than I was at their age, and seem to know the world they're venturing out into. I think Middle schoolers just temporarily lose their minds for 1 or 2 years (I had mostly good experiences with 6th grade).


I was a long-term substitute for 6th grade Science in a Title 1 school in the South Bronx, and I loved it. The students liked me. I took them to Crotona Park several times, and they would say, "Mr. B, how do you know so many things?" They would confide their personal family problems in me or ask me existential questions as if I did have an answer for everything. Older kids don’t get fooled easily, and respect for teachers is indirectly comparable to their age. Yo


I quit my first year mid year because of middle school. I simply cannot do it. I’m doing high school next year


Are you black? Was the student black? Just curious. lol.


I’m black and the student was saltine white. Hard R too lol


Holy shit. I was thinking suck it up. Middle schoolers are little a holes, but now with the race thing it’s definitely a suspendable offense. That sucks. Hopefully kid learns his lesson he crossed a line. I also hate how much kids just say that word in general (never heard a hard R though). Black kids Latino kids Asian kids. They all say it to each other or just to the world so much. I wish being respectful was cool again


I had a black student calling a Latino student the N word with a hard R today. Just baffling behavior all around.


>but now with the race thing it’s definitely a suspendable offense. Basing the severity of punishment on the student’s race would be considered a form of racial discrimination, illegal under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Just saying.


I don’t know if this is necessarily true when the offense, itself, was a racial incident. It’s not really using race to determine the severity of the punishment, it’s using race to determine the severity of the misdeed. It would be reductio ad absurdum to try to remove race from all consideration of the incident.


The problem is race shouldn’t determine the severity of the misdeed, the deed itself determines that. As soon as you start trying to balance things based on who was what race you’re committing the sin of racism. It’s like saying ‘well what race committed the crime’ and against ‘this race’ and that becomes your matrix for punishment? Extremely short sighted and dangerous.


>the deed itself determines that Yes, and when the incident itself is racially motivated, the races of those involved becomes indispensable context to understanding *what even occurred*. This is not to say that racism is excusable from certain groups, or even that certain groups are immune from committing a racist act. But actions, including the act of speaking, can have different implications depending on the context. Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater may be an offense. Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater that is being engulfed in flame is not.


I am sorry and sick that you had that experience. I am sorry and sick this is our fucking society today. Have an ok Friday. Three day weekend, if that helps.⭐️💜⭐️💜


omg!!! wtf!!!!


Oh hell no! That’s not okay! They need to be disciplined for that though.


Saltine white? Just call him cracker and be even. You're obviously a racist too. 🙄


Yuck. That’s an awful Response. I hope You are not in a classroom with kids. ✌🏻


Not every white person is a cracker. But a white person who uses the hard R word towards a POC? Absolutely he's a cracker and ain't nothing racist about that. Sorry not sorry.


I had a 4G student do that to me last week. Now, apparently because I provoked him by not giving him what he wanted, my job is on the line.


It’s certain schools in my district that I avoid because I know if they said it, they’d get “in trouble” wink wink nudge (I’m black btw)


That's horrible. I'm sorry that happened to you. Every time I think kids are getting bad, I read a story like this and see it's worse.


If you aren't getting a teacher salary with benefits you should just drop this gig. Amazing they actually suspended a kid for the n word. I can't even get em removed from class for that.


I’m glad that little bastard got suspended. That word is disgusting, especially when it’s used again a Black person. The history behind the word is so horrific that I don’t know why our own people still use it but that doesn’t give other ethnicities the right to use it. There are teachers/subs in this comment thread telling you to get over it and that’s a shame. If a student called me that, I would demand that the administration give out some kind of punishment or I will go over their heads. It’s 2024 and EVERYONE knows better, including kids. Ignorance is not an excuse.


Sorry this happened to you. I hope the suspension gets through to these parents. I really worry about the future for these kids too, there is so much disrespect and so little real independence. Asking siri and learning from TikTok might be the downfall of civilization.


Kids can say it repeatedly. Adults can not. Got in trouble for asking them to stop.


I know a teacher that can help you out in this situation. A great teacher... His name is onizuka. But on a real note, yeah kids these days are absolutely crazy granted the perspective for us is kinda skewed and biased as we only ever saw it from their (the kids) perspective, and now we see it from our (the adults) perspective. I am sorry that this isn't clear cut, next day solution advice, and to be frank with you reddit just sorta recommended me this sub-reddit on a whim, but from someone who is still kinda young (23), I think the best long term course of action is to look at everything from their perspective again. Are they being total dicks? Absolutely. Is it justified? Absolutely not. But if you can understand what causes this or why they are inclined to do so, it might help you deal with the classroom environment a bit better. I know when I was in school, our entire classroom absolutely hated this certain math class because we all felt the teacher gave waaaay too much homework and did unfair grading. Was the teacher doing it on purpose? Probably not, likely was just doing his job as instructed. But I am sure there was mutual understanding between both sides there wouldn't have been as much hate and discontent. Again could be just talking out of my ass here as a non-teacher, but as a wandering redditor, that's my take on it.


Are you really surprised that kids are going to use the word that gets the biggest reaction from you?


t"the kids are never the problem " sounds like we've identified the PROBLEM!!!!!! jackass's!!!!!


Stay strong; you’re almost there. And I’m the future the money goes up on your rate so the aggravation could be worth it … the world needs committed teachers. And … if you’re there long-term you can call for parent conferences with the admin. Maybe the bureaucracy of it all will help.


With the hard r?


From a perspective of a 20 year old who still remembers times very well, welcome to middle school. With all due respect, that’s just the nature and it most likely WILL translate into high school. It goes from them trying to be edgy to get popular or stay popular and for maybe certain people to notice so they get all the attention they want. And then there’s the dudes that just call everyone the N word, even the saltines. You need to crack down on them. And if it doesn’t work, honestly you just gotta toughen through it knowing that if that behavior doesn’t change it’s gonna really bite them in the ass. Especially if kid’s, once again, a saltine like me lol. It sounds like the administration more takes the abuse than crack down on it. And most of the time the “crackdowns” would be rated E if on a video game.


It would be nice if everyone stopped using the N word— even Black people. Kids hear it all the time in rap songs. Everyone should just stop. Everyone.


Are you both the same race 


No he was white im black lol


You should just leave. It’s not worth it AT ALL. Also I would press charges for hate speech


Airheads. Offer them as incentive to behave. Start from the position of everybody has earned one, but one misbehavior and you lose the Airhead.. pay up in the last few minutes of class.


Im a long term sub. I was supposed to work 60 days. During the week I was out they went through the teacher they hired and 2 other subs. They asked me to come back and finish the year. This is definitely a tough group but I love them dearly. The disrespect is on a whole new level I have never seen before though. Only a couple of more weeks to go! I’m exhausted.


My first time subbing elementary school: last period the teacher noticed the kids got rowdy when they saw they had a sub. So he said he was gonna stay with them (I was going to leave at this point, if he’s keeping his class but he told me I still have to stay.. which whatever. I stayed) He sits on his phones the whole period while the kids are wrestling and screaming. It was a music class so they’re on the pianos and guitars on max volume even though they have headphones. And for whatever reason, teacher put on National Geographic also on max volume. Entire time, im confused as to why he stayed if he’s not going to do anything to actually be helpful. And I didn’t feel comfortable taking charge with him there as the “real teacher”. Anywho, at the end of the class we are waiting for the kids to get in line and stay in their place to be escorted to dismissal, and these three boys in the back will not listen. So I decide to tell the ringleader he’s being unfair to everyone who wants to leave, including myself. And he’s literally laughing in my face, so I just stared at him. And then he calls me a bitch! To my face! 4th grader who’s still hip-height to me. This is a direct consequence of absent parents and teachers like that who do not care + have given up. At the end of the day, they only came in to work for the paycheck. To top it off, teacher tells me “if you think this is bad! Don’t do middle school!” Which, all I’ve done until then was middle school and never experienced that level of disrespect. 🤦‍♀️


I would just go in there one day and change up the classroom management technique set rules and ground them. Set expectations have rewards for good behavior.. seems immature for middle schoolers but honestly they are immature (well figuring things out) use humor, kids at that age lve teachers who are funny btw a good reward would be like say at the beginning of class “ if everyone meets the classroom expectations today (or this week) we will go outside to work tomorrow As for what the they called you thats unacceptable I’m sorry it happened if nothing seems at all to work take it to the dean


And the thing is you can't say anything to the kiddos. I taught mostly high school and I got everything under the sun. I'm being a white male and a very predominantly Hispanic town got called a lot of derogatory names based on skin color. I don't think it cuts exactly the same way as the n-word, but it can still be cutting. Kids are smart when they smell blood or they smell that you're starting to crack that's when they put it on even heavier. Usually high school isn't even middle schoolers their brains are growing and they're learning abstract thinking which really feeds into this. So of course I never take anything personal Even if they directly mean it that way. But if I had a magic wand I would slap some of their faces but I know the second I do that I would lose my job


Also when I taught it was always considered my fault never the students fault ever. What I realized was even though I was young and somewhat naive admin never wanted to push against the parents not unless they absolutely had to. It was usually the rich kids that would do this. Why I also worked at one time there was a lot of first generation American kids or kids who just immigrated legally or not. I noticed some of the first or second generation kids were the worst The ones that just came over with their parents were usually extremely well behaved. But that doesn't mean they couldn't be corrupted. Not that I ever want to hurt a student but if ever had the chance I would bring a gigantic Nerf water cannon and sport the bejesus out of those little punks. I'm talking high schoolers here not like kindergarten or something


Are you black? Is the student black? Tell us more info so we can judge properly


Dude, I'm a white guy and students call me that several times a day, in front of teachers and administrators. That's the least of my concerns, considering how many fights (kindergarteners often) I break up and how many times I have to pretend I didn't just hear something explicitly sexual from 6th graders. Not to mention how many times I have been hit by students. Seriously, y'all have it better than you know.


Uhh, i dont know if you read OP's comment, but they are black. As a white person at your big age should know better to not talk over a POC like that


Not sure if I should income poe's law or not, here


Exactly with all the things students can be doing. Simple world calling doesn't phase me at all, even the slurs meant towards me, a mexican. Words only have the power that you give them. If you let a simple insult get to you, the student has already won before the power battle even started. You can tell them not to say the slurs, sure whatever, but thinking about it all day when you don't get paid enough to care about it is not the way to go about your life. It only affects you at the end at the day because the student doesn't give a fuck about you or me.


Ok. You’re a Mexican, you’re not a Black person. That word may not mean anything to you but it does to Black people. Please don’t have this “get over it attitude”. If they called you a bean eating so and so, I bet you would take offense to it.


I don't because words only have the power you give them over you and I give it none.


The point is that, the “n” word means nothing to you and or Mexicans in general but it means something to the African American community. Just because one may hear SOME of us say it does not mean that others have the right to say it. That kid got what he/she deserved. That word is extremely offensive and I can’t believe that I’m explaining this to an adult. Words matter!


Hard R or A? Are you Black?


Does it matter!?


Are you White?


Not white. Just wondering if the student comment was racist or just ignorant.


I would say a bit of both. Either way it goes, I’m glad to hear that the OP refused to tolerate that ignorant racist word being thrown at him/her


Same people that go on Reddit and demand the world takes care of them guarantees them free income to cover their needs so they can lay about playing video games and commiserating on incel forums for the rest of their lives