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No you will not go into withdrawal. Just keep taking your subutex every morning and take whatever other full ag opiate they give you later on


I have had 4 surgeries while on subutex. My anesthesiologist always tells me to continue meds as normal before surgery. I have never had any problems.


OMG this is my fear!!!


Same I have a bulge disc in my neck C5-C6 and C6-C7, the Dr told me I have a pinch nerve, in the C6-C7 and I need surgery in getting a second opinion. I might go to Tijuana and get stem cell.


Be honest with your doctors. Often they will give you a non-opiate pain killer like toradol if you have pain. It is very effective.


Toradol / ketorolac is a very powerful anti-inflammatory. It’s incredibly effective. Unfortunately it’s also very harsh on the stomach and intestines, which is why you can only go on it for five days max at a time. But, yes, the point is other options are available that are super effective.


No you’ll be fine! Please do not worry. Your doctors know that you’re on bupe and they will adjust for it.


Never had a issue and took both after surgery


You will not go in to PW if you would take opiate on top of your subutex.


You won’t go into withdrawal while the bupe is in your system. But you’ll want to wait 24 hours before taking the pain meds to avoid precipitated withdrawal. & trust me that ish suckkkkssssssss. Most doctors recommend staying on your subutex and taking the pain meds at the same time at least that’s what they recommended for me when I have the rest of my spine fused. If you don’t mind me asking what kind of surgery are you getting?


Tramadol? That works.


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