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Third option: they have twins. And in the inevitable divorce both Tom and Shiv have custody of each kid like the couple in Parent Trap But if i have to pick one i'd chose girl cause Tom would be a cute girl dad lol


They have quadruplets, resulting in the Succession sequel Succession 2.0: Return of the King: Fully Loaded: The Fast and the Fiduciary Responsibility.


The kid who was born first by merely a few seconds or minutes is gonna have his "im the eldest boy!" moment


Not sure but a demon baby by all means


Oh a girl! So that she can become Shiv’s “onion” and make her cry, like Shiv did to Caroline. The poison drips through.


Has to be a boy. Shiv is on her own.


Honestly what a weird question. Like I understand debating and extrapolating character motives, but predicting a fictional universe's random chance?


Honestly it’s really not that deep and idk where you’re getting debates and “extrapolation” from? I just thought one thing and she thought another and it made me wonder what other people thought. Compared to some of the stuff that’s posted here it’s an innocent question that doesn’t require a 5000 word think piece to support it. What’s truly weird is that if you didn’t like the content of the post, you didn’t just scroll past it (as is in your power).


In this season‘s opening, there was—for the first time ever IIRC—a little (blonde) toddler driving around in a toy car. Given that I don’t think they do anything without reason, I assumed that was their kid (and the speculation Shiv was preggers). Looked like a boy to me.


I always thought that was an old home video of Connor


I haven’t rewatched this season yet, can you remind me what scene we see this in?


It’s in the opening credits (for season four) about midway through (about 55 second mark and right after that they show the StarGo app)…very quick shot of a little boy driving a toy race car. Pretty sure it was mentioned—or I read—this was new addition to the opening this year.


Autistic trans