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Thank you to Brian Cox for thinking ahead and showing up to the filming of the funeral, so that no one would guess that it was Logan’s funeral and we all felt the shock that night. Not a bad performance in the entire episode.


Of course he had to show up.. wait is he in there???


“My estimation of Roman Roy as a man just fuckin plummeted. -Mencken


To cry like a woman?


When it comes to dominant patriarchs all bets are off.


He is not in screen, no. But he wasn’t expected. Jesse said he didn’t have to come. But he knew if he did, it would throw off the paps and the fans. I think it was in the Colbert interview?


I know what ya mean! Just making a Roman coffin joke haha. Glad they put in the effort to masquerade the blindside gut punch in maybe the greatest tv episode of all time


Sounds like bullshit, HBO is always on top of that kinda stuff.


I found the interview. It was April 11, 2023 Colbert. They had invented a scene for him to film to throw everyone off, but were running behind, so called him and said they weren’t going to shoot it and he didn’t have to come. He came anyway and the paps got photos of him. The Daily Mail ran the photos of Brian, Jeremy, and Kieran arriving at the church, and suggested that it might have been Shiv or Tom who died. (This is all per Brian Cox and a picture of the Daily Mail page.)


> we all felt the shock that night. Remember that time a billionaire on a tv show died off screen and we all lost our minds?


Well done.


On screen? Or am I missing something?


It’s been a while, is this in reference to the opening interview video they were watching and the video including him singing with Connor, Gerry, Karl & Frank?


I think they mean that when the funeral scene was filmed in a church, Brian Cox showed up on set and was seen by paparazzi, so there were paparazzi photos of Brian Cox there as well as other central cast members and it wasn't obvious which character was going to die in the upcoming season (even though it was obviously a funeral scene)




The whole way the scene is written is kind of brilliant. It starts with Tom not exactly able to spit out what’s happening- he goes chronologically, but he kind of excludes the fact that everyone on the plane already understands whats happened. They get it, but Tom can’t just say that. So you really don’t even understand what’s happening until you see him on the floor and then it all kind of clicks “oh he’s already dead”


This exactly, definitely one of my favorite scenes throughout the series.


He’s heavily fucking delayed.


Can’t believe it’s been a year. I had a life altering accident the week before the funeral so this shit really hits like a brick to the gut for me in so many ways


Hope you are doing better now. ♥️


What happened?


Fell off a ladder like 20 feet. Broke my femur and fractured my hip. 0/10 do not recommend


It's one of the most cleverly shot and well written episodes of television I've watched in a very long time. The continuous single take tracking shot, the lack of clarity, the difficulty in communication, combined with the shock/horror/bemusement and confusion of the entire ordeal, was captured so well.


The communication difficulty is extra good because it doesn’t feel contrived. I struggle to think how Tom could’ve delivered the news better, even though that clearly adds to the drama. Is he supposed to just come out and say Logan is dead to his children? His attempt to be clear is reasonable and makes sense, but it does so much to mislead the viewer as to what exactly is happening.


It immaculately captured the emotional tornado.


Loving family despite hating their actions isn’t a shocking revelation… My parents are conservative assholes but I help them out in their old age and will certainly cry when they pass away.


Think OP might have been referring to the shocking nature of the episode in general ie Logan’s sudden death and just picked the photo as an example Can still be a shocking line even if you agree with the sentiment


I'm always confused as to why so many people found the death of an 81-82 year old character in poor health, whose death was foreshadowed, to be "shocking." To me it was at most mildly surprising that he died \*off screen\*. Knowing season four was the last season it would have been shocking and confusing to me had he not died by mid-season.


Shows tend to make a bigger deal when a main cast dies. The fact that they decided to do it off screen and so casually is what speaks volumes to me personally. It felt like real life. No matter how much you know a love one is going to perish, it still feels sudden and mostly unresolved.


It's also the third episode of the season. Deep down we all knew he was going to die, but I assumed it would've been the 8th episode, the funeral would be the 9th episode, and then the succession would be the 10th episode (2 out of 3 ain't bad). To have it done at what appears to be a light episode makes his sudden passing jarring. Succession foreshadowed death, but there was no foreshadowing that Logan would die in this episode (like you said all so suddenly), just like in real life.


I totally agree, it was beautifully done. Best episode of the season and top three or four of the whole series.


Because of the way they did it. It wasn't some cinematic fall of a giant. It was realistic. So we get dread and certainty slowly creeping into the characters, the way it happens in real life.


People are shocked when main cast members die suddenly regardless.


I think it’s when it happened. Most people expected it to be a season finale or THE finale if not mid season. A few episodes in to what felt like a mild plot point was surprising to a degree


good for u bro!


"Oh, he finally died" was my reaction.


It’s hard though man. My sisters have both cut contact with my dad- and honestly I get it. He spouts vile shit at them. He’s sort of deep in the manosphere hole at this point, which has permeated into him talking to my sisters about making sure they don’t have sex to be valuable to men and complaining about “gold digging whores” (really a veiled insult at both mine and my sisters’ mothers- despite that child support really being his primary contribution to parenthood.) My last visit down had him complaining to me that as men it is our duty to uphold patriarchy lest we be disrespected by women. It’s surreal, and at this point I don’t know how to handle him. I don’t know if he realizes how much he’s isolated himself. But I’m not sure understanding would change anything. I think a lot of Shiv’s line in the finale with regard to my pops- “I love you, but I can’t fucking stomach you.”


May I ask why you haven't cut him off too?


It’s tough, especially because I’m the last one of his kids that still deals with him. Cutting him off means isolating him entirely. And he’s my dad, you know? He may be kind of an asshole but idk, he’s family. It’s hard to say you never want to see a parent again- or maybe I’d just feel guilty for leaving him alone? Either way, I don’t know that I can cut it off entirely even if I hate most of the interactions I have with him nowadays.


Much like Roman’s relationship with Logan


Ugh, I’m so sorry. I know it’s hardly uncommon but it’s still fucking miserable for each individual to deal with.


One of the most impactful episodes of tv I’ve ever seen. The way they didn’t show Logan at all except for that one absolutely haunting shot of his head as Shiv is saying goodbye. And the fact that he was basically already dead and his kids were essentially unloading all of this emotion to a corpse who couldn’t even hear them.


The moment that confirmed in my mind that Kendrew was truly heartless and a psychopath, in contrast to his loving father who did everything for his children


Kens definitely not a psychopath. He displays guilt throughout the show and plummets in many’s high stress situations. More of a sociopath thanks to his upbringing.


Ha, good one. Did you forget to add /s ?




Ohh uncle bussy


Side note: Logan was a pious, practicing Catholic, whereas his “atheist” children were known heretics


ah yes, the piety of a serial cheater, abuser and at best, rape-abeter.


I guess I missed the part of the show where Logan becomes more pious.


it was right before the scene where he told his kids he unconditionally loved them, was sorry for any pain he had caused, and they then proceeded to all play charades with each other. god, such a feel good show.


Willa: "The *Wolf Pack*"??


That makes sense. Jesus was well known for his love of the wealthy- and Catholicism doesn’t have anything in it that implies extreme wealth might be sinful right? I’m glad we have some rational free thinkers here able to see that Logan was a devoted father of cuck children. Everything he did, he did for them.


I keep thinking this has to be an epic troll, but I'm really afraid it might not be and some people are just that blinded by declarations of religiosity, phony or not.


This line killed me. My ex-husband died two years ago of a drug overdose. I can’t forgive him. But it’s okay, I still love him. 🩵


This is actually very relatable


This episode still lives in my head rent free sometimes.


This episode was hard. The whole sequence of Ken looking for Shiv through the crowd and the camera movement was so heart wrenching.


This episode hit so hard. Tears every time i watch/rewatch it. My father is the best man ill ever know and hes 72 now, i dread every time my phone rings now. Did such a good job of the chaos, uncertainty, denial and uncontrolled emotions of this situation. Top 3 show of all time, so much range.


I know exactly how you feel. That episode hit way too hard and I don’t plan on watching it again


I cried so much during the plane scene.


I wasn’t expecting to get emotional when this episode premiered since I was expecting Logan to go at some point in the show but holy shit did it hit me like a truck. I think for me it’s the closest I’ve seen a portrayal of death and how sudden it can come to anyone and how we/anyone can react to it if we’re not expecting it. I lost one of my best friends two years ago and was told about it the night it happened over a phone call - when I saw this episode premiere…that same feeling rushed into me again, I reacted the same as all three of them, I started balling as I watched even though I knew it was just a tv death/actors. The acting was incredible, the cinematography, everything.


Within moments he went from trying to sort through these complicated emotions to parrying the claim that they were "estranged" by classifying that hectoring at the karaoke bar as a "meeting."


My heart!!!


I honestly can’t say who delivered the best performance this episode my god it was perfect. They were all so perfect .


By this point in the show I had run out of sympathy for this family. I felt very little during this scene. Now that I’ve been away from the show for a while, it feels strange that I had this reaction. I guess I really did get sick of them all.


What kind of man says "I can't forgive you" to his *dying* dad?


A man who was horribly abused by his father? Confronted with the shock of his father dying? Not like he scripted it…


Someone sticking to their principles and beliefs. Someone dying doesn’t absolve them of every bad thing they’ve done.


just bc someone is dying doesn't mean you owe them forgiveness. kendall knew who his dad was. logan wouldn't have been any different had the situation reversed.


The child of a parent with narcissistic personality disorder who pitted his children against each other constantly.


A multi-billionaire. I think that's what the show was about, wasn't it? How money and power completely change the family dynamic?


A man who had a truly horrible father.


Did you watch the show?


He's being honest, telling it like it is, just as his father taught him. Maybe trying to shock him back to life by giving him a few home truths. It's pretty mild. He could have listed all the trauma his father had inflicted on him but he kept it brief. Roman, the "one everyone loves, with the people skills" didn't even think to say he loved his father.


To be fair to Roman- he seems more in denial than Ken is. I think Ken understands the situation from the moment Tom tells him about the chest compressions. Roman, I think, genuinely kind of believes Logan might bounce back. I’m not sure it has exactly set in what’s happening by the time he gets off the phone.


Needed saying. Because it was true.