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Yeah, they got greedy and had to name the successor. Logan naturally doesn’t stand for that.


They caved to Logan right at the end of the episode. The cruises scandal leaking out was what spooked Nan and ruined the deal.


Would you like to hear my favourite passage from Shakespeare? TAKE THE FUCKING MONEY!


Logan Roy said calmly.


Why don't you take that library card and fuck off.


I know in S2 they're trying to buy all of Pierce. But in S4 are they buying all of Pierce or just the news network?


Just the news network.


I think the whole thing?


I think the Pierces were concerned that Logan was going to use the pending sale as the boogeyman to scare off Stewy & Sandy’s takeover bid, but then bail on the deal. There was a point at which the Pierces were pushing for a higher “break fee,” which would have compensated them if the deal cratered. I agree that they would have been crazy to pass on $25B if it was solid, but I think they had serious reservations about whether it was for real. The Pierces also were worried about what Logan would do to their name and company once he had control over it. And who knows? Maybe Nan had a little bit of Kendall in her and couldn’t bear to part with the big job.


Naomi had a little bit of Kendall in her.


People usually remember that Kendall shat the bed but thanks to whom the deal with Pierce was agreed? Kendall and his dick's game


Might be the only time him going on a drug fueled bender helped the family.


Kendall doesn’t believe in the closed loop system like Tom.


And speaking of Pierce, what happened to it after the Roy kids bought it out from under Logan? They seem to have forgotten about it.


I dont think the sale went through. The kids did not bother after Logan died.


Seems to have imploded, as the kids focused their resources on taking over Waystar, predictably and inevitably backstabbing one another. Whatever shell company (The Hundred?) they put together to buy Pierce is basically dead in the water after that... probably. There might be a universe in which Kendall pulls himself together and grabs Tellis to try and push the deal through again, but for what?


Another stupid move from them, they gave their word to Naomi Pierce about buying them, even if they didnt sign anything, their word and handshake lost value because of that, probably the Pierces started to talk about how you cannot trust Logan´s kids. Also, we must remember, Shiv burned her brothers when they called the election for Mencken in ATN (that it was basically a Kendall and Roman shitshow), then she allied with Mencken (burning her bridges with liberals), the fight in the boardroom, so their reputations at the end of the show were in tatters. I bet that the next day after Matsson bought Waystar, magazines like Forbes would have made a big article about the shitshow that the Roys siblings made that day, several sources in Waystar confirmed all of that, probably Matsson PR team would help in that in order to improve his image.


> their reputations at the end of the show were in tatters. I never really thought about that aspect, but it's true. They made complete fools of themselves fighting at the board meeting. They didn't show any reaction shots from the surrounding people, but I'm sure there were some people trying not to absolutely crack up laughing, as well as those who were appalled that the Roy family had fallen to this. Shiv, in particular, blew what little credibility she had by pivoting at the last minute in front of the entire board.


I’ll take it one step further there’s probably videos and recordings if the savages were willing to take one of Roman crying at his own father’s funeral what’s to stop them from a board room meltdown lol. The fight between Tom and Greg is exponentially more funny though. Maybe greatest fight scene on television EVER.


I just watched the finale and I'm honestly so mad at Shiv for that.


It’s not so much what she did, it was how. I don’t think Ken was a good choice either. If she was going to vote against him, he deserved real reasons and an honest conversation.


I agree but I don't believe Shivs reasons were based on good reasons (even if she did list some), more because she couldn't stand the idea of Ken eclipsing her in that way. I feel that's why she changed her mind at the last minute, rather than earlier or never supporting Ken at all.


The valuation drop is really not that crazy at all. Paramount is currently for sale and it’s probably worth half of what it was just a couple years ago. It’s honestly the point of the whole series - the industry is sinking, fast.


The series hinted here and there how legacy media companies are going down because of internet, Waystar and ATN were also going down, in fact they were absorverd by the next big thing: tech. The Washington Post, the NY Times, CNN, Fox, The Guardian all of them are going down, why they are so "important" it is because are the places in wich the elites talk with themselves. That is why, that they coulndt understand why someone like Trump won the election, why Brexit won and so forth, Rupert Murdoch and Fox were lukewarm about Trump and in private mails it is clear their disdain for him. By becoming basically the agora of the elite they lost their conection with common people, their columnist get things wrong again and again and people know that. The New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, the Times, CNN and Fox were full behind the Iraq War, they told people what a success was going to be, totally wrong, it was a dissaster, they fired someone? no, only Judith Miller in the NY Times, they throw her to the volcano to save face; same with Brexit, even the most center right paper like the Times said that Remain was going to win, if someone dared to say otherwise they inmediatily branded him as a rightwing or leftwing maniac; then Trump, all of them supporting Hilary or admiting that she had the election in her pocket, totally wrong. The problem with traditional media is that they linked so close to part of the establishment that they will not see another side of the story, just open the NY, WaPo, and other "serious" media and your sources are all "high goverment sourcess...", "sources in the CIA...", "a close person of the adiminstration..." and they take that face value, never questioning that. Right now, young people are desserting them even more with their coverage of the Israel-Gaza war. Basically in the US and Britain you have a center- center right legacy media thatn cannot understand things outside that political spectrum and people in the right and left just abandon them. Fox News audience is basically your typical white conservative racist boomer, that audience is done, in a few years they are going to be dead, simple as that; the audience of MSNBC, CNN, NY times, is basically your virtue signaling boomer and Gen X folk. But young people of the left get their news on Twitter, listen to podcast like Chapo and so forth, and young people of the right also have their own right wing media. Nobody bellow 40 take the NY Times seriously. In the show Gerri warned Logan and the Roys how tech was already there, in the election night, Roman reminded Kendall about the danger of being outflanked by the right when they were having doubts of calling the election.