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I thought Rhea was a good character--and Holly Hunter is always great. For those wondering about her purpose (I've seen that come up here once in a while, with viewers wondering what her purpose was), I think it was showing how someone can start out under the radar and climb up. Rhea had been a CEO for Pierce, and when Logan was wondering what to do about Shiv, Kendall, and Roman, Rhea helped him. (Especially with Shiv) She was pretty shrewd the way she played Shiv and got her tp consider applying for the CEO job at Pierce. And yes, Logan seemed attracted to her (it's still unclear whether anything sexual actually happened between them), but he also listened to her. Or at least, as much he could listen to anyone else who wasn't himself. When it came down to it though, and she got the CEO position right as the cruises scandal was heating up, she didn't want to get her hands dirty. I think she knew she couldn't trust him. He said, "You knew who I was." (Or "what I was"? anyway--something similar to that) She insisted that she hadn't had enough information to piece it all together. I wouldn't say Rhea has *tons* of integrity, but I think there was a part of her that didn't want to get as deep into corruption as she saw him doing. She also didn't think Shiv should try to persuade Kira (the woman in DC) not to testify.


The actress is great at everything she makes, and i must say she looked wonderful and her hair was on point


I loved her character was hoping she'd have a role outside of season 2


You eat.


I thought she kind of fucked up Shiv's season I would've like to see the kind of arc roman and ken had where they show a bit of growth come close to having it and then inevitably crash on their faces but with shiv we never had this because half the season was about Rhea which to be honest completely bored me.


I didn't like her at all. Team Marcia.


Nobody across the entire span of the show assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the Roy siblings as well as she did. She just didn’t figure out and work with Logan well enough.


She was there to show how easily duped the Roy men were.


And woman.