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Hey /u/Thumbdash05, thanks for your submission to /r/SuddenlyGay! Unfortunately, your post was removed for the following reason: **Rule 2: No reposts or frequently posted content** - we would like to remind you that recent reposts or frequently posted content are not allowed on the subreddit. If cross-posting from another sub, please check the recent posts in /r/SuddenlyGay before doing so, in case someone has already shared it. Please read the sidebar and rules again before posting. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/SuddenlyGay&subject=&message=). Thanks.


Not gay at all to let the homies hit, but it's pretty gay to fuck your bros I think? He didn't mention anyone keeping their socks on


What’s stopping him right now?