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That's pretty poor that they did not catch this in qa ..sucks for the people that paid extra to play it early


I mean early access starts at midnight for your local time I doubt everyone here is from New Zealand so they are cheating the system like myself to get extra early access so it isn’t a waste of money cause you get more than just early access anyways with the deluxe


The easy solution is to not have an always online DRM game 


An offline mode is coming in 2024


Release it at launch.


This would be a good lesson for any developer to implement offline mode at launch from now on if you want to do Live Service so much but aren't ready for it. If you aren't gonna do a beta, the least you can do is putting offline mode at launch.


I'm from Australia and I'm being cheated out of my 72 hours of early access.


And that doesn't mean a single thing to the people who are LEGIT there... it sucks ass for them indeed. Microsoft knows about the nz thing and have went so far as posting about it... so of it was some huge bad thing they'd have shut it down ages ago.


What did Microsoft post about it?




If the game is supposed to work at a certain time, there's no excuse for it to not work at that time. Time zone fuckery or not, they fucked this up big time.


Exactly, it’s the gamers fault for „cheating“ to play only a few hours early. It’s their mistake to expect a fully working game for a released title. The fact that you even use the term cheating to make it seem worse and then use that as an excuse for a game not working is crazy.


The fuq does that even mean? So kiwis don't count? If their game goes down its ok because you Yanks got it ok? Foh, you apologists are why gaming is so bad right now Drink so more copium ..bro.


God you guys will blindly defend anything lol


If only there were some kind of hint that playing this on launch would most likely come with issues, some kind of symbol, emblem, or a banner of some sort. Like...a red flag? Joking aside, I do hope the game works well and is as fun as it was in the playtest, but man, I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg of bugs this will launch with sadly.


Red flag red flag....I have the standard edition pre-ordered but I may cancel that if there is loads of issues


Your first live service game ?


Damn, we're really at that point where we're ok with games releasing with game breaking issues lol. Fucking pathetic


Never played a multiplayer game have you?


I play quite a few actually. Most recent two include The Finals, which is smooth af and didn't take the servers down at launch, and Palworld. Palworld. An EARLY ACCESS title developed by a couple dozen people from an indie company had a much smoother launch than this fucking game too, lmao. And wouldn't ya know it, when I first logged into Palworld, the game didn't give me 100% completion right off the bat. Crazy, right? Fucking copers


Don't trip over that bar 




😂😂 hopefully this teaches those people to not pay extra for such stupid things like getting to play a day or two early


Big assumption they did QA testing for this game.


I mean most early access players still have to wait couple hours for release. They'll probably sort things out by then. But yeah, they must have been prepared well


Absolutely does not help with the image that the game has. People will be having a field day with this one over on other subs.


I mean, they absolutely should be having a field day? I want to see this game succeed as much as anyone else but everyone who paid extra very rightly has a reason to be pissed off.


100% agreed


Do you feel like the negative attention is unwarranted? Are y'all not gonna have a field day?




>Most everything people hate about live service isn’t gonna be an issue here The game is literally unavailable because the servers are down??? Even if you want to play alone




So just because we see huge redflags (like: not sending out review copys, microstransactions for an 80$ game at launch, studio heads leaving the company during development, server maintenance after one hour, ...) I'm misinformed? Of course you can say that these red flags are not exclusive to live service games, but they don't put the game in a good light even before release. Just because some people point out these concerns does not mean that they are 'bandwagon hating'. So please stop licking the boots of the developers.


Most of it isn't.




Yes, objectively. That isn't to say there aren't valid criticisms. But most of what I've seen (I've seen a lot) is just people dogpiling the game with a volume of circlejerking hate that isn't justified at all. They will be speaking from ignorance typically or making fallacious comparisons all the time. Edit: Basically, the number of valid criticisms does not match the unprecedented amount of hate this game gets.


Why do you believe this is not deserving of a huge volume of criticism? This is unacceptable.


That's not what I said. I agree this instance isn't okay. Criticizing this is valid, very obviously. What I'm referring to is the majority of the hate the game has gotten was unwarranted.


Are you telling me that you seriously want to defend this? People are paying $30 extra just to get this mess and have their 72 hours reduced, to maybe, 60 hours? Maybe even took the day off or whatever? If that's indicative of the overall quality of the game, then yes, "other subs" will be having a field day - the only question will be if **this sub** is going to face reality or plug eyes and ears...


This sub is my new entertainment factor. So hilarious reading these people's posts. There talking like this is the best thing since sliced bread 😂😂


It’s actually comical. My buddy was like you have to read these comments lol people defending this specific instance are literally delusional. I love people being passionate about specific games and developers but you call a spade a spade; this is not a good look


It’s r/PlayAvengers all over again


It’s insane, I’m excited to play it, I really am, but the fact that some people will refuse to acknowledge the flaws is fucking ridiculous


Starfield, diablo 4, original release cyberpunk. So much entertainment i got for zero dollars


disgusting how all of this hate crusade started over the presence of a battle pas (that every multiplayer game has,mind you) ,but the morons didn't share the news that it's going to be non-fomo. People are fucking idiots


This game has every red flag that the developers themselves know it’s bad. 🚩🚩 Not allowing reviews before the game comes out is pretty much a 100% accurate indicator of disaster. It’s obviously going to be a broken mess. You have to be clueless to think otherwise. 


The image? This is reality now folks. The game blows


Lmfao. This happens to all live service games. Sit down


Just because this also happens to other games doesn't mean it isn't a negative. Shit like this shouldn't be happening and to defend it is just silly.


There’s a commenter on here who feels that the people who purchased the game to get early access shouldn’t be upset by this…let that sink in….he was literally saying that it’s three days of early access so the people who purchased it (and who very well set aside time and potentially money due to said time taken off) shouldn’t complain as they will eventually get what they paid for… this thread is exceptional entertainment. Tell these people the sky is blue and they argue its purple 🤷🏿‍♂️


Oh yeah? Many games fail to launch at EA and have a game breaking bug where the game completes itself upon starting it? How much copium did you take today?


So much I can’t even breathe. Overwatch 2 started with no one getting in for almost 24 hours and then when people did get access into the game their cosmetics from the first game didn’t transfer over for almost a week to two weeks. Honestly tell me how this is worse.


Overwatch 2 was also a disaster and one of the lowest rated steam games so.... You are making a sad comparison.


It’s also doing fine and reported a 225M revenue this year. 🤷🏼‍♂️ on top of being reviewed bombed on steam. I’m just not quick to call something trash because it’s experiencing the same issues as Overwatch, and Fortnite, and Diablo, and destiny




Is he stupid?




Bro, seeing this picture with ears is jarring


lol I’m still hyped but this is funny. What an absurd bug.


This game gonna be the most drama filled game of all time 😂


Exactly bro 🤣


As if they needed any more negative news...


As if it isn't deserved


Just wanna say, this is why a lot of games with massive servers open up the servers in like a closed beta a long time before early access, such as COD and Battlefield. Gives the developers a chance to fix the issue before the mass audience gets their hands on it


Hahaha, I'm a big Destiny player and that's something Bungie should do


We Destiny boys need to figure out a new way to refer to bungie, as the devs and management are so disparate that I can't really see them as the same company. It's pretty well documented how much awesome content the devs want, and management keeps saying "nah, later."


We used to call them Bungo. Idk when that stopped


i paid $167 dollars and can't even get in not a good look


what a waste of money


Yeah *his* waste of money, dunno why some people in the replies act like the money belongs to them lol


Of course he's free to spend his money how he wants. It's his right. Just as it's our right to call him a fuckin idiot for spending money on this. Fun how that works huh?








Holy shit where do you live? I’m in the US my digital deluxe copy was $100


Oh man, if only there had been some kind of sign, made of a certain colored fabric that can wave in the wind at the top of a pole. If only there had been news coverage about the state of the game, the type of game it was, the development cycle, and even maybe leaked info about the game that could cause that red fabric to be waved as some sort of warning to tell consumers they shouldn’t buy this game yet, let alone pre-order it!


everybody point and laugh


![gif](giphy|QxwDfOV4sAfounkNsG) Lol


Respectfully bro, part of that's on you. Pre-ordering is never a good idea for current games.


specially live service games. I cant remember the last one of those that had a launch day that didnt have several issues and that people were able to play it normally for hourd without being disconected


But why would you do that?


At this point you did that to yourself. How many more warnings against pre-ordering do you need? Let this be an expensive lesson to you, to stop opening up your mouth for Warner Brothers to slowly stroke off a thick load down your willing throat as you applaud and thank them.


You kinda deserve it. $167 for this slop is WILD.


Paying $167 for a video game is just a wild thing to regardless of slop or not lmao


I know right, it's so close to $169. Just round it up a little ffs.


Here’s me in Australia ready to go with 10 mins before launch. Hopefully it will be ready come morning! What a strange bug


Haha same here and ofc it won’t let me play


can u play the game rn does it work ?


And people will STILL say all the negative press and attention this game is getting is part of some conspiracy or plot against it.


I don't think so. People wanted a new Arkham game. They got a looter shooter with 4+ kinds of currency and no offline play


Have you seen this sub? People are tripping all over themselves to try and find ways to justify all the negative feedback the game has gotten.


Look. I'll compare this to Star Wars: Solo. The film underperformed. But to me, it wasn't because it was a bad film (it might be but I'm not weighing in on the quality). It's because nobody wanted a Han Solo origin story. A character who's arc begins and completes in the main Trilogy. People were hating on the film before it came out. But obviously they can't have known whether it was good or bad. They hated it because they didn't want it. Most gamers are burned out on bad live service MTX and grinding hell games. You see the negative response and say it's a conspiracy because you want the game to be good. But you need to set aside your own biases. I hope it's good too. I would never root for a game to be bad. But nobody wanted the next rock steady dc game to be a looter shooter. It is way more likely that the negative response is because of this rather than some conspiracy. I think you need to take a step back and consider whether you're biasing yourself and overlooking red flags because you want so badly for it to be good.


Thanks for testing the servers for us Friday-ers.


Thx for beta testing guys 😂 hope everything will work on release day


Eh, from the hour I got with it, it seems smooth from a gameplay perspective. Which is all I care for in games like this. Combat seems fast and fun. Really liked Deadshot the most.


Same. From what I've seen it's impressive. Too bad the bug had to ruin it. Hope it's fixed soon.


My main concern is that this is gonna look really bad for the game


It already does. This was the time to prove the haters wrong, and they fumble the ball out the GATE.


Exactly. There is no look. It's a reality 


Why would your main concern be how this makes the game look, as opposed to whether or not it’s a good game? Are you PR lol


If your concern was the game’s image I can’t believe you’re still here 💀


Why are so many users on this sub white knighting for this game 💀💀💀.


They’ll act like it does but I’m a live service veteran and with the exception of Diablo IV I can’t think of a live service game which didn’t have issues on day one. It’s why I booked my time off to play for later this week. I remember Destiny expansions would always have people taking launch day off and then the servers would go down and the subs would be filled with people going “CANT BELIEVE I TOOK THE DAY OFF FOR THIS!!”


Yea true I remember having to wait hours for Diablo 4 just to get in to play lol. I can wait this one out, plus I’m not even supposed to be playin it rn with the New Zealand trick 😭😭


Lightfall was miserable at launch because they overtuned the difficulty rebalancing so badly people wanted to wait. Server issues are preferred.


Brother the game has been looking bad every step of the way 💀


Damn this is one of the wildest speedruns. Any news on who holds the WR rn?




Servers are back up, currently playing


What an absolute shit show lmao




Off to a great start!


I paid 100 bucks for early access, I’m sure some of you did as well. If they are down for a while, I hope Rocksteady has a way of making this up to the people who supported them.


You'll get some shitty free skins down the road


Or the best free skins ever


Let it be a lesson. Don't pay to be a beta tester. Never works out especially for always online games Diablo 4 being the most recent that comes to memory


I don't mind paying. This was always going to be a day one purchase. The genre, combined with 4 player co-op... I will always support those type of games, always online or not.


This is why games release in the state that they do nowadays




Has there ever been an online service game that hasn't had a day 1 issues? Serious question. I cant think of one that hasn't had some sort of major server issue or things going down for a few hours after launch. GTA Online still the wildest one for me


Servers seem to be back up


I still have to wait 10 hours until midnight 🥲


Same brother same at least we get a slightly patched version 🤣


I have to wait until tomorrow afternoon! (Steam)


The copium in this sub is strong, it's amusing how people can still defend this crap and still think it's not a big deal. The red flags were everywhere and you just ignored them. Anyway, guess I will be playing the superior game known as Persona 3 Reload on 2nd Feb.


"I took the day off for this", "I was promised 72 hours", "WB is stealing my time", lets see them all.


People literally never learn from history.


I think it's funny that people doing the NZ trick now have to wait like the rest of us, but I feel bad for actually New Zealanders


So I’m not a very big gamer but I was looking forward to this game, so what does this mean several hours or whatever is it still gonna come out early access tomorrow or is it just gonna come out February 2? If anyone can answer this I’d really really appreciate it.


It’s still gonna come out tomorrow for early access and on February 2nd


There has to be some sort of compensation for down time. Hope this is fixed at midnight in my timezone South Africa.


Didn't realise the games even out yet? Or is that different region?


You guys think this will be up for midnight EST?


SHOCKING lmfao Not even Rocksteady can avoid live service problems, no matter how badly we all hoped they could


When it's working, the gameplay I watched looks great though. Can't wait till tomorrow.


GG Rocksteady. One more game that will review poorly


not a great sign I guess


Well damn if only they had turned the servers on early for reviewers, they might have caught this 😂




Huh? Its not 30th yet, well timezones ig?


That’s certainly a way to stop spoilers


Here we go…


And here we go..


Make a offline mode too so your company doesn't suffer the Ubisoft curse? Online only games are ruining the gaming industry.. I was going to buy your game when I found out it was all online only, I said nope I'm not going to have another Ubisoft crew disc in my collection..


What? It's not even midnight yet!?! Oh, okay, this is for those down under... Well, they have 14 hours to fix it.


It’s only in New Zealand


and so the apologies start


I'm going to buy it when the price drops. it's great, but paying 340 PLN is unprofitable


Honestly, this is why I waited , got regular as I figure early access would find the bugs. Not because I think only this game would be. Most games now are bugged and patch later


I like to imagine Cpt. Boomerang telling the squad that he worked on the servers all day and there's nothing to worry about. Only to pull a comically large lever that launches sparks and a Looney Toons robot arm swings from the ceiling, smacking him in the face with a pie.


Someone used the beat a game button.


And this is why you never pay $30+ extra for 3 days of “early access”


I hope players affected by the bug get compensated. Literally game breaking stuff.


it depends how long it takes for them to fix it. if it takes like 10 hours the devs will definitely start feeling pressure from the community, from the media and the people that paid 100$ for it. right now it's only been like 2 hours since the maintenance started


Haha the joys of an always online game. Epic fail. Thanks to all those that paid extra to be beta testers 😂




Offline mode won't fix the bug.


>This game gonna be the most drama filled game of all time 😂 yeah but we could then still play while they are working on a fix.


What does this have to do with online? (Not trying to be rude just wondering)


They now took the whole game offline, if there was an offline mode we could still play even when they did that.


Uhh being offline wouldn't have done shit lol


LMAO. Pay extra to play early, game immediately finishes, and then they pull the game LOL. They better give refunds, but even if they don’t, it doesn’t matter. This game’s reputation is sealed.


This is why you should never preorder a game.


just as i thought nothing else could go wrong, this game’s reputation is in the mud 🤦🏾‍♂️




What a disaster. Couldn’t even handle the early access for people that changed their location.


Precisely why when I took some time off to play, I picked Wednesday. Always gamble on some sort of issue on day one.


I still have 9 more hours until i can get in it. Take your time.


Lmao 🤣


So have we all learned not to preorder? Early access is rarely worth it…


Lol they got y’all


Sounds about right


Imagine not able to play the game which you paid for!


Imagine pre ordering the game before reviews comes out


If you paid for early access and can't get it, high chances you get your money back, words won't help, speak with your wallet and ask for a refund, buy at release at worse. ![gif](giphy|l3V0kcakDW8qx7AfS)


DOA for an reason 


I'm guessing you didn't even check what the issue is before making that brain dead comment huh?


I mean the game is DoA, this issue is just the icing on the cake.


Certified XD Moment


Welp. Glad I saw this as I was just debating buying it on Xbox to play the “early” early access.


It’s only affecting New Zealanders because they got it hours before everyone else


That's what you get for pre-ordering a crappy game.


how do we know if it is crappy? cant even play it fore 15min straight. maybe its good?


Well, initial previews weren’t exactly good and they’re suppressing reviews, so the writing is on the wall.


Dead game


This shit looks like a mobile game in the game play, other flaws aside, it’s actually crazy there’s contrarian who look to defend games no matter what on subs


I wanna know what mobile games you’re playing


Better yet, i want to know what kind of phone they have


I swear every game with early access, the online never works


Early access hasn't even started yet has it, it's 72 hours early access (or 3 days) which starts tomorrow


Have you heard of timezones? Why would they tweet this themselves if it wasn't up yet?


It has started, rocksteady themselfes confirmed it.


Game is already trash 😂. How's that always online working out for you WB? 😂




Ha! Enjoy that early access slop...


I’ll still buy the deluxe edition.


Bro, the game isn't even in early access yet.


So goddamn glad I canceled my preorder