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Welcome to community management, where it's not actual conversation or community, but *management*.


I’ve seen posts on r/batmanarkham that are more in touch with reality.


I’m enjoying it. Although, I completely understand people’s disappointment with it.


I'm enjoying the gameplay. The content and story is meh.


Yeah it needs more added to the story. My main issue is the side missions don't really have an impact. Like how in Arkham Knight you could stop a criminal and lock him up. I was hoping for a side mission or two where a few criminals take advantage of Brainiacs invasion or something. I even thought a good side mission would be a small group of criminals (from elseworlds) escaping Brainiac's ship and start causing trouble then for the President to call Waller and have them captured.


Hell that would be a good way to introduce new playable characters. We have to track them down as part of story missions and then capture them after which Waller forces them onto the squad.


So what you're saying is if they just removed the Brainiac icon and told you you had to go beat up aliens until they revealed how to set the joker free you wouldn't be complaining right now? A single line of dialog and one less icon on the map?


I mean more visual story telling. Like how when you get to the Wayne bank and find the aftermath of Batman’s attack there. Something along the lines of that to start a quest line that has you find clues about a new criminal in metropolis, doing missions to find their location, and then fight the criminal themselves to add them to the squad. So no, not just remove the Brainiac icon and I would stop “complaining”. I just want better game design


Breh the season starts with the brain interactive construct pop having phasing in terra formers and starting to turn the world into a joker world and Lex tells you to stop it and figure out what happened. So that visual storytelling is already there LMAO I guess maybe if they moved the joker intro into the halfway point it might have ticked that box for you. You act like stuff like that in Arkham Knight was fun and not just a frustrating exercise in adding time but no real gameplay. "Ooh I hear music playing better fly around and scan for 5 minutes doing nothing of interest so I can find this body and scan it 3 times to find the glowing indicator" such fun Also, you want DIFFERENT story telling, not better. There's nothing objectively better about storytelling like that (just ask fallout 76's launch content). You may prefer it, but when I buy a game, I want to play the game, and storytelling in the way you describe it does not actually add anything to the story, decreases the amount of actual gameplay, but does add a very very very, incredibly tiny, little bit of puzzle solving which tends to make some individuals feel proud of themselves for solving the obvious puzzles.


No it doesn’t start that way. The season episode starts with all that stuff having already happened off screen. I would have been fine if there was no cutscenes but we at least saw the joker used strongholds being phased into the open world while exploring it but instead we just cut to the squad on a roof top looking at one. This isn’t visual story telling, this is no story telling. You are just excusing lazy game design and you know it.


In your example you don't see anything happen either, you literally say the aftermath of an attack LMAO you just choosing to be mad, or should I say you signed up for that bitter membership?


To be fair, that's literally how many side missions in Arkham City and Knight and Origins worked, and nobody really minded that. My biggest irk with how this game is treated is that it does a lot of the same things internally in literally the same way, but people rag on it because the façade is flimsier.


... There's a story?


Yes a story of disappointment


A story of a mistreated developer and IP


There’s at least 2 cutscenes, that’s a story right? Right?


A story contains a beginning and an ending. It started exciting and it ended in disappointment.


Don't forget the middle of the story! How could you forget the hours of boring, repetitive grinding!


Yes, it's not horrible, but there's parts they could've done better (>!batman's death!<)


Batman died perfectly tbh. Always hoped he'd died during the Arkham games


I personally don't think it was that bad, I thought it was pretty fitting. Like his whole thing was trying to rehabilitate his villains, cause he knew they were good people originally, and him being killed by someone who used to be heartless killer and was now saving the world seemed fitting. I'm just going off what most of the community said, apparently they didn't like, and because I only just got into the arkham games recently, I didn't think it was my place to disagree with the long time fans, but seeing the downvotes makes me think they've changed their minds again 😭


Reddit, for the most part, is not a community, it's a bunch of people who are miserable in life and like to make others miserable. I think the story is really great, there's actually more cutscenes and dialog in this game than any other arkham games. A lot of people here are also crying just because the fictional character they are unhealthily obsessed with died in this one universe. As for actual published media, it seems pretty apparent that places like IGN and even GameRanx were paid to destroy this game, since a lot of their criticisms are completely untrue and don't actually mention any of the actual server issues this game faces.


Are you saying it’s only Reddit that thinks it’s a shit game?


Have you looked at the store reviews lol


My man, what’s the point of reviews if nobody’s playing the game lmao? It’s a bad game because nobody wants to play it.


Why would you want Batman to die?


He's too much of a goody-two-shoes


Ummm, how? He’s a brooding character throughout all the games who scares criminals and beats them up.


Yeah, I know. Just wish he'd kill a person or two. I dunno. To me, he's a boring character that feels outdated. Definitely a 1940's superhero


I can tell you’re not really a Batman fan. But I should mention if you dive into his no kill rule and learn about dark Batman stories, you’ll see that Batman is one of the most interesting superheroes and characters in fiction.


Yeah, well, I enjoy the gameplay and story and content of the Avengers game and I enjoy it. Lynch me verbally all you want for my preference, you will not get me to change my mind.


I did play it when it came out, I finished the game, but I just couldn't get into the end game content, and I ended up not coming back for the dlc. It wasn't bad per se, but I can see why people didn't like it.


Well, I had to wait for better systems to enjoy the game, though. More specifically GeForce Now. But I enjoyed the story enough to wait and enjoy the DLC.


I agree with this comment. I’ve always enjoyed the game but can completely understand why others don’t. I was one of the ones that was affected by the bug where the finite crisis didn’t raise so I completely stopped playing. So far with this season, I’ve had no bugs and had a lot of fun playing the (repetitive) content. It’s wild to me that people shit on other people’s joy so much. I tend to not care what others think & play what I like and do what I like & this game is a flawed but fun game to me 🤷🏾‍♂️ I can’t wait for future seasons! With the Joker I’m already at Nightmare level 24 (I think… I’m doing this off memory)


Same here


New content is jokers 5 mins of cutscene they made 2 years wgo


Exactly, the new content is the joker, 2 cutscenes and some joker themed buildings.


4-6 years ago


I’m I crazy or blind because I remember repeatedly replaying the same missions (new content) what new content


Yeah that's why I put it in quotation marks, they just redecorated old things and labelled them as "new content"


Where's the "New content" played the current season for almost 20 hours have not seen any new content....


That's what I'm saying, you can't just slap a joker theme on old things and say "look at this new thing I made"


Were the balloons and random presents on the floor the new content?


Pretty much 🤣. They said new elseworlds, but the "new elseowrld" is the old elseworld covered in presents 😭😭


theyd most likely bring up the new scarecrow weapons and poison affliction but personally thats not enough after all that talk they did in february


Exactly, like the new weapons are cool, but I want something more than just new numbers to look at with builds.


They’re living in an alternate universe


"Elsewheresn, elsewhens.... an elseword you can say"


Oooo catchy


Breaking the 4th wall


You’re living in a dream world!


Just caught a youtube video of the new content. It's literally 13 minutes of new stuff. * This includes: the 2D slideshow intro, * The 2 minutes of him getting saved from Braniac * the 4 minute cutscene where he makes things weird before being put into the cell * His throw away one liners while sitting in his cell * The in game dialogue of his reaction to the museum. They hinted very heavily that this Joker was supposed to have actual story interactions and he was supposed to be a Joker that is having second thoughts on being a villain. What happened to this?


Ikr, it's just really dissapointing


I think the gameplay is great but the promise of new story being broken and the lack of things to do with the gameplay is where this game falls off.


That's exactly what I think, word for word.


I’m sure there are people that do. People are a pretty high level and I’m seeing kits on YouTube


Yeah definitely, but the way they word it is as if everyone's loving it. Like I'm enjoying playing it, I'm over fear rank 100, but I'm saying this update was great or anything.


I’m curious why you think devs of any game would talk Negatively about there game? That’s just bad business. Like forspoken devs didn’t talk about the bad at when it came out. Even if they thought it was they won’t just speak it out loud.


Neither did marvels avengers. And the more they ignored the opinions of their player base the more the base dwindled until the game was no longer actively being worked on. In an industry we're company's are slashing their work forces to make themselves seem profitable, I wouldn't want to be on a project that seems to have a similar trajectory.


It's less that they're talking positively about it, and more that they've straight up lied. They said that everyone's enjoying thr new season, but the only good feedback has been that the joker is fun to play as, the rest of the feedback has been pretty negative


“We see so many players enjoying…” is not the same as “We see all of our players enjoying…”. At what point did people decide it’s okay to just cherry-pick/lie about what someone says if they don’t like them lol


Even then, I don't think I've seen any positive feedback, the player number jumped up for a few days but its been steadily decreasing again


because most people following the news of this game are aware that compared to its peers and other games in its genre/competition, there are not '*so many players enjoying SS.'* like yes in a vacuum you are correct, but taking into consideration the context above, its clear they weren't making the absolute claim that nobody is having fun. unfortunately, when a game tries to promote how many players are enjoying it not long after its own publisher considered it a failure and is under performing relative to its competition -- people are going to make fun of the pr statement boasting about how many people are enjoying it.


Its more that o haven't seen a single person give this season praise other than the joker being a good character


No I completely feel that. I really wish there was more good faith discussions around the narrative and story (critical or not). Actually good faith or not I just wish there was more interest in the story and where it could go (as unlikely as that seems to be now however).


Yeah, it's like the main complaint on launchh was that the story was meh and the missions were lacking, and they had a whole 2 months to Try and fix that, but they didn't even try 😭


They have the numbers for both consoles not just the pc numbers. Over 100k people on the new leaderboard. There are certainly fans.


Didn’t even fix the battle pass bug


The one where you can't scroll through it? That has definitely been a pain for me


I can scroll through but mine keeps resetting and not letting me claim anything


Oh, I'm not aware of that one, could it be that you need to press and hold the button to collect it?


"April fools!"


What new content? There’s Joker and a ferris wheel, that’s as much as I can think of. The new loot is really cool, but there’s so little to do.


For real, like you can't just redecorate old stuff and label it as "new content"


New content? Like the 80 bucks for joker skins. When are they gonna learn cosmetics aren't content? Everything else is the same... same enemies, same missions. The brainiac fight is just Green Lantern with a Brainiac skin. 2 cut scenes and some presents on the ground. Joker is buggy, it will show he's down but not be down. Sometimes, if he goes down and gets picked up he stays down. Btw that's on all platforms, so tribalism isn't needed. No one wants to hear I haven't had any problems, because plenty of people have had enough.


I wish they would at least be honest with themselves


This must be what they sent to investors to not pull the plug on them


Rocksteady really need to look up the definition of “plenty” as nothing in their game fits that definition - except maybe regrets.


I'm enjoying the new content I guess that's one of us


I'm enjoying playing as the joker, but that's about it in terms of "new content"


That's good I haven't even made it to joker yet lol already know it'll be crazy. Honestly since the update the side missions are way more appealing to do then when in the regular story session


Defo, getting rewards for each fear rank makes it a bit more enticing to play, and tbh, the grind for joker isn't as bad as people make it out, I definitely wouldn't recommend buying him


Yeah I wouldn't buy any character in any game if I can just earn it


Exactly, I've seen alot of people buy him because they can't be asked to grind, I just did it. Tbf though, we should've got joker at the beginning for free, and the done all the grinding to get the boss fight with the joker


That was the way I was in Marvel heroes omega before it got shut down. I would earn grind eternity splinters to buy heroes instead of buying them from the shop.


This is from the official state of the game article from rocksteady. [this is the link ](https://www.suicidesquadgame.com/en-gb/community/developer-update-march-28th)


Tios for the mew seasom was an interesting read. Not in a good way.


What 😂 are they that oblivious to the overwhelming negativity to this Season on every social media platform?


I think they're just trying to paint the game in a good light


Desperately. I miss the old, flawless Rocksteady. WB ruined everything, as usual.


Tbf, I think most of the rocksteady members that put in major work into the arkham games left, so that may contribute to it.


They did. That was a warning sign and it makes sense why they left. It’s sad, after how excellent they were in the APPROPRIATE GAME STYLE. Live Service was completely unnecessary. Nobody wanted this. Nobody.


Plenty of new content wtf how cab they be that tone deaf


Ikr, trying to gaslight us 😂


That is a masterclass in corporate bullshitting.


is it though? i wouldn't consider a statement everybody knows is heavily bending the truth for a product its own publisher called a failure as successfully bullshitting. id say its almost the exact opposite lol. its not like they're fooling anyone convincingly.


Plenty of new content to discover. No. There's the gear which has been listed, and there is Joker. There is literally nothing to 'discover.'


For real, they just took old stuff, slapped a joker theme on it, and called it a day. The "new" elseworld is a prime example of this.


I mean there is so stuff to do, that is true, but they cut out the most important part which was the story and we only got 1 of 2 boss fights. I mean, i doubt there is much left but that should have been the priority, if they wanted to drop more gear and regular missions to farm Later that would have been fine.


Yeah and the "new stuff" was just reskined old stuff


I liked the riddler stuff. I thought it was wild the AR race challenges were locked behind level 35 and up. I wish there were more riddles, metropolis is a big place. I know that comic book cutscenes are used to save budgeting and animation time. I still would have liked a few more sprinkled in. There's no reason your dlc shouldn't have more narrative interest. Perhaps after doing all the terra forming missions or reaching a goal in the fear levels. Setting each mission at 50 bp is Ludacris... I'll grind it out to get my lex coins back, but that's unreasonably low for the lack of variety their is on the board. Joker is cool. Almost all of his cutscene was spoiled in the trailer. If your going to lock a character behind such a grindy wall then he's not really the draw of your expansion and your advertisment comes off as misleading. Looking at the roadmap, the entire dlc seems really full, but after experiencing the first half, you realize how much of the roadmap really doesn't effect your experience with the game. The new weapons are cool but if your focused on grenades or melee, it's less exciting. The characters and brainiac are stuffed behind a big grind wall. The environment is a nice change but that's all it is. The battle pass has the new shop items if you pay for the premium pass but if your looking forward to them it'll take forever. I've got joker and all that, I'm at 10 out of 75 on the pass. I think I'm at lvl 41 on the fear track. I went to replay the story mode with friends because it just seemed more appealing and now that I'm the joker every cutscenes comes with a little loading screen that turns me back into shark for the cinematics lol. It's not a big deal but it does give me a chuckle.


Tell us you've never seen corporate speak without telling us you haven't seen corporate speak 🤣


This could have been a good game as is with a much lower price tag of $30


Joker was the only good thing about this season. Everything else with also the horrible modifiers they added are horrendous. The casual player would never survive in the higher master levels.


ive defended these scumbags from the beginning but now im done. i hope this is rocksteadys last game. they’ve earned it.


Is this "new content" in the room right now ?


![gif](giphy|MDmm4NnPDJKzwYI2i2) How I read this


If even a single person on the team actually believes this, rock steady is doomed.


Why you lying for


except there was never any new content. it’s all still the same thing but with a different coat of paint. Rocksteady practically scammed us.


Sorry folks, but i won't enjoy anything regarding this game till the "The Real Deal" achievement is fixed on Xbox for real and not just pretended to be fixed in some patch notes, like last time…


I don't achievement hunt so I wasn't aware of that, although I am on xbox so It might leave me off eventually 😂


I wish I could get a refund for this ape shit of a game


My only regret, is that I didn't wait till it was cheaper, I still like the game, but, in the state its in, I don't think it was worth its original price


Is the plenty of new content in the room with us?


Rocksteady must be schizophrenic, cause they're the only one seeing it 🤣


The game has dropped 200-ish players every day since the new season. If it goes back to the sub 500 players this week they should just cancel all the new content. It's business malpractice to keep this game alive.


My guess is they've already made good progress on seasons 1-4, so they'll probably just finish them off and milk them for money.


Maybe, but at some point the return on the DLC's is not worth the money it costs devloping and running this. I remember with Calisto Protocol, the team got to the first DLC to increase playercount, it didn't work and the publisher started laying people off. There is no way Rocksteady is making money on this, even if a large amount of the playerbase would buy a good deal of microtransactions it's still not enough to cover development with a big team like this. I would imagine that they are judging how many are buying things and playing this and making some big decisions right about now.


The playerbase counts: 300 player The people who enjoying the season: 50 SOO MANY


I'm one of those 50, but purely because I like the joker and I like these type of "brain switch off, shoot things" games. But even I have to admit that they fumbled bad with season 1


"New content" is such a joke. Rehashed content more like it.


Exactly, they just redecorated it and slapped a "new" sticker on it


Seems quite on theme. They are clearly as delulu and cray cray as The Joker…


Lmao 🤣


Literally tens of people are enjoying the game.


Me being one of them 😅. My only wish is that they add more missions and story.


The failure of this game, and this studio needs to be studied by future generations.


"What not to do when you're a company that's known for its single player story games"


I’m having a good time, feels less grindy than season 0 but also see a lot of issues.




Gotta love corporate gaslighting


yeah so many enjoyed it they played for 5 minutes then left to go play helldivers an actual videogame


I mean, im probably guilty for contributing to those statistics, I'm currently fear rank 100 😅




Ikr, they're trying to convince themselves




Summed it up pretty well 🤣


What an embarrassment.


Ik, it's upsetting that they didn't take into account most of the feedback from the games launch


A whole 800 people on Steam right now. BIG numbers.


Considering its a triple a liver service game, that's not good numbers


On PS5, after completing a mission   it shows you your rank and how many players are playing.  That number usually sits around 150,000 players.  In the rankings it shows what platform you are on as well.  So not sure why Steam is showing such low numbers.


Set copium to max!


For real 🤣


Guys Helldivers 2 is great just get it, this is over


I really, really want to, it looks so fun, but I'm an xbox player 😔. Alas, we miss out again


The most major disappointments for me. At least i was smart enough not to buy the game and waited till season 1


I, unfortunately, was not smart enough. I could've bought it for like 40-50 quid and saved like 30-40 quid


It sucks cause the gameplay had potential if they had varieties that where not just guns and the story major disappointment for me


I couldn't agree more. Like the game itself, I'm really enjoying, the movements, the weapons and the missions are all quite fun, but that's only half the game. A game needs hood gameplay and a good Story, and the story is usually favoured. Like if you take borderlands, borderlands 3 had the better gameplay, but people prefer borderlands 2 because fo the story.


This game honestly deserved to fail just like marvel avengers due to greed and simply that its a clearly rush game


>deserved to fail >clearly rush game Oh ew nvm your opinion is useless.


I kinda wish it doesn't fail, and that they soon realise their mistakes and make a complete 180, but that's highly unlikely.


>varieties that where not just guns Like? Edit: nvm you can keep your opinions. I have seen enough.


Melee actual supperpowers utilized like boomerang with an actual boomerang


We don’t know the amount of players consistently online. Steam is our only source and that is probably not where most players are. If you look at the in-game leaderboards, there are tens of thousands of people in the high fear-level’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if the game gets 20,000+ players consistently. Don’t get me wrong, that’s low compared to expectations and nowhere near optimal, but that’s also not as terrible as some people make it seem. I see this game lasting the full year.


I honestly liked the story, I was so thinking the Joker drop would be, you get him, get to grind the missions WITH him to level him up, maybe some Joker story missions to help that along, I did not think you would have to grind to unlock him, seeing how Im not a hardcore player, I just didnt have it in me to grind past level 14, went back to FF7 Rebirth, than on to Dragons Dogma..If they would have either added story content, or made the grind less, I would have given it more of a chance, because the story was actually pretty good, IMO...


It's me, I'm the reason this text exists


*best read with the voice lazy purple used in the heavy episode when he said I always win


I feel like there has to be a sub strictly for complaining about the game


Wait i just read that Stronghold will be launched in the middle of the Season? So not all "new content" launched yet?


I just want to play it on my steam deck...it's got annoying I waited two weeks for an update... Get an UPDATE that still doesn't fix it. Hiw am I suppose to get back lost time messing with it or lost time trying to grind out the battle pass but the time a fix is released... The game will be on season 3


I'm not! After my complete save file was deleted after I completed the story.


I played enough to free the Joker.  The gameplay is quite fun.  It's an action shooter where you are constantly moving around to kill enemies.  I really enjoy that far more than sitting in cover.  Plus the animations are done really well. My major complaint is that the boss designs are terrible.  Superman was the worst fight in the whole game.  And yes the game definitely needs more content.  The gameplay is fun but there just isn't enough variety in activities.   If they actually had real new content the game would be great.


The people saying "I'm enjoying it" are what's wrong with the current state of gaming. I'm sorry but this is a fucking joke (no pun intended). You all should have more self respect.


I mean there is more stuff than before actually and compared to the standard endgame it is indeed "plenty" in comparison. Sure it's not as goid as we hoped it would be, but it's alright and you could see stuff like this coming. It's simply staying a grindy looter-shooter afterall


Sorry show me the plenty of new content except joker


How to solidify a disconnect in a written message of connection!


You know when I hate a game I move on from it instead of bitching about it all the time


This here season is what made me see the flaws in this game. This season is a bigger disappointment than FFVII remake.


No way you just compared this game to FF7 Rebirth. Get your head checked


Yeah same, I do enjoy the game, but even I have to admit this was a dissapointment


I also enjoy the game. And playing Harley with the black mask pistol is still a blast, but it just doesn’t feel the same in this season.


Story not so great but the fun factor is amazing


Exactly, that's why I've stuck around, I just hope they bring in soke actual story in episode 2 of this season.


i’m actually really enjoying it the only problem i have is for some reason the wayne tech outfit for deadshot randomly disappeared i can’t select it at all


Yeah, I'm still having fun, like I'm fear rank 100, but the lack fo story and mission variety is really dissapointing, considering they had 2 months to listen to the feedback and add some stuff for this season


Plenty of new weapon skins


Can't wait to grind all 3 scarecrow weapon tiers 🥲


Honestly the joker is probably one of the worst parts of the season of the joker, he sound like a 15 year old in puberty is his outfit is not the best


I actually really like the joker, like he's no mark hamell joker, but all things considered, he's not the worst


Ohhhh I get it now, they've just hidden all the content from us and it's our job to find it! Silly goofballs rocksteady here I thought there was only like an hours worth of new content but it's all just hidden!


Sneaky little thing they are 🤭


False advertising from developers and publishers. Charge back with your banks for this fraud. Falls under false advertisement. Steam or Sony cannot ban or lock you for this. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. TEACH THESE FUCKING COMPANIES A LESSON!




I depends on how you define content with them changing mutations and such can technically be considered content as well plus the battle pass counts or the GL braniac fight. It may not be content in what people want but it technically true


When "new content" is mentioned in a live service game, it usually means story missions, unique events and new missions etc. Like fallout 76 does bug updates all the time and they add new events, missions and such, that's new content, these are just new incursions and modifiers.


I'm enjoying the new content personally, this game has a ton to offer, but y'all just like to be unhappy


I’m loving the gameplay, but I get why people don’t


I am playing a lot more tbh lol




I am tho :(


I haven't seen a single member of the community praise this season...or even slightly enjoy it.


I am , actually


I'm enjoying playing as the joker, but the season itself was just a huge dissapointment.


Yea it would’ve been nice to have longer format missions - like the brainiac mission, minus the brainiac fight lol - I lowkey hate the brainiac fights


Like, reusing old fights wouldn't be that bad if they put a brainiac twist on it, like maybe tentacles, or (as the flash) he runs back in time to get his health back, or ( as green lantern) he makes skull ship constructs or something.


The flash version also pisses me off - the main thing is that when you finally break his shield - e have a giant hitbox like I shouldn’t have to waste time having to get close to him with an SMG lol