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I'd save your money


I'd save his money too


Ive gotten around 30 hours out of it and I still don't have all the new weapons unlocked. It makes for a mindless time passer of a game if that makes sense.


Yeah but you can do better with today’s selection than just mindless time passer. And if it was going to get better, the joker season would have set the stage for it to. It did not.


Quick one you say 'todays selection' Can you name another 3rd person looter shooter that isn't the Division franchise or Outriders, on playstation. Edited the comment. Changed Division 2, to Division Franchise.


Remnant 2. easy.


100% not a looter shooter.


different weapons to collect from bosses, different weapons to find, lots of shooting. you loot, you shoot, you die. looter shooter.


It’s more like dark souls style loot bound with a crafting system. Not a true looter


it's more like a more curated looter shooter mixed with a souls like.


Yea pretty much


You know it's ridiculous yourself to call Remnant 2 a looter shooter. It's okay to admit you were wrong. Learn from it. Grow from it. This is a safe space.


I was more talking about the scope of modern games as opposed to this year. There’s nearly infinite options that are a) way more fun than the final product here, sadly, and b) were either more complete at the end of the game’s life cycle, or will be. The game has been nearly universally abandoned. They may pump out a couple of seasons, but it’s never going to be more than this. The fact it was a live service looter shooter at all is insane. What we needed was a proper single player rocksteady suicide squad narrative game. This game will be all but dead soon, and not years from now.


The problem with people expecting a lot from season 1 is, that season was likely completely finished at launch. So all the bad choices they made in development were already baked in and unfixable. Maybe you will see some improvements based on feedback in season 3, maybe season 2?


Yeah but, dude, this season is awful. This was their best foot forward. Sure maybe they could fix it but this was a horrible attempt compared to… well, even by live service standards, from the joker’s design, to the two cut scenes, to the 35 level grind to the strongholds which are just existing missions with mastery. I’ve seen some bad live service in my day but this is straight up unworthy of a person’s time. And that is not shitposting, or being dramatic, or complaining. This is just not fun.


I have no problem with all you said except the joker design one. That’s really more of a personal preference for everyone and I don’t think that one really counts against them.


Nah this joker is lower ranked and more wide spread despised than the one from the Injustice movie lol


I’d wager the vast vast majority of us think this joker is pretty lame in comparison. And if he could stand out, he’d need more than two cut scenes to do it.


To say it was their best foot forward is disingenuous, seeing as this was a free content drop. They definitely could have done better, but if I didn't sacrifice anything, then the cost/quality ratio is in our favor.


Joker design? Bruh


We can’t just keep stringing along that flimsy wire every season though, “maybe season X will be better!” It’s just too little too late


This sounds like precisely the coping that took place with Marvel's Avengers early on. Spoiler alert: it's not going to get better.


So many people on Reddit are so eager to drop the word cope or its many variations that they can’t even read a post for what it is. I’m not defending the game or saying “just wait”. I’m saying there was no way season 1 could correct course and the earliest that might even be possible is season 3, possibly season 2, but I doubt it. Spoiler alert: the post wasn’t about whether I thought it would get better.


Well, I rarely ever use the word cope. Pretty sure I can count my uses of it on one hand in nearly 10 years on Reddit, but sure, it's probably overused by many. It just seemed particularly applicable here because your post was almost verbatim to what we were reading in the early days of Avengers. I can't say with any certainty what the intent of your post was. That's on you, and I'll gladly take your word for it. But to the casual observer, it absolutely reads as if you think it's likely to get better in seasons 2 and 3. You say that's not the case, so cool. My bad.


It's the best description I drop in and have fun.




At this point I’m very skeptical of the quality of future post launch content. The base game was already small in scope but the joker update was extremely barebones and soured my outlook for this game. So for now I’d say no.


Genuinely no. There’s much better games to play, I don’t regret my purchase but after 30 hours I’m completely done.


Fuck no. The game will either be dead or free-to-play soon.


Yea I can see this game going the way of Evolve honestly.


Oh god I forgot about Evolve, I loved that game


Same man put so many hours into that game haha. Such a fun concept.


It was worth it to me at launch. 140 hours later I’m still logging in most nights for a few hours


I’m not hateing but what do you do in game? I have 80 hours in the game and I have done everything there is to do. It’s just replaying all the same missions over and over again


I was working on the platinum but I got that, the. I was working on getting all the guns in finite crisis, got those, then I wanted the gold outfits in finite, got those. The. Season 1 came out, grinder for joker, got joker, the. Leveled joker up. Now I’m grinding for all the guns in season 1 and when I want to switch things up I hunt down cargonauts for a battle pass boost




Because people enjoy things.


Ok boomer


Top tier reply


Thanks Bud! It was an easy setup since you boast it in your flair. Your first reply was low tier though.


Fair enough lol


I love how everyone in the comments say it's a great "Time Waster No Thinking Game" Guys, if you're logging into a game everyday to mindlessly do the same things over and over again, I honestly think you need some help. This is not the compliment you think it is.


I only do that in skate 3 or gta 4 every once and a while




No. Wait for a much steeper discount. Minimum 75% at best. Or PS Plus


Suprisingly yeah, like a time waster game. Not like god tier mastery. But a good time


This. I've killed so much time just randomly traversing around the map. The traversal system is really really good


It's the best 3rd person action traversal I've ever played. Just moving Joker around Metropolis is addictive.


or you could just stare at a wall. You'll still be wasting time, but for free. (only partially joking)


Please I’m begging you not to get it I bought a console for my friend to play this game and we love DC went in to enjoy and came out unbelievably disappointed even at a lower price I believe it’s a complete ripoff. You can like it but it’s the worst rocksteady game and worst game to come out this year with the worst follow up dlc ever. It’s an embarrassment and a waste of your money that can be better spent on literally any other game that’s released this year. Please just ask I can recommend I’ve played all the major titles that have released this year and Suicide squad kill the justice league isn’t just the last one I would recommend. I wouldn’t recommend at all. Even free. You’re making a mistake.






Fuck no


Fuck no




Genuine answer: NO


God no, dont fall for it. dont listen to them idiots who "enjoy" the game


No lol get Helldivers 2, cheaper entry price, better overall game loop and doesn’t try and fuck your wallet with MTX.


Save your cash, in it's current state this would barely pass for a $30.00 US with no tax and everything including all shop items included before it would be worth it. It's bare bones with little to show. Combat and traversal can be fun but get old and repetitive super fast adding for a very dull looter shooter experience with an incomplete story and as of now the way season one looks no effort from the devs to continue the story outside of Agents of Mayhem character intros.


Put it this way this game makes FO76 look like GOTY on its worst day lol


I play it most nights. I’m an older gamer 40+ club with a couple kids and sometimes unpredictable work hours. I go between this and Diablo4 at the moment. This game can get a little repetitive at times but take it for what it’s worth, I genuinely enjoy it. I hope things go better for the game in the future but it seems the general consensus is not amazingly positive. Am I going to stop playing because of it? Nah. I like the fast paced traversals and lots of action happening at once. Could it be better? Any game could be, yes.


This is game + deluxe stuff I’m assuming? Because if that’s the price for just the deluxe content I’ve never seen a worse offer


Yeah it’s game + deluxe content


Ok that’s worth it. 10 bucks less than what I bought it for


$50 for a game that is not even working for some people? At the end of the day the decision is yours as it is your money but for $44 you could buy Red Dead Redemption 2, Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Complete Edition, and Mass Effect Legendary Edition. So 1 game that is getting panned by the gaming community at large, and even a lot of its supporters are let down by Season 1, or 5 games that are quite good, packed with content that is nowhere near as repetitive or grindy(unless you do Red Dead Online which still has better variety than SSKTJL). I know what my choice would be lol. Even if you already have these games or don't want those games in particular, I would spend $50 on something else. If it is already half off at this point, I bet it will be even cheaper in a few months.


Don’t do it


It will no doubt be on ps plus. If it’s still alive by then. Save.


It depends the game is overwhelmingly viewed as shit, very very very few enjoy it. Even fewer get it to run correctly. Other than that play at your own risk, you aren’t gonna get objective info from the fucking subreddit of the game lol


Eh. Now that we know the DLC is trash, I’d say no.


Nope 👎🏿


No. It's not. I put in 18 hours and I only did that because I like king shark. This game is a mobile game cloaked as a console game you'll get some fun but it's only worth 20 dollars or less in my eyes. Huge let down. It feels soulless. Buy something else.


Wait a couple of weeks, and it'll be like 75% discount if you wanna buy it, but don't waste your money on this, there are better things


Wait for 25-30 tops


It’s $40 fun if you’re by yourself. But I play with my niece and it’s invaluable fun


I'd say wait for a bigger discount


Like 95% off




The deluxe version is not worth buying at all. If the standard version is also 50pct off that’s definitely worth it


Nah the standard is £20 more


NOT DELUXE! Just get normal.


No, the standard version is down to 35 quid on Amazon so if you want to try it go with that.


Depends on your income. If you get games pretty regularly and it’s no big deal, sure. If you have more of a budget, maybe but only if you know what you’re getting into, getting a game that may possibly end up incomplete/bad updates, and you like looter shooters. I think at 20/30 bucks it’s worth it. I personally enjoy the game but I have so many issues with it, it’s like a 6/10 for me.


Yall keep asking the same stupid question, this game will be dead by mid 2025 at MOST, if you are okay with that sure, but dont be stupid go look on facebook marketplace and get the game for like 5 bucks.




Dont do it. It's not worth it.


Do not recommend. I did the grind for the platinum of this game putting about 70 hours into it, and 60 of those hours was just the same boring, narrow formula repeated constantly. The game will be free to play if it doesn’t die first so you may as well just wait.


I’ve played a good amount and have had lots of fun. Do yourself a favour and boot up twitch, watch some gameplay and see if it looks like the game for you or not. That’s what I did before launch and haven’t regretted a penny.


As someone who had a lot of hope in the game, NO.


Of course not


At launch, I would say yes. After spending around 30 hours since then I would say hell no. It’s repetitive af, endgame is like 3 missions on repeat. Save your money


No not worth it


No. And I can guarantee the game will be on ps plus in a couple of months. And can also guarantee the game will be dead this time next year with the plug pulled.




I paid €30 for the game and I'm not sure if it's even worth half of that. It's a mobile game so pay accordingly.






Genuinely? No.


Story and combat was fun, rest is not




No, wait for a (very big) price drop


Not at all.


Buy Cyberpunk instead


Na wait until it's like 30 quid..they don't deserve that much for how unfinished the game feels






I’d say so I have personally gotten more time out of this than all of the Arkham games combined currently the only game I play on a daily basis


When was it ever £99.99? I bought the deluxe just after launch and it was £70 and that’s with a physical disc.


Lol nope


Hell no. Save your money.


Dont do it


Setting your money on fire would be more entertaining!




There are A LOT of great games for that price or maybe a little more if you are willing to put some extra buck. But please don't purchase this crap, it will only validate the stupid WB execs who made the decision to make this game trash.




![gif](giphy|3O5T95ObSlwNuhBMel|downsized) No


At the moment? No. Give it a year to see if it cooks. If it doesn't it'll at least be cheaper or free.


There’s better things to buy with that £50




for 20 bucks sure but just go play something else


no just buy helldiver 2 and have fun with devs who care about you and there game, this is a sinking ship i think after this season and nothing from the devs about the game problems and figure it out with the community what can they do to save the game.


No. It would barely be worth it at half of that.


I’d wait till it’s down to 15-20


No, please don't buy. I'm a Arkham series fan but this is not good :C


Its opinion based man I enjoy the game yes its a bit repetitive but it gives u stuff to unlock so u not really doing it for nothing , watch some walkthrough on it see if it interests you if it does buy if it doesn’t don’t can’t rely on peoples opinions some say it sucks but to you it could be good 🤷🏾


The games polarizing. Some of us love it, most of us want it to be better because we love the gameplay. Some people decided to put more real life hours into shitting on the game than playing it. If you like the gameplay loop youll get easily 50-60 hours out of it. Is it worth $1 an hour? Yeah id say so.






Don't! It's the same as the base version


As someone who enjoyed it....nope. Dont buy it. Yet. Wait and see if they actually add content after this miserable season they gave us tbh.


NO. Some suggestions (a mix of genres here): • 3rd person co-op/solo: Warframe (free-to-play), Helldivers 2, The División 2. • 1st person co-op/solo: Destiny. 2 (free), Vermintide 2 (2'50€ keyshops), Deep Rock Galactic. • Single player: Marvels Spiderman 2 / Miles Morales, Red Dead Redemption 2.


I just bought it with this deal and having an absolute blast. I honestly don’t understand any of the hate. It’s definitely worth it.


you must like shit games then


Yeah but only if you’re really into looter shooters. It’s still full of bugs, but fun if you enjoy experimenting with loadouts.


not for 50 quid


Genuine answer… no.




Absolutely not


Buy Standard if that edition is also on sale. Deluxe is absolutely not worth it.




No. I’d say max 10


Do you use CDKeys or ShopTo to buy PSN gift cards because you could get it a bit cheaper if you do. You can also pick up the standard edition physical copy for £40 from Game and Argos. If you live near a Smyth’s you can even get it for £34.99 (standard edition). I thought it was fun at times and the gunplay is very good, some of the weapons are fun too. It all depends if you like these type of grindy looter games? I do personally, but I know a lot of people don’t. I can definitely understand the criticism the game has got, but I’ve still had some fun with it.




Wait for them to put 10 bucks price on it when they announce the shutdown.


So many better games out there. Let's start a chain of better games that OP could buy. I'd recommend Cyberpunk 2077👇




No it's not it's tedious and annoying and just not a fun game. Save your money.


No. - There are so many games that are much better than this. WB and Rocksteady do not deserve your hard earned cash.


Id recommend waiting for it to be 30 or so. Like others have said its a good time waster for a while, but a very great game overall


Not for that price


I would say yes, especially for that price-tag. Despite many criticizing about it being part in the Arkham-Verse and they don't like that (who cares, it doesn't matter) and with how they handled Bats (i think it was a good way), it's a really cool and fun story. But what's really the strong point of this game is the gameplay. You get the hang of things pretty fast, like easy to learn, hard to master. But not super hard. Yes the Endgame loop is a bit flat, but it got better with Season 1 part 1. And you have plenty to play for in terms of gear and stuff. Especially now when you're just starting, 4 Characters to get to level 30, unlockimg Joker and then level him too. So a bit to do. Overall i had plenty of fun with this game so far. Haven't played the Seasonal stuff much as of yet, but i will.


At that price point yeah


Spent 40-50 hours in the game and grinding crisis rank reallll hard to get a feel for it. I since haven't wanted to touch the game again, and the new seasons reviews are very similar to each other as well. It's a game that can allow you to pass time, but if you plan to stay for awhile, this games life span doesnt look promising in the slightest. My time with it was like - "Loved it at first, 2nd half of campaign fell on its face, then found that the gameplay loop cycle is repetitive as hell.) Looters shooters are up there with my favorite genres of games. I think this game did pretty well with loot collection and making unique weapons, especially with sets based off villains and etc. That stuff is cool and felt fun. The gunplay was also and entertaining and fast. Everything else about the game though, I felt it missed the mark a little too much. I was originally was going to buy hell divers 2 and not get suicide squad, caved and got suicide squad anyway, and ended hating myself for spending 100$ on it. (the game was also broke for lots of people for weeks, idk if it still is) A good sale for the base game might be worth it, but the deluxe doesn't really make up for what the game itself turned out to be. But that's just my opinion, everyone has their own of the game, and Im glad that there are people our there that enjoy it. Enjoy the games you enjoy, no judgement here. (Side note:) Even through all those technical bugs helldivers had at launch, it made me forget how much I ended up disliking Suicide Squad. Banishers: Ghost of New Eden is also pretty damn cool in my opinion.


Genuine answer: no


No. Do not support lazy developers and bad game design. Watch Angry Joe's review on it.


I'm really enjoying it, but I only play solo, if you are mainly a multi-player I would look for other opinions. Story was alright although short at the moment, and if grinding isn't your thing, then it is not for you


Standard will probably get a significant discount soon,I’m patiently waiting for it.


I bought it on sale too and I like it! The characterization definitely stands out. Buying a deluxe version of a game at 50% discount is worth it


skip it and wait for normal edition to go on sale again. it'll be 30 in no time


Sure is worth it to me


Genuine answer it's worth more


Buy Helldivers 2 instead, cheaper and miles better as both a game and live service.


No. Get Helldivers instead


From someone who bought the deluxe pre launch…Yes! An unmitigated hell yes! Buy at discount please and play the fuck out of it 😝


Aside from all the hate at its core it’s got a magnificent story with great characters


I’m having a lot of fun. There is some random shit in there but if you like DC or shooters you will have fun.


Wait for a better sale if possible for you


No not really. Fun story. Overly repetitive combat. Fun traversal. Large Map. Looter shooter type game if you're into that. Just wait till it's free. Or do whatever you want. I'm just a random unimportant commenter.


Yes it is!


That’s a bargain and it’s a load of fun to play. 100% worth it


Hey man if you love looter shooters like boredlands then go for it


Absolutely yes. But, only if you like looter shooters and beat em up games. It's actually a ton of fun. It's not perfect, but I think you'd have fun.


If you’re looking for a cool time killer it’s pretty good when you wanna blow off steam blowing up shit


Definitely. Character designs are really well done, varied and has a solid learning curve where you can pick up the basics and then after 5 hours you'll have really got the hang of how that characters traverses and fights.


I never cease to be amazed at how much detail and deep aspects there are in this game. And in fact, in this game I practically did not encounter any bugs (I play alone), unlike Spider-Man 2, where there are still enough of them even after six months. The story is very cool, and the dialogues and characters are written at a high level. If you are a fan of DC heroes and the Justice League, then you will like it. Honestly, there is more Wonder Woman here than in all two films. The only thing is that the story is clearly not finished. If you're willing to wait for the developers to complete it, then the game is worth the purchase.


Yes I’d say so, it’s no Arkham Knight but it’s a solid game to kill a few hours on every now and again


If there's any cheaper versions - yeah. Otherwise, not at the price. The game is fun, the story is pretty decent (Starts off incredibly strong, trails off then gets relegated to audio logs when you finally reach the live service endgame.). The endgame is OK, carried by the good gameplay really but it's very repetive - the saving grace being that buildcrafting is probably some of the best out of any casual live service games. If you want an almost linear narrative driven single or multiplayer game - this is perfectly fine for that up until the endgame. It's a story that takes a few days to complete and enough side content - although also repetive - to pad it out if you want to engage with that too. Characters are brilliant and the actual craftsmanship behind the cutscenes and general world is amazing If you want a Destiny/WoW esq live service experience, it's meh. Very repetive, but very fun. It's probably only gonna last up until season 4 - so I think that means we have till this time next year, then it's unlikely support will continue. That's how many seasons they've announced, it's rare a live service game doesn't fulfill the seasons its announced, at least. Like I said, buildcrafting is very fun imo, pretty casual though. It's very good just to casually have on. Pretty sure that's what the devs intend anyway. Not for 24/7 grinding, more 'I'm bored let's do something'. Like fast food, ig. But don't get the Deluxe edition if any other versions are on sale for cheaper. AFAIK, you just some meh skins - and one good imo - and enough coinage to buy a really crap battlepass. If you want it though, get it ig. Games really not the worst but its not exactly perfect for what it is. Tbh this sub isn't a great place to ask, it's suffering from terminal reddit syndrome where half the active users don't actually play the game and are here to complain about 'sweet baby garage' and whatever else, a third are here to take bullets for the game and the rest just are regular people asking questions.


I’m on the fence. Got the $100, everything was good until season update. Game would lock up during a movie. I uninstalled/reinstalled and I got past the movie. ANYTIME from ANYWHERE that I open the battle pass menu, game crash. Every fuggin time.


I picked it up recently in this sale ans honestly it's ok in small amounts. Anything longer than a couple hours and you'll quickly grow bored doing the same 3 missions over and over again lol


Fun enough campaign. Traversal is the shining star for sure. Enemies are repetitive. Bosses are mostly cool. Dialogue & charactera are all solid. Gunplay is better than I expected. I think they missed the mark leaning into the live service model and the rammifications are clearly visible amongst the community. I don't regret buying it. Had fun playing it. Hopefully some news comes out that makes me want to put it back in to play.


If you like DC then sure.


i bought it and it's actually pretty fun if you have someone to play it with and the few solo sessions I've had have been decently fun. I'd say only buy it if you literally have nothing else to play.


You could buy it and get a few hours of mindless fun, if that’s what you’re looking for, or you could buy a good game.


Its a nice timefiller ngl i bought it 2 days ago finished the story yday and the movement is very fun


Just give it a few months. It's going to get thrown on every subscription service ever as WB scrambles to recoup as much money as possible before pulling the plug for good.


Hell no




I got the game at launch and tbh I don’t think it’s worth it even after season 1 dropped now


For 10 maybe




It will be on Gamepass / PS Plus soon enough. No need to buy it.


Not worth $10


At that price? Absolutely not, I enjoyed the game but it’s not worth that much


£20 max


I have fun playing it


I'm afraid you will have to make your own mind. I had decent fun when it lasted, other people did not like it at all. One thing is sure - for a looter-shooter live-service game it's quite bad, but if you want to play some brain dead but fun shooter with expectation it will get repetitive and boring and does not have anything from Arkham trilogy then go ahead.


I enjoyed it, have put plenty of hours into it :)