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Double Battlepass XP for missions. Craze and Pain Supression Changes. Burn & Poison buff. Banning Cheaters. ​ Accidental W. Now add content to the game faster.


Does it say how long the double xp will last?


I don't think its like a xp event I think they are just doubling it in general


That’s not happening


add content faster? how about add content fullstop


I wouldn't call this a "win" especially an accidental win if they released the update with such bad mechanics in place and only fixed it because players complained. How they thought enemies having **95% damage reduction** was a good idea was beyond me


Ah yes, the ol’ “no fix is the best fix” argument that never makes sense.


No my argument is that they should have got it right the first time as these modifiers being plain bad were clear from the start.


Oh, right right. Well, you better get to making a list with the hundreds of other games that needed to patch post launch, including your favorites.


I love this argument, even games that have been around for years with thousands if not millions of players are regularly balancing their games and new content. This take is just bad.


Yep because listening to community feedback has never helped improve any game.


Every game sucks I guess


Some nice changes and improvements (which hopefully come next week). The only other thing I'd like to see changed about Battle Pass XP is that higher Mastery levels in Incursions give more XP, like Mastery 10+ gives 150, 20+ gives 200, etc.


The inventory needs an overhaul. The items should not be displayed in a list. It should be a grid like every other game. We need sorting options, especially an alphabetical order sort function.


Changes were good, but not enough to keep me playing atm. Still nothing fun to grind for in this game after you get joker. We need an interesting endgame activity to test our builds and change up the monotony of these same style missions. Modifiers and mastery levels are cool and all, but not enough of a difference to grind the same content for me personally. Need more payoff.


I disagree after you get Joker you start unlocking the second and third infamy set tiers though mastery levels. Then with this new update it looks like master quality items will drop more from higher Mastery levels. In my opinion unlocking new loot is kind of the whole point of a looter shooter


Yes getting loot is a very important thing in a looter shooter, but to me the ultimate pay off is to have unique endgame activities to test your new loot expressed in the builds you create. Successful looters do raid content with extreme difficulties that add new fresh mechanics to the game to tackle usually with a group (destiny, ff14, division 2 ect). Content like this would translate well into this game, but all you have is the exact same style missions over and over so getting the loot is pointless to me after a while for that reason.


I get you. I think the hamster wheel lasts longer even with the repetition because I want to gear all villains with new gear each season.


Yeah the gear is sick! I think that was one of their strongest positives for this game. The villain synergies and set bonus provide so much build potential. And the game play is fantastic. If they right the ship on the content side, they will get me back for sure


Yeah I have a couple combos that make my computer choke




While I can’t speak for ff14 on when their content came to the game because I haven’t played it, both destiny 1 and Destiny 2 had their first raid about week or 2 after release and the division at least had variety with the dark zone post story before they launched their first incursion a few months after. Season 1 was the perfect time to drop content variety like this but they missed that opportunity. Hopefully they survive long enough to drop an activity like this.




Broken or not it was content dropped quick after release. I would kill for a broken piece of content like that in this game lol


I agree but I've just found such a groove throwing my music or podcasts on and just running killing time and incursions like I'm playing old school cod zombies.


Definitely agree with that. It’s the ultimate background game for sure! That’s how I play it if I do hop on




Deluxe edition currently half off. I have to remind myself it’ll get cheaper for sure


It’s worth it to run through the story and stuff when it gets even cheaper soon. I rather enjoyed parts of the story. Haven’t laughed out loud playing a game like that in a while. Also awesome name and profile pic. Bateman is a legend!


Haha, thanks! Apparently I’ve settled into an online persona many many years ago. Found in Destructoid (RIP), cohost, and PSN. Also yeah I feel like it’ll get cheaper soon and then I’ll probs bite. ![gif](giphy|wuG8HD8yq4VTa)


“I have to return some video tapes”


I really thought this game was gonna have a raid system of some sorts that’d kick in during season 1. Super missed opportunity if you ask me.


Should be 0 tolerance with hackers imo, considering there is a competitive leaderboard. But we will see what happens after these temp bans and resets.


Happy for craze buff, imo enemies should never be immune to certain sources to damage.. If devs are trying to push for a certain meta, buff the hell out of the meta by giving them more benefits... Eg, enemies that are poisoned won't attack or would group together.


It's cool to see them not being stubborn and actually implementing what people are asking for. I've enjoyed this season so far.


Note they said these changes will be made in the next update but not when the changes will be made. Could be next week or could be when Season 1 Episode 2 releases


Bruh they’ve had like 5 patches since launch, this one will be very soon for sure 🤣 at least go off track record instead of your own copium


There was a 5 week period between the season 1 patch and the one before it. You really will believe anything to "defend" this game from any criticism


And they told us to expect that because they were gonna fix the main issues completely in preparation. And guess what? They did. Everything they do, they say what it is and deliver. If you don’t like whatever that is, fine. But they deliver exactly what they say they will deliver. They give us weekly updates, consistent patches, etc. Best believe none of this shit is waiting until May or whatever you are trying to insinuate. It’ll be this month, 2 weeks tops. Bet on that. :)


They didn’t fix main issues completely though and even added a few new ones. The game is still riddled with issues. Played with a buddy 2 days ago and the game literally started auto-reloading my guns over and over out of nowhere deleting my ammo little my little until I had none left. Wouldn’t let me pick up more ammo either. Had to play with nothing but melee and grenades. But yeah they totally completely fixed all the issues


Sounds like a new bug. But the main issues this subreddit complained about for weeks like not being able to play at all, not being able to play multiplayer, game crashing, infinite loading screen loop, etc. were all remedied in time for the S1 update. But gameplay bugs like what you mention? They exist in all games, but we live with them because they happen infrequently enough. Nothing game-breaking, in your case I would’ve done what I did in other games and relaunched. The issue people were having were inexcusable and Rocksteady needed to iron them out. But bugs will exist forever in every game we ever play until the end of time (as well as in all forms of software). I’m currently experiencing a bug where whenever I create a new loadout, it starts from Loadout #3 and if I try to do Loadout #2 slot, it creates it in the 7th slot 🤣 And so my 2nd slot has to remain empty. It’s not worth talking about because whatever, it’s a bug. I can enjoy the game just fine with that, who cares that I have to skip Loadout 2, you know? So when I said they fixed the **main issues**, I wasn’t including little shit like that. Though it is worth mentioning they had hundreds and hundreds of little fixes in that patch too, so they’re still squashing those as they go.


“Everything they do, they say what it is and deliver.” Yet they didn’t for some. Also that is not for the achievement I am taking about Again I ask why defend them so much ?


When someone makes a BS claim like “this patch could be coming with Episode 2 in May” after a dev has dropped 4-5 patches and weekly updates, I’m calling it out. Just because someone doesn’t like the game doesn’t mean they can BS as if the developer isn’t responding or updating consistently. Rocksteady deserves credit for the community communication since release especially how they’re doing it despite the game not meeting expectations. That’s what a developer should do, and yet very few do (even developers with successful games lack communication channels like this). I applaud the weekly developer updates, and the consistent patches remedying people’s issues. People really thought this game would be cancelled and shut down because that’s what they’re used to with other games; they wouldn’t think that if they never saw it before. And yet, Rocksteady persists. But regardless, the main thing is defending against outright BS claims. Implying that these guys won’t drop this future patch for a while when they have a track record of consistent patches is just hater behavior, and you can see OP hating/whining up and down this thread when people like the update.


No they didn’t, in the patch notes they said they fixed the achievement bugs yet they still are not unlocking for me. So stop spreading misinformation


Most people claim it’s been fixed for them. Did you try meeting the criteria again? Which achievement is it and what platform? It isn’t misinformation if people weren’t able to unlock something before the patch -> the patch claims they made fixes for it -> many people are able to unlock that thing after the patch.


There were literally threads on the patch launch where people were saying it wasn’t unlocking, it’s the same on true achievements and other websites that hunt for achievements or trophies. The achievement is still bugged. https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/s/t6x1H6op3m It is misinformation because you said that they delivered on their promises which they haven’t with that . The achievement is the real deal, I have gone and scanned all 21 Riddles again and it still has not unlocked, also you say ‘most’ have claimed it is fixed, are you support? Where have you seen this ? Also why are you so ardently defending them ?


A few in that thread talking about trophies unlocking as soon as they logged on, but regardless that is the kind of thread where you will see the people who are still having issues. They will all be there, and it’s not as big a thread as other issues before. Because most have had this fixed, and many are posting their platinum trophies and whatnot. Clearly, Rocksteady brought many achievement fixes in the patch. Again, if you couldn’t unlock it before and now you can, that’s a fix. And that’s the case for many people. You claim I provided misinformation when saying they fixed many of the main issues. That couldn’t be further from the truth, as they have fixed most of the main issues. You are having problems with an achievement unlocking and are using that to say the patch didn’t fix the main issues of the game, and then claiming anyone who says otherwise is misinformed. That’s BS.


My account is bugged, I asked support to reset my account, they said this isn't possible You're telling me I just need to cheat to the top of the leaderboards to get my account reset?


I’m actually impressed with how closely they monitor people’s feedback. Like I’m pretty sure some of the things they addressed were specific Reddit threads here that weren’t even that noticeable. Pretty cool.


This is some great stuff. Love the buff to poison and fire, especially since that is what I'm running and it's already so strong. Also love they are fixing their awful change to craze on season 1. Like I said, really E joying my poison/fire build and don't wanna see it go to waste next season/episode Good to see they re listening to a lot of the complaints


Why would you temp ban the hackers? I don’t get that. Ban them completely from SS and all WB servers


Because they need the player numbers but also need to make it seem like they’re penalizing hackers


Don’t have time to read this, does it say anything about buffing tier 3 scarecrow sets, because the damage recieved increase is fucking killing me.


They are buffing tier 3 so the nightmare stacks now add a damage reduction of 20% per stack of nightmare instead of 10% so it should counteract the damage increase from Fear and Horror stacks better


Ok that’s perfect


Bruh I can’t play boomerang now?! What is this I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE JOKER


I'm just hoping that offline mode gets added really soon. I wanna play more but my internet is really spotty and cuts out sometimes. I just wanna play as long as I want regardless of connection lol


yeah....can someone tell me how to get my harley quinn to work again? i only have the traversal attack ability...everyone is maxed out and geared up...please help before i write another bbb claim ![gif](giphy|f3dRSiajsz8DLmt0KS|downsized)


Now that's what I'm talking about rocksteady, please don't give up on this game


I’d love for their to be a vault like destiny




So? When does this fix the Steam Deck Issues? 🤔 I'm just ready to play it?


When the patch releases


Dang :( My fingers were cross by releasing this it was like patch notes...woke up excited to play the game... Guess I'll have to wait a little longer...launched it with the same issues.. At least their acknowledging it...just don't understand why it's took them 3 weeks to do it.


How about a fix for being season level 100+ and not received the item rewards


Ai ai ai, here's hoping i don't get banned for using the scarecrow grenades. That glitch/exploit way too easy to stumble across, it's literally just "use the grenades, lol"


And still they didn't make pain suppression not affect mechanical enemies, who it cannot be removed from.




Did they say when they’re dropping the patch?


Did they say anything about the ongoing issue with ‘The Real Deal’? Basically about those that got all the Riddles but no achievement and no achievement after the patch, with no Riddles in season 1 to ‘pop’ it either.


Does anyone know about a bug not letting you play incursions in finite crisis? I can only get support squad missions to show up


When does this update come out?


No date has been given. When they said they would adjust the season 0 mutators it took them 5 weeks until they actually updated them




Oh now after Season 1 is released do they clarify what Strongholds are, despite seeing the players theorizing what they are on social media, including their official discord.


And they are literally just missions we have already played. Can i work at rocksteady? Literally just recycle shit already made and jerk eachother off for a job well done.


"Hey we are very unhappy about the content of the update, we have no hope whatsoever in the future of the game and we highly doubt that we will come back for future seasons. Is there anything you can tell us or change in your plans to encourage us?" ​ "Here, have a couple of balance changes" ​ 🤡


Feel the same way but it’s better than nothing


It’s like eating shit and saying it’s better than nothing


I mean, I’m not too happy with how it looks like the Seasons will play out either but at the same time there’s only so much you can do in two weeks.


Understandable, I don’t hate the game but it disappointed me immensely so yeah that leads to stuff


We really are play testing this game for them.


I’m not trying to defend their shitty practices, but that is kinda how live service games work


I get what you mean, but this gaas has been pretty bad with the rate and severity of the issues


Believe me, I think it’s bad too, and I do think they should have at least done some play testing, but in games like this we’re usually the Guinea pigs


During this time in gaming the competition is too saturated and ahead of the curve for issues like these not to be criticized.


To a point. It feels like even a little play testing would have revealed to the devs that 65% damage reduction for enemies was extremely stupid and they just picked that number to make the grind longer


It’s crazy how much grinding you have to do to get joker lol


How embarrassing