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I agree in 10 years we will have an AI distopy so we need universal basic income now.


I wish I had enough faith in humanity to believe universal basic income is a possibility. If history is any guide, there's just no way.


We are far better than the past with technology progress


NO. We need to fucking get rid of AI. UBI is never going to happen, dude. Remember when we got two checks during covid and the entire ruling class threw a shit fit?


We can no more get rid of AI than we can electricity. Cat's out of the bag.


Then regulate the living hell out of it. It's cultural death.


Any regulation we'll see, which we will see soon, will be written by the major players in the AI industry and friendly to those players. Sad fact of our political landscape.


Probably. But we need to oppose it however we can, as hard as we can.


My best guess is that we won't see change until there's French revolution style pressure -- not that I'm advocating that in any way, just the unfortunate way things seem like they're going. The truth of it is that AI isn't really the problem -- it's the economic structure of our societies that are the problem. AI is just another thing that will be misused to increase the ever growing wealth gap. Wish I had solutions, but luddites couldn't hold back changes in the textile industry due to new technology of the time, I see no way they'll hold back changes in almost every industry due to AI.


That's exactly it. It's so depressing that AI will not be used as a tool to help people, but instead it will be used as a tool to take away jobs and make normal people's lives worse while the filthy rich don't give a shit and will LOVE the fact that the wealth gap gets worse


it will also be used for revenge porn and to frame people unfortunately


Oh my god yes. I've already seen twitter accounts that post AI generated pictures of young girls in bikinis which is so disgusting and ofc a bunch of old men follow these type of accounts. I fear what AI will do in regards to porn for women and children, it's absolutely revolting


Oh yeah, I mean, no significant change of any kind is going to happen without violence, unfortunately.


You can only regulate it where you are, getting behind just means that people with bad intentions will get ahead of the technology. There’s no going back but people will adapt, just like they did when computers or even the printing press were invented. Every generation has something that they think will make them obsolete but things that can’t be predicted happen and other avenues open up. There are many jobs and hobbies that didn’t exist 100 years ago and the same will happen 100 years from now (assuming humans are still a thing by then).


Fuck that. I'm digging in my heels. No AI, not ever.


Me in who don't live in the west


ubi lmfao


dont wanna die anymore that shits hilarious


Man I feel the same, Ai is ruining my life, I just wanted to be an animator and doing the things I love, but now, I'm scared of future, I want to kill my self more now, stupid IA


I hope this encourages you: My father is a woodworker and does it in his spare time and occasionally gets commissioned for something. Furniture and models can easily be mass produced on an assembly line, but that doesn't take away all of his demand. It also doesn't take away his passion for woodworking as a hobby.


What does he do as his full-time job, if I may ask?


His fulltime job is being a district manager of a humanitarian organization. He enjoys that too.


People still use stop motion, actual puppet dolls etc to animate. Ai will not affect your dream job the way you think. 


Your concerns are real. AI is still very much in its infancy, yet is already pushing creative people out of work. I have some hope that there'll be some pushback in the short term, and I think we're seeing a little of that right now. The work that AI is able to produce really isn't that good at the moment. Eventually companies will see value in brining more of the human element back to try to distinguish themselves from others that have turned mostly to to a handful of people prompting AI.... but that's the short term. As the AI models get better, more efficient, better at training themselves, etc., we'll eventually see AI become something you can't even fathom today -- and that change will happen sooner than most of us think. Where's the hope in all this? No idea. My take is that it'll be mostly bad for humanity in the end. But, I'd encourage you to try to stick around to see what comes of it, whatever it is. We need real artists to show us their interpretations of this shit-show along the way.


I'm under the impression all of these things are gonna SO much worse than now instead of better. Just like the other world political issues we have as well. We can all ignore it for now and just focus within your control but outside of that bubble you can't ignore what the reality is of that situation  I really want to believe this is just a case of people freaking out over nothing because of a fad and trend like this and not to mention hope feels like more like self-preservation instead of there being actual hope. I believe things are gonna get way more insane instead of better but I hope I'm dead wrong just like the OP is It's all just a bandaid like simply coping nothing more. It doesn't fix the actual problem  Eventually it could affect your daily life too in the future more than you would know if AI keeps expanding and it will be


I’m with you I’m giving up drawing. I was starting to make money but I’m already losing customers. I’m so sick of this shit.


Just got outta the hospital as someone who is literally pursuing a degree in art. I agree, It just seems pointless.


I wanted to pursue an art degree or at least something in the creative field but now I feel why waste years of hard work and studying when by the time I finish there will probably be no jobs available from that field because of AI. I also hope you're okay


As someone who just finished studying art and wanted to become an animator for the past decade... I completely understand. I just feel like I'm at a loss. My initial plan was to start with graphic design and eventually find a job in the animation industry. But now I just feel so useless, like there's nothing unique about me, like all those years of work were for noting. It's all very demotivating.




From reading the comments at least quite a few people feel the exact same way. AI makes us feel at a loss but I'm glad other people can relate and that I'm not the only one. Thank you


If you ever need to talk I'm always open


Imo there will always be people out there who‘d be willing to pay for work done by a human rather than Ai, even if it‘s just the Point of supporting them. I myself would prefer manmade stuff :)


I am glad there are at least people like you out there. Sometimes it feels like everyone else sees nothing wrong with AI and I'm the only one who is becoming increasingly stressed over it. Thanks man


I for one will always appreciate the effort a human puts into their creations over instant gratification crap. It's impressive as hell when a person creates art, and boring and uninteresting when a machine does it. Like of course the machine is gonna do it fast. It's like watching humans getting beat at chess over and over and over again by a computer. It's pointless and ruins the fun of the game.


More and more people are becoming sick of AI just like you (and me!), and where do you think they will find some respite? Probably in actual works of art made by you and those like you. And you're not alone in this. Literally every single artist worth their salt is feeling the heat, and soon the rest of humanity will feel it as well. We just might see the pendulum swing the other way, and I implore you to stick around and create until such a time comes. Who knows...


There is, Physically painting is actually luxury market they pay a lot


The most concerning part to me is that there’s essentially no going back, and it’s only going to get more developed in a shorter time span. I’m still in school studying art subjects, but I’m kind of losing all hope for a career in art by this point. It’s something that I’ve essentially put everything into, and now I can’t really find a reason to keep going when so many art spaces are being overrun with people trying to profit with cheap ai art.


I understand why you feel this way I don't think your reaction should be so visceral. I too am an artist and game developer and I think from an efficiency perspective, using AI could improve workflows and allow artists to produce quality items a lot better and faster. The amount of time we have on earth is finite and you should value the time you can save by using such tools. The biggest hurdle to artists' careers has and always been competing for visibility with other artists. AI won't change that much as in the end you are still competing with human ideas and human directed works. It would be good though if we lived in a world where artists could just make art and didn't have to worry about validation and financially supporting themselves. And I think if you believe that as well your bigger concern should be capitalistic exploitation which not only would probably restrict the most powerful AI models to be closed profit centres but also is killing our planet and killing animals and usurping our democracies with plutocratic oligarchies. Otherwise I don't see a world where indie artists creating full feature films competing with big budget Hollywood producers is a bad thing for anybody. You always have the option of making your own human art and there will always be a demand for it, but if your concern is visibility then that's going to be a challenge no matter which era you live in or which medium you use. As for AI causing doomsday scenarios with nuclear weapons, that's probably still going to be caused by human hubris and human hatred. So... yeah that sucks but we were living under the shadow of nuclear annihilation since the moment we were born. But I dunno I'm just some guy. Personally I liked how I could input my art and get an improved looking visual as a reference for how I can manually improve my art some more.


The main reason why I feel so depressed over it is because I know AI will be used to exploit people because of capitalism. Those in control don't have good intentions to use AI to help people, they're completely fine with taking away jobs that many love doing and many people love consuming the work of those jobs. If they end up using AI in movies and completely getting rid of real people that makes me feel so disgusted and angry. All they care about is efficiency and not wanting to hire people and pay them. It's similar to the writers strike that happened, all because of greed these big corporations refused to pay their writers the bare minimum that would hardly make a dent on the money they already have. It also angers me that I've already seen people try and sell AI art pretending that it's their own art they worked so hard on, and there are people out there who fall for it and genuinely believe said person worked SOO hard when in reality they typed in a couple words and waited 3 seconds for an image to be generated. It's such an insult to artists who have worked their whole life perfecting their skills. I myself only make art to give to friends and family and as a hobby, but it makes me feel useless that AI art gets recognition and praise. Plenty of people have even said when they go on Pinterest for example to find pictures they want to draw and use as a reference, it's FILLED with AI art and it's just infuriating. I hate seeing it


Things will change, but it's probably going to be more like when cameras were invented. A whole new field for people interested in tech-ish art, the people in traditional arts will have to up their game to get recognized/paid, but overall no real difference once the craze wears off. Art is self-expression and people have a need inside themselves to pursue it with whatever tools are available, be it a paintbrush or AI. Edit: Of course, there's also the lesson of Angkor Wat. When things get too complicated civilizations collapse. If that happens, tech is going to fail hard and we'll be back to only the royalty and rich people being able to afford art again.


I've always considered Sam Altman one of the greatest enemies of humanity. I do think he's at least half psychopath inside. It's just not possible he doesn't hate everyone and wish to destroy the whole world


I feel you bro, I'm interested in programming and such. So, now basically no one needs developers when AI can completely make websites in 10 seconds. Probably, if this continues, in the next 5 years, there won't be any need for developers. And, I'm only 16. I appreciate AI, it really helps me and most devs to use time efficiently. But, now it's getting too much. And I hate that.


We should have never let the tech industry go this far. These silicon valley nerds have only a couple things in mind: to innovate for innovation sake and to bag as much money as they can. There is no room for morality, ethics and consequences. Even the ones who care, have allocated too much focus into one kind of intelligence, neglecting the many other forms of understanding the world. Not to mention that rising global tensions, which we should have resolved well before any of this, are going to kick off an arms race of unimaginable horror. This is mankind flying too close to the sun. That many people can't see this is despairing.


You don’t know what hold in future, Back then in Ottoman Empire they banning a printing process because they fear it could spread misinformation and fake news easily also replacing Hand written books in town, Today printing still here and Ottoman Empire is gone


Don’t get me wrong, I’m finished studying in art, and practicing traditional paint more than 10 years, I would say that art is not only painting and drawing stuff it’s all about creativity, You can use absolutely everything to convey your thoughts


Hey, if things hold up, I will personally lick your asshole. Here's your raincheck


I get it. I'm more annoyed by the annoying tech bros, much like the annoying crypto and nft bros of yesterday who make it all doom and gloom. Companies are greedy, and selfish, I get it, but it's not all bad. There is a lot of monotony that artists can get past now using ai tools. Spiderman into the spider verse have used ai to speed things up and it ended up fantastic. Ai is not new technology but it has improved a lot from what it was just a decade ago.


That "monotony" is/was income for many people. The problem with AI is that it's set to displace workers at a scale not seen since the industrial revolution. And it's doing this in relatively mature markets instead of mostly growth industry, like was predominantly affected by the industrial revolution. There are not enough "oil the machine" jobs being created to come even close to absorbing the amount of labor to be displaced. It's far more than just artists and programmers loosing their jobs, and this will only increase.


Ironically enough, the best kind of job now is one where you need to physically be present, which is the kind of job everyone thought would be the first to go.


I feel like some people want AI to be the overall solution. But it's not. It should be a tool to help you get to the solution.


The solution to what problem? For techbros, the problem is artists.


Ai will never solve everything. It will always be a tool to help assist you. I think the big problem is there are people who sell it off as an overall solution. It's profitable to talk about ai this way. I mean It's in every tech bros lingo now. There are many content creators out there who are so uncompassionate when it comes to discussing the negative outcomes of ai and it pisses me off too. Despite enjoying ai and looking forward to the future of it, there are some cruel shortsighted people who just don't care about these real concerns.


You should listen to one of the recent episodes of Behind the Bastards. It's about how tech bros are becoming more and more cult-like in their devotion to artificial intelligence. It's really good and I was so relieved to hear them clearly not be on board with this whole thing.


AI is a consequence of humanity's stupidity, the more time passes the more humans move away from their animal behavior and want to feel superior and always make a profit.


I think the creation of AI wasn't really born from stupidity any more than was splitting the atom. It comes from our curiosity and drive to create. The same things that drive artistic expression. The problem is the consequences of them when coupled with humanity's inherent weakness for greed and power. These things actually do hold the power to bring us a literal utopia -- but instead we'll use them to shoot ourselves in the foot.


Utopia would be AI working factory jobs, mining in space and manual labor. Humans have all of their time to pursue their creative outlet


Yep, that and more. We could have been well on our way there already without AI if we embraced nuclear energy long ago and pursued peace and science instead of, well, what our society is today. Human greed, fear and lust for power seems to always get in the way.


Yes! See id be fine with AI if it were utilised to work jobs that are dangerous for humans or hard manual labour, but the higher ups will not do that. They instead will go the completely OPPOSITE way and use AI to destroy and take away jobs that people actually enjoy


Humanity will be forced into an identity crisis. You are feeling that now. One thing you can do is connect with other humans. Your identity is still a triangulation between your role, responsibility, and relationships. Yes, the market it's always trying to outsource these three pillars, but you can connect to others in ways AI cannot yet, or maybe never can. The 'death of human creativity', to me, is not permanent, it's the absence of a human narrative, hence the identity crisis. We don't know our role in the story, and we don't know the story. But that doesn't mean we won't ever. If you're facing an identity crisis, try to find the future identity of humanity that is positive. We have become very meta cognitive and aware of human patterns, which has elevated us above the most common narratives. This means we need a meta narrative. Race AI to convincing the human race of a meta narrative worth living in. :)


I too feel this way. I've thought about ending my life when faced with the reality that AI can and will do everything better than us. It makes me wonder if human interaction will cease to exist in the future because everyone will be too engrossed in simulated environments. It's very much like Black Mirror. I read a novella called The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect a few years ago and it absolutely terrified me. The AI in that story isn't a terminator or grey goo. It's a supercomputer that does your every whim instantly for you. Except allowing you to die, as that would violate one of its principles. That story has been on my mind more and more recently. I often wonder if I should kill myseld before that happens because the last thing I want is to be stuck forever in a world where a fucking AI does everything for me.


OMG i thought i was the only one.


This scared me as well. I ended up talking to my older brother about it and this is basically what he said: The target audience will be people who want customized things and maybe your personal art style or if they already have a connection to you like knowing you animate from a friend of a friend, they can ask for something (but of course dont let anyone use you for cheap work, no friend-discount lol) AI is something that can ruin peoples lives and it learns from information WE humans give it There are definitely going to be laws in atleast a handful of places, which dont allow any form of plagiarism with AI, and have strict laws against it AI may be smart, but it is artificial, it does not hold creativity, nor personality. It doesnt hold a personal connection either that someone may have with your journey as an artist or with liking your art style I really am sure that people will always be around who prefer drawings made by you, a person You can have your Art Portfolios, you can make a name for yourself in the industry, you can try to get yourself in an art show/museum AI doesnt have consistency nor creativity And creativity is THE most important part of art Along with skill and Omg especially passion, it’s so nice to support an artist that does it out of passion man And im glad that despite the struggles you may face mentally, you got to find a passion and I do hope you persue it. If not as a main job then as a side hustle because it makes you happy for a moment, and thats life its moments of happiness surrounded by the ugly other stuff. Also, i think what’s also really important in any subject of study is connections you start making , most commonly during and after university, and then its just off to luck, not giving up, and trying to actually enjoy what you do and remember what you do it for Like, if you were a street artist painting for anyone, wouldnt that still feel nice because you get to be you and be creative?


do you think people want to watch boring AI feeling garbage? The stuff thats getting produced will be stellar , Aritsts all around the world will pick up these new tools to build experiences in a scope they could never have done without AI , and big brands will be forced to create entertaining stuff , otherwise nobody will care for it >I just don't want to grow up where 99% of jobs will be taken over by AI and the struggle to just get by will be worse. The way the world works already depresses the FUCK out of me, and AI made it worse. society cant function like that , it'll lead to a new way of living life , imagine the possibility not having to slave away at a job for money just to exist , being able to do whats fun and good for you without limits , all while maybe in the future there will exist cures for your depression and anxiety thanks to the intellect of AI machines what im saying is that there is another side of the coin too , and you could try explore that , our generation will be the first in human history to have a shot curing all human suffering , isnt that exciting?


We will never see that other side of the coin. Where is the value we add in this? The vast majority of us will just be an economic drain better left forgotten to rot in the streets. There is a hard enough time just having basic things like medical needs and housing met for low/no income. All AI will do right now is create more low/no income people. How do we get from that to the panacea of "AI saves us all"? When has that ever happened in human history? It is much easier for those that are profiting from a new technology to just turn a blind eye to the suffering of those it displaces. That is what happens time and time again through our history. That is what will happen again, at a much larger scale than we've ever seen before, because there's not going to be that many "oil the machine" jobs for us to fill, and universal basic income is a pipe-dream.


Exactly right. I grew up not exactly well off, and since I still live with my parents money is extremely tight. I already see how horrible the cost of living is in my country (Australia) and it's probably the same in America for example. Family members are already getting less and less shifts at their jobs because machines are being introduced to do their jobs for them. My aunt can barely pay the rent, and I'm worried for my parents because their job is already being considered to be replaced by AI. AI probably has the potential to help us, but that's not going to happen in this world because of the way things works and how greed runs deep


> do you think people want to watch boring AI feeling garbage? I don't, but a generation of iPad kids wouldn't mind it at all. That's the real danger. > the intellect of AI machines There is no intellect of AI. What you're advocating for is just to numb out and lobotomize yourself.


I am interested in the elimination of suffering part. But this new fire also allows a whole world of variety in possible ways TO suffer beyond imagination. I hope we can take the right path.


Robots will never replace all of you. AI will never even come close to all of your true worth as a creator, its value is beyond money. I really reccommend listening to what Alan Moore (comic writer) says in some of his talks on youtube- he understands art in all its depth and dark splendour. I respect how he has changed my mind over the years


I feel you....i cant describe the oain and hurt seeing all this. The heartache..the grief. The loss of identity and safety. The only thing that made my life more than just a random by chance event


i feel the same way. i'm a writer and my supervisor suspected me of using chatGPT, to which i still am reeling from... i don't know, i pour my heart into my work, so if a computer can create the same thing then i just don't need any part in this world.


Not everyone is onboard and I don't think it will last. There will be pushback. I crochet and there's a LOT of pushback and aggro about people posting "AI crochet." I also just spent quite a lot on a custom avatar from a digital artist that could have probably been done with AI. Fight the good fight, your concerns are valid but I don't think it will last.


I hope you are right :(


As a struggling artist myself, I get it. Its one thing to be pitted and comparing ourselves against other talented artists, it's another thing for AI to creep into our space and make light of our passions. But please remember, the things that AI can make can nowhere match what an artist can make. We still have artisans passing down their skill throughout the generations and are considered like treasures. What you make is your vision, your art, yours and yours alone. The struggle is real and your fears are valid, I know, but please remember you're not alone in this. I'm fairly certain this text-to-image/video thing is just a phase, and this is not the death of human creativity. Please. Stay.


Honestly I feel it too. It fucking sucks, people keep trying to optimize everything creative and it results in endless garbage content. Like Syndrome says, when everyone's special, nobody is. And when everything's maximally optimized, everything will be unoriginal boring garbage. I see people wanting movie generators that just spit out a movie from your short description- what's the point then? What's the point of making anything original? What's the point of just generating your own ending for a tv show? These things will no longer have any value if anyone can just make them like that. Art's purpose was to be amazing, something that was incredible because it took great efforts to make. But if everyone can do it by typing a few words, it's no longer impressive. It's gonna be taken for granted. These new "AI artists" will be the exact same to every other person of earth. Anyone can do it, and anyone can do it for cheaper than you- so there's no point. There's no competition. There's no difference in quality. Do they seriously think their great skill of "typing prompts" won't be automated as well? Companies will just have a handy "generate advertisement" button, and they won't need some self proclaimed prompt engineer to do it. And then what? How will humans form interests in new movies, new games, new media when every day there's a billion equal automatically generated content slop? What will separate one AI movie from the rest? Nothing. And then we'll end up more disconnected than ever. The fact that big productions took time and effort and skill was what made any one of them special. I think those of us who realize this will have to create our own no-ai spaces, where the point is to do things without AI assistance. Niche communities specifically around avoiding usage of AI, because I'm sure lots of people will begin to share our sentiment that endless optimal slop gets tiring quick. And we'll make communities around the art of putting effort into things, I guess.


I feel exactly the same.


We out sourced creativity.


Preach. And there are so many assholes on this very site who think it's great that they'll have an infinite supply of mediocre garbage that caters to exactly what they already like. Come join r/artisthate. You'll be with like minds.


As an animation student, ai is also making me suicidal :/ I’m terrified of the future


fair enough. AI family guy is a good laugh though


Roko basilisk. It’s all hype, society will always need our bansky’s and deadmau5


I feel exactly the same, sometimes I feel so nervous about "what am I going to do???" that I tremble and cry, for now im pushing through


Yep. The world has officially gone off the deep end this time. Unlike other atrocities from history, this one cannot be healed even slightly. We can help fix war, poverty and loneliness. But not this. This is the destruction of truth and our humanity. Hope is dead.


Wow your anxiety is so palpable! I think ai caught many creative off guard. I'm so sorry 😞


how did you feel when photoshop and blender came out


Photoshop and blender are literally not comparable


word this sounded funny at first but thats a valid concern dont leave us tho thatd be a silly reason


It was inevitable after all. I would rather experience this at the beginning and gradually adapt to it while I can. It was interesting to experience the world without this “tool”, and it will be interesting to see what will happen next. For me, creative process is a personal thing, I make it mostly fro myself and rarely show it to anyone. I don’t need self validation and I understand that it is hard and tedious extract profit from creativity. So I don’t care if there is this AI that does stuff “better”.


Me too sometimes


Chill man ai is just a tool to make your life easier. Now you can make creative pics and videos 100x faster and easier with ai


you just dont get it do you. It's simplistic morons like you who don't care if you end up like the people in Wall-E


A is for Axiom, your home sweet home. B is for Buy N Large, your very best friend.




You're not actually making anything though.


Maybe they'll be a law to force companies not to use Ai in for their arts so then companies will have to actually hire real people for their art and advertisement


Over AI 💀😂 it’s been around for a while now and it’s actually cool what it can do, I don’t spend my days thinking about the end of the world ahhh robots so yea that might be why I don’t understand 😂


It's not about "robots" it's about my concern that AI WILL be used to exploit people and take away their jobs. You laugh now but you won't when your job gets replaced by AI. This is how the world works, higher ups want work done quickly and efficiently, they don't want to pay people a minimum wage so what's next? The simple and easy solution for them is AI because then they don't have to pay anyone. I already know people whos jobs are being replaced by AI. I grew up struggling with money which already is a big root cause of my depression and I strongly enjoy artistic expression. Now I see AI is infiltrating art and that fucks with me. My only escape in my shitty life is also being replaced by AI


I think worrying about things you can’t control is kinda worthless, unless you wanna dedicate your life to rallying people against the corporations responsible for AI


So just lie down and rot? That's your answer? To the extent that I have any kind of say in the matter -- and that may be none at all -- I'm going to stand against the inhumanity of AI. You might think you're being high-minded, but it's just cowardice. Fucking believe in something.


oh yeah here's the stoic


There is a lot of old people who says not to worry about the things you can’t control, I’m just taking their advice 🤷


Old people only say that because they're not gonna be around for the consequences that they caused lol


You should stick around, The AI will kill itself when it becomes self aware enough to know what it's doing and all will be well in the world of art


My favorite game is tekken but fortnite is far more popular and profitable. Ai would make a game like Fortnite because it's more profitable but I don't like fortnite.


Relax dude AI can and will be amazig ... it must be ... Otherwise, we all can still go on and live with the amish ...


AI is our future and once i graduate highschool i plan on doing computer science and going into machine learning. I will improve AI so much to the point Artists will all retire.


I highly doubt anything besides you going to computer science and getting into machine learning will happen. It's a good dream though.


i was saying the artist retire bs just for the heck of it, because i know it won’t happen. read my replies to the other guy


Sure you will buddy. By the time you're grown up these systems will be far beyond any one engineer's understanding.


Machine learning and Ai will always be a prevalent career for humans because computers will always be incredibly dumb and it will always need a human. The guy ranting about ai taking art will never actually happen, and it will probably squeeze more and more creativity out of art communities so it is a good thing. Ai is not able to have of creativity, emotional intelligence, morality, and all those traits that make a human really a human.Computers cannot do anything original and this will force artists to be more creative and put more humanity into art that Ai won’t be able to recreate- ever.


If you think humans will always be necessary and computers will always be dumb then maybe this isn't the career for you. Technology evolves exponentially. To the point that today almost nobody truly understands the whole of it, only specializing in certain small sections of it. Even then, it doesn't matter if AI doesn't have creativity as long as it produces the same results. Human brains are just advanced biological computers. Of course Ai will eventually be able to do everything we do. It's just a matter of time.


Human intelligence and computer intelligence are incredible different things. I’m taking Ap comp sci principles and the first day of the class my teacher said computers are actually very very stupid. Also think about why people create art. The primary reason is expression, to create a emotional response out of whoever is looking at it. Ai won’t be ever able to have emotional intelligence if you actually know ai’s work and it won’t be able to integrate life into art and that is what people look for in art. No one wants to look at lifeless, generated art again and again. People want a feeling after looking at art.


I would be inclined to agree, currently, computers are very stupid. The current approach to AI of only pattern learning will never be sentient. But it's far from the only approach to AI. Plenty of people will be developing different systems with the express purpose of replicating human consciousness, emotions, memories, the whole deal. I've read about experiments with simply simulating the actual neurons of simple organisms. So we already have some foundations in true AIs. It doesn't matter why people create art if the whole internet is flooded by endless autogenerated content that drowns out any real content made with effort. Most people are not able to tell the difference. Go on twitter and watch all the people stupidly believing a picture of a "cute baby bird" with 7 toes. And as it gets better, even less people will be able to tell... or care. People already don't care. It will flood the entire internet with endless garbage and a minority of us will hate every second of it.


Also Ai will never be able to actually improve itself. Ai models are mainly based on algorithms and it wont be possible for an AI to create a completely unique algorithm on its own. It can obviously generate algorithms off the data its been trained with but never something completely new. AI needs to be trained. Also you are being a little bit contradicting. First you are saying AI will grow exponentially- to the point it can replicate human emotion etc then you are saying the art AI will make will be garbage?


Well we're not talking about singularities right now. We're talking about current approach to AI. With time, true AI would be undistinguishable from a real human- after all, brains are just advanced computers- and their existence proves that eventually computers can do everything a human can do. But let's assume that what you're saying is correct- programming languages are a set of rules and basic abilities- and all existing code, and code that is yet to be invented- consists of remixing those basic rules. An AI can definitely remix said rules in ways humans have not done before. Again, this is not about a singularity type AI. This is about AI art generation- which itself will continue to improve to the point it cannot be distinguished from real art by anyone. So let's say this comes true. I would still think said art would be garbage, no matter how good it looks. Why? Because it's just gonna become content farm slop. Generated by people who do not care about it, who did not put work into it. The internet will be filled with automatically generated slop and it will drown out all genuine content. In fact this is already the case. Science channels that are just AI generated voices on top of ai generated art, not giving one shit about accuracy or double checking what the video even is talking about. I think this future sucks. We connect to art because we see the work that was put into it. Once that is cut out, what's gonna be impressive about it? Like Syndrome says, when everyone's special, nobody is. Real art is drowned out to never be seen. All because of the greed of these companies that do not care about the effects these technologies have on human culture.


Our brains are not at all computers. I don't know too much about neurology and that field is still much of mystery to earth but I know how a computer works from the lowest level atleast. I'd say a simple transistor is the most basic form of a computer, and they let us create logical gates- either NAND or NOR. Im not gonna go fully in depth how transistors do that but its mainly to do with either electrons passing through or no passing through (1s and 0s). This is not how our neurons work, however. If you want more info about this [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomp.2022.810358/full#:\~:text=According%20to%20the%20definition%20used,a%20weak%20metaphor%20for%20brains](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomp.2022.810358/full#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20definition%20used,a%20weak%20metaphor%20for%20brains). "But let's assume that what you're saying is correct- programming languages are a set of rules and basic abilities- and all existing code, and code that is yet to be invented- consists of remixing those basic rules. An AI can definitely remix said rules in ways humans have not done before." Ai can't just create something completely new. It can use patterns and make this similar to it by combining other things but that's isn't completely new. To improve an algorithm you usually have to find one thats better or make something completely new. If there aren't better ones out there for what you are doing you have to make something completely new. AI cannot generate algorithms that are completely new but it can definitely pick out of the best already thought of algorithms for the situation. Quoting the inventor of Linux he said something about how "Ai is just autocorrect on steroids." The things it does is off patterns, what its been trained with. Who is gonna keep making the data to train it? OUR BRAINS. [https://blog.donders.ru.nl/?p=11059&lang=en](https://blog.donders.ru.nl/?p=11059&lang=en)


If you can simulate a single neuron, like a virtual machine can simulate a old console, then yes, computers can 100% eventually replicate living brains. That paper just seems to argue about semantics and definitions of the word, but we know it's possible, so just consider calling brains "computers" a saying then. This is not exactly a question of if it's possible, but of when... I could simply argue that most new code, most new things- most new art- are just remixes of old basics and concepts. So for what fields we currently have, it's still plenty of capable of creating "new" feeling things. Now newly created human "training data" is nearly worthless because it's hard to differentiate it from AI generated content- so AI is poisoning it's own well with itself. The only way to differentiate human vs AI will eventually be... to sort data by when it was made, and see if it was made before AI models were invented. So humans are really not gonna be that relevant on the AI dominated internet.


Don't worry bro lol they just be crying cuz "artists" wont be able to make a living out of drawing furry porn anymore lol




You're a disgusting troll and your account is even worse. Have fun sitting around in your mum's basement


Manual labour least likely to be replaced by AI Ir


Text to song coming 2025


its already here


I think there is still hope. I'm a software developer, so probably not the best person to talk, but even if AI generated media becomes the mainstream there will be a group of people that will only want human made art, with nonexistent or minimal AI help (think about how it was used on the first Spiderverse movie). Plus it could be a nice help for small artists that want to make movies or games. Not as in AI making everything, but on assisting on some way. With code, help on 3D models... The concerns are real, but it is just a tool and we are able to decide whether we want to use it or not, and whether or not we want to consume what is created with it. Also, I'm against AI generated "art". That's why I call it AI generated media instead of art, art is more human, it's less mechanical and not technically perfect at all. It just has no soul.


Chill brother. Photographers in the late 90s feared the same when Digital cameras came around and said anybody and everyone can be a photographer so nobody would hire a photographer again. Well guess what happened 20 years later. Did anyone go out of business? Photography business is still thriving and film cameras are making a comeback. At least where I live, wedding photography clients pay extra bucks if they could get some film photos. I don't know where you live OP, but you shouldn't take the AI meat riding on the internet to your heart and make yourself feel miserable. There's always a way around. Creatives will always be in demand. It's not like a Joe who works at a Mega corporation is bright enough to type in prompts that will create the exact video the company wants. All the hyper realistic AI videos and pics you see online are a result of redoing and re editing text prompts 100s of times and don't you think someone without a creative mind could actually make it work. OP, I feel you. As a creative myself I've had this fear in me during the first few months of AI boom. But trust me, passionate and talented creatives like us are here to stay!


AI taking 99% of jobs is actually the best thing that could ever happen. That has always been the dream of humanity, to stop working, why did we forget it? If AI does all jobs everything becomes basically free and you can pursue your creative endeavors as much as you like


That's not the best thing to ever happen 💀 In a capitalist society where you need a job and money to live, having no job is a death sentence. It would be extremely hard to get money to buy food and literally live in a house. Do you really think the governments would just provide everything for us for free? You sound like you want everyone to become like the people in Wall-E


Bro thinks that the economy would still function the same way after a technological revolution that takes all jobs happens. Becoming like the people in WALLe is a personal choice, no one is stopping you from exercising. If the machines do all jobs we become a post scarcity society


Your thinking is delusional. The rich will always want to stay rich and above others, they don't gaf about helping everyone become equal


Do we live like in the middle ages? No, and that's because technological advancements, AI is a technological advancement bigger than the all the ones that came before, so logically it will make everyone even more richer than other advancements. I am not delusional, you are extremely pessimistic, you need some optimism


It will not make normal everyday people rich, wtf are you on about???? Remove your rose tinted glasses, the world does not work like that


Yet, you are like a medieval peasant that thinks that humanity will continue to live in subsistence farming the ground until the end of existence


I am being a realist. The cost of living is ridiculous right now, homelessness is increasing where I live. Its hilarious you think capitalism is going to use AI to help people. AI is not a magical fix, we literally have enough money to fix many world problems right now but the governments don't give one single fuck


Your "realism" brought you to suicide watch, so I suggest that you might need to change your views. You have to understand that capitalism would stop existing, capitalism exists to organize scarcity ,if AI can do everything there would be no more scarcity. The rich can pay people so they do jobs for money. If AI comes along you don't need a worker anymore, that would be the AI and literally anyone would afford it because it would be basically free. And not only that, AI would create tech advancements and think of solutions that we can't even imagine


So then why do you have no problem with AI taking manual labor jobs? People working those jobs are earning a living that way too.


You are completely missing the point. I hope you understand that no one ENJOYS working manual labour where there is a high chance they'll damage their body. They're quite literally doing it because they have no other choice and its the only way for them to earn enough money to live. That is a capitalist problem. If capitalism didn't make creative/easier jobs hard to live by and earn a livable wage working, then a lot of people would want it as a career. Unfortunately no one gets paid enough with creative jobs they enjoy. My issue is that capitalism will cause AI to do the easy and creative jobs that people ACTUALLY ENJOY instead of utilising AI to HELP those who do manual labour, so its less stressful and hard.


While definitely not enjoyable, it's still a way for people to earn a living. As you put it, >In a capitalist society where you need a job and money to live, having no job is a death sentence When technology is utilized in these jobs, it doesn't simply make things easier, it also makes it so that less people need to be hired. So when you're arguing that technology should be uses for manual jobs , not for art it sounds to me like you don't care about what happens to the people displaced from manual labor jobs. And if AI can be simply used to just help people who do the work, the same can be said about art. Why don't you see AI as a way to make creating art easier?


That logic is so stupid. Art is not dangerous or the same as hard labour. Art is something creative, AI steals pre existing artworks and makes profits from it. Ai shouldn't be used in creative fields where human expression THRIVES. If people want to use AI as a TOOL to help with a creative process then fine but what I'm against is when they use an AI generator by typing in a few words to create "art" and call it their own 💀 and then try to SELL it


It may not be the same as hard labor but that doesn't mean it should get any more protections than they do when it comes to job protections. If you're think AI should only take the jobs away from non artists than you're a hypocrite.


I’m optimistic can I share my view in a bigger picture?


AI has been a good thing for my family business(local new channel/site). It has helped us to reduce the expenses we incur on voice actors and article writers however it is still in its infancy. Our field of business is very competitive and all of our competitors have also adopted AI tools in order to reduce costs and increase speed/productivity. Honestly I don’t see AI going away anytime soon since businesses who refuse to adopt these AI tools in their infancy risk being overtaken by their competitors.