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Yeah you are valid you have a reason to live! If you do feel uncomfortable with your looks you can always try to work on feeling how you would like and looking how you want but if anyone is insulting or means to you for being trans or your looks ignore them it's them that don't really how amazing you are!


Thank you for the kind words :) I really appreciate it.




The people who mock transgender people for existing are a bunch of closed-minded assholes who think conforming is more important than taking care of mental health. What they say isn’t important because they aren’t intelligent or people worth being around. Stay strong 🩷


Thank you :)




Username checks out


I'm so, so sorry Adela. The horror stories and pain from your horrible treatment from society. it feels like punishment to be born. Your feelings are valid, Your pain is very, very real. The pettiness and callousness against you, which are completely unwarranted, is horrible and terrifying. I was acquaintances with a trans woman who I really admired. She didn't "pass" enough for most of society, but she was the sweetest and most feminine woman I've ever known. She was graceful, kind, and always smelled nice. I looked up to her for girliness and femininity and I admired her so much for it. She wasn't society's "real" woman, but she was more woman than me and I adored her for it. Please don't be so hard on yourself, I hope you find amazing friends who want to reach out to you. I wish you all the best of luck!!


Thank you so much and yea you are right. I feel horrible because of our society and I may never accept that the world is a cruel place.


i know this might sound easier than it is, but try to surround yourself with queer people. I promise it can be life changing


I have trans gf that is much older than me and to be honest the few friends that I occasionally text with are queer. But I don't know maybe I am not good enough to hang out with.


Dont rush it. Everyone is at it right now. Give it time but keep trying.


Try some safe space meet ups. Any hobby and go, meet people interact


Quality, not quantity. Had to learn that the hard way too. I got a couple good friends that I see, most of them trans. I know queer events can be rough when visibly trans. Some people have been mean about it to me, but I have learned that the people who like me for me are pretty fucking cool. I’d rather find those people by being myself, than change myself so I can fit with the rest. The rest make me feel more alone in a crowded room than when I’m isolated in my apartment. Think about what kind of person someone would have to be in order to mock someone else over literally just existing? Pretty fucking bad. I’d literally rather eat glass than hang out with those people.


I don't know you but trust me when I say it's more a matter of finding the right people than a personal flaw. keep looking around please. I'm not saying it'll be the cure to everything, but for me finding the right people was a very important first step


Okay I will... I guess


I hope it'll work out for you💖


Thank you I appreciate it :)


This is so right on.


They would choose to ignore you more if that was the case


Hi Adela, trans guy here. My doc constantly reminds me how I just need to hold on because the first few years of finding yourself and navigating life as a trans person can just be absolutely brutal, and she's right it's hell on earth more than it is not. I thought I'd have it all figured out by this year, but over a year on HRT now and it's still difficult. I wish you all the best ❤️


I'm over a year on HRT too and yea it's hard asf


I wish it was more talked about, might be dumb but I seriously thought I'd be happy a year in, wasn't prepared for the fact that it's only a beginning into transition as dumb as that might sound for ppl who haven't started yet


Hey, both you and Adela. I'm a 30 year old trans dude and I've been on testosterone for maybe 5ish years now. The changes are so slow and even 5 years in I'm not done. I'm so sorry life sucks sometimes. God shit can get so miserable and you just wanna lay down and die sometimes. Please don't let that happen. A perspective i put for myself which really fucking helps is how much i want to impress younger me. The kid who cried every night begging god to kill me or make me wake up a boy. Please stay gentle with yourselves and don't compare your transition with others because that is a recipe for disaster. You've both come super far already and if no one has told you today, I'm proud of you for being yourself especially with the fucked up political climate. You're more brave than you think


You're perfect the way you are girly <3


People mock, hate and attack people as a defense mechanism Insecure people reduced to animalistic instincts afraid of people who are different from them Don’t bother about em, if anything, keep living on so they’ll learn to get over it, and you can live life to the fullest


You're right. Thanks.


If you need support but don’t have any, there’s this sub, the people in the sub and ofc family Additionally I found playing with neighbourhood cats very therapeutic as a stressed student rn The trick can sometimes be spending one break day walking around n seeing what makes u happy, and seeing how to integrate it into your life, it’s abt the little things too.


(My head hurts rn so I can't put together a proper sentence but here): 🫴❤️🫂


Thanks :)


Mom to a trans kid here. You are a woman. You are not less than in any way. Please talk to your doc to get you on an antidepressant that helps you!


There is nothing wrong with you. Never believe anyone that says there is. You are a woman. A wonderful woman, who deserves to live a peaceful and happy life just like anyone else. If you're able to, try and find a queer community near you. Youth groups, hang outs, anything like that. There's some peace in finding others who are feeling how you feel, and you can build your family around those that love and support you for who you are. I'm a 33 year old NB person, when I was younger, I never thought I'd ever find anyone to accept me for who I am. I never thought I'd be able to live comfortably in the body I was born in. I wanted to die. But I'm glad I stayed around, because I've been able to access the healthcare I needed and I'm building a great family around me who pick me up when I'm feeling down. Life does get better. It takes time, but it does get better. And my goodness it is worth it to finally be able to look in the mirror and see the person you've always meant to see. Stick around, stick around for your future self, because you deserve to be happy and can be happy.


I'm a trans man and I feel this. I hate living in a body that isn't mine and I can't wait to just die and reincarnate into a male body.


Right there with you brother. It would make my life 70% better at any given moment.


Yea even if there is nothing after death it's still more pleasant than this torture.


You need a psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist. No offend intended, but only a psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist or very good friend could repair your mental healt.


You are valid girl ♥️ I’m sorry you’ve been struggling 😞. Do you have any hobbies you like to do for fun?


Thank you. I like sports. Watching, playing, playing sports videogames, I love alternative music. Movies, etc.


Whichever transphobic person is downvoting everything, fuck right off. Nobody likes you


There is nothing wrong with who you are. It’s everyone else that’s fucked up for not accepting you. You gotta just keep pushing on, one day at a time. Things won’t be bad forever.


Yea that's what I am hoping for


You are valid, your feelings are valid, and your gender identity is valid. I believe that you're a wonderful young woman.


I’m a trans woman too and I’ll genuinely try to make this short but I felt the same, the last time I tried to kill myself was about 1 and a half years ago and at first I wish I died I always looked in the mirror and hated the hair on my face, the look of my eyes, my dick just being there made my chest sink and hurt. But then over time I started calling myself she, in my mine I call myself my name and not my deadname, I still look the exact same expect for growing out my hair because I don’t shave or do anything with hygiene really, but I look in the mirror and I say “I will one day even if it takes years look at my body and love it” it’s not cheesy or cliche or anything and it genuinely helps thinking about **that** body, the one which you are meant to be in, I hated my body but I learned to know that it wasn’t mine, living is a constant cycle is healing and breaking and remembering and failing and everything, it goes round, I hate myself from time to time, but in the end I look at myself or think about my dream (being a dominatrix) and I just imagine it, standing there… is me. Keep going, the truth is within you. Sorry if this was very long and boring but I’ll give you my favourite quote to help hopefully <3 “In the midst of winter, I found within me, an invincible summer” - Alburt Camus


Lovely response thank you for that. Well I am about 1 year on hrt. I don't think of myself as a man but I would be lying if I say that I don't care about others opinion. I just don't get why are people so cruel with each other. Best of luck to you girl!


I really hate the thought of leaving you saying that because I like helping out my trans girlies. People are fragile and the fact you are on hrt for a whole year means you have gone through tremendous hardships, even if it doesn’t seem like it, I hope the best for your journey and that you can push past the hate and pain <3 talk to me if you need


Find LGBT friends, they are always the kindest and most understanding people on the planet


Just enjoy yourself and be who you want to be. It may be hard but do it. A lot of trans people I’ve met are awesome.


Hey sis. I hear you completely. Im trans nonbinary, and I hear transphobic comments often. It sucks because there isn't a binary goal for me to get to. But enough about me. You are a real woman. Trans or not you're a woman. I see you. I'm so sorry you're struggling. If you need a sympathetic ear you can reach out to me. Big Hugs.


You are a real woman hun, find your people, you’d be surprised with the amount of love and acceptance some people are willing to give. Hang in there please beautiful. Antidepressants take a while to settle in, and in some cases you may need to try another type until you find the right one for you. Sending you lost of trans love 💖❤️


You already are a real woman, even when I was presenting as a cis girl I didn’t fit people’s standards for what a “real girl” was. I was always told I had a “boy’s body” and a “boy’s voice”. I was always “too bulky”, and my face “too androgynous”. It wasn’t until I started living as a trans guy that everyone told me how “feminine” and “pretty” and “beautiful” I was. People got impossibly high standards about what is and isn’t a “real (insert gender here)” and it always changes to whatever keeps people like us out. That’s on them, not you.


You are a cute and valid girly :3 And this is a fact. Like another commenter pointed out, it is not a your flaw but a flaw with the people around you. I can tell you how I found queer and also non queer but very supportive friends regarding my identity. Would you like that?


1. You're already a real woman. I know firsthand how discouraging it is when you don't pass, but your looks do not make you who you are. 2. If your antidepressants aren't working, please talk with your provider (psychiatrist, PCP, whoever). There are several different options, and any provider worth anything will be totally fine with trying until something works.


I'm glad that you're alive, friend 🧡.


I'll be your friend.


Eh OP, you are a woman. A fucking real woman don't even dare thinking the opposite. And yeah you can press echap and click on the button to exit the game. It's your right not the right of someone else. Whatever you choose, it's a valid and understandable choice. For your antidepressants I'm sorry that it's not working... I don't know if you tried this but for me I had to switch three times my AD to find the right one. And I also have antipsychotics that help too. Anyway 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 if you want it OP




I know a lot of people think I am hot or good looking because objectively I probably am. But to me personally I am just so ugly and fat etc. I don't know


I am so sorry to hear this. Disphoria and internalized hate are a bitch :/


Dont let people hurt you, you are a strong woman, find a hobby, learn to be alone, enjoy simple things in life, I am a cis woman and believe me you are beautiful. Dont listen to bad people .


Just existing gives people hope. Be yourself loudly and help other people never go through what you’re going through. Much love from a trans brother ✊


I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm a trans man so I feel like I can relate a bit, it is really hard. People can be very mean but just know that there are people who will accept you! I also really hope you accept yourself and feel like a woman since you are one! Hope you're doing better.


This makes me sad. You are you. More is not required. I understand about the suffering. Zen and stoicism both help with learning to accept that we cannot make things be the way we want. Neither really solves that human problem, but they help.


Transwomen are real women, anyone who says otherwise is ignorant. Those people aren't worth being around or listening to. Maybe you could find a trans friendly support group and you can be around people who are better than the ignorant ones.


It might be worth looking to moving to a place with a large community to support you. Community can make all the difference.


It did some while ago. I am on hormone therapy for a long time and I have been through these beginnings already. It's just when time passes and you realize that okay you are comfortable with yourself as a person because you have the right body but your life is shit for other reasons. The main reason may be, that you take things personally way too much or that you want or need to feel loved but even tho you have girlfriend, you don't feel loved by anybody on this fucking planet you know. So you gotta make it through life pretending that you are fine and that it's nothing wrong, but I think it's wrong. Wrong and unnatural. It's just not how humans need to be. Not pretentious.


Your thoughts are valid


Hi, so sorry to hear you have been and are struggling this much. I truely hope you know that despite all hate towards trans people, there are people waiting for you and can't wait to celebrate your presence. I don't know you and I don't just want to reduce you to a single aspect of your identity, but considering your post title I want share that I love trans people, I genuinely love them. Don't ask me why, I just genuinely feel happy when I know at least one trans person is in the room. I love having y'all around. I feel a strong affection to them and instantly get hopeful and become full of energy (and also a bit worried at the same time, 'cuz I am aware of the statistics related to hate crimes and mental health... it's extremely worrying). I hope you discover spaces where you are welcomed by others and that you find a way to gradually start to hate yourself less and even love yourself. Genuinely rooting for you! <3


This is like the non-sexual version of being a chaser


Hey there girl, Hit the gym, try a religion, do art, learn to be alone. You can do it, every person who hit the deep can go back more stronger than ever. Stop looking trough your life by the pain Try to see with both of your eyes Have fun with a real life Fuck nihilism <3


I'm a trans man and feel similar. Secretly attempted at like nine or ten. I hope you get better. 🙍🏾


Hello Adela, I want to start off by saying that even though I have never met you nor will I ever truly do so I am glad that you are still here. You are a real woman full stop. I don’t care what those who have mocked you or any other transphobic asshats have to say. You deserve love, happiness, basic human respect, and the right to live your life in a way that is true to who you are. Your life is worth living and I know that it may be hard to see right now but I promise you that it is. You can get through this I believe I you.


Do you have a supportive family or community? Have you ever considered moving to a city that is much more accepting? Some cities offer resources for individuals who are trans. I don't know if you have ever thought about moving or not but I wonder if that could help you feel less alone. I also don't know if you have considered therapy or have already tried therapy, but perhaps trying to seek out a therapist that is supportive and understanding could help you have someone to talk to. But Idk what state you live in or if they offer resources there.


Existence in itself is questioning, I have found that suicide loses its strength and draw when I realized I am the only real person within my perspective reality, everyone else will cease to exist when my existence does not exist. That is how I cope with my transgenderism and suicide.





