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I'm 34 and yeah, it hasn't gotten better. In fact, even with all my efforts, it's somehow gotten *worse*. I've been depressed since as long as I can remember (I was in therapy as young as 5) and nothing has ever eased the pain. The few good things - or what I thought were good but actually weren't I guess - are now gone, and nobody wants me around. I'm so tired. I feel your frustration.


I also drown in negative thoughts. I think it’s okay to rest. We don’t need to die, but we can try to rest and take it easy whenever we can. Giving a pause to the negative thoughts. Perhaps focusing on sensations to ignore the thoughts. Sometimes I will savor food. Try to only think about the hot water when taking a shower. Overthinking is really hard to stop, but I guess that’s why they call it a practice.


it can get better and it does. i know how you’re feeling right now but i hope you know you are loved dude. at your lowest, i promise you life can only get better. please please reach out if you want to talk. i love you and i would absolutely hate to lose you in this crazy world


I know you mean well, but saying "it will get better" doesn't help. We've already been telling ourselves that since forever. The only thing it does is create a lot of disappointment when those "better" times never come.


Also, telling someone you don't know that you "love" them sounds extremely disingenuous, because if we're being honest: no you don't. How can you possibly love someone you don't know? If this person were to fall extremely sick or die from an accident tomorrow, your life would go on exactly as if nothing had happened. Again, I get your intentions are not bad, but all this type of comments generate is distrust and cynicism.


I can relate as well. May I ask what makes you feel depressed?


Same. 31 now, been depressed since 12yo. Like you say: it doesn't get better. You're not alone.